Just when you thought lunacy had limits, a Biden deal with Iran – allowing eventual nuclear weapons (imagining development slowing), US taxpayer money, and no sanctions – appears near. How could this happen? What would this mean? How do we stop it?
The deal is back on the table because Biden – with his entourage of naïve and pro-Iran advocates – have redoubled efforts to get something like their prior deal, an unenforceable go-slow deal that promised an eventual nuclear Iran. Obama-Biden gave them hundreds of millions of dollars, which were used by Iran’s brutal regime to repress their own people, finance terror, their military, and develop the bomb.
Today, indulging trust like children in criminals, Biden sees a change to declare – much like Neville Chamberlain did when finishing a deal with Nazi Germany – that he has found “peace in our time” with Iran. The idea is worse than folly; it is dangerously irresponsible.
All should ask, how can such deal be under discussion – especially now? How does a peace-minded world – one sanctioning Russia for misuse of conventional weapons – ironically pay money to terrorist, nuclear-fixated Iran, on false pretenses, knowing no sanctions means nukes and more terror?
It makes no sense, except to an amoral, politically naïve, objectively dim American leader – one who imagines (having reluctantly cut off oil imports from Russian and domestic energy production) he can get oil from Iran, if only he lifts sanctions on them. See, e.g., Russia backs down on demands in Iran nuclear deal talks, making revival of 2015 pact imminent.
This strategy, which even Russia sees gain in – so dropped objections to the US-Iran deal – is the epitome of wrong-headedness. See, e.g., Joe Biden’s Iran plan is a total disaster.
Why? Because Iran is sprinting for a nuclear weapon, is Russia’s and China’s sworn ally, the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism, is killing and persecuting more people than Russia in Ukraine. The idea is lunacy.
Worse, by lifting sanctions reimposed by the former Administration on Iran, the gloves are likely to come off across the Middle East. Other countries, especially Sunni countries like Saudi, will seek nuclear weapons, and may decide to ally with China, not the United States. That would be unfortunate.
Signs are, many are retreating from confidence in the United States under presidents back to Reagan, and are now seeking new deals with China, while also positioning themselves to live the likelihood of a nuclear war, created by Biden’s indulgence of Russia and now Iran. This is ominous. See, e.g., Why it matters if Saudi Arabia sells oil in Chinese yuan instead of US dollars; Sasse: Saudi oil deal with China is ‘big, bad thing,’ that could be sign of global shift away from US.
So, what is the “state of play” right now, what would it mean, and how can we stop it? The state of play is that Russia is now willing to let the deal go, seeing it weaken the West, so gave Biden the green light, and has withdrawn objections. Biden’s people signal they may get something out of Vienna negotiations with within days.
Biden would claim a victory in the deal and victory in new oil from Iran, deflecting dangers created by the deal, new money from US taxpayers (directly and indirectly) for Iran, and failure to restart US energy production. He would deflect Russia’s support for the deal and financing Iranian terrorism.
The overall impact on the US gas and fuel prices would be minimal since the OPEC price will remain high, and big hit at pump is created by halting US energy production from critical venues, fracking, drilling, refining, import by pipeline to Canada, and export to Europe. See, e.g., Tightening oil market eyes Iran nuclear talks, as deal could be near.
Net-net, the outcome of a new “nuclear deal” with Iran would hit the US and allied security in major ways, re-empowering and re-financing the Iranian nuclear program, terror machine, and economy – while helping Russia, showing more weakness and naivete, and doing nothing to help Americans.
What can be done to stop it? With effort, several things. First, if popular uproar emerges – at a time when bipartisan anti-Putin sentiment runs strong – a bipartisan congressional stop could be pushed. Second, US national security and energy experts should step up to make clear this is a no-go. Third, grassroots political actors should make clear – if this happens, it will affect 2022 and 2024.
In the end, the Biden Administration personifies weak leadership, a poor understanding of strategic foreign policy, and a stunning misunderstanding of multi-step national security protection. That said, the American people are strong, smart, and can be powerful when they speak. Now is the time.
This is his 3rd term, unfinished business. Nukes for our sworn enemies.
Seeds for Armageddon ahead WW3 via Iran
But don’t you know the Iran deal is Vital, VITAL FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA, A continuation of the Democrats plan, make the enemy stronger!
God Save America!
One of the keys regarding the actual REASON WHY the Iran deal is arranged is if the money or a portion of the money is in CASH. Obama/Kerry did this. If Biden does as well you have your answer. Extremely difficult to track but it can be done. This ‘cash’ money ended up in offshore bank accounts of Obama/Kerry. We DO know exactly the two paths each took to launder the money.
No surprise here. Biden is not only a demented fool, but a traitor. Outrageously, the mainstream media is complicit in his planned destruction of the United States.
This is probably pretty good evidence that Brandon is the puppet out in front of the Wizard of Oz curtain while pro-Isl@mic terror Obama is behind the curtain operating the controls during is covert third term.
Biden is a idiot!!
The Biden administration is damaging America. What we don’t know is whether this is intentional or pure stupidity.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes and the Obama regime is helping the matter with Iran, Russia, China, they all going to go against Israel and the Christian we better get ready because there will be a major deal happening with the Antichrist the leader of the world is going to be in power starting with COVID19.
Only one bone to pick. Chamberlain was a genuine British patriot who erred badly and admitted his mistake and then supported his successor. Our president had zero character or integrity when he was a younger man. His sole motivation down thru the decades was getting ahead…for him and his family. To my knowledge not a single dem in office supported trump in any way, on exiting the iran deal, paris accords or building a barrier to uncontrollable invasion by diseased third world jailbirds.
This will play out on the History channel and look like 1939. I am 74 and this scares me. This will not end well.
The word Lunacy doesn’t even come close to how our country handles foreign policy’s. None of the Iran nuclear deal- as it’s come to be known- should have ever gotten to this stage of the game.
Once again, elections have consequences. Our enemies can see just how feeble and ineffective our so called President is, so why wouldn’t the tyrants of the world do as they want?
As soon as jack@$$ Joe took office and showed the world just how diluted his mind really was, North Korea immediately began testing and launching missiles into the the sea towards Japan again, and it didn’t take long for Russia to start up either.
I know China has been doing this for awhile now, but look at China and their expansion of their mainland by building artificial islands in the South China Sea. The United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines and then of course the UN started screaming foul, saying it was in violation of international law. But it didn’t stop China from doing as they pleased. Now they have seven artificial islands that they have militarized and in doing so control most of the South China Sea.
My point in all this is, we need to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a problem, and Pi$$ poor, weak and ineffective leaders such as Carter, Obama and Biden are not the answer, they only tend to get us into trouble. Where as with strong decisive leaders our country tends to fare better overall…I miss the days of Ron Reagan and of course, those of Donald Trump!
God Bless the USA
Why is there not one Democrat repelling this thought??? Someone must stop this nonsense, please! November cannot come soon enough!
Biden isn’t using his brain because he doesn’t have one! The current Obama Administration is
leading him around by his nose! God help us!
Biden will let the world destroy the United States.Biden is a trader and has no idea what to do.
If you step back and look what this inept administration and those who follow it are doing…you
may see the possibility that the Lord is using the GODless
to bring the world closer to the Revelation of Christ JESUS !! Everything is moving faster
and faster toward the Day of
the Lord !! COME LORD JESUS !!!
Biden and his minions are globalists. In short, that means they are dedicated to putting the rest of the world first and America last. Obviously they must deny that publicly, but they cannot deny the actual result of what they have done and are doing. Ignorant Americans support them without fully understanding the implications and we have a mainstream media that is in bed with these globalists. The only solution is education of a public showing little desire to be educated, far more interested in the latest fads and designer drugs than their future freedom. Disseminating that education without media help and given the globalist leaning of public education may be impossible, but the long term survival of freedom and our nation depends on it.
Please run for President in the next election
This is what you get when you have an Idiot in the White House and Liberals. God help us. He needs to be impeached and the whole liberal cronies.
Puppet master 44 wants deal to go through by controlling Biden
The puppet biden doesn’t have a clue what is going on. I sure hope when he goes to Europe and Poland he has someone who can cover for his stupidity. The communists in Washington have had control of our lives for a little over a year and look at what they have done to us. We are losing our country because of their power and money control.
I’m shocked that this deal could be passed without congressional approval. Even a child could see how terrible this deal is. It must stop. We need to allow American oil production not Iran’s oil import. What insane person would allow this? We need more people to be aware that this is happening! Congress needs to stop it and not allow our money to finance Iranian terror groups. Is Biden nuts?
IMHO: We should remember that this old man, Biden, is in his dotage, with a congress and a supreme court of old fossils. A lot of senility sitting around up there in the White Asylum with a bunch of toadies with weird ideas. But I did hear him make a true statement; surprise! Doesn’t happen often.
He said our inflation wasn’t caused by government spending too much money, which is true; however, the real cause is the government borrowing huge sums of money and GIVING it away to people abroad who don’t like our successful culture here in our Constitutional Republic, the USA, thus financing their terrorism, wars, and hate programs to destroy the USA. Borrowing money for others, even friends, has never been a good idea, ever. Borrowing money and just paying the interest and borrowing more on top of that is even a much worse idea, which is why we have an astronomical national debt. I believe this started with President Wilson, but Biden is certainly amplifying it. The USA has technically been broke for many years and is living on borrowed money.
The lenders will come to foreclose on us one day because we can’t pay our bills any more, the collateral is our country, and the USA will be no more; but then, that’s the general goal of the liberal extremists. Where could we emigrate too? I guess what’s left of us after the “Great Vaccination Kill Off,” which is cleaner than a nuclear explosion and doesn’t destroy the infrastructure, can work as slaves keeping the Elites fat, dumb, “owning nothing and being happy,” as they keep saying. Mass Formation Psychosis and Happy Pills; well, that oughta do it!
Biden needs to be removed from office, the congress and supreme court needs to be flushed down the toilet and replaced with people a bit younger and can pass a rigorous background security screening even stronger than our military has, who actually like the USA, and will work to keep us strong rather than make us a weak laughingstock. This time around be sure we have term limits in place. We need to stop this BS (Biden $h*t) NOW, not later.
All o f the Democrats in power are not international deplomats, nor are they able to defend or protect our country. This is more of their insanity.
It would be sad to claim that the Biden/Obama Iran Deal is just naïve, however it is quite intentional. The Israeli’s learned years ago that appeasement was not the answer to a Peace Deal with the PLO. What we have here is an act of Sedition and being Traitors to America. There comes a time when sensibility must override any political acts of Traitorous behavior on the part of any political party. In other words we need the adults in the room to just say NO! There is nothing in this “Deal” that benefits America. We can’t wait until 2024 to Make America Great Again. It has to start NOW!
The biggest threat that AMERICA faces today is the democRATS and their idiotic agenda.
Joe Biden and his moronic staff should no longer be allowed to make decisions! Please tell me we are not letting Russia negotiate a Nuke deal with Iran for us! Wake up people!!! We are being sold out right in front of our eyes! The Dems are no longer hiding it! We must not give in! Our and our Children’s future are at stake. Please pray that through the grace of our savior the socialists will not prevail!
This is his 3rd term, unfinished business. Nukes for our sworn enemies.
Seeds for Armageddon ahead WW3 via Iran
But don’t you know the Iran deal is Vital, VITAL FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA, A continuation of the Democrats plan, make the enemy stronger!
God Save America!
One of the keys regarding the actual REASON WHY the Iran deal is arranged is if the money or a portion of the money is in CASH. Obama/Kerry did this. If Biden does as well you have your answer. Extremely difficult to track but it can be done. This ‘cash’ money ended up in offshore bank accounts of Obama/Kerry. We DO know exactly the two paths each took to launder the money.
No surprise here. Biden is not only a demented fool, but a traitor. Outrageously, the mainstream media is complicit in his planned destruction of the United States.
This is probably pretty good evidence that Brandon is the puppet out in front of the Wizard of Oz curtain while pro-Isl@mic terror Obama is behind the curtain operating the controls during is covert third term.
Biden is a idiot!!
The Biden administration is damaging America. What we don’t know is whether this is intentional or pure stupidity.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes and the Obama regime is helping the matter with Iran, Russia, China, they all going to go against Israel and the Christian we better get ready because there will be a major deal happening with the Antichrist the leader of the world is going to be in power starting with COVID19.
Only one bone to pick. Chamberlain was a genuine British patriot who erred badly and admitted his mistake and then supported his successor. Our president had zero character or integrity when he was a younger man. His sole motivation down thru the decades was getting ahead…for him and his family. To my knowledge not a single dem in office supported trump in any way, on exiting the iran deal, paris accords or building a barrier to uncontrollable invasion by diseased third world jailbirds.
This will play out on the History channel and look like 1939. I am 74 and this scares me. This will not end well.
The word Lunacy doesn’t even come close to how our country handles foreign policy’s. None of the Iran nuclear deal- as it’s come to be known- should have ever gotten to this stage of the game.
Once again, elections have consequences. Our enemies can see just how feeble and ineffective our so called President is, so why wouldn’t the tyrants of the world do as they want?
As soon as jack@$$ Joe took office and showed the world just how diluted his mind really was, North Korea immediately began testing and launching missiles into the the sea towards Japan again, and it didn’t take long for Russia to start up either.
I know China has been doing this for awhile now, but look at China and their expansion of their mainland by building artificial islands in the South China Sea. The United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines and then of course the UN started screaming foul, saying it was in violation of international law. But it didn’t stop China from doing as they pleased. Now they have seven artificial islands that they have militarized and in doing so control most of the South China Sea.
My point in all this is, we need to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a problem, and Pi$$ poor, weak and ineffective leaders such as Carter, Obama and Biden are not the answer, they only tend to get us into trouble. Where as with strong decisive leaders our country tends to fare better overall…I miss the days of Ron Reagan and of course, those of Donald Trump!
God Bless the USA
Why is there not one Democrat repelling this thought??? Someone must stop this nonsense, please! November cannot come soon enough!
Biden isn’t using his brain because he doesn’t have one! The current Obama Administration is
leading him around by his nose! God help us!
Biden will let the world destroy the United States.Biden is a trader and has no idea what to do.
If you step back and look what this inept administration and those who follow it are doing…you
may see the possibility that the Lord is using the GODless
to bring the world closer to the Revelation of Christ JESUS !! Everything is moving faster
and faster toward the Day of
the Lord !! COME LORD JESUS !!!
Biden and his minions are globalists. In short, that means they are dedicated to putting the rest of the world first and America last. Obviously they must deny that publicly, but they cannot deny the actual result of what they have done and are doing. Ignorant Americans support them without fully understanding the implications and we have a mainstream media that is in bed with these globalists. The only solution is education of a public showing little desire to be educated, far more interested in the latest fads and designer drugs than their future freedom. Disseminating that education without media help and given the globalist leaning of public education may be impossible, but the long term survival of freedom and our nation depends on it.
Please run for President in the next election
This is what you get when you have an Idiot in the White House and Liberals. God help us. He needs to be impeached and the whole liberal cronies.
Puppet master 44 wants deal to go through by controlling Biden