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Biden is Damaged Political Goods

Posted on Wednesday, November 3, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Herald Boas


Republican victories on Tuesday in Virginia and the surprising closeness of the governor’s race in New Jersey have made it abundantly clear: the political honeymoon of the early Joe Biden presidency has quickly turned into a political nightmare. A series of bungled international events, economic woes, and unsteady personal appearances have caused the new president’s approval numbers to nosedive among voters.

The depth of this reversal brings to mind the political fate of President Warren Harding almost one hundred years ago. In Harding’s first mid-term election in 1922, the president and his party lost 82 U.S. House seats and 8 U.S. Senate seats as a lingering recession and 11% unemployment plagued the economy. (Harding remained well-liked personally, and the scandals that soured his reputation mostly emerged after his untimely death in 1923 at the age of 57.)

After a controversial election in 2020, Biden in the early days of his administration enjoyed favorable polls and positive, uncritical coverage from the same establishment media which had treated him so well during the campaign. His handling of the military withdrawal of the U.S. from Afghanistan was so inept, however, that even the friendly media turned on him, public confidence quickly waned, and his poll numbers sank.

Other crises soon appeared, including a chaotic Mexican-U.S. border crisis brought on by Biden’s “open border” campaign promises, rising inflation, and supply chain shortages which critics contend were caused by his initial economic policies and diplomatic snafus with U.S. allies Israel and France. Lingering issues of the pandemic he inherited also have contributed to Biden’s growing negative numbers, as have a series of verbal fumbles at his relatively few public appearances.

The Rasmussen, Trafalgar, and Gallup Polls, some of the most accurate in the 2016 and 2020 election cycles, noted that Biden’s “honeymoon” was brief, showing him early and often at just slightly above or below 50% favorable. But after Afghanistan, even the “friendly” polls are showing him under 50%. More neutral polls now have him in the low 40s, and three polls have his favorables at only the high 30s. Instead of a bounce-back as the Afghan crisis headlines fade, Biden’s poll numbers seem to be getting worse.

To complicate matters, the Biden administration has allied itself with those progressive Democrats in Congress pushing for a multi-trillion dollar stimulus spending bill that the polls say on the whole is getting mixed responses from the voters, and a decidedly negative response when it comes to individual policy provisions in the bill, like one since-dropped provision that would have allowed the IRS to track all transactions over $600. Unsurprisingly, more unpopular proposals to defund the police, pack the U.S, Supreme Court, and pay undocumented immigrant families huge sums do not enhance the President’s party’s general popularity.

Mr. Biden and his congressional allies seem to be deliberately ignoring public opinion so that they can pass the legislation and have him sign it with the expectation that the next Republican administration won’t be able to undo their actions. So far, however, more moderate Senate and House figures are blocking the most radical proposals.

Inevitably, after the Democrat loss in Virginia, Mr. Biden’s low standing will also negatively impact Democratic candidates across the country in the 2022 midterms.

If President Biden does not improve his standing with voters soon, he could be the catalyst for a “red wave” thumping (to use George W. Bush’s term after a bad mid-term defeat for his party in 2006).

The question is, how likely is a political recovery with his approval rating so low now, and so many difficult issues facing him and his administration in the immediate future?

First-term presidents historically recovered in recent cycles after a first mid-term defeat (e.g., Reagan, Clinton, Obama}, but none of them were over 80 years old and facing a nation so bitterly divided. Nor was there such an opposition figure as Donald Trump to stand in their way.

Of course, the 2022 election is a year away, but if Joe Biden is now damaged political goods, and political and economic crises appear and linger, the electoral prospects of the Democratic Party in the next two voting cycles are becoming dimmer and dimmer.

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2 years ago

Biden made his anti American bed so he’s got to “sleep” in it. He’s still blaming President Trump for his eff ups…

Rick K.
Rick K.
2 years ago

Virginia! I was sure the Dems were still dwelling on Trump because they feared both his influence and his return. And they were right to do so.

2 years ago

Biden needs to go now.

2 years ago

Biden is an empty shell, set in place for Marxists to destroy the USA

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

Kind of funny nothing’s being sent by the media they’re quiet as mice

2 years ago

The truth shall prevail, cheating gets a payback eventually. Trusting the Trump Master Plan!!

2 years ago

I would love to see DJT take the reins of this country. Problem I have is I do not believe the majority wants to go through or has the stomach to endure the media lambasting him and his family again. They are owned by the most powerful people on the planet and if they really their workers to torment Trump that is exactly what we will get.

2 years ago

Folks Biden is just a pawn. Obama is the puppet master! The chant should be f¥<k

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

It wasn’t a Honeymoon it was little more than a ONE-night stand!
The right might get the last laugh after all.

2 years ago

Biden couldn’t find his way out of a canopy. It’s amazing that the media sides with the left with total disregard for all Americans. Biden clearly has either dementia or the onset of Alzheimer’s he needs to be removed , however is replacement is not any better.

2 years ago

Biden is so far in over his head that he can’t see the light of day! He’s a complete, abject failure as POTUS or anything resembling a leader. But, he’s sure a great tool for the republicans. He’s bringing all kinds of votes to the republicans. Hopefully this biden shill will be sent packing earlier than later and we can resume some semblance of normality again… depending on who’s replacing the fool. If it’s kamala then she’s either going to have to change her ways or exit stage left as well.


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!


2 years ago

Biden was not well liked before the election. The media just hated on Trump so much and he got votes because the sheeple believed the media. No Biden supporter that I know could tell my why they were voting for him except that they hated Trump. Joe said what he was going to do, shutdown oil, open the border and raise taxes. He did that and more destroy to thendetrimentnof America. You idiots got your imbecil in office. FJB

2 years ago

This president is non existent, everything from the pullout of Afghanistan to the open borders, he can’t blame Trump for his follies. The economy is in shambles, everything he does he turns into a mess, the Crt being taught in schools is demeaning to everyone the students the parents. I could go on and on, I just hope America wakes up for the mid term elections as well as the 2024 elections. The whole administration needs to be removed they don’t know anything about accountability.

Matt Knighton
Matt Knighton
2 years ago

You are so right, and I (as well as millions of other Americans) look forward to a “red wave” which hopefully will bring about positive changes — especially a significant healing of racial relationships, which are, I believe, profoundly more important than economic and foreign policy matters. The present division in our country has the roots of an incomprehensibly disastrous downfall.

However, my ultimate hope is not in politics, politicians, or elections, but in the living “God of all hope” who alone can (and someday will) usher in a peace unlike anything we can possibly imagine.

In the meantime, let us each assume personal responsibility for working towards that healing. As Scripture says, “as much as it is possible, be at peace with everyone.” Individually, we are merely finite pieces in an infinite puzzle, but if we purpose to fill the global vacuum by fitting neatly into our assigned places, the difference will be seen and felt for a long, long time.

2 years ago

Tell me when the people are awake!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Looks like the ‘Democratic Party’; (‘Communist Woke’) is reaping the rewards of their ‘skullduggery’. Biden & Company have screwed up this country royally. From despotism, to the attempted defunding of the police, to the demonization of the USA Police Force, to the blatant censorship and obliteration of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Nobody can destroy Our Beloved Country quite like the ‘Democrats’.

2 years ago

Biden is an abject failure. He’s a lot more than “damaged political goods”! And yet, he’s still the sitting POTUS!?!

What a travesty that turned out to be!


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Instead of Brandon, the chant should be Let’s go, Barry Soetoro

Todd Captcha
Todd Captcha
2 years ago

What amazes me their are still people in Virgina that must like how Biden is doing that it was that close of a race. Thank God COMMON SENSE WON>

2 years ago

After watching this buffoon fall asleep in the Climate Summit, it would seem that China Joe needs to be in a nursing home and not the White House….he didn’t win the White House anyways and is an illegal president that we all need to oppose his agenda.

2 years ago

While I don’t put much importance on polls, it does seem as you look at the many, the President is nearly in free fall. The real issue is by your own eyes and ears, so, as my daddy once said, be careful, and don’t believe anything they say and only half of what they show you…..the half I am seeing is a man in decline and an administration in trouble…..hope the conservatives can capitalize on this for a future that will be more advantage to the Republic.

2 years ago

Youngkin is the only Politician I have seen and heard that gave God the credit he so desires…His whole group was absolutely fearless…

2 years ago

America totally REJECTING everything the useless,corrupt, party of division democrats!
Stay OUT of our children’s education, our police protection, cheating in our elections, raising taxes,ruining our economy,weakening this Great Country!

We the People reject your failed, destructive,hateful,immoral attacks on Citizens and America!
GO AWAY , Our Country demands WAY better than You!
Virginia is only the beginning!

Charles Alvarado
Charles Alvarado
2 years ago

That about says it all. MAGA rules!!

2 years ago

Gee, who would have ever dreamed this would happen?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Maby Biden will kick the bucket. Kyle L.

2 years ago

biden & the biden-CRIME-family are DAMAGED GOODS, period . . . in addition to the CROOKED ‘political’ part ! ! ! ! ! !

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

The fact that this was a known fact in 2015 should have precluded the international spectacle that continues to be the worst embarrassment in American history. That Democrats do not have a sense of propriety or respectable decorum is due to a complete lack of moral and ethical substance underpinning the fundamental belief system of liberalism, which, as we have, repeatedly, seen, is nothing more than the complete and utter disregard for the law and the constitutional purposes for which our government was instituted and which should, always, be the primary consideration of any person in government service.

2 years ago

Biden and his dismal administration are reaping exactly what they’ve down. What earthly reason did they really expect. The democrats cheated and stole the 2020 presidential election and Biden canceled all of the prosperity this nation had under the previous administration that president Trump worked so tirelessly to obtain. Trump is an outstanding person. In contrast we now have a lazy destructive man who can barely speak an understanding sentence and is clearly afflicted with dementia. A warning to democrats: you reap what you sow! The Biden administration is now in a downward spiral and it appears that they are unable to unravel the destructive bidding of our inept and lazy president.

2 years ago

Biden’s political support for other liberal, democrat candidates is the kiss of death, so to speak. How poetic. The liberals are eating their own. This is actually getting to be fun to watch.

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
FJB! Let’s Go Brandon!

2 years ago

Best News I have had all day.

Red Sanders
Red Sanders
2 years ago

“Lingering issues of the pandemic he inherited” could be better stated by saying that he politically weaponized that problem into a dictate that is hurting our economy and at the same time attempting to establish a challenge to our freedom!

John Brown
John Brown
2 years ago

Poor personal appearances. The tired old man is nearly brain dead for Alzheimer’s Dementia. He fell asleep meeting with the Israeli PM, and last week we saw him sleeping at the Global Warming stupidity conference he thinks is life and death. Didn’t look so important with him snoozing there. World is he sh*t his pant while meeting w the Pope. Not surprising in a senile old advance Alzheimer’s patient, but a President of the USA? So humiliating. That’s just poof that he isn’t really President though. What worse is the people around him making decisions are totally incompetent. The border, Afghanistan, inflation, gas and food prices, and more people have die under they Biden Tyranny from COVID than under Trump who got us the vaccines to deal with it. All we’ve gotten from BIDEN is mandates that make him look like Hitler or Stalin. It hard to see how they keep Biden in office another full year. He gets worse every week. I guess they’ll just start hiding him away and issuing statements in his name but how long can they keep that up. He’s gone mentally and the radical communist faction that controls the Democrat party is in complete control

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

If President Biden does not improve his standing with voters soon, he could be the catalyst for a “red wave” thumping (to use George W. Bush’s term after a bad mid-term defeat for his party in 2006).

I don’t think Dementia Joe cares a rat’s rear end about the Midterms. He might already expect to be dead by then, and in any case will not run again in 2024. He cares about one thing (to the extent he is sentient enough to care about anything at all) – his legacy on a very few items. He wants to defeat COVID with his insane mandates (he won’t), pass his big socialist plan so he goes down in the history books, and save Hunter from jail. If we are lucky, he will accomplish none of these things.

2 years ago

Do you believe White children deserve a homeland?

Do White children have a right to exist?

Do you believe that tens of MILLIONS of non-Whites flooding into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries and being force integrated/assimilated into EVERY facet of White society is White Genocide?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you are an “EvilRacistNazi”.

That makes YOU part of the RACE problem. Especially if you are White.

Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.

2 years ago

I’m old enough to remember Biden from the beginning. He’s a snake. He smiles as he lies just like Pelosi does. Anyone who can support these idiots is an idiot.

2 years ago

This article leaves a major factor of this equation out… the bait-and-switch that installed Biden in the first place. Fewer than a third of Democrats voted for the radicals in the primaries and they certainly didnt think the Bernie Sanders B-Team was going to be put in charge. Now we’re faced with a comatose ‘leader’ who is not a factor in daily politics surrounded by a pack of radicals more useless than a jar full of bedbugs, so incompetent are they. The wave of hyper-inflation and the plague of empty shelves has just begun…

2 years ago

Democrats never change. They’re still the party of Slavers, Seditionists, Bootleggers, hairsniffers and womanizers, and East Coast Tammany Irish Crooks.

sonia otalvaro
sonia otalvaro
2 years ago

all Bidens radical agenda, is on FIRE maybe Zykerberg and Soros can help hm out.
Worst agendia was the closing of the piepeline which left thousands unemployed, now begging OPEC to help ouot, what lack of pride ,
the most radial of all radical, because of his hatred and enviouslness of Trumps successes,, is what he left in Afghannistand American citizens, still in a a dungeon, where are the the help the endless negotations to bring them home, is is definitely prof of IMPEACHMENT, tthe tsunami of Open Borders that he has been so proud is now in complete disarray, allowing smugglers, drug dealers, mudererd, and he has not even lift a finger.
I hope and I read several governors are at the point of suing him.
According the constitution states must protect themselves from the invasion of immigrants that are coing frfom all over the world.and causisng havoc , crimes in their state.

2 years ago

biden is a senile old man with little iq. he has no capacity to do his job and his handlers who are actually doing his job are leftists who are totally clueless. 2022 will be bloodbath.

2 years ago

He’s damaged all right. A bitter tired barely functioning has-been who needs to retire.

2 years ago

Why is he not in a assisted living facility with armed guards and nurses to wait on him…..oh wait

Lee McBride
Lee McBride
2 years ago

However, if Biden steps down or resigns we will end up with Kamala Harris. No thanks.

2 years ago

The only thing I can personally do at this point is pray and be aware. “Be still…and know”. …. If interested. look it up in the Bible. “ “

2 years ago

The ONLY reason Biden’s poll numbers are still relatively high is due – almost entirely – to the refusal of the media to actually *report* the news. Multiple scandals and failures are being ignored: when was the last time the media actually covered the truth about the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, or the Biden administration’s virtual shutoff of America’s energy production sector?

It’s true: Democracy dies in darkness. The American people are being kept in the dark by the mainstream media to protect Biden and Democrats.

2 years ago

By – Dent was damaged goods before the election. He has been bought off by the radical left and his Chinese buddies. A Disaster! A huge National Populist red tsunami coming in 2022 v& 2024! Be a part of it. LET’S GO BRANDON!

2 years ago

I don’t like your pop up icon asking for my comments–it covers up what I am trying to read. I see no way to remove it.

J L Holt
J L Holt
2 years ago

The Office of the President of the United States should never be a political patronage position…

Patricia Genatempo
Patricia Genatempo
2 years ago

Well that’s why verification of mail i

Patricia Genatempo
Patricia Genatempo
2 years ago

Well you can blame the cheaters who ran the mail in votes through the machines hundreds of times to make Biden win!!!!
Hey democrats tell us
How about all the American Biden left stranded in Afghanistan?
You democrats have turned this country from number 1 to number 0 all under that bumbling idiot!!!

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