
Newsline , Society

Even a War Doesn’t Help Joe

Posted on Friday, March 25, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman


The partisans, hypesters, and media fellow travelers trying to portray President Joe Biden’s actions on the Ukraine crisis in a positive light are not having much success with the general public so far, the latest polls show. In fact, some of the more reliable pollsters, such as Rasmussen, show the Democratic president with worse numbers than he had before the Russian invasion.

The President’s pre-invasion strategy of publicly disclosing intelligence of Russian President Putin’s plans did not work, and his post-invasion actions of incremental aid to Ukraine and economic sanctions on Russia haven’t worked either — perceived as half-hearted or too slow, especially compared to stronger measures imposed by most of the U.S.’s European NATO allies. It was, after all, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, not Joe Biden, who pushed to remove Russia from the SWIFT international banking system. Even President Biden’s trip to Europe this week has not done much to restore a perception of American leadership.

Mr. Biden explains his hesitancy, and refusal to take stronger measures, as a prudent caution about precipitating a wider war, but savage images from Russian-caused death and destruction on the ground, plus the remarkably eloquent pleas from Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky for more help (including a dramatic televised appeal to a special session of the U.S. Congress) have seemingly left an impression that the U.S. could do more.

The European response has seemed so far to be more robust. In addition to providing Ukraine with significant weaponry and humanitarian supplies, nations that border the crisis are taking in great numbers of Ukrainian refugees, now believed to be more than 3 million, fleeing the invasion violence. Those border nations used to be Soviet Russian satellites cruelly suppressed by communist totalitarianism, and they are especially concerned by Mr. Putin’s perceived ambition to reconstruct the old Soviet empire that collapsed in the early 1990’s before Putin took power — and then gradually suppressed the fledgling Russian democracy.

Mr. Putin has reportedly asked China for help in Ukraine, and the Chinese have been cautiously supportive, yet Chinese leader Xi Jinping is watching the current crisis carefully, and has to be sobered by the democracies’ unexpected and unified response to the Russian aggression, especially the willingness of the Europeans to endure at least short-term hardships in order to sanction Russia. 

China has now had a glimpse of what Western economic actions might do if at a future date Beijing took precipitous action against Taiwan. Russia does $25 billion in trade annually with the U.S., but China does about $1 trillion. Russia has worldwide economic interests, but they are small compared to China’s global commitments. In the four weeks since the invasion began, China has observed Russia losing the propaganda war in Ukraine to an ex-TV comedian; watched a much superior Russian military at least temporarily checked by a small but determined Ukrainian armed force; and seen the national brand of the new Russia almost overnight become, with only a few exceptions, an international pariah.

A world of limited and relatively slow transportation options, no television, no internet, no social media, widespread poverty, hunger, and limited medical technology — that is, the world of only 75 years ago — is not the world of today. Totalitarianism is not what it used to be. Mr. Putin is a throwback, an anachronism, to a time when bad things usually happened out of sight and too late to do something to stop them. The question now is whether China’s leader understands the new complexities arising from how the world has changed.

There seems to be little question about whether or not Joe Biden gets it. He has seemed to wander from crisis to crisis unaware of public opinion and the public’s real interests. His belated actions in Ukraine are only a replay of his failure to act effectively on the border crisis, looming inflation, parents’ concerns about schools, the Middle East, and energy policy.

The voters apparently have his number, and that number isn’t likely going higher any time soon.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Where Biden is concerned I will quote Dr. Steve Turley with respect to Biden’s over all performance after ( 14 ) months of one crisis after another crisis with each new crisis outdoing the previous one…
” Biden is UNELECTABLE. ” It is game over for JRB, however, we have to deal with this bumbling idiot until Jan. of 2025, sadly enough…Unelectable is the key word here for obvious reasons…
As to this opinion piece on Putin’s Russia versus the Ukraine’s movie actor leader, both nations are corrupt to the core, hence the Biden family business dealings in the Ukraine & as VP JRB’s Quid Quo Pro in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired whom was investigating his son Hunter & the corrupt gas company Burisma…Despite all of this, NOT ( 1 ) arrest & the ” Big Guy ” gets installed as potus through a rigged 2020 election… :~(
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

The author writes “The voters apparently have his number, and that number isn’t likely going higher any time soon.” Well that is what voter fraud is designed to off-set. When Biden was asked yesterday in Brussels about being re-elected in 2024, his answer spoke volumes. While he may not be the Democrat candidate running in 2024, it seems very few in the Democrat Party are concerned about any Republican candidate being able to win a presidential election again. One way or another, the Democrats are intent on repeating the results of 2020 in 2024. That should serve as wake-up call for the comatose RNC and Republican establishment intent on maintaining the status quo, but sadly they haven’t even been able to figure out a coherent message for the 2022 midterms yet. Much less come up with a coordinated action to plan to ensure election integrity going forward.

As for Biden’s mishandling of Putin and the Ukrainian situation, what else can be said but he is the gift that keeps on giving…to the enemies of free people all around the world. Who better to be on the opposite side of the table from totalitarian regimes than feckless, incompetent Joe Biden. What a national embarrassment.

2 years ago

Many American voters are finally beginning to understand the utter incompetency, Commie leaning, dishonesty of Joe Biden. Biden is only effective at taking care of his own personal and family welfare at the expense and cheating of those who helped him get elected in a rigged election. I guess Dela-un-aware citizens are really proud of him …. YUK!

2 years ago

Biden is in league with globalist trying to make a one world government

2 years ago

In my humble opinion, this core issue needs to be addressed. By doing so, we would not be having this conversation, would we?

Without addressing it, I’m sure this conversation could go for decades.

2 years ago

Always wishful thinking by AMAC. I too look for hope in the midst of the events and climate of today. I wish I could draw the same conclusions but I do not see the worlds actions, particularly those of the United States current leadership, as a deterrent to Russia or China. Until we recognize that the debacle in Ukraine has much to do with our influence in Ukraine, we are part of the problem as opposed to the solution. The time of simplistic “They hate freedom and democracy” reasoning for anything our adversaries do in opposition to our interest is over and it is time to grow up. Biden, as much as anyone living, including Vladimir Putin, is responsible for the extremely predictable reaction of Russia to our trying to make Ukraine a NATO state and setting up military bio-labs on Russia’s doorstep. As I have said in the past, if China were to form a formal military alliance with Mexico with the overt purpose of opposing us, we would have no choice but to react militarily (although, that assumes that Biden and the Dems actually want what is best for the United States).

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Biden states he will run and win in 2024. He can claim anything, but voters will reject one party democrat rule now that people see what that means.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

We should “tread lightly” in the conflict and not end up like we did in 1917 and 1941. If the Ukraine conflict causes NATO to become involved, we are obligated, as a member, to be involved as well. Today, Communist China has grand designs on the Western Pacific region just as Japan did at the start of WW II. We have an agreement with Taiwan to defend them from Communist China if attacked. These conditions are strikingly similar to our being drawn into WW II. The Biden regime is weakening our military and gave away to the Taliban a huge amount of our military equipment and weapons. Now, our domestic oil supply is being shut down, a critical asset not only to our economy, but military’s ability to fight. Officers and enlisted members are being discharged if they don’t get the vax and the number is growing. Political views are also being reviewed and members being “weeded out if they are too “conservative”. Stalin purged his military just before WW II of those who were not strong enough supporters of the Soviet ideal.

The First world war started in 1914 and we got involved in 1917, not because of the sinking of the Lusitania, which WAS carrying a cargo of munitions in 1915, and due to our supplying the allies with arms and munitions that led to a questionable telegram from Germany to Mexico – The Zimmermanm telegram. Wilson had wanted to get involved but public opinion was against it, until the telegram content was used to sway the public to support our going to war.

Our involvement in World War 2 came about after we instituted the Lend Lease program, supplying the allies (again) with arms and munitions. Yes, there were some other factors, but this was a big one. Japan had it’s sights set on securing a vast area of the Western Pacific for energy and other raw materials. When it reached the point that they were going to have to confront the U.S. in their quest, the Soviet Consulate in Tokyo learned of the plans to attack Pearl Harbor and the American base in the Philippines and passed it on to Moscow. Russia was taking a beating from the Germans and Stalin was fearful that Japan would invade Russia from the East so he kept the information to himself and with Japan entering the war against the U.S. he felt safe moving a lot of his forces standing guard against an attack by Japan to the West to fight the Germans. So, Joe was taking our aid as an ally and withholding critical information that led to our entry into the war.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Franklin Roosevelt

2 years ago

Our president has been a side note internationally since his election. His is less than diligent even with damage control, as he is the cause in most cases in our present condition…(Covid, infrastructure, fuel and consumer goods, Afghanistan, social adjustments, race, gun rights,, and the current dismal showing in Europe. It’s a mess. China is not as “ignorant” as many preview them to be…they are calculating, clever, diligent and have a purpose within…..all the things America is not at present. They watch and wait……they have all the time they need and internally, they will run roughshod over their own people to get their goals met. I do not have the optimism the writer of this article carries……My glasses are still dark.

Wilson Smiths
Wilson Smiths
2 years ago

But things that needed to be done should be done on time

2 years ago

Biden is an illegal, fake president fostered by barack and Soros. Nothing will fix that.

Michael J. Kelly
Michael J. Kelly
2 years ago

Too little too late seems to be this WH slogan, and it rankles my hide. The idiots who hated Donald Trump for being now have stepped in it on their own porch electing a bumbling fool. Finally he gets enough Geritol in him to get righteously incensed and his “Handlers” have to go get all apologetic over what he said. We need to get Rid of Putin, no matter what method is used, discussed, or chagrins others for offending their delicate natures. Rabid Dogs get disposed of quickly, and efficiently You take away the Nuke Button from the crazy, insecure, and easily manipulated. Grow up and get it done. Hesitancy never won any footrace, or prevented a War.

Patrick Gillette
Patrick Gillette
2 years ago

Votes wont matter if Biden declares Martial Law before the November elections

2 years ago

That’s because the Biden Corrupt Crime Family has sold out to Borge the Chinese and the Russians!

2 years ago

Mush-brained Biden is nothing but a criminal communist puppet. He proves it every day.

Jerry Michael Barbour
Jerry Michael Barbour
2 years ago

This country needs Trump back in office. This country was doing great under President Trump. Just look what Biden has accomplished while in office. He has closed the Keystone Pipeline and opened up the border so that all the drug cartels and murderers can have free access to this country. Just look at the price of gas now. When President Trump was in office gas was $1.86 per gallon. Look what it is now. And if President Trump was the President this thing that is going on would not have been thought of. All of these countries saw that Biden was weak and they have taken advantage of it. I also believe that the election was stolen from President Trump.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Where Biden is concerned I will quote Dr. Steve Turley with respect to Biden’s over all performance after ( 14 ) months of one crisis after another crisis with each new crisis outdoing the previous one…
” Biden is UNELECTABLE. ” It is game over for JRB, however, we have to deal with this bumbling idiot until Jan. of 2025, sadly enough…Unelectable is the key word here for obvious reasons…
As to this opinion piece on Putin’s Russia versus the Ukraine’s movie actor leader, both nations are corrupt to the core, hence the Biden family business dealings in the Ukraine & as VP JRB’s Quid Quo Pro in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired whom was investigating his son Hunter & the corrupt gas company Burisma…Despite all of this, NOT ( 1 ) arrest & the ” Big Guy ” gets installed as potus through a rigged 2020 election… :~(
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

The author writes “The voters apparently have his number, and that number isn’t likely going higher any time soon.” Well that is what voter fraud is designed to off-set. When Biden was asked yesterday in Brussels about being re-elected in 2024, his answer spoke volumes. While he may not be the Democrat candidate running in 2024, it seems very few in the Democrat Party are concerned about any Republican candidate being able to win a presidential election again. One way or another, the Democrats are intent on repeating the results of 2020 in 2024. That should serve as wake-up call for the comatose RNC and Republican establishment intent on maintaining the status quo, but sadly they haven’t even been able to figure out a coherent message for the 2022 midterms yet. Much less come up with a coordinated action to plan to ensure election integrity going forward.

As for Biden’s mishandling of Putin and the Ukrainian situation, what else can be said but he is the gift that keeps on giving…to the enemies of free people all around the world. Who better to be on the opposite side of the table from totalitarian regimes than feckless, incompetent Joe Biden. What a national embarrassment.

2 years ago

Many American voters are finally beginning to understand the utter incompetency, Commie leaning, dishonesty of Joe Biden. Biden is only effective at taking care of his own personal and family welfare at the expense and cheating of those who helped him get elected in a rigged election. I guess Dela-un-aware citizens are really proud of him …. YUK!

2 years ago

Biden is in league with globalist trying to make a one world government

2 years ago

In my humble opinion, this core issue needs to be addressed. By doing so, we would not be having this conversation, would we?

Without addressing it, I’m sure this conversation could go for decades.

2 years ago

Always wishful thinking by AMAC. I too look for hope in the midst of the events and climate of today. I wish I could draw the same conclusions but I do not see the worlds actions, particularly those of the United States current leadership, as a deterrent to Russia or China. Until we recognize that the debacle in Ukraine has much to do with our influence in Ukraine, we are part of the problem as opposed to the solution. The time of simplistic “They hate freedom and democracy” reasoning for anything our adversaries do in opposition to our interest is over and it is time to grow up. Biden, as much as anyone living, including Vladimir Putin, is responsible for the extremely predictable reaction of Russia to our trying to make Ukraine a NATO state and setting up military bio-labs on Russia’s doorstep. As I have said in the past, if China were to form a formal military alliance with Mexico with the overt purpose of opposing us, we would have no choice but to react militarily (although, that assumes that Biden and the Dems actually want what is best for the United States).

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Biden states he will run and win in 2024. He can claim anything, but voters will reject one party democrat rule now that people see what that means.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

We should “tread lightly” in the conflict and not end up like we did in 1917 and 1941. If the Ukraine conflict causes NATO to become involved, we are obligated, as a member, to be involved as well. Today, Communist China has grand designs on the Western Pacific region just as Japan did at the start of WW II. We have an agreement with Taiwan to defend them from Communist China if attacked. These conditions are strikingly similar to our being drawn into WW II. The Biden regime is weakening our military and gave away to the Taliban a huge amount of our military equipment and weapons. Now, our domestic oil supply is being shut down, a critical asset not only to our economy, but military’s ability to fight. Officers and enlisted members are being discharged if they don’t get the vax and the number is growing. Political views are also being reviewed and members being “weeded out if they are too “conservative”. Stalin purged his military just before WW II of those who were not strong enough supporters of the Soviet ideal.

The First world war started in 1914 and we got involved in 1917, not because of the sinking of the Lusitania, which WAS carrying a cargo of munitions in 1915, and due to our supplying the allies with arms and munitions that led to a questionable telegram from Germany to Mexico – The Zimmermanm telegram. Wilson had wanted to get involved but public opinion was against it, until the telegram content was used to sway the public to support our going to war.

Our involvement in World War 2 came about after we instituted the Lend Lease program, supplying the allies (again) with arms and munitions. Yes, there were some other factors, but this was a big one. Japan had it’s sights set on securing a vast area of the Western Pacific for energy and other raw materials. When it reached the point that they were going to have to confront the U.S. in their quest, the Soviet Consulate in Tokyo learned of the plans to attack Pearl Harbor and the American base in the Philippines and passed it on to Moscow. Russia was taking a beating from the Germans and Stalin was fearful that Japan would invade Russia from the East so he kept the information to himself and with Japan entering the war against the U.S. he felt safe moving a lot of his forces standing guard against an attack by Japan to the West to fight the Germans. So, Joe was taking our aid as an ally and withholding critical information that led to our entry into the war.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Franklin Roosevelt

2 years ago

Our president has been a side note internationally since his election. His is less than diligent even with damage control, as he is the cause in most cases in our present condition…(Covid, infrastructure, fuel and consumer goods, Afghanistan, social adjustments, race, gun rights,, and the current dismal showing in Europe. It’s a mess. China is not as “ignorant” as many preview them to be…they are calculating, clever, diligent and have a purpose within…..all the things America is not at present. They watch and wait……they have all the time they need and internally, they will run roughshod over their own people to get their goals met. I do not have the optimism the writer of this article carries……My glasses are still dark.

Wilson Smiths
Wilson Smiths
2 years ago

But things that needed to be done should be done on time

2 years ago

Biden is an illegal, fake president fostered by barack and Soros. Nothing will fix that.

Michael J. Kelly
Michael J. Kelly
2 years ago

Too little too late seems to be this WH slogan, and it rankles my hide. The idiots who hated Donald Trump for being now have stepped in it on their own porch electing a bumbling fool. Finally he gets enough Geritol in him to get righteously incensed and his “Handlers” have to go get all apologetic over what he said. We need to get Rid of Putin, no matter what method is used, discussed, or chagrins others for offending their delicate natures. Rabid Dogs get disposed of quickly, and efficiently You take away the Nuke Button from the crazy, insecure, and easily manipulated. Grow up and get it done. Hesitancy never won any footrace, or prevented a War.

Patrick Gillette
Patrick Gillette
2 years ago

Votes wont matter if Biden declares Martial Law before the November elections

2 years ago

That’s because the Biden Corrupt Crime Family has sold out to Borge the Chinese and the Russians!

2 years ago

Mush-brained Biden is nothing but a criminal communist puppet. He proves it every day.

Jerry Michael Barbour
Jerry Michael Barbour
2 years ago

This country needs Trump back in office. This country was doing great under President Trump. Just look what Biden has accomplished while in office. He has closed the Keystone Pipeline and opened up the border so that all the drug cartels and murderers can have free access to this country. Just look at the price of gas now. When President Trump was in office gas was $1.86 per gallon. Look what it is now. And if President Trump was the President this thing that is going on would not have been thought of. All of these countries saw that Biden was weak and they have taken advantage of it. I also believe that the election was stolen from President Trump.

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