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Trump Exposes the Left’s Tactics of “Deception and Deceit”

Posted on Saturday, May 14, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By Seamus Brennan

trumpCommitted conservatives understand that the American left has long depended on lies, propaganda, and false claims of moderation to advance its grip on power. In a speech last month at a Heritage Foundation event, former President Donald Trump took a moment to analyze this phenomenon. “The only way the radical left has ever gained power in this country,” Trump said, is not through honest attempts to persuade the American people, but rather, according to the former president, through “deception and deceit.”

“For decades,” he went on, “they lied to the American people about what they really believe. They lied about what policies they would pursue. They flooded the airwaves with biased coverage. They fabricated hoaxes and pushed fake news…They mutilated our history. They took over our schools. They rewrote our Constitution with left-wing judges, and… they stole our elections.”

For conservatives who often find themselves reeling at the left’s seemingly total dominance of the commanding heights of American life, Trump offered a useful reminder. Generally speaking, that dominance was not honestly earned, and the American people were never really persuaded.

There is perhaps no greater example of the success of the left’s “deception and deceit” than their eagerness to treat the Constitution as a “living” document with no fixed meaning and onto which they can freely impose their own policy preferences. Over the last 50 years, the interpretive methodology of so-called “living constitutionalism” has yielded a number of high-profile decisions that, regardless of one’s policy preferences, plainly have no basis in the text of the Constitution and never earned majority support through a democratic process.

The news that the Supreme Court may be prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade prompted many reflections on the legal incoherence of the original decision, something that even left-leaning scholars readily acknowledge. (Outspokenly liberal constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe, for instance, has claimed that “behind [Roe’s] own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found.”) But the uproar in the wake of the court leak also serves as a reminder that American culture has been drastically transformed by what was always nothing more than a bad-faith liberal power-grab.

Another controversial decision made according to the “living constitutionalist” paradigm was Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), which essentially invented out of whole cloth a constitutional right to same-sex marriage that, as Justice Antonin Scalia was quick to note in his fiery dissent, relied upon “the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie.” As conservative lawyer Carrie Severino wrote last year, decisions like Roe and Obergefell ultimately amount to nothing more than “a brand of activism that disregards both the structural Constitution and the Constitution’s enumerated rights.”

But as Trump noted, the left’s pattern of advancing its agenda through “deception and deceit” is by no means limited to the legal realm. Think of the tactics the left has used to push its climate agenda, its policing agenda, its “Criminal Justice Reform” agenda, its gun control agenda, and its censorship agenda. In each case, the left’s tried and true strategy has been to spread false and often completely fabricated stories, concoct strings of bald-faced lies and bad-faith claims, inundate the public with propaganda, and indoctrinate children in the classroom.

While this pattern of deception has been escalating for decades, it was finally fully exposed during Trump’s presidency. For two years, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media pushed an elaborate series of fabrications trying to portray President Trump as a Russian asset who was in the pocket of Vladimir Putin. Even though the left was fully aware that Trump was not, in fact, a Russian spy, they did it nonetheless. That gigantic lie was the necessary predicate for everything that has followed—from the 2018 midterms, to the 2020 election, to the calamities of the Biden administration.

As Amanda Milius, director of the film The Plot Against the President, noted that the Russia Hoax was “the blueprint for how they lie to us” and “how they turn the whole country in the opposite direction of reality.”

Despite the bleak reality of our politics, in his Heritage speech, Trump ended on a note of optimism. “The radical left and their partners in the media have blown their cover,” he said. “Their mask is off, their credibility is shot, and no one trusts them any longer. No one believes in them, and they have nowhere left to hide.”

“Now is the time to build a new American consensus,” he continued.

As overwhelming as the left’s cultural power seems to be, with great challenge comes great opportunity. And as Trump suggested in his remarks, the false foundations of the left’s political success present the clearest opportunity for its undoing. The American public is realizing that they’ve been had. And if indeed the left’s lies are finally being exposed, they could soon face a reckoning unlike any before in American politics.

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Laron Allen
Laron Allen
2 years ago


2 years ago

I would like to see this speech set as a learned article with citations documenting and substantiating the assertions.

Daryl J. Joseph
Daryl J. Joseph
2 years ago

God Bless Donald Trump and the United States of America! Long Live the “Mega King”! What a great T-Shirt Joe (Brandon) Biden has created for the 2020 campaign!

Daryl J. Joseph
Daryl J. Joseph
2 years ago

For clarity, the phrase I intended to write is: Long Live the “Maga King”!

2 years ago

We’ll we are to need to act quickly because the Democrats and the Deep State are still at it, and now the WHO (World Health Organization) wants to take our and 194 other nations sovereignty away, Biden is supposedly going to sign this. That’s not what our President was elected to do! We must wake up!

William Smith
William Smith
2 years ago

He is completely right all they ever do is bully and lie about everything they do , they don’t care about the American people. They are a very evil regime and will do anything they can to stay in power wich includes taking someone’s life rather it be a infant or a senior , and they will fabricate anything they can so they can take your rights away , hell I would not put it past them if they were behind school shootings look at the riots they have caused they want the propaganda so they can’t get their way look at the history it’s proof enough . Everytime a democrackhead gets voted into office they jack everything up. Obama and Biden has made a fine example of that .

2 years ago

So very true! All of it. Great piece Seamus Brennan.

Stephen Keller
Stephen Keller
2 years ago

“Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things.”
Andy Dufresne-Shawshank Redemption

2 years ago

The Lord had to be involved in this somewhere…could since him telling America, “Wake up, you about to lose your Country!”

2 years ago

Regarding the radical democrats and this administration, this country is faced with Evil like never before. God help us all..

John Wells
John Wells
2 years ago


Larry Wilkens
Larry Wilkens
2 years ago

This started back in the 60s and 70s when Vietnam was raging when the Russia’s started to devide US with info on things that didnt happen. Stirred up crowds of students. Thats where the left started its games and they’ve been perfecting it ever since. People hate history but it does repeat itself if we’re not watching for it.

Leandro Gonzalez
Leandro Gonzalez
2 years ago

Is about time this is announced and pounded upon. Why the GOP does not do this nation wide; can only make me ponder if there is a collusion amidst them.

The Boss
The Boss
2 years ago

Thank you Mr President for backing up what I’ve been screaming for decades!!

2 years ago

… Democrats got what they wanted. Didn’t they? They rigged the election, seized control of 2/3rds of our federal government. Exactly what did they think they were going to do, thereafter? Build Back Better? What’s that supposed to mean? Burn the whole thing down? Start from scratch? So, that’s the big democrat strategy?

2 years ago

Trump has indeed done a few good things for the country one of which was exposing the establishment media. However, when you take a deep dive into his Presidency, you will see that Trump was not a good leader. And that’s why he lost.

We need somebody younger and smarter, and one who is not mired in too much controversy. Enter, DeSantis 2024. I believe he will be a more efficient leader – one who will strive to unify the country while securing it. Personally, as a right-leaning independent, I assure y’all that I will never vote for Trump again. I can get behind a decent Republican nominee but definitely not Trump – not after Jan 6 riots. I am not a fan of Pence and Pompeo either. But somebody young like DeSantis would be just perfect.

2 years ago

Chaos. Main Street, USA, a shambles. Empty shelves. Inflation. Pain at the pumpo. Americans, hanging of for dear life. The democrats got what they wanted.

2 years ago

This speech is right on target. Unfortunately the base Democrats are so indoctrinated in all the lies that can’t think for themselves. The only way this reckoning can come about is for Americans to get on their knee’s and ask God for forgiveness for being so complacent. Like in Moses time the land of milk and honey was there but we abused it from the time the Europeans landed.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Under PRESIDENT TRUMP we were #1.
Under DICTATOR Beijing biden WE ARE LAST.

2 years ago

Here in this article Truth lives in spite of evil which is itself a lie.
Truth lives In the hearts, minds and voices of all true Americans. Truth is Life well lived as God intended. This article is a refreshing breeze and inspiration to stand up for our country.

R Henry
R Henry
2 years ago

Psalm 37 Instruction…

2 years ago

So true need trump back in office

Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
2 years ago

Trump and the entire Orange Kremlin Qanon 1/6/21 Reich are proven liars. As always, every single idiotic accusation here is the Reich following the long time Trump crime family’’s lawyer, Roy Cohn’s mantra, “Accuse your opposition of what you’re guilty of.” You should be ashamed of providing a forum for this anti-American filth. Then again, if you were capable of shame you would never present this filth as having any basis in reality.

2 years ago

Committed conservatives understand that another thing the American left depends on to advance its grip on power is RINO Republicans.

2 years ago

Hey Uncle Sam ..take a look at something else besides liberal media news and open your demented mind to truth instead of drinking the koolaid heavily supplied by said media

Christopher Borunda
Christopher Borunda
2 years ago

“Trump Exposes the Left’s Tactics of “Deception and Deceit”Democrat party tactic = Lie, cheat & Steal
2000 Mules

mark sligh sr
mark sligh sr
2 years ago

Ive said it before on here and im saying it again ,, get off your asses and go vote ,,, please dont sit there thinking we got this because of what the DAMN DEMS. have done in a short time to ruin what TRUMP did right to start rebuilding this country ,, its just not going to happen that easy ,, and they still have a long time to screw things up worse for the people , THEY ARE KILLING OUR RIGHTS FASTER THAN WE CAN FIX THEM ,, i will ask the people of ga. go vote in this runoff election now please i did and i will tell you up front i didnt go with the TRUMP pics. i just didnt think they were right for the jobs ,,

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

This article is indeed factual!!! I support Trump and I would vote for him —- should he choose to run in election. He is an excellent CEO ; able to see the “big picture” , not intimidated by BULLIES , is a ” strait shooter ” ie. Tells you what he thinks ! And he did a DAMN GOOD JOB FOR 4 YEARS!!!! DESPITE , all the hell and torture caused by the DIRTY Socialist Progressive Radical DUMBOCRATS ….unfortunately , these evil ones are still doing these evil unjust behavior(S ) in WH and Congress ????? FOLKS , ALL REPUBLICANS , CONSERVATIVES AND ALL AMERICANS NEED TO UNIFY TO STOP THE DIRTY DEMS !!!!!

old silk
old silk
2 years ago

Once again, he is right on.

2 years ago

I’ve known the Left’s tactics since Obama, although I admit I didn’t know how low they would stoop until they started indoctrinating homosexuality to our very young AND attempt to conceal it from their parents … now THAT is intolerable. I long for the day when the Left gets retribution for its depravities.

2 years ago

Hell and the devil is waiting and watching the democrats in this country.I pray they all get saved.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

CA is truely a victum of extreme taxes $$$$$$ and democrat dictatorship ! Do you folks want that to happen nationally?
***** Vote, wisely use your l brain!!!! Make the best possible choices !!!!!!! Do not let your emotions or lies persuade you!!!!!!

2 years ago

what we have now are 2 idiots that have trouble putting sentences together that make any sense. His is old age. hers if just because she is an idiot.

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


2 years ago

I realized the extent of the evil and fraud back in the 70s! It’s taken far too long for an oblivious public to catch up. I suspect it will take us a good part of the century it took the Communist Party to get us here to repair their damage. If ever.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

All the largest American cities are run by elected Democrat mayors. And most of them are dysfunctional messes. Even if the 2024 midterms elections turn out to be a Republican landslide beyond Karl Rove’s imagination, I won’t be convinced there is a genuine awakening of the electorate until some of these woke cities elect a Republican mayor.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Satan is alive and well in this country and is taking over. Dear GOD, please don’t let this happen! Don’t let evil win!!!!! You have the power to stop this!!!!!


Tracee Farmer
Tracee Farmer
2 years ago

Look at the history of every Democratic President starting with FDR. Every time there is a Dem in the Whitehouse there are ridiculous over spend/over print money, get us into debt even deeper and more welfare with crazy regulatory policies. FDR/Truman-the New Deal, Korea, JFK/LBJ-Welfare and Vietnam, Carter- Astronomical high inflation and staggering regulations-Iran, Clinton-Iran-Bosnia-Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden, Obama-The great Recession and Obamacare-9/11 2012. Don’t get me started on Biden, I should say Obama 2.0. They don’t care, all they want is power, they don’t give a flip about the American people.

2 years ago

President Trumps exposure of the dishonest media, anti American marxist democrat party, and the lying politicians in Washington and its bureaucracy, are GREAT for America!
This is exactly why this group FEARS him so much!!
We need 100 President Trumps!

2 years ago

It’s true but I am so tired of watching the news and everybody rightfully complaining about the Democrats and Biden, why can’t the complaining stop and let’s do something about it why is invited in prison along with Kamala for breaking our constitution for bailing out those criminals and murderers that Riotted after mr. Floyd’s death or should I say murder. I don’t understand why the bidens are not in prison I don’t understand why he’s still in the White House I don’t understand why are Supreme Court can be trusted they are just going to go on and on and on why don’t we just secede like Canada did all those years ago.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

This is the right point. If candidates state simple, reasonable goals and not load the list with every wish, we can build a majority that will insist the country stick with those goals. We need consensus. Sorry to say there is no sign of this yet.

2 years ago

IMHO: Trump is right on the mark. Good article. One thing we patriots must remember about the extremist democrats is that the Deep State, or whatever you want to call them, has been working on brainwashing our people ever since Congress hired foreigners to do their jobs; US Corporations dba USA are just bankrupt UK and Vatican Trusts hired by our lazy and mostly corrupt Congress to serve our country, and do their jobs so they can sit back, get super wealthy, drink their single malt Scottish whisky, laugh at the public, and blow smoke rings with their Cuban Cigars. They have infiltrated every level of our government, including our Public Education System, and stealthily taken over control little by little, always lying skillfully to make their movement seem legitimate.

Since they are using the psychiatric/psychology of Mass Formation Syndrome, or dark side brainwashing techniques similar to those used by Pavlov to train his dogs, to educate program our children, first via our universities, then our high schools, and now K-12, our last two or three generations are now very damned righteous about this NWO or Great Reset Klaus Schwab religious coup movement with all of their subversive shenanigans so it all looks very normal to them now and they actually believe our Constitution and our Culture are wrong and they are unarguably right; similar to the Catholics, Muslims, Baptists and other hard core population control methods. They have also taken control of all the Main Stream Media to spread their agitprop, misinformation, and censor any dissenting information against their cause. Fear is their super weapon; look at CoVid, and now the upcoming Monkeypox they’re working on in their weaponizing bio-labs. Do take my word for these things, do some serious research using sources other than MSM, make up your own minds, get yourselves over their political fear mongering, and get your life back. Epoch TV and Rumble are a couple of good sources don’t censor the truth, as are Dr. Malone and Dr. Mercola.

These fanatics will do anything, whatever it takes, to retain and gain more world control, including killing their competition with drugs, disease, poverty, medical help, health services, food supply, or bullets; gun control is disarming the general population to make them defenseless against their movement. They are after a two-class society, elites and slaves.

It will be very difficult to unseat these control fanatics and take control away from the UK and the Vatican, and bring our country back to the Constitutional Republic we had before 1860. They won’t give up and they are very well entrenched and supported by the ultra-wealthy people of the world. The USA has been dormant since about 1860, and has had no president since the takeover, just CEO’s of these trusts. It is time to reestablish the true USA, elect a real President, and clear the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch of extremist Democrats, Socialists and Communists.

Once we get this farce under control, we need to open a new Nuremberg Style Trial and punish those responsible for all their crimes against humanity.

Carolyn Exposito
Carolyn Exposito
2 years ago

Biden always sides with dictators. He feels a kinship with them. American energy? NO! Dirty oil from Venezuela? YES!

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