
National Security , Newsline

Biden Lifts Trump Cuba Sanctions, Betrays Cuban People

Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2022
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

Biden cuba trumpLast week, the Biden administration announced that the U.S. would be lifting a number of Trump-era restrictions on the Cuban regime, returning to the Obama policy of trying to forge closer ties with the Communist dictatorship. The news came as a major blow to dissidents on the ground in Cuba and highlighted a glaring inconsistency in the Biden administration’s policy toward assisting those fighting for freedom from oppression.

In a statement last Tuesday, the White House said that it would allow for expanded flights and group travel to Cuba, which opponents say will result in increased tourism revenues for the regime. The White House also said that it would restart a family unification program to allow more Cuban immigrants to enter the U.S., and would relax the ban on remittances – another policy which some lawmakers fear the regime will use to collect revenue from Cuban workers in the United States.

Notably, Biden couldn’t even get every Congressional Democrat on board with the decision to remove the restrictions. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey, a Cuban-American Democrat and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said the announcement “risks sending the wrong message to the wrong people, at the wrong time and for all the wrong reasons.”

The opposition movement in Cuba also voiced their dismay with the decision, deeming it a double-blow which will not only strengthens the regime but hampers their own efforts to force through reforms.

Cuban dissidents have watched closely the ongoing situation in Ukraine, seeing in the Ukrainian peoples’ fight for freedom a reflection of their own decades-long struggle. On the day Russian forces stormed across the border, a dissident from Santiago de Cuba, who wished to only be identified as Fernan, told of how he held a self-made Ukrainian flag and protested the invasion with a small group of people. Twenty minutes later, a police officer was on his street threatening to arrest him. He was fined for public disorder.

Fernan, who is an engineer, did not coordinate his actions with anybody, and is not officially associated with any opposition group. His protest was spontaneous, and as he started other pedestrians joined him.

Similar protests took place in Havana, San Cristobal, Santa Clara, Trinidad, Marti, Santa Cruz del Sur and Guantanamo. Jose Daniel Ferrer, a leader of UNPACU, one of the largest opposition groups, openly called for demonstrations, invoking a famous motto of Polish Solidarity movement “For your freedom and ours.”

Mr. Ferrer, building on a historic parallel of Putin and Hitler, criticized Cuban supporters of the Russian war. “Whomever today justifies and applauds Vladimir Putin and Russia in the midst of the invasion against Ukraine, is like those who defended the invasion of Poland by Hitler’s troops and their subsequent world war,” he stated.

During the Sunday masses, many Cuban priests spontaneously added Ukraine and Ukrainian people to their prayers, emphasizing that fighting for freedom is one of the noblest forms of expressing the second greatest commandment, loving thy neighbor as thyself.

There seems to be an innate understanding among the Cuban people of their shared struggle with the Ukrainian people, and the importance of showing resolve against injustice everywhere, not just in their own country. They are not fighting against just a corrupt government or set of harmful policies, but against evil itself – an experience all too similar for millions in Ukraine today.

But instead of responding with the same resounding denunciation, sanctions, and even veiled threats of open military conflict as it has in Ukraine, the Biden administration has effectively empowered the Cuban regime to continue their reign of terror.

Following mass anti-regime demonstrations last year which led to the arrest, beating, and torture of hundreds of protestors, the government is more committed than ever to clamping down on any dissent. Now, Biden is rewarding them by lifting sanctions, a move opposition leaders say will only benefit the regime and will do nothing for the Cuban people. According to dissident Amir Walle, the biggest benefactor of the relaxed travel restrictions will be the state-run conglomerate which dominates 80% of the tourism industry.

Major General Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Callejas, for example, Raúl Castro’s son-in-law, runs an empire which controls 83 hotel facilities (29,000 rooms in agreements with about 14 international chains); has an effective monopoly over the national network of retail stores (TRD Caribe) and is the owner of shipping companies (Melfi Marine Corp and Servinaves Panamá S.A).

The military-operated GAESA also owns construction firms, car dealerships (Havanautos and Havanatour), real estate companies (Almest), banks, and import and export companies (Tecnotex and Tecnoimport). By the very nature of a Communist economy, there is no way for the lifting of any restrictions to benefit anyone but those responsible for blatant human rights abuses against the Cuban people.

This has led to widespread disappointment and even anger among the dissident community in Cuba. One Catholic priest said the opposition feels punished and even betrayed by the Biden administration. Cousins Jorge and Nadir Martín Perdomo, who are currently imprisoned for protesting last year, said they would’ve wanted nothing more than new sanctions, rather than reversing old ones. They also pointed out the deep irony of uniting Cuban families in the United States while political prisoners are denied any contact with their families in Cuba. Another Cuban opposition leader who wished to remain anonymous said that he fears this may prove to be another catastrophic mistake by President Biden.

The White House has yet to make any comment explaining the apparent incongruity between their support for the Ukrainian people in their struggle against Russia and their passivity when it comes to the Cuban regime’s oppression of its own people. For many Cuban freedom fighters, they may now find themselves desperately hoping for the return of a Republican – and perhaps Donald Trump – to the White House in 2024, following so many years of disappointment at the hands of successive Democratic administrations.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian and researcher.

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2 years ago

when will someone get this imbecile out of office.?

2 years ago

????????????Here we go again???

2 years ago

Once again the Biden administration touches something it should not and it turns to crap. There is no end to his madness. God help us all.

2 years ago

Biden has betrayed the American people who he’s supposed to put first. Our government can’t be trusted.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..arrest all demonrats, socialists, leftist loonies, and nazis and send them to GITMO FOR TREASON!!

2 years ago

Another feather in the cap of the village idiot, Uniter-in-chief!!!

Cheryl Matthews
Cheryl Matthews
2 years ago

Just one more bad decision in a line of hundreds of others. Communists first, America last!

2 years ago

Another BIG mistake for Biden !!!

2 years ago


Impeach him
Why do you allow him so much power

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

This president is so stupid he’s ruining our beloved country! He needs to be eradicated and/or exiled to a foreign country to live, probably Afghanistan, then maybe he will understand what’s going on!!!

Beagle Boy
Beagle Boy
2 years ago

Why is anybody surprised by this. Last week the Clown and Chief said the US would protect Taiwan but somehow forgot the US stance is the “One China Policy” where the US had previously declared it would stay out of China-Taiwan issues. Now the Biden Clown Show has reversed the previous US commitment to support the Cuban Freedom Fighters in order to get buddy buddy with Cuba’s Oppressive Government. Who is the Unelected Shadow Spawn that’s actually advising this Clown. Biden is nothing more than a Talking Head with the same low integrity as a Mainstream News Anchor.

2 years ago

Unbelievable. What is George Soros thinking? Oh, that’s right, he hates America as a republic.

2 years ago

I’m glad Biden keeps making these crazy decisions. Hopefully, those who voted for him will realize what a mistake they made and, next time, will vote for people who will make this country great again!

2 years ago

Maybe they will vote the Dems out!!!

William Smith
William Smith
2 years ago

I hate to say it but it looks like the traitor obummer is running things biedn just shakes his head yes as a puppet he always was, they are doin everything he was doin why he was president and getting away with it What a big cluster of a mess this administration is nothing but a joke and a inbarristment to our country .

2 years ago

Obama is and has been the president for the 3rd term and the GOP IS SO DEAD AND WORTHLESS!

2 years ago

At this point, why would Biden do anything right ? He is on a perfect record of doing everything wrong.

2 years ago

Democrats have a long history of betraying the people they supposedly “care about”. It is what they do. So this latest betrayal of the Cuban people that Democrats have claimed to care about for decades is no actual surprise. Stop expecting Democrats to act in a responsible manner. That is not who they are. Wise up people. Their real agenda is actually just centered around persuing means to self enrichment and gaining ever more power over others.

Charles Nolan
Charles Nolan
2 years ago

Socialists and communists see themselves as the ruling class. The current Democratic Party seems to see this as their last chance to take permanent power, as they did with FDR. FDR was known for using the bureaucracy to do his dirty work, and so frightened people in both parties that the Presidential term limit was passed as a Constitutional amendment.
Cuba is a fellow socialist government.

Alvaro S Socarrás
Alvaro S Socarrás
2 years ago

About your article “Biden Lifts Trump Cuba Sanctions, Betrays Cuban People”

Mr. Solís, I’m an 86 Cuban-American veteran that hopes you, along with your readers, “can” understand why so many of us are so shocked and in disbelief at the 60-plus years of the U.S. imposition of such a cruel embargo on the CUBAN FAMILIES.

Back on 4/13/2022, I wrote the following letter to N.J. Senator Bob Menendez, who happens to be of Cuban descent: 
“Senator Menendez, please understand our distress when learning of the horrible conditions in which our FAMILIES find themselves back in Cuba, not only because of the inefficiencies of their government but mainly, in our opinion, due to more than 60-plus years of the cruel U.S. embargo.

The result of this vicious embargo, aside from the suffering that has been imposed on the Cuban FAMILIES, also promotes the increase of the already record number of migrating young individuals; they are forced to leave behind to an uncertain destiny, their young and elderly folks. Only between October and the end of February did 47,000 Cubans arrive at the Mexico-U.S. border.

I’m sure you already know the following:
While the pretext for US actions against Cuba has changed over six decades, the objectives have not. The goal was made clear in an April 1960 memorandum authored by Lester D. Mallory, US assistant secretary of state, who advised measures, quote, “to weaken the economic life of Cuba . . . to bring about hunger, desperation, and overthrow of the government.” (End of quote.)

From deep in my soul, Senator Menendez, I must ask you to help revoke such a lengthy, vicious embargo PRIMARILY imposed on the Cuban families.
Please, ask yourself, is this a proper behavior of a “supposedly” fair, law-abiding, and religious nation?
( End of my letter to N.J. Senator Bob Menéndez)

I’m convinced that well-researched information is needed before reaching an intelligent conclusion.
Please see the following segment quote from a Washington Post article:
“The migration surge puts new pressure on the Biden administration to recast its strategy, having left in place most aspects of the “MAXIMUM PRESSURE” Trump administration approach that tightened U.S. economic sanctions.” (End of quote.)

Also see: Excerpted from Rogue States, 2000 –
If you don’t know who Mr. Chomsky is, please see the following:

Alvaro S Socarrás
Alvaro S Socarrás
2 years ago

Mr. Solís, I’m the same 86 Cuban-American veteran that just posted a response to your article “Biden Lifts Trump Cuba Sanctions, Betrays Cuban People.”
Please allow me to also present the following article hoping it will bring more light to our ways of reaching an intelligent conclusion on these matters.
U.S. Media Provides Biased Coverage of Cuban and Colombian Protests.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden siding with more of his Communist buddies.
More proof of AMERICA Last and DICTATOR Beijing biden putting COMMUNISM/FASCISM first.
How much of OUR TAX DOLLARS is DICTATOR Beijing biden going to give his New Communist buddies in Cuba and how much will he give to Border Patrol to SECURE OUR BORDERS?
DICTATOR Beijing biden will RAISE TAXES MORE so he can pay his New COMMUNIST buddies in Cuba.
Another Act of TREASON against the AMERICAN CITIZENS.
The faster DICTATOR Beijing biden is prosecuted and executed for TREASON the SAFER the UNITED STATES of AMERICA will be.

2 years ago

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. U.S. oil and gas policies have greatly increased Russian revenue. U.S. has sent more than $54 Billion to Ukraine and the majority of money to NATO. While the Europeans in their villas and chateaus have spent a few million. WHAT ABOUT OUR BORDER?

2 years ago

This is the most outwardly corrupt president ever. He has turned his back on America and even the people who voted for him. Pond scum.

2 years ago

I wish I had enough faith in the GOP to stand up and take action for Americans.
Between the gender confused and the constant race baiting. Mandates and incompetence. His breaking promises and constantly creating lies …
Biden and his crew are doing a bang up job causing Americans to splinter.
In the real world I live in there isn’t all this hate it is all broadcasted by the WH, and media.. to small brains who believe it !
Give me back my apple pie and freedom!

2 years ago

I wonder how much and who in his Commie Party DemocRats & personal family will get kickbacks and bountiful favors back from the Cuban authorities??? It’s becoming alarming, not just worrisom, that Biden’s presidency is doing great harm to this Nation. FIX the VOTING SYSTEM so that future elections CANNOT be rigged to allow a Biden type to ascend to anywhere close to his present role in governance of this Nation!!!!

2 years ago

Like JFK the Biden regime has let down all those dissidents fighting to return Cuba to a democracy…..this will be reflected in the upcoming elections

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Biden is showing everyone exactly what he’s going to do right here to all of our American citizens. Collapse our system and destroy everything from within. Afterwards, they will have a government takeover and rebuild our country on a communist style dictatorship, a full all out tyranny. What do you think all of this destruction and chaos is all for? They didn’t have a bio-weapon destroy society and then a completely rigged election to steal our country from all of us without a planned strategy, we’re watching our country literally disappear right in front of us, elections do have dire consequences, Biden and this progressive socialist administration are the biggest and most disruptive enemy of the people we’ve ever faced. Our freedoms, liberties and our democracy are all in serious jeopardy of collapsing if these hypocrites and cheating criminals aren’t stopped and I mean like yesterday.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Integrity, responsibility, trust in they neighbors and all others, never ever look at a human beings color, they are exactly the same as god intended all of us to be. What Joseph Biden is and has been implementing from day one is against everything our country was founded on and stands for from day one, Yes there were mistakes along the way , there’s never been a country that with a government like ours looked out for and put all our American citizens first. Today is a day that should be honored, millions of American citizens gave up everything to allow us to enjoy and fulfill our dreams and ambitions, no one should ever interfere or jeopardize this privilege that has been bestowed upon us, our founding fathers were outnumbered and with sheer determination and a vision for our future died and sacrificed everything, I’m especially worried and for a good reason, this current president and this woke and socialist administration is doing any and everything to destroy our very foundation and our constitutional rights and freedoms as hard working and family loving Americans. All Americans, never judge a human being by there appearance but only by there integrity, respect for others, and there heart, that’s what made our country so very special and beautiful. Things must be better, we need a fighter and Unites as our leader , not a crooked political criminal that’s out for only one purpose, change, change, everything, I simply won’t accept that our great Americans will allow this to continue. God bless all of us,God bless all our past and present military men and women. And remember, trust but verify, we should know know exactly what he meant. A total hypocrite.

2 years ago

Another group of Americans who will not vote for Biden/Democrats: The betrayed Cubans. Does anyone miss President Trump?

2 years ago

Joe Biden’s idea of honoring Americans warfighters is by helping America’s communist enemies.



2 years ago

Is Biden an Obama clone in an old man’s body? Everything he says he is and has done is a rubber stamp of the Obama administration. The cabinet people, his policies, etc. The major aim of Obama’s was to divide and destroy the USA. He was elected on a promise to unite our country and all he has done is create divisive wedges in the American people. Obama is getting more and more into the White House function and all of the people there ignore President Biden when he is around, by not showing respect to the man who is the leader of the USA.

I am fortunate to be born as an American citizen and in my 82 years I am shocked at the hatred of everyone based on race, color, political parties, etc.
I am an American first and how I feel and vote is not who I am, but who the man is running for President and what he promises to do for our country, we have been bamboozled by empty promises and questionable election results.
Right now I feel that Biden is a traitor to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Those documents were written by men who were tired of being a colony and not having a say in what the King dictated as in taxes they must pay and who they should be loyal too.
How can we be loyal to a President when we don’t really know who is making boneheaded decisions and putting us in peril with our known enemies?
This administration has been anything by not upholding our Constitution and Bill of Rights and has hidden behind smoke and mirrors. Enough is enough. We have many who are working for the truth to be exposed, but with the deep corruption they are also in peril.
May God turn his face back to us and help us get our country back before it is too late.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

Biden has a unique ability to do everything wrong, not by design but because he doesn’t know right from wrong. He is by definition, an idiot.

2 years ago

The Demented socialist is continuing to show his true colors. America is the butt of jokes due to the Arse in Chief.

2 years ago

Hey, Cuban America, you now know~bet most of you must know already~who not to vote for.

2 years ago

Biden doesn’t have the integrity or morale acuity to care anymore. Even if the media quit carrying his water and the FBI/DOJ quit covering up his crimes he is hell bent on destroying America and it looks like he will succeed. After AmErica is gone who will hold these complicit media and government employees responsible?

2 years ago

Lying & betrayal are the hallmarks of Loopy Joe’s presidency. He’s just being a good little Marxist & traitor.

2 years ago

… we know, the election was rigged. They know we know. And, we know, it’s the Clintons and the Obamas, running the Biden White House. And, they know we know. They know we know, that President Biden’s a vegetable –

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Wow, he is definitely being used. My son said this was two weeks ago and it was only some. Don’t know if he is accurate or not.

2 years ago

Why not!?!?! He and all his ‘cronies’ are a bunch of communists, so he is comfortable disregarding the American people.

2 years ago

The cuban people, like all prisoners of totalitarian regimes, are not allowed firearms. Its a good time to remember this as our communist movement aka the dem party, tries to infringe our second amendment rights. They’re beyond frustrated that they havent yet been able to end private ownership and will never stop trying to achieve what their idols, mao, stalin castro and pol pot succeeded in doing. Watch carefully.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

Biden doesn’t care whether he upsets freedom-loving Cubans and Cuban Americans because they hardly ever vote Demorat. Nor does he care about widespread corruption among the Communist masters because he benefits from his family’s corruption himself.

2 years ago

Could it be that someone , maybe Obummer, told Dummy Joe that all he had to do when he got into office was to just undo everything that President Trump did?

2 years ago

Biden is not legally elected and has no authority in the spiritual to do anything that he has done, and that includeds his handlers: Obama, Soros, Scwab, Gates and Fauci. God only requires repentance, prayer and obedience. God’s word has not changed: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. That also goes for the end of murdering millions of babies and destroying the very gender of thousands of other little children.

Grampa Biff
Grampa Biff
2 years ago

Another case of supposedly supporting the people while lining the pockets of those in power. C’mon, man! We know the game: Dems appeal to our good nature to help people, while actually they crave power at any cost.

2 years ago

0bama is a snake.

2 years ago

I smell another Mariel boat lift. Remember that? Castro emptied the jails and mental institutions and sent his problems to USA.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Senile Joe helps our enemies and hurts our allies! He’s totally bass ackwards!

2 years ago

Somebody has to stop this piece of crap Biden. More aliens comin’ to USA. Just what we need!

Jeffrey Hoefer
Jeffrey Hoefer
2 years ago

I’m not surprised, seeing how those pulling Biden’s puppet strings are overly trying take our country to socialism or communism in every step they take. Won’t promote drilling our own reserves through multiple obstacles, but first country they ask for help with oil is Venezuela, a socialist country. It’s all part of their plan, and their not even trying to disguise it.

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