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Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Drug Dealers, Highlights Growing Gap Between Republicans and Democrats on Crime

Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada taken by Gage Skidmore.

With the country recently surpassing a grisly milestone in drug-related overdose deaths, former President Donald Trump suggested last Friday that the United States should consider the death penalty for drug dealers caught smuggling deadly narcotics into the country. The remarks immediately sparked outrage from the left as they pursue a so-called “harm reduction” approach to drug crime, highlighting the growing gulf between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to dealing with the drug overdose and addiction crisis.

Trump’s comments came during a campaign stop in Nevada, where Attorney General Adam Laxalt is vying for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo is aiming to upset incumbent Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak. During the event, Trump blasted Sisolak for “letting your state go to hell.”

“If you look at countries all throughout the world,” Trump said, “the only ones that don’t have a drug problem are those that institute the death penalty for drug dealers. They’re the only ones.”

Trump’s comments come just weeks after the CDC announced that more Americans died last year from drug-related overdoses than at any point in history, with the figure topping 100,000 for the first time ever. While all drug-related deaths were up from 2020, a significant number were caused by fentanyl and similar synthetic opioids – most of which have flowed across the U.S.-Mexico border along with the millions of illegal aliens entering the country as a result of the Biden administration’s border policy.

In recent years, underground drug labs have begun outsourcing precursor ingredients used in the production of fentanyl to countries like Mexico and India, where the illegal drugs can be more efficiently produced and distributed across the world. As the number of migrants entering the United States illegally has surged throughout Joe Biden’s first two years in office, Border Patrol officials have been overwhelmed, allowing drug cartels to once again begin smuggling massive quantities of illicit substances into the country.

While a significant amount of fentanyl is being indirectly smuggled from China into America via mailing services, the overwhelming majority is coming across the U.S.-Mexico border. Just this month, Mexican Security Forces seized a record 1,196 pounds of fentanyl in a single drug bust. But border officials believe that confiscated drugs are only a small fraction of the amount that makes it into American communities.

Despite the alarming severity of this crisis, liberal politicians have continued to take a soft approach to deadly drug crime. In California recently, two drug traffickers arrested with 150,000 fentanyl pills were released after just a few days in prison. In New York, two more smugglers were caught moving $1.2 million worth of meth across the state, but were also released.

Unsurprisingly, the drug problem has become so bad in many cities that their Democrat leadership has given up on prosecuting drug use altogether, instead pursuing so-called “safe use” and “harm reduction” strategies. In New York City, the health department has launched a drug de-stigmatization campaign called “Let’s Talk Fentanyl,” in addition to opening so-called “supervised injection sites” where drug use is permitted. The campaign includes a series of ads running across the city that say things like, “Don’t be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely.” The ad includes suggestions for drug users such as “avoid using alone and take turns” and “start with a small dose and go slowly.” The campaign has quite predictably drawn significant controversy, not least because it seems to imply that there is a “safe” way to use drugs that are inherently unsafe, highly addictive, and frequently deadly.

Similar strategies have been deployed in other liberal cities as well. Activists in Philadelphia have continued to push for “safe injection sites” of their own. In San Francisco, recently-recalled District Attorney Chesa Boudin had permitted open-air drug markets to operate with impunity, calling public drug use a “victimless” crime.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has also worked to end Trump-era border security measures, threatening to worsen the opioid crisis even further. By terminating Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy and pushing to rescind Title 42, Biden will likely make it easier for drug cartels to sneak even more of their deadly merchandise into the United States. 

According to a new study by Stanford University and the Lancet medical journal, U.S. opioid deaths will reach 1.22 million this decade if nothing more is done to address the problem. If Democrats remain in power and continue to pursue the policies they have for the past two years, those numbers could be even worse. For the millions of Americans affected by this crisis, a return to Republican leadership on the border and on combatting crime will likely be the best – and perhaps only – solution.  

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture. 

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Death Penalty idea:

Med Techs go to cells & Inject Inmates on Death Row

Done on Death Row
Inmates in cell
Use Covid as cover
Clear cells for others
No more grand display done
Apply nationwide

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Control the problem, eliminate the source.

Linda Baker
Linda Baker
2 years ago

Trump needs to be in the White House and not that fraudulent pedophile. Where are the Republicans who should be fighting the stolen election? Where is the outcry for justice?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Had that policy been implemented 50 years ago we would be in a different boat today but people would not vote for dems and that would not do

2 years ago

Excellent idea. One reason why people engage in crime is because they know they can get away with it. Executing drug dealers would eliminate worthless people from society, who cause nothing but harm to other people.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Very good idea, Infact if you think about it, we need to use the Death Penalty more often, my question is, when someone does a Mass Shooting and those, we catch alive why don’t we execute them, they committed pre-meditated murder, we have several in prison that we feed and give medical care too, it makes no sense, here’s the logic, Murder Babies in the Womb, but let Drug Dealers, Child Molesters, and Mass Shooters live explain that to me.
God Help Us.

Paul Costello
Paul Costello
2 years ago

About time, Drug dealers are murderers. no difference that taking a gun and shooting them, theonly difference is the victims don’t die right away, they are tortured before they die, a heinous crime deserving the death penalty, I agree w/Trump.

George W Holzman
George W Holzman
2 years ago

I agree with Pres. Trump. I think that they should also intraduce alligators into thre Rio Grande river this would stop the River crossings into the U.S.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

In case no one ever noticed, recidivism among the executed is ZERO. End of problem. Check out just how well it works in places like Singapore.

Sharon J Hopkins
Sharon J Hopkins
2 years ago

We must actually execute them if the law is to work. Right now we perpetually house criminals.

2 years ago

I miss my great president Trump. He is the best president ever. MAGA

Mik Pierce
Mik Pierce
2 years ago

As always I agree with President Trump this fentanyl coming over our border is war against US from China. These are not overdoses but murders assisted with blood on their hands the fake Biden administration and the RINOS!

Scotty mom
Scotty mom
2 years ago

I agree with President Trump. Our country is becoming a lawless society. It’s time to put the fear of God back in this country.

2 years ago

I love our President Trump! I’ll add pedophiles to his list (drug dealers and pedophiles should get the death penalty and rapists, but especially, pedophiles). I believe there would be way less domestic/child abuse and violence with less to no drug problem. Also, there would be more people who are aware of what’s really going on in the world if they had all their wits about them.

John H
John H
2 years ago

Very interesting thought to consider; the leftists want to ban guns of all kinds for all reasons for citizens to protect themselves due to the deaths caused by firearms. CDC claims there were 45,222 deaths from gunshots in recent year, with over 50% of those from suicide. Yet, the left wants to overlook drug use which has caused 100,000 deaths per year! Some communities give drug users clean needles, let them live on the streets, feed them…California has entire residential conclaves in LA, San Francisco, etc. for the druggies to congregate but they don’t want Joe Citizen to be able to carry a gun to protect themselves from…a crime likely committed by someone involved with drugs! So, why the dichotomy?

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Slow Joey’s pals in China are producing the deadly fentanyl. We know that EVERYTHING done in China is watched and approved by the CCP so this is an ACT OF WAR. Then Mexican cartels lace tother drugs with fentanyl and smuggle (or just walk) across the border with Joey’s tacit permission. That is an IMPEACHABLE offense. Time (way past) for all TRUE Americans to vote this trash out and get some REAL patriots in office!

JR Fox
JR Fox
2 years ago

Yet he released a Black woman who was serving a life sentence for large quantities of hard drugs for years. Kim Kardashian influenced his decision.

2 years ago

This penalty should also apply, as in the old days, to the real criminals in DC for treason.

Janette B
Janette B
2 years ago

We cannot solve our drug problems until we expose and deal with the criminals involved in this lucrative enterprise within our own government.

Michael Gillis
Michael Gillis
2 years ago

Illegal Drugs KILL, period! If not immediately, you slowly waste away. Drug dealers are KILLERS. They should get the death penalty.

2 years ago

He needs to be speaking out for those being held in jail for the January 6th incident. Many are just people like you here who got stirred up. I think many in the legal pharmaceutical industry deserve punishment too. Many vaccines and so called medicines are harmful and they know it. They don’t care and it’s all about the money.

Joan Richardson
Joan Richardson
2 years ago

Well, it seems to me that their outrage shows their real colors, so to speak: if they weren’t selling and/or buying drugs themselves, they would not be infuriated by that suggestion.

2 years ago


Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Serious drug dealers are the worst of the worst. They have totally lost their way, and are actively killing many lives. These people are a scourge to society and to humanity, They deserve to die. President Trump is 100% correct. A serious, habitual drug dealer should be given the death penalty for the good of everyone — mothers, fathers, siblings, cousins, wives, husbands, teachers, police, friends, loved ones, and many others.

2 years ago

We have murders in jail for years and years, I suggest you hang them immediately. With our blue State DOJ’s they will get a reward for killing innocent people.

2 years ago

It is about time “someone” i.e. Donald Trump has the guts to invoke the death penalty. Appeals should be limited to max two years. Throughout our history, the death penalty has proven a deterrent against major crimes.

2 years ago

The so called growing gap between the parties is the gap between leftists and conservatives regarding free will vs circumstance. Simply put, leftists dont believe in free will. Instead they believe that bad circumstances drive people to crime. Thus human beings are nothing more than animals responding to instinct. No one would punish fluffy the cat for getting pregnant or spike the dog for chasing rabbits. Leftists also believe they have the necessary intelligence to manipulate circumstances to produce only good behaviors in people, hence they need absolute power.

2 years ago

Keep information coming. This is why I joined the group Thank you

2 years ago

Rightfully so. Drug dealers are insidious mass murderers. And we’re not just talking about people dying here, we’re talking about those whose lives drugs have destroyed. It is no surprise to me the Left wants to reward them with lighter sentences; the Left has always been on the wrong side of God.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

That’s what they should have done a long time a go ìn fact they should bring back the death penalty for all people that commit crimes and see that all the shooting will stop ASAP

2 years ago

You say Democrats have given up on prosecution? No, what they are doing is aiding and abetting criminals. Even to the point of eliminating bail bonds and releasing convicts out of prison. The socialists have the mindset of stirring turmoil and causing the people to acquiesce to more totalitarian measures that burden everybody, even law abiding citizens.

John A Bird
John A Bird
2 years ago

If you are caught selling drugs, there should be an immediate death penalty! This should also be the same for rapists, and politicians who do not uphold their oath to our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, our Sovereignty, and our Freedoms!

Walter Rose
Walter Rose
2 years ago

Immediate death for convicted drug dealers and pedophiles!!

2 years ago

I am not comfy morally with first offense death penalty unless: (1) the seller has a previous conviction related to selling/dealing, manufacturing/growing drug products/is under 18 yrs of age, (unless prescribed by a registered physician). Otherwise, a second time offender knows precisely what his continued behavior will be wrought on him if he continues in his ways. This Nation has been far too forgiving regarding penalizing drug dealers in times gone by … it’s time to ramp up the penalties.

2 years ago

This administration won’t do anything that would be beneficial for the USA!

Will Henry
Will Henry
2 years ago

It is total insanity to do what liberals are doing and want to about drugs. We need to place users in a medical prison for 5 to ten years. When they get out and use again life in prison. We need to hang drug sellers. We should place hard sanctions on any country that will not help the stopping of drug traffic.

zoe frost
zoe frost
2 years ago

The current corrupt, fraud administration of commie/globalist Demoncrats WANT drugs to flow, someone tell me the expletives aren’t pocketing a small fortune to do this? These spawns of satan evil expletives, are not prosecuting, the expletives are letting drug traffic folk go, even when truckloads of drugs are confiscated! The current administration of monsters are destroying our people and country in myriad ways, I call for the death penalty for all traitors to our Constitutional Republic.

…And like all the rest of their nefarious, illegal and despicable actions, especially their owned traitor activist judges, kangaroo courts, shams and lies it’s highly likely President Trump (and my call for the death penalty for the traitors) won’t see justice. The march towards totalitarian hell continues… no justice, no peace, corruption and insanity…as long as we are under a fraud puppet (Commie Obamie/ChiComs/Globalist Elitists) cabal from hell’s heinous, evil, murdering grasp…it gets worse every day.

2 years ago

The DemocRats are very supporlting of non-illegalization of drug dealing. It is a mechanism to make the public more docile and easier to be RULED. And remember the call of the DemocRat Party …. “We want to RULE the Nation, not just GOVERN the Nation.” A truism applicable to Communistic Governance…..

2 years ago

Drug importers, local dealers, murderers, rapists, pedophiles: Immediate trial and immediate execution by public hanging. Watch the crime rate plummet. My thoughts for criminals: kill ’em all, let God sort ’em out. For far too long we have been soft on criminals. We need to show them what awaits them. Sooner the better.

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

I agree with him drug dealers, rapists, and murders should be sentence to death and they shiukdchave limited appeals with a limit of five years before the sentence is carried out.

Also we need a law making it a felony for any government paid person to lie to a citizen. We need another law taking away all qualified immunity from all government people. We need a law limiting all government to 25% of the work force with states getting no more than 30% of the total.

Then we need to limit all taxes in total to 20% of total income. With states only getting 30% of that.
Then we need to make it illegal for any government person to provide any assistance to any illegal alien.

2 years ago

I believe Biden is helping the drug dealers come across the border.Biden is probley making money on all the drugs and taking them.

2 years ago

Here in Baltimore I would like to add Squeegee Kids to the list!

2 years ago

People are dying. Yes the death penalty should be considered.

2 years ago

If I were president I would be instituting the death penalty for all violent criminals, including drug dealers. Justice would be swift as the execution would be done within 6 months after only one appeal allowed.

2 years ago

Trump should have said this when he was POTUS— & like me , he should contact his elected representatives & make his views known. The latest hearings show that Trump liked the crazies like Alex Jone, Bannon, & Rudy to tell him how to operate around Jan 6th. With friends like that who needs ???????

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

If the death penalty is not a “deterrent” to crime, it is the permanent solution to a wrongful, personal choice to engage in it. To that extent, it limits the costs to society of the criminal actions or those convicted of them. The next step is to limit the legal appeals and, hence, the costs to citizen-taxpayers of incarcerations for life. The economy of the justice system needs to be far more economical. We will have to wait to see whether such an economy is realized with respect to the liberal exercise of choice which promoted “three strikes and the baby is out” with respect to the right to choose abortion for an “unwanted pregnancy.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Only when Hunter finally gets a bad batch of rock will the Big Guy close the border as he exploits his loser son’s death for a 2024 re-election bid.

2 years ago

TRUMP 2024

2 years ago

death penalty is not potent enough. think of something tougher.

2 years ago

The death penalty ensures that the crime committed, won’t be committed again, by the same person, just remember, the death penalty only applies to those of us who are considered ” expendable, ” only when the elite are required to pay the same price as the rest of us, will the death penalty have any significant meaning.

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