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3 Years Later, the Mueller Report’s Big Unanswered Question

Posted on Monday, March 28, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Last week marked the three-year anniversary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s submission of his final report in his “Trump-Russia Collusion” investigation—an event followed two days later by the release of then-Attorney General Bill Barr’s summary of the findings. With the release of Barr’s summary, the fantastical story constructed by the media and Democrats about alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump crumbled into pieces. Over the ensuing three years, not only has the left’s narrative been entirely discredited, but the Durham probe into the origins of the Mueller report appears to be revealing previously unimagined lies and corruption at the highest levels of the Clinton campaign, the Democratic and media establishment, and perhaps the U.S. government itself.

In light of these allegations, it may turn out that the Mueller Report will be remembered by history less for its revelations about President Trump, and more for what the Mueller team appears to have conspicuously ignored: the criminal conspiracy to frame Trump as a Russian agent.

Three years on, it is hard to fully remember just how hyped the Mueller Report’s release was at the time. For the mainstream media and elected Democrats, it was supposed to be the day that Trump was forcibly removed from the White House and led straight to prison in handcuffs and chains. Networks covered the investigation with such ferocity that, at one point, it was considered breaking news when Mueller didn’t leave his office for lunch. The phrases “dead to rights,” “smoking gun,” and “worse than Watergate” were on the lips of every pundit eagerly awaiting the day when they would finally be rid of Donald Trump.

Of course, the reality was nowhere near as dramatic, as the accusations against Trump were entirely baseless. As one summary succinctly put it, the report “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

The American people now know that, at every level, the accusations and investigations into Trump-Russia collusion were fundamentally flawed. While much has been made about the media and the disgraceful bias it demonstrated in covering the laughably false allegations, most notably the Steele Dossier, many conservatives are now pressing for answers as to how the American people were so badly misled by government officials as well—including, perhaps, the Mueller team.

For years, the official narrative of the report (as well as the FBI, CIA, media, and Democratic Party) was that 2016 Trump Campaign Advisor George Papadopoulos was approached by a Russian agent who “claimed the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton.” They long claimed this interaction was the catalyst for Crossfire Hurricane, a massive FBI investigation that targeted Trump campaign advisors. They also claimed that the Steele Dossier, a now-discredited cache of documents that contained salacious (and false) claims about then-candidate Donald Trump, played little to no part in the investigation.

Then the truth came out.

Several of the FBI’s FISA applications were found to be improperly filed. Two agents working on the investigation were fired for political bias. The FBI’s Deputy Director was fired for leaking information to the press. And these concerns were just a drop in the bucket compared to what the Durham probe appears to be uncovered regarding the Steele Dossier and other facets of the effort to frame Trump—including an effort by Democrat lawyers and the Clinton campaign to make it appear that a “server in Trump Tower” was “secretly” communicating with a Russian bank, as well as an alleged conspiracy to spy on the internet traffic of the Trump White House.

While these revelations form a searing indictment of the Democratic National Committee, the media, and perhaps members of the U.S. government, they also raise serious questions about the Mueller investigation itself. Mueller’s team confirmed that they thoroughly reviewed the evidence. Yet it is hard to fathom how, if Mueller indeed vetted the Steele Dossier and the other reporting the FBI received from the Clinton operation, his team would not have uncovered the very crimes that Durham appears to be gearing up to prosecute.

Mueller was appointed to investigate potential ties between Russia and the Trump Campaign and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” He was duty-bound to explore “all matters,” not simply the ones that Democrats wanted him to. Three years after the report was released, one of the most crucial lingering questions is this: how or why was Mueller completely silent on the crimes of the hoaxers themselves?

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.      

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2 years ago

Well considering the entire team assembled to generate this report were either operatives of the DNC or known supporters / operatives of the Clinton family, what does the author think the so-called Mueller Commission would have focused on? With 100 percent of the Mueller team comprised of Democrats, most will long histories associated with being partisan political hacks for hire, is the author truly naive enough to think this was ever about anything but an attempted political hit job dressed up as an “investigation”.

Of course, this taxpayer-funded investigation ($30 million dollars wasted on this political witch hunt) excluded anything that would highlight the illegal activities carried out by either Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign or the administrative state, which is made up of 90 percent Democrats. That’s like asking a burglar to investigate his own crime scene after the fact. He’s going to ignore virtually anything that shows his involvement in the crime. That so many GOP members of Congress willingly played along with this obvious charade for nearly 3 years speaks to the spineless nature of so many in Washington.

2 years ago

Unless there are consequences to the accusers’ false allegations, they get to escape all this with a tiny slap on the wrist. That seems to be the standard MO for people like Nadler, Schumer, Swalwell, Schiff, Waters, Clinton, and their co-conspirators, the MSM. Lies, all lies! They need to lose their jobs.

I want to see punishment commensurate with the crimes committed and a retraction from all the media that ran the fake headlines every day for years. Sue ’em, President Trump!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Charge him anyway & allies for damages done

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

Honestly, something drastically needs to change with regards to accountability for all the non-stop lying to the American people, They keep getting away with it so they become more and more bold with their deception. When does something actually HAPPEN to them for all this corruption??? Bueller?….Bueller????

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

this is the only possible outcome the rot is so deep that any alternative is impossible

2 years ago

Hillary, the Mainstream Media other than Fox, the Entire Democratic Party Leadership and plenty of FBI and CIA Leadership ARE ALL GUILTY OF PUSHING THIS TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION CRAP and Charges Should Be Made and WHY AREN’T THEY????

2 years ago

Interesting and informative.
BTW, the author needs to have this arrival edited for grammatical errors before being published. Same with Fox News articles. Irks me to see so many errors. Very distracting!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Sorry to hear it all, and by that I mean it’s not worth commenting on. Nothing is going to change, and nothing is going to be done about it, so why even bother anymore.

God help the USA

Patrick LaCross
Patrick LaCross
2 years ago

This is not just the Democrats. Have you noticed the courts, the state legislators, the county and city and officials elected or not, democrat or republican, conservative or liberal, they are all the same “GLOBALIST”. People need to watch documentaries, read, and do as much research as they can. Have discussions with other people. Find out where they get their information from and then read it themselves. Personally, I have been watching politics since I was 13 years old during the Vietnam War. I would read the Orange County Register from front to back every day. I heard people say that “it never made any difference what party was in charge, nothing ever changes”, I was naive, and thought that the republicans just never had been elected for a long enough time. I kept hoping the one day things would change. Then one day I saw on Fox News, Glenn Beck. He was a teacher. I would tune him in every day to learn from him. He used his chalkboards, and everyday did some review and then added more. I along with many americans were learning from him. Then one day He got the boot from Fox News. he was replaced by Judge Andrew Napolitano. He too was a great teacher. He would take current events, and discus the constitutionality of what was being proposed in congress, or the Supreme Court. It was another learning time. Then one day Fox News gave him the boot. The old saying “you can’t see the forest for the trees” is so true. The world is full of “TREES” Everyone has a couple of trees that the watch very closely. It may be the tree of Abortion Rights, or the tree of Civil Rights, or the tree of Social Justice. Which ever tree you are watching, you are watching it to closely, and you can’t see the rest of the forest. and that is the forest that is on fire, and destroying everything in its way to get to a NEW WORLD ORDER. The Ideas of HItler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stain, and many other world leaders in history, did not die with them. They are dead but their Ideas of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT has never died.
So yes all of those individual trees are important, but don’t let it distract you from the forest fire that is going on behind it.

2 years ago

There will be a new world order. It’s been predicted many times two and more thousand years ago. God, Christ Jesus, creator of this universe intends to remake it according to His original plan. He welcomes anyone who wants to be on His side, the good side. All a person has to do is ask Christ to be their Savior. Before that happens, there will be 7 years of tribulation. The church, anyone trusting Christ, will be removed to Heaven before then. Those left will suffer the consequences of the one world order. Those who don’t know enough scripture will think the one world leader will be Christ, because he seems nice for a few years. At the mid point he will reveal who he really is, a servant of Satan. Yes, Satan is real. People will be demanded to worship him, take the mark of the beast, if they want to buy and sell. The ones who at that point realize they made a mistake will have to hide or be killed. At least they will go to heaven for eternity unlike the ones who take the mark of the beast. God wants to save people but they have to make the choice. It’s so simple yet so profound. Ask Him to save you.

2 years ago

When do we see treasonous democrat party bosses, RINOS, spooks, and other unelected political operatives in jail?! They should be shot!

Craig the Czech
Craig the Czech
2 years ago

We knew the fix was in when Mueller’s staff was announced. And a child could see through the dossier if one took the time to actually read it. The proper name caps to make the illiterati think it was a real investigative report was a dead giveaway.

2 years ago

Muller and his team of crooked lawyers should refund that 30 million dollars back to the taxpayers.

2 years ago

People should hang to assure that this type of fraud never happens again. If not, some fine day when each is in his retirement they may have a serious accident.

2 years ago

The walls are closing in… here they come… they’re a coming you’ll see.

Mike Mulier
Mike Mulier
2 years ago

I hope that these allegations are reminded to the people during these next several months to show what’s going on with the corruption in our president government and the Democratic Party. They need to be reminded to fold their conscience.

Michael Flair
Michael Flair
2 years ago

The deep state is finally cracking. They can not stop John Durham, all the way to Hillary Clinton. They can not stop David Weiss, all the way to Hunter Biden. They will not indict Donald Trump for civil charge on January 6th, as there is no lawful basis. Law and justice are prevailing, and the era of protected woke democratic party elite power politics are ending. Hopefully, when this sordid mess is straightened out, I hope the Obama’s, the Clinton’s and the Biden’s are out of politics forever…and new pragmatic / democratic leaders, non progressive, non ideologue, emerge.

David Lilly
David Lilly
2 years ago

A HUGE part of the problem is the snails pace Durham investigation.
I am a loyal Trump supporter who will tell you that I am as suspicious of the Durham investigation as I can be.
Frankly, the slow speed screams to me of running out the clock on what we know were illegalities and conspiracies against Trump/

2 years ago

Robert Mueller claimed to be unfamiliar with Fusion GPS or the Steele Dossier in his testimony.

2 years ago

The reason none of the Democrat malfeasance was included is simple: Andrew Weissmann. Weissmann is a Democratic party insider, the poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct, and ran the “Mueller” investigation.

2 years ago

That’s what I was wondering all along! Why in heck was there zero interest in the origins of the accusations? You’d think that would be front and central, yet Mueller ignored entirely the provenance of every single one of the absurd allegation in the Steel Dossier and elsewhere. All of them were baseless, yet no interest in the origins. And these people call themselves investigators.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The sorry implication is that Mueller was on the same side as the conspirators and hoping to please them. The only glimmer of a chance which he quietly implied was did President interfere with the investigation

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Jill Biden, Barack Obama, the entire Democratic National Committee, and many in the mainstream media all knew that Joe Biden was mentally damaged and unable to effectively lead this country, but they each elected to overlook it. They all wanted to win the presidential election for the power it would give them. They are culpable of domestic treason and should pay the price for their machinations.

2 years ago

We know everyone involved in this was lying, including Brennan and Comey. And ALL of Clinton’s staff. Time to start hanging all of them.

H. Fan
H. Fan
2 years ago

Mueller was merely a figurehead for the “investigation”, specifically chosen precisely for his lost intellectual capacities and his ostensibly honest and unbiased reputation. In the main, the whole inquiry was lead by partisan democrat attorneys who were never going to pursue any investigation of their Dem colleagues.

Victor S.
Victor S.
2 years ago

Clean The Swamp.
Article V of the Convention of The United States.
Enough Said…

2 years ago

The Mueller Investigation has to be one of the most embarrassing actions of the US Government in the history of this Nation. However, it was a sign that this Nation has a lot of secret and unauthorized government activity that escaped the knowledge of the people and the news media. The Mueller Investigation was a sham from the start. It was intended to harass Trump and the Republicans at the very least to the advantage of the DemocRat Party. I still believe the biggest problem our Nation has is the “sell out” of the News Media … with a very few exceptions.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

If Mueller actually conducted the investigation and if not, his team, must have learned (or known all the time) that the hoax occurred and while they may not have fully understood that the made-up information was a smoke screen to make sure Clinton won the presidency and when she didn’t, to make sure Trump would be impeached, they had to know the whole story was a fraud.

2 years ago

Well considering the entire team assembled to generate this report were either operatives of the DNC or known supporters / operatives of the Clinton family, what does the author think the so-called Mueller Commission would have focused on? With 100 percent of the Mueller team comprised of Democrats, most will long histories associated with being partisan political hacks for hire, is the author truly naive enough to think this was ever about anything but an attempted political hit job dressed up as an “investigation”.

Of course, this taxpayer-funded investigation ($30 million dollars wasted on this political witch hunt) excluded anything that would highlight the illegal activities carried out by either Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign or the administrative state, which is made up of 90 percent Democrats. That’s like asking a burglar to investigate his own crime scene after the fact. He’s going to ignore virtually anything that shows his involvement in the crime. That so many GOP members of Congress willingly played along with this obvious charade for nearly 3 years speaks to the spineless nature of so many in Washington.

2 years ago

Unless there are consequences to the accusers’ false allegations, they get to escape all this with a tiny slap on the wrist. That seems to be the standard MO for people like Nadler, Schumer, Swalwell, Schiff, Waters, Clinton, and their co-conspirators, the MSM. Lies, all lies! They need to lose their jobs.

I want to see punishment commensurate with the crimes committed and a retraction from all the media that ran the fake headlines every day for years. Sue ’em, President Trump!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Charge him anyway & allies for damages done

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

Honestly, something drastically needs to change with regards to accountability for all the non-stop lying to the American people, They keep getting away with it so they become more and more bold with their deception. When does something actually HAPPEN to them for all this corruption??? Bueller?….Bueller????

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

this is the only possible outcome the rot is so deep that any alternative is impossible

2 years ago

Hillary, the Mainstream Media other than Fox, the Entire Democratic Party Leadership and plenty of FBI and CIA Leadership ARE ALL GUILTY OF PUSHING THIS TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION CRAP and Charges Should Be Made and WHY AREN’T THEY????

2 years ago

Interesting and informative.
BTW, the author needs to have this arrival edited for grammatical errors before being published. Same with Fox News articles. Irks me to see so many errors. Very distracting!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Sorry to hear it all, and by that I mean it’s not worth commenting on. Nothing is going to change, and nothing is going to be done about it, so why even bother anymore.

God help the USA

Patrick LaCross
Patrick LaCross
2 years ago

This is not just the Democrats. Have you noticed the courts, the state legislators, the county and city and officials elected or not, democrat or republican, conservative or liberal, they are all the same “GLOBALIST”. People need to watch documentaries, read, and do as much research as they can. Have discussions with other people. Find out where they get their information from and then read it themselves. Personally, I have been watching politics since I was 13 years old during the Vietnam War. I would read the Orange County Register from front to back every day. I heard people say that “it never made any difference what party was in charge, nothing ever changes”, I was naive, and thought that the republicans just never had been elected for a long enough time. I kept hoping the one day things would change. Then one day I saw on Fox News, Glenn Beck. He was a teacher. I would tune him in every day to learn from him. He used his chalkboards, and everyday did some review and then added more. I along with many americans were learning from him. Then one day He got the boot from Fox News. he was replaced by Judge Andrew Napolitano. He too was a great teacher. He would take current events, and discus the constitutionality of what was being proposed in congress, or the Supreme Court. It was another learning time. Then one day Fox News gave him the boot. The old saying “you can’t see the forest for the trees” is so true. The world is full of “TREES” Everyone has a couple of trees that the watch very closely. It may be the tree of Abortion Rights, or the tree of Civil Rights, or the tree of Social Justice. Which ever tree you are watching, you are watching it to closely, and you can’t see the rest of the forest. and that is the forest that is on fire, and destroying everything in its way to get to a NEW WORLD ORDER. The Ideas of HItler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stain, and many other world leaders in history, did not die with them. They are dead but their Ideas of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT has never died.
So yes all of those individual trees are important, but don’t let it distract you from the forest fire that is going on behind it.

2 years ago

There will be a new world order. It’s been predicted many times two and more thousand years ago. God, Christ Jesus, creator of this universe intends to remake it according to His original plan. He welcomes anyone who wants to be on His side, the good side. All a person has to do is ask Christ to be their Savior. Before that happens, there will be 7 years of tribulation. The church, anyone trusting Christ, will be removed to Heaven before then. Those left will suffer the consequences of the one world order. Those who don’t know enough scripture will think the one world leader will be Christ, because he seems nice for a few years. At the mid point he will reveal who he really is, a servant of Satan. Yes, Satan is real. People will be demanded to worship him, take the mark of the beast, if they want to buy and sell. The ones who at that point realize they made a mistake will have to hide or be killed. At least they will go to heaven for eternity unlike the ones who take the mark of the beast. God wants to save people but they have to make the choice. It’s so simple yet so profound. Ask Him to save you.

2 years ago

When do we see treasonous democrat party bosses, RINOS, spooks, and other unelected political operatives in jail?! They should be shot!

Craig the Czech
Craig the Czech
2 years ago

We knew the fix was in when Mueller’s staff was announced. And a child could see through the dossier if one took the time to actually read it. The proper name caps to make the illiterati think it was a real investigative report was a dead giveaway.

2 years ago

Muller and his team of crooked lawyers should refund that 30 million dollars back to the taxpayers.

2 years ago

People should hang to assure that this type of fraud never happens again. If not, some fine day when each is in his retirement they may have a serious accident.

2 years ago

The walls are closing in… here they come… they’re a coming you’ll see.

Mike Mulier
Mike Mulier
2 years ago

I hope that these allegations are reminded to the people during these next several months to show what’s going on with the corruption in our president government and the Democratic Party. They need to be reminded to fold their conscience.

Michael Flair
Michael Flair
2 years ago

The deep state is finally cracking. They can not stop John Durham, all the way to Hillary Clinton. They can not stop David Weiss, all the way to Hunter Biden. They will not indict Donald Trump for civil charge on January 6th, as there is no lawful basis. Law and justice are prevailing, and the era of protected woke democratic party elite power politics are ending. Hopefully, when this sordid mess is straightened out, I hope the Obama’s, the Clinton’s and the Biden’s are out of politics forever…and new pragmatic / democratic leaders, non progressive, non ideologue, emerge.

David Lilly
David Lilly
2 years ago

A HUGE part of the problem is the snails pace Durham investigation.
I am a loyal Trump supporter who will tell you that I am as suspicious of the Durham investigation as I can be.
Frankly, the slow speed screams to me of running out the clock on what we know were illegalities and conspiracies against Trump/

2 years ago

Robert Mueller claimed to be unfamiliar with Fusion GPS or the Steele Dossier in his testimony.

2 years ago

The reason none of the Democrat malfeasance was included is simple: Andrew Weissmann. Weissmann is a Democratic party insider, the poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct, and ran the “Mueller” investigation.

2 years ago

That’s what I was wondering all along! Why in heck was there zero interest in the origins of the accusations? You’d think that would be front and central, yet Mueller ignored entirely the provenance of every single one of the absurd allegation in the Steel Dossier and elsewhere. All of them were baseless, yet no interest in the origins. And these people call themselves investigators.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The sorry implication is that Mueller was on the same side as the conspirators and hoping to please them. The only glimmer of a chance which he quietly implied was did President interfere with the investigation

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