
Elections , Newsline

Is Hillary Gearing Up For Yet Another Run at President In 2024?

Posted on Monday, March 14, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Louis J. Senn


Just weeks after new bombshell revelations from the Durham investigation potentially implicating senior aides from her 2016 campaign in criminal wrongdoing, Hillary Clinton resurfaced again in New York to give a suspiciously campaign-sounding speech to state Democrats. After lying largely dormant during the Trump years, Clinton has quietly begun increasing her public appearances in recent months, dropping subtle hints that she may not be as done with politics as some had previously thought. Thus, with the midterms still more than seven months away, it may already be time to ask – after being thoroughly embarrassed and exposed last time around, is Hillary gearing up for another bid for the White House in 2024?

As ordinary Americans continue to face a litany of crises, from skyrocketing gas prices to a raging border crisis, the constant focus of the Beltway as always remains on the next election. An increasing number of voters clearly regard President Biden as unfit for office. So, that means it may be time for the Democratic Party to find a new candidate to put forward for 2024 if they want any chance of maintaining control of the White House.

As these discussions have quietly begun to take place in Democratic circles, Hillary Clinton continues to pop up like some sort of political whack-a-mole game.

This wouldn’t be the first time that Hillary has emerged to try and regain power after many had written her off. Following the turmoil that embroiled her husband’s years in office, many thought Hillary and the Clinton name would be forever stained by the unprecedented number of scandals. Nonetheless, Hillary managed to win a U.S. Senate election, and her career miraculously appeared to be on the upswing.

After a failed presidential run in 2008, she came back as Secretary of State. She then tried another presidential run in 2016 – this time running up against an opponent in Donald Trump who thoroughly exposed Clinton for her corruption. More than just beating her, Donald Trump appeared to have destroyed her political career forever.

Still, there were rumors she might try a rematch against Trump in 2020. But Joe Biden had been dutifully put forward, as it was now his promised turn.

The results, as many Americans have plainly seen, have not been stellar. Perhaps even more alarmingly for Democrats, the party doesn’t appear to have anyone on its bench to swoop in and replace Joe in 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris, who would normally be the favorite to succeed Biden, is even more unpopular than the President, no small feat given Biden’s own dismal poll numbers. Bernie Sanders is likely too old. Even Pete Buttigieg, who was seen as an up and coming star during the 2020 Democratic primary, has now fallen out of favor with Democratic insiders as a presidential hopeful. Thus, incredibly, Clinton may have an opening.

However, the trick in running for office is to want it enough to run but not show the voters just how desperately you want it. Perhaps that is why the Democratic establishment and the mainstream media are so aggressively assuring Americans that Clinton does not want the presidency.

Recently, Clinton was asked if she would consider running again in 2024 and laughed it off quickly. And she has repeatedly insisted that she doesn’t want to run. But her actions in recent months seem to tell a different story.

Take, for example, the before-mentioned speech to the New York State Democrat Convention. For many who watched, they got the distinct impression that she was relaunching and resetting her image as the Democrats begin their frantic search for someone who can replace Biden in 2024. Hillary also took the bizarre step of going on NBC and publicly reading her victory speech that she would have given if she had won the presidency in 2016. Such a move seems either an incredible display of narcissism or a deliberate attempt to convince people that she would still make a good president (or, perhaps more likely, both).

Career politicians like Clinton will generally say anything to get power, so it’s always their actions that demonstrate their true intentions. Clinton may believe that we’re foolish enough to think her “no” will convince us that she’s not interested in running, but you don’t launch two hard-fought campaigns if you’re not fervent about becoming president. It is hard to believe Hillary wouldn’t make the run if she thought she had a chance to win.

Democrats, however, should approach Hillary’s dreams of a comeback with extreme caution. There seems little reason to believe a third try at the presidency would end any less disastrously than the previous two. After all, with the entire Democratic establishment rallying behind Terry McAuliffe in a losing effort against Republican Glenn Youngkin for Virginia Governor, Clinton was conspicuously absent. Although she held a fundraiser for McAuliffe in New York, she was not asked to come campaign for McAuliffe in Virginia, something that even the deeply unpopular current president was asked to do.

In short, while Hillary’s diehard loyalists are likely convinced that she has a chance to finally get over the hump and win the presidency in 2024, no one else currently appears to agree, even most other Democrats. So while Hillary can try to claw her way back from political irrelevancy, she’s likely to find only the same cold shoulder from voters that she felt the last time she asked for power six years ago. 

Louis J. Senn is a lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky, who previously worked for the Trump Administration. 

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Only for laffs & gaffes

2 years ago

God please help America and the world, make it impossible for her to run, Amen.

2 years ago

Please God NO!!!

2 years ago

Some people are just too dumb to know when it’s over!

2 years ago

We will trade Hillary for Jussie Smollet.

2 years ago

That’s obviously a 10-year-plus old photo of Hillary. Most recent photos shows a much older woman. With the Durham investigation still gathering info, would she risk it? There’s been some speculation the Dems who look to Michelle … just what we need an Obama term 4!!

2 years ago

She has no idea how much she’s hated!

Donald A Colongeli
Donald A Colongeli
2 years ago


2 years ago

Good grief! How old is this picture of the Hilldebeast? The Dems should at least have the guts to show a new picture of the old hag. Last time I saw her on the news, she could hardly stand up those big guys beside her. We would be trading one brain-dead old socialist for another.
Hag Hillary is so filled with hate, as are most democrats, she can hardly speak without turning red in the face. It’s amazing that the demo/globalists can list as it’s members so many wicked, evil, Godless, satanic people.

L Stuart
L Stuart
2 years ago

I rest my case she should be in prison,but Democrats have no shame scruples or any decency. Democrats will vote for that hateful corrupt individual.

2 years ago

I sure hope so because it would be great to expose all her lies and corruption plus lable her the 4 time LOSER !!!
Goes to show how pathetic the marxist democrat party is and what depths an arrogant, self serving ,career politician will go through to satisfy their addiction for power and money!
Easy to see the devil at work publicly exposed!
Just maybe that will wake up the real American Citizens and install their drive to rid Our Country of these FAILURES!!!

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Hillary already served 8 years as co-president, she should be ineligible.

2 years ago


2 years ago

THAT would be the Democrats downfall.

2 years ago


Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

That picture must be from the 1990’s she didn’t look too bad then. Now she is just an old tub of lard with a ton of makeup but still the same old lying snake who would steal the eyeballs out of your head if she could make a buck selling them.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Why not? She still thinks she is great and its been 20 years since the white house and 8 years since secretary of state. I lot of new younger voters will only look at her smile and say maybe its time for the first female President. REMEMBER how so many people wanted to say they voted for the first black President?

2 years ago

Remember Benghazi!!!!

That is all the GOP would need to repeat on a daily basis if Hillary ever runs for any government office again.

Never forget Benghazi.

2 years ago

Hiliary Clinton should never for anything again. She is a criminal and should be arrested and put in jail for the rest of her life!

2 years ago

Hillary is one of the most evil and corrupt politicians in our country. It only stands to reason that the socialist democrats will nominate her to “take it to the next level”. The country will be in such shambles by 2024 that even the weak minded will not be able to accept the lies and deceit of the left. There might be only one that could soundly defeat her. Time will tell.

2 years ago

Instead of running for President, she should be having to answer for a long list of indiscretions going back 40+ years, including Benghazi.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
2 years ago

She might be able to run for jail house cell mom, but she is not qualified for that either.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

she is an old bag full of lies everyone knows it that is a comfort many are looking for if you were to offer true grit many would be scared looks like she is poised to become The big white grandmother in Washington who loves all her children that it is even possible is the biggest scare

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

The only person that I KNOW that can tell more lies than Killary is Piss-Lack- Buck Fiden’s Strawberry Shortcake!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

As Killary said– “What difference does it make NOW?”

2 years ago

Killary Clinton you disgusting pos.. you are a Racist murdering pig.. you sure learned a lot from your mentor Margaret Sanger..

2 years ago

The evil Jezebel, will suffer as the first did!

2 years ago

I dont dismiss Hillary as the next demon candidate. She lost both times against historically atypical people, first Obama then Trump the great outsider. I can see them pulling the same stunt they pulled with sniffy. Sniffy was nominated in order to achieve a sense of normalcy and continuity so as to fool the easily duped long term dem voters. They were afraid of the insanely radical commula and justly so. Dont think the people running the demon establishment are brainless. They got a shell of a man elected along with the terribly unpopular commula, easily the most radical senator. Hillary can position herself as someone who can bring back the predictable 90s. Hey folks, if you want some fun reading, pick up cs lewis the screwtape letters. Then mentally switch prominent dems into the narrators role. Perfect!

2 years ago

I sure hope we do not have to put up with her lies again. We have enough problems with the communist Washington group we sure don’t need satan running our country

2 years ago

The Hill-hoe has illusions of grandeur.

Gen. Grany
Gen. Grany
2 years ago

Yeah sure, who is kidding who?? Corrupt Hillary will be lucky to not be in jail 2 yrs from now. She is toast, a dead woman limping! She is also very IS UNHEALTHY and mentally dangerous.

Tell No lies
Tell No lies
2 years ago

Hey AMAC, why don’t you get a recent picture of ‘Hellary”, she wished she looked half this good as the picture portrays!

2 years ago

Didn’t Hillary say the state can raise our children better then we can?

2 years ago

If the movers and shakers in the Democrat party are seriously considering Hillary for a third run, it underscores just how big the leadership vacuum is for the party of destruction and lies. If the best they can do is rerun aging, corrupt, career politicians, then they have demonstrated once again how little their party has to offer. Essentially, the Democrats are void of ideas (as if they ever had any worth considering), and their “leaders” lack substance. Hillary might think her chances have improved since the Democrat crime machine successfully stole the 2020 election, but unless 100% of voters have been lobotomized, the next federal election is going to be the most closely monitored in history (I hope).

2 years ago

Yes, she will try for another run, hopefully not…she is as bad Biden and Kamala blend, she cackle as much as Kamala and artful lieds about everything.

2 years ago

Is that all the DNC has for candidates? They seem to perpetually rob sanatoria, and geriatric care facilities of their most intensive care patients to fill their top positions. Hillary Clinton who was more carried by her Secret Service detail than escorted, who looked frozen in time for minutes over balloons dropped from above with her mouth wide agape, with sunglasses in the middle of the night to stop photographers from triggering the same effect with their flash? Joe Biden who talks incoherently, sniffs hair, doesn’t know where he is, who his wife is, what position he’s holding, who states “his butts been wiped”, and who states that THEY won’t like him talking about certain subjects, and agrees with all of us and the phrase “let’s go Brandon!” ?Nancy Pelosi who talks in similar unintelligible ways to Biden, about subjects only known to her and the dark spirits that guide her, rubs her knuckles enthusiastically in a manner reminiscent of crazed insects at the mention of fallen servicemembers, who hoards ice cream in two commercial grade refrigerators, and publicly destroys SOTU documents on live TV because she can’t restrain her anger?…

The democrat party is so out of touch, and way over the congressional hill that it brings up the question if any President should not have to pass a full background check, medical examination, and mental evaluation for sanity, and competence before being allowed to recite the oath of office, or even before being allowed to publicly declare their candidacy.

2 years ago

I hope she tries again. I love to watch her fail!

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

2 years ago

Why not? Where else can you use the power of the office to enrich ones pockets? Perhaps she will up the anti from 10- 15% for the big gal? An opportunist. Will they hide her in the basement like Biden until the election is over?

2 years ago

When the press bandies around her name for candidate they should not forget to mention how she “reset” relations with Russia, and her prominent role in selling 20% of America’s Uranium production capacity to a country that her compadre Biden now got to threaten America with nuclear war. Oh she and Russia’s Vlad the Inhaler are BFFs. Now that’s an inconvenient truth for the DNC, isn’t it?

2 years ago

This menace to society will JUST NOT GO AWAY will she? This loathsome creature is absolutely consumed with the quest for power…..she will never get my vote if she was the second to the last person on earth.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

Billary aka Mr. & Mrs Clinton need to GO AWAY ! AND STAY FAR FAR AWAY!!!!!!

Diana Hilty
Diana Hilty
2 years ago

Just another distraction. She wants to have the lying media writing about how wonderful she is, instead of printing the truth about all the corruption she is involved in destroying our Country.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

Not that I would want to help the Democrats find a candidate, but they would be better off pushing Joe Manchin or Krysten Senima than Hilary Clinton.

2 years ago

skunks only stop stinking after they’ve been dead for years

2 years ago

This should not even be considered. She should be in prison no questions asked. Her and obama considering what they did to Trump.

Jamie Martin
Jamie Martin
2 years ago

All of the Clintons have been executed! What is this all about?

2 years ago

Think of it, it would be a gift! Demdumbocrats are circling the drain. It the DNC elects Hilary for their front runner, Trump will be a shoe-in. The patriots of our nation in addition to the broken half (the demdumbocrats) Know that our country was on the upswing with Trump and now know that it could have only gotten better. Yes, there are still a few brainless slogs still slithering around the America that we Will Make Great Again…but I think we are strong!

2 years ago

Not trying to be snarky, but just observing that the picture of her you show is either 20 years old, or she has had a heck of a lot of “work done.”

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
2 years ago

No way the Dems could come up with a scheme to steal this one.

Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
2 years ago

I just have to comment: Did we forget Hillary was the worst Sec State we every had? She should be in jail. She lies more than Peppermint Patty and Sleepy Joe together. Now…..if the Dems choose her to get the nomination…….and by some chance she wins……I will have to give up my most precious possession, my United States Citizenship, and move. Just saying..

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