It is the beginning of a never-ending bad dream. Joe Biden and the Pentagon have managed to birth a new terrorist haven, destroy much of U.S. strategic deterrence, and alienate our allies and much of the country.
In the hours after the horrific deaths of 13 service members, we have been reassured by our military that our partnership with the Taliban to provide security for our flights was wise. We were told that the terrorist victors share similar goals to ours in a hasty American retreat from Kabul. We were reminded that Afghan refugees (unlike U.S. soldiers) will not be forced to be vaccinated on arrival. Such statements are either untrue or absurd.
On the very day of the attack that killed American troops, the sergeant major of the U.S. Army reminded us in a tweet that diversity is our strength, commemorating not the dead but Women’s Equality Day. If so, then is the opposite of diversity—unity—our weakness? Will such wokeness ensure that we do not abandon the Bagram air base in the middle of the night without opposition?
The chief of staff at the Office of Naval Intelligence warned the ONI’s active duty and retired service members that they must not criticize Biden, their commander in chief, over the Afghanistan fiasco. The office correctly cited prohibitions found in the Uniform Code of Military Justice barring any disrespect shown to senior government leadership.
Indeed, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps was relieved of his command for posting a video accurately blaming military and civilian leadership for the Afghanistan nightmare.
Yet until Jan. 20, retired top brass had constantly smeared their elected commander in chief with impunity.
Recently retired Gen. Michael Hayden retweeted a horrific suggestion that unvaccinated Trump supporters should be put on planes back to Afghanistan, where they presumably would be left to die. Hayden earlier had compared Trump’s border facilities to Nazi death camps.
Other retired high-profile military officials variously called their president an emulator of Nazi tactics, a veritable Mussolini, a liar, and deserving of removal from office sooner than later. None of these retired four-stars faced the sort of repercussions that the Office of Naval Intelligence just warned about.
More than 50 former intelligence officials on the eve of the November election signed a letter suggesting that incriminating emails found on Hunter Biden’s missing laptop might be “Russian disinformation.” They used their stature for political purposes to convince the American people that the story was a lie.
Retired Gen. Joseph Dunford and retired Adm. Mike Mullen recently blasted retired brass who had questioned Biden’s cognitive ability. OK. But they should have issued a similar warning earlier, when the violations of fellow retired officers were even more egregious in election year 2020.
Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, apologized for doing a photo op with Trump, erroneously buying into the narrative that Trump had ordered rioters cleared from Lafayette Square for the staged picture. Worse, he leaked to journalists that he was so angry with Trump that he “considered” resigning.
Think of the irony. If Milley considered a politicized resignation to rebuke Trump over the false charge, then surely he could consider a real resignation after overseeing the worst military disaster of the last half-century in Kabul.
Milley had promised to root out white supremacy from the ranks while recommending that his soldiers read Ibram X. Kendi’s racialist diatribes.
Something is terribly wrong in the ranks of America’s top commanders that reflects something wrong with the country.
The Pentagon needs to stop virtue-signaling about diversity days and culturally sensitive food for Afghan refugees. Instead, can it just explain why the Bagram air base was abandoned by night, or why Taliban terrorists are our supposed “partners” in organizing our surrender and escape?
Which general allowed more than $85 billion in American weapons to fall to the Taliban—a sum equal to the price of seven new U.S. aircraft carriers?
Who turned over to the Taliban the lists of Americans and allied Afghans to be evacuated?
Who left behind biometric devices that the Taliban are now using to hunt down our former Afghan friends?
Somehow our new woke Pentagon is hell-bent on losing the trust of the American people—along with the wars it fights abroad.
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Our military leadership has been undergoing a complete makeover toward being a culture of PC woke ideals since Bill Clinton’s era in office. Competent military leadership was ferreted out and replaced with politically correct yes men being advanced through the ranks. G.W. Bush did nothing to reverse that trend, so when Obama got two terms in office he finished the process. President Trump got to experience the end result first hand, as one so-called General or Admiral was brought into the administration and proceeded to work actively to under-cut the administration at every turn. Of course the media blamed Trump and never questioned why all these Generals and Admirals all espoused Democrat ideals over the well being of the country. Now Biden is POTUS and surrounded by Generals and Admirals who are nothing more than Woke, PC yes men in military uniforms. Unable to carry out their actual military responsibilities in anything approaching a competent manner.
This is NOT a new issue, as the article implies. It is simply the culmination of decades of replacing competent, merit based military promotions with ones based on political correctness and blind loyalty to Democrat party ideals. The result is of course not a pretty sight.
I really think the last days of the Bible are here ! Good bye to this evil world!
Look at how the Obama, admin purged the ranks of senior officers who objected to changing the military into a social agency. What is left is new hierarchy of leaders who can’t lead. An officers oath of office requires the individual to support and defend the constitution, it does not require blindly following orders or wishes of the president
And now, 130 retired generals and admirals are upset? Finally got your heads out of your butts and see what you all have done to America? You all believed the lying left to the demise of our country, and that doesn’t set well now? We are hosed, from the top down and have been for decades0.
Great article by Victor Davis Hanson folks…I’ve been following him for awhile now, excellent speaker as well…Paul down in the comments pretty much sums it up about our militaries current state or so it would seem…
We need real soldiers, not these politically correct pansy’s trying to act like soldiers, deciding what color to dye their hair as being more important than defending their nation…
We are stationed off China with Navy, Air, Marines & Army in the mix…I pray they aren’t infiltrated with this WOKE madness with followers of their beloved Gay Pride flags versus the US flag…
Fudge p*****s, go home to mama…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
The Biden Presidency will be an era to live in infamy. The Constitutional Democracy that has served this Nation is under greater danger than the onset of Civil War.
Disappointed in our generals, all they care about are their pensions. We need new leadership, before they get us killed! TRUMP 2024
“Somehow our new woke Pentagon is hell-bent on losing the trust of the American people—along with the wars it fights abroad.”
I’ll be 75 years old this month. I volunteered for the military rather than be drafted. I further volunteered for duty in Vietnam. However the above statement is a done deal for me. It would be a cold day in hell before I repeated my actions for our confused and incompetent government and especially our PC Pentagon.
I am a 23 year veteran, retired Army Officer, and am completely ashamed of the civilian and military chain-of-command. It is incomprehensible that there have not been massive resignations. A first year Girl Scout would have done a vastly better job of the Afghanistan evacuation!
The biggest, by far, problem in the upper ranks of our military is….. Joe Hidin’ Biden!
Thank you, Mr. Hanson and PaulE. You settled a bet. I knew there had to be a deeper swamp, I just didn’t know how to proof it. If this is as corrupt as it seems, is it already too late? I’ve already bet that 2022 is absolutely going the way of the Democrates; they are not that stupid. Are all the squares on the board already covered; it’s just a matter of time? Now that I know that the people who can do something, will not do somethig, What am I to expect?
Anything the Biden Regime touches will turn to garbage and rot just like the loser himself/ However the military will find a way to destroy the few crooked generals that clean biden/s shoes because they are stronger than this weak batch of losers now living in the dark house on 1600 pennsylvania avenue// The military will succeed a man named TRUMP will make them even more powerful very soon and rid the USA of these worthless phonies in this sleazy swamp of washington>d.c./BELIEVE
Truth stands strong! We will condemn the tyranny and traitors on top elites! Commander and chief means shit as you destroyed the people’s vote with Trump!! Now our Americans/ citizens and military!! Deal with the repercussions of your lies, killings and destroying America with trying to make government God with U.N., WHO, CDC, Soros, Bill Gates, Charles Schwab, Obama and the elite family members, Vatican, London City and DC! You already have been caught with your secrets and you will be destroyed by GOD! One nation under God stays strong and always will fight for humanity freedom of life!! He’ll awaits all who don’t have repentance for following SATAN!! Get behind us you fools! The game is won! You lost before trying!!
I agree 1000% with your article
We used to have a military that trained young men to be killers and that is what armies are supposed to do, kill our enemies. That is what every other country on earth is still doing. We now have a new kinder “woke” military, just take a look at the newest recruiting commercials. Rules of engagement limit the ability of our troops to defend themselves. If we have to go against any other organized army in a conventional war, we are in deep trouble.
Satan has invaded our military top brass, secretary of defense all of Biden’s cabal. Sorry for not capitalizing the different offices. Biden’s presidency is illegitimate the Bible uses a different word for illegitimate.
& State Dept too with Afghan pullout ongoing, deny acess OUT
Rigged, why
how do our Generals claim to have honor and integrity and foment these decisions? There is no choice but resignation if they have any integrity.
I’m so pissed probably shouldn’t say anything but here goes treason treason treason lock and load I’m tired of Bastards running and ruining my Country didn’t any of these freaks swear to uphold and support our Constitution never thought I’d ever see so many Cowards the inmates are definitely running the nut house I will stand up and fight with you when all the shxx hits the fan I keep telling myself that God’s vengeance is coming soon it’s to bad that gays and baby killers keep winning
Oh Babylon, oh Babylon. How great is your fall.
Our Joint Chiefs & High ranking officers need to loose their pensions & titles! They demonstrate lack of Courage, Moral Character, Love of Country & Lack Leadership Ability!
I really hate to break the bad news, but the senior commissioned officers are just the tip of the ice berg—Senior Non-commissioned Officers (SNCOs) have been dealing with the “purge” for a long time. After all, the SNCOs and Middle-Tier NCOs are the ones that actually “drive the bus” to “get the job done”. I retired from active duty on 28 Feb 91 rather than continue to constantly engage in the “fight”—and I was far from the first to lead the charge to the exit. I was scheduled to re-enlist in 1990, for another 4 years, when my wife and I (read as the “real boss”) finally sat down and had a real “heart to heart” discussion on our future when it finally dawned on me that she was absolutely correct when she pointed out just how much stress all the “PC activities” were having on our lives. This discussion was the catalyst that drove me to reverse course and request immediate retirement. Sometimes, you have to just admit to yourself that some things are just beyond your abilities to “fix”. Thankfully, the Lord was able to finally help me to understand the difference between having the “intestinal fortitude” to change the things I could and accepting those things I could not change, by giving me insight to the knowledge that I needed to realize the difference. I have not regretted that decision on a single occasion since then. Any course correction that has a chance of real success must start at the top, of both commissioned and non-commissioned, leaders in ALL uniformed services; and also must include the civilian leadership as well. The best option to effect changes in our civilian leadership is by passing a constitutional amendment to invoke term limits on all elected officials and their non-elected minions. I can only pray to see these events occur before my time expires!
There is a problem in the upper reaches of our entire government and DOJ as well! America is currently ‘batting a thousand’ for hate, discontent, every phobia known and unknown to humankind, failing health care systems. Need I go on? But, the Left lives in an altered state of reality, so nothing to see here! We all feel better now, sure.
The woke has been invading everything including our military to the point that our country is in the crosshairs of the CCP as a soft target with little to no military response to invasion! We can give thanks to Obama’s 3rd term with his hand puppet Joe O’Biden and the Cackling Chameleon and the cast of administrative misfits and clowns…
I heard on Glen Beck this morning that military families who have enlisted for many generations in the past, are not going to anymore, and leave as soon as their commitment ends. I can only vision the Army recruitment ad of a woke girl of lesbian parents being the one to go to battle. Unless something changes soon, a war will be fought on our shores, and it won’t be our military protecting us, but the 2nd amendment!.
“Problem…”? A length a rope, and a tall tree- Problem solved!
I can’t even stomach reading your updates anymore. They are so unnerving but true. Instead l, please tell us how are are going to right this very upside down country.
The military mirrors the general public. That’s what is so sad, and so dangerous for our nation.
The demorats have EFFED our Military with their snowflake crt bullshit! Now we have asshloes like silly milley with no EFFING brains! They are full of ADAM SHIFF!
Million dollar question, what the heck is being done about what is going on? Not a darn thing!! Are we just going to sit back and let everything go to hell?
There was a time I felt that I would always be protected by the police, the armed forces and our government. Sadly, I do not feel that way any more.This is a frightening world for an elderly woman.
There is no President Biden or VP Harris, there is NO Biden Administration. What there is, is the Barack Hussein Communist cabal that have been running D.C., the Swamp and every nook and cranny of the government since 1/20/2009. They never left Washington and only partially and briefly the White House.(filled with rats & moles) So Biden’s first act on 1/20/21 was to do exactly what BHO instructed him, start dismantling every PRESIDENT TRUMP had done, Afghanistan was just the continuation of the communist-muslim usurper’s instructions.
We’re on a ship without a rudder. Biden has weaponized every Government department to suit his destructive agenda. We could spend $10 trillion on climate change and not effect the weather. NEWS FLASH: Biden doesn’t care about you or anyone else in America except illegals and unvetted Afghan refugees.
We’ll have to be trilingual. Chinese, Spanish and Afghan.
Silly Milley needs to be fired. Fired as in a dishonorable discharge / no pension. But I would like to see a hell of a lot worse happen to him It would make my day. Imagine a career Army man with no CIB and no Purple Heart. Unless he was in “IN LINE INFANTRY he was then a coward.
Now that we’re finished with Afghanistan… What’s the office pool raffle pool date for losing our partner Taiwan? When is Bozo Biden moving our embassy in Israel back to Tel Aviv?
It appears that the Pentagon is in the Swamp. Any senior officer that obeys Bidens orders should resign. Our military needs real patriots in the Pentagon NOW.
Those of us who served in Vietnam, know full well, how the upper leadership, military and civilian used us as cannon fodder, lied to us, about us and behind us for political gain. It was, and is more so today an abuse of power. I remember race riots on board Navy ships that came about because of weak leadership and poor discipline. I remember being told we could not return fire without “permission,” as part of the rules of engagement. I remember coming home to a culture that had turned on it’s own in the midst of cussings, spittings, and name calling by stirred up protestors who should have been shouting at the elected officials who got us into the fiasco of Nam in the first place…instead they projected their hate to the men and women who served with honor, and died helping one another. And yes, I remember those very few occasions when military personnel committed criminal acts of mayhem in the field, and coverups were the name of the game. This is not a perfect world, and people are prone to fail….but the issues for today are the extreme and the consequences will reverberate for years. One thing I wonder about is that visit by the president to those survivors of the “ISIS” bomber in Afghanistan…..what a choice time to be a fly on the wall….what can this president say to these warriors? What can they say to him. Knowing what I know, if I had been one of them, I would have invited one of my brothers in arms to set up his phone video, and record us all booing the man out of the room…………….and if someone wanted to proscecute, we could all claim we were in shock and didn’t know what we were doing….or just claim we can’t remember.
Would somebody tell General sad sack Milley to get some new uniform trousers. He looks as dumb as he is.
Rush taught us that we have warrior generals and political generals. Apparently all we have are political generals. This does not bode well for our country.
They are all on the wrong side. This administration is destroying us at warp speed. I fear even 2022 will be too late to turn us around let alone 2024.
I WISH AMAC would QUIT (Hoping that I enjoyed these articles) I DO NOT !!
CALL it something else – AMAC hopes that these articles stir us up to ??.
Then like usual – Asking for more money – where does all the money they get GO??
WITH ALL that is happening thanx to the biggest AH in the world – Dementia Joey
I will be amazed that people will be going thru Depression/Anxiety/sorry to say(suicide).
Smartest thing that could be done is REMOVE the DEMANDER, THIEF from office – NOW!!!!
and put MAGA TRUMP back in charge – but no – that will be the day.
READ ( DRAIN the SWAMP) by Ken Buck – and you will SEE what the Cong/Sen is ALL about and why they STAY in POWER. Scary stuff thats gone on for Years. They benefit – WE DO NOT.
As a DAVet these military leaders are Traitors. I am ashamed of them. FIRE EM all.
Trump would of. ENUF said.
MARANATHA – The ONLY Hope/answer for those that truly know, what this is!!
I thought the arm forces were warriors, but now I know it’s politics. Our top brass should be ashamed. Corrupt cowards; just another politician with all those fake medals. A FOUR star general was rare; not anymore, there are over 500. What BS…………………
The average Soldier, Sailor, Marine, or Airforce member are as courageous and honorable as always. I am the widow, mother and daughter of veterans. The veterans and current military are very unhappy about all that has happened in Afghanistan. This is the fault of the current administration, who are corrupt and lying to the American people. A few corrupt top military personnel are also to blame for the problems in Afghanistan. The real reason is that we, as a country, need to get our lives right with the Lord. That’s why we have so much evil in this country and the world.
Yes, the problem is called Obama. He ran off any top brass that had a semblance of conservatism replacing them with racist panty wastes.
It is rare for any democracy to last past 200 years. We are over due
War Pigs.
Trump said we would miss him. As usual, he’s correct.
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During mid 1940, the British fleet fired upon and destroyed much of the French fleet at anchor at a Mediterranean port. This was a few months after the ignominious defeat of the French army on the battlefield during the spring of 1940. The British didn’t want those ships to be turned over to the Nazi regime in Germany, and to be used against the Royal Navy. We now have a similar opportunity to destroy all of our weapons left in Afghanistan.