AMAC Exclusive
In recent days, the White House and Congressional Democrats have signaled that despite the ongoing catastrophe in Afghanistan, their top priority remains their radical domestic legislative agenda. This means that unfortunately, Afghanistan isn’t the only Democrat disaster Americans have to worry about this week. On Monday, the House of Representatives will return to vote on both a $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill and a $3.5 trillion budget bill—a $4.7 trillion package to transform America as we know it.
Even the $1.2 trillion bill, which has been dubiously dubbed “bipartisan,” would amount to a calamity in its own right thanks to numerous provisions in the 2,700 page bill that undermine any positive investments in traditional infrastructure. Chief among these is a pilot program for a vehicle mileage tax that, if enacted, would take more money out of Americans’ pockets and give the federal government more control over their daily lives.
So, what is a vehicle mileage tax? Quite simply, it is a tax on motorists for every single mile they drive.
According to the bill, these pilot programs have two purposes: (1) “to test the feasibility of a road usage fee,” and (2) “to conduct public education and outreach to increase public awareness regarding the need for user-based alternative revenue mechanisms for surface transportation programs.”
In other words, Democrats want to fund future infrastructure projects by tracking the location of every vehicle in America indefinitely. As the bill says, “the objectives of the pilot program are to test the design, acceptance, implementation, and financial sustainability of a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee, to address the need for additional revenue for surface transportation infrastructure and a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee.” After the program is completed, the Treasury and Transportation Secretaries will need to report the results to Congress so that lawmakers can assess whether or not to levy a national mileage tax. If given the opportunity, there is little doubt that a Democratic Congress would pass such a tax.
While it’s only a pilot program at this point, it is essentially a trial run for future expansion—and Republican critics have raised concerns that the effect will be an increase in government control over every American’s life. The pilot programs will recruit volunteers from all 50 states for both passenger and commercial vehicles, all of which will have their mileage tracked by GPS apps. Imagine that being applied to all Americans—everyone tracked all the time by the government, for the purpose of taxing every movement you make.
As Milton Friedman once quipped, “There’s nothing as permanent as a temporary government program,” or tax. Once legislators get their hands on a new means for taking money from Americans, they hardly ever let go. Moreover, it’s not realistic to assume a mileage tax would replace the current gasoline tax, but rather be added on to it.
A mileage tax would also allow the Left to continue implementing their socialist, redistributive agenda on a massive and unprecedented scale. Perhaps the closest parallel is the Democrats attempt to pass a national energy tax in 2009 (the bill passed the House). The law would have established a national cap-and-trade system that would allow the government to monitor and control anything and everything that emitted carbon. The excuse was to save the world from climate change. The caps on emissions were set to get tighter and tighter with each passing year, with the goal being a 17% reduction of carbon emissions from 2005 levels by 2020. Even without this massive government takeover, emissions went down by 15% by 2019. But the takeover would have empowered the Left to bestow and carve out all sorts of favors and exemptions for their cronies in the name of saving the planet.
A mileage tax would no doubt result in a similar sort of legalized corruption. If the federal government can tax every single American based on how they use their vehicle every day, such a tax could be easily exploited to the advantage of their favored constituencies.
This would have a particularly damaging effect on Americans living in the suburbs, which as many conservative outlets have reported, Democrats are no fans of. A mileage tax would necessarily be much more expensive for those who live in suburbs or rural areas who need to commute by car for work. It would also empower the left to build out mass transit systems on the backs of commuters, which as Stanley Kurtz, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, has warned, would “force urbanites into suburbs, and suburbanites back into cities…then presto! You have effectively abolished the suburbs.”
Perhaps most alarming of all, the implications of a national mileage tax are ominous for individual liberty. In order for the government to actually enforce such a tax, they must necessarily have some means of tracking the mileage of every single American in this country. How could such a thing be accomplished without a massive system of GPS surveillance that would keep tabs on the location of virtually every American at all times? This is to say nothing of the fact that vehicles would necessarily become more expensive, as Americans would have to purchase their own trackers, or car manufacturers would need to include them in all new cars.
A mileage tax would not only be a financial boon for socialist dreams of selective redistribution, but it would also extend the grasping fingers of Big Brother into the lives of every American. With a foreign policy calamity and a litany of domestic crises already facing the country thanks to Democratic leadership, Congress may want to think twice before it tries to pile one more big tax on the backs of American families.
If passed seeds for war & effect whole economy
AMAC must combat with others on tax
See Auto Club (AAA)
I have one question, how can I share this information with friends??? This information is very important and I have no idea how to share in Facebook. Thank you. JoEllen Deasy
May God bless America and do something to stop the ruination of our Great Nation by the Joe Hidin’ Biden DemocRat Party “wann’ bes. I’m reaching a point where I’m losing hope that this Nation can get the DemocRat Commie foot off of the Naiton’s neck.
If these Communistic politicians pass this over-reaching tax on vehicle mileage on the People, mark my works, they will also vote to exempt themselves from said tax. (e.i. Obamacare)
No taxation without representation!
Thanks to a corrupted election process in GA, my family is not represented at all in the US Senate, and my congresswoman has been denied full participation in the workings of the House of Representatives by the Speaker. These bills, plus HR 1, will absolutely destroy what’s left of America.
The main goal of this “feasibility study” is control of American citizens. It is none of the government’s business where I go on any given day. It is only a little bit about fixing roads, but a large bit on the road to socialism.
Neither of these two bills should pass. They will be a drag on the economy if they don’t destroy it completely.
Typical of how our government works: throw up a smokescreen so they can weasel something through without us knowing about it. This is another example of a lesson that I learned in umpire training: NEVER take your eye off the ball! We Americans ALWAYS need to stay focused on what’s really going on and NEVER get sidetracked by all these other shows.
Demoncrats and RINOs are the most diabolical, greedy, wicked people in the World. Their agenda is to control us and get us into a one World government.
Give them enough rope to hand themselves. I am sorry to wish the worst would happen to anyone but some people are evil.
When Manchin and Sinema vote FOR these bad ideas, they must then admit they are not moderates.
And if they ever get to nationalize election laws and that passes, we will be cooked altogether. And the Supreme Court which should step in to declare it unconstitutional will again step back and not do its duty.
We will be a one party Communist dictatorship within the year and Obama will finally have his dreams come true.
We must resist!
Will never pay a mileage tax, no matter how I have to avoid it!!!
They want to track and tax us Americans but let illegals run wherever they want tax free with benefits.
Cannot help but watch the dims go apoplectic when we all start driving horses and buggies to the market and to work! What a bunch of thieves!
How can anyone vote for, or even believe, any one of these tax hungry representatives? They lie every time they open their mouths.
If the $1.2 Trillion Bill is 2,700 unread pages, how many unread pages is the $3.5 Trillion Bill? Besides the atrocious amount of money, it is the new policies & regulations that I am concerned about! Roll over for ‘trans’gender freaks and ‘trans’forming America. This must STOP!
so… how do we stop this from happening?
All you morons that voted for these corrupt evil globalists that don’t give a d@mn about our people in Afghanistan need to be forcibly put in Re-education/Indoctrination Camps! Oh…wait, that’s what Dems want…never mind.
The tracking of each American won’t stop at putting specialized equipment in vehicles. They need to track who got vaccinated and they need to be able to track ground zero of any new variant, track the carbon footprint, etc… A big immediate need to save the planet from the evil people on it.
Carpooling will come back, which will solve the commuting issue and the “Super Progressive Left” can’t have that, people collaborating to help each other get rides to work, sharing in this extra tax, oh no! They will need to track each individual individually. Also, doctors want to help their patients out more efficiently, not with their “non-covid treatment plans” but with the other legitimate treatment plans for regular corona viruses, influenza and colds, because in over a year there still isn’t any pre-hospitalization treatment plan for Covid. So, an implant would solve this and provide an even better doctor patient relationship of care. All for the “Safety and Security” of the people for the people. Here! Here! to “The People’s Republic of the (not-so) United States. NOT!!!
Keep it up Govt. Revolution is comming, and I dont meen at the Ballot Box. Kyle L.
This is an abomination and rape of our tax payer money, we are slowly being strangled and the Demonrat Liberals have had this in play for decades…they are a slow, evil, manipulative gang that will strip the good American middle class of every facet of our lives…and there are so many people in this country who just listen to it and believe in it…wake up people, what will be left for your children and their children….CHAOS and a twisted country!
I see the same “look over here” dynamic with Covid-related mandates. The MSM drives the three-card-monte focus in misdirection. Toss in a “solid” Dem 25th Amendment beef, and maybe President Kamala can blame the sunsetted Joe for Afghanistan, tax burden, totalitarian Public Health shot marketing, and it will be the same people calling the shots. Maybe in time to save the ’22 elections.
I despise these people. Maybe some of the gutless, silent ones, laying back leaders, most of all.
I just sent this article to my Representative, Frank Mrvan. We’ll see what kind of BS answer he gives me, or if he even replies. He usually doesn’t, I guess since I’m a moderate conservative I’m not worthy of him answering any questions or concerns I may have.
I think we should start calling it “the road to perdition.”
They could be taxed for all those airline miles Congress flies…do you think they’d go for that?
It will pay China to build an electric auto charging network across the US>>>>DID YOU GET THAT,>>>> CHINA, OUR ENEMY WHO WANTS TO DESTROY AMERICA!
It will eliminate all NON-Electric Autos, you have no choice, 2030 you are done!
Communism at it finest, brought to you by the Democratic Party, party of “Destroy America Part-1”
Trouble is we all agree ( preaching to the choir ) but the ones that voted Democrate don’t seem to have a clue as they continue to follow main stream media.
Americans already pay roadways infrastructure tax!!! We pay for toad development in every gallon of gas we buy! Communist Democrats are using another corrupt ploy to disable the middle class. Suburbanites snd rural Americans will be crippled by the per mile tax!
I had this great idea last night. We truly are powerless to do anything about the runaway spending until 2022. By then, it will be too late. Remember the Boston Tea Party? What would happen if Americans decided en mass to stop paying their taxes? What if we decided not to file our income tax returns? No taxes, no money to spend! Not that that makes any difference to the Democrats since they’ll probably just print more. Just a thought.
Too many Democrats afraid to express what they really think. The USA has too graciously allowed too many foreigners into this country and now we have some in our our lawmaking Congress. Somalia, India, Palestine and so on. Situations as this, make my Patriotic blood boil!
This Fraudulent leftist administration needs to be removed before they completely destroy our nation! Why isn’t our military protecting our nation from this corruption? Perhaps to many leftist “leaders” in the military? If that’s so, we are in for a lot more trouble.
It’s Bipartisan. Meaning that there is unity among these racketeers. This is another form of Slavery enacted by the Progressives, who love the poor by trying to create more of them.
These criminals need to be forcibly removed from office and placed on trial by the American people. A prime example of what organized crime is all about,
Well I see someone else actually gets it here. Too bad so many others clearly don’t.
While I am not necessarily in favor of a mileage tax and would be adamantly opposed to GPS monitoring of my travels, there is a method of applying this tax without GPS monitoring. Most vehicles in the country already have to go through some type of inspection annually, mostly emissions. It would be a simple matter of requiring these inspections to read and report the odometer readings annually. The actual number of miles driven is of not much, if any, concern for individual privacy.
We need to cut taxes not add them. There is already a federal gasoline tax.
Our federal income taxes should be ZERO for corporations operating in the US where all their products and services are being produced or performed by American citizens living in the US. Their workers pay their own federal income tax on the money they earn. Corporations should be taxed heavily for products and services performer by citizens of another country. Yes it is protectionism. We are protecting our middle class. Both parties have been accommodating big corporations by allowing them to merger and ship jobs over seas which have built up the middle class of these foreign countries while destroying the middle class in this country.
Federal Income taxes on individuals should be accessed at a flat 5 pct and those revenues are to be used for only those powers granted to our federal government under Article 1 section 8 of our US Constitution. There is no such thing as power that give our federal government that allows them to do anything it wants under the term “general welfare” of the country.
Here are the departments that need to be eliminated within our federal government which would cut our tax needs. These responsibilities belong at the state level –
Department of Human Health and Services
Department of Labor except for few remaining federal employees
Department of Agriculture
Department of Education
Department of Interior
Department of Transportation
Department of Justice
Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Highway Trust Fund was established to fund construction of our highways and mass transit. Unfortunately the “gas tax” it relies on was not adjusted for inflation and the impact of electric vehicle use, and expenditures are outpacing income. We all want good roads, don’t we? Maybe if AMAC could help explain how or if the new proposed tax program is supplanting or supplementing the HTF we might be more informed.
Vehicle mileage taxes reach into the anti-American class! They ARE an intrusion violating the freedom of movement with bureaucrats will know where you go and probably when because they aren’t going to try it without a monitoring device in your vehicle and you know most such devices today have GPS capability.
it is obvious the Democrats care little for human life ours as they have opened the border and letting people into this country unvetted and with covid in some cases, as for other countries they care only if it benefits their policy’s the impeachable offenses Biden and his left wing mob have committed would have removed him from office some time ago they are ruthless in their quest for power and implementing their sodalist agenda
Democrat leftist need a way of keeping track of all of us so when folks don’t want to conform to their socialist utopian tyranny, they can send the military (being conformed now to Marxist ideology) to round up the non-conformist for either re-education or elimination! Sounds like a conspiracy theory but all thru history, Marxist regimes have eliminated those who they deem inappropriate politically! Lord God help America! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and HE will calm the chaos!
Never forget the Republicans that voted for this Democrat spending bill, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham and the rest of the Republican traitors. Vote them out of office
NO NO NO to more DEmpBidenRAT taxes! Do you know according to the latest Tax studies, 61 percent of Americans pay NO TAXES at all, but suck daily at the public teet, thanks to DemoBidenRATS?
If anyone has a brain between their 2 ears DO NOT TRUST DEMENTIA BIDEN or any of his REGIME FROM HELL to do anything for the population of the USA// Vote NO/NO/NO everytime one of these stooges presents a program of lies and deceit/I heard the Singapore crowd wants to adopt Kamala Harris as their new wake up rooster because her CACKLE would wake up a ghost//
Amac tells us about issue such as this tax bill in the house but they don’t give a solution to stop the house from voting on it.
At least the Demonrats, (Democrats ) do what they do best Cheat, Tax, Spend, and Lie, they have reached a new high.
Pray for America !!
This is one of the largest taxes to ever be pushed on America. It is pure insanity and doomed to failure. Instead of more taxes, why don’t we work on a public supported plan to work on “infrastructure”. This is a pure BS power grab by Democrats to make America fail!
Look up the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and read what they do and support, which will explain much of the “control and spying/tracking” of individuals that our Congress is passing in these infrastructure bills. It’s terrifying!
Its none of your business where i drive, how many miles i drive or dont drive. Stay the hell out of my affairs and leave me the hell alone. Who died and left you jerks the bosses of us all? Have you schmucks forgotten that you work for us and we do not work for you? We are not your cash cow to be milked at every opportunity.
The last thing we need is more taxation in this country! Sneaking in another tax that hurts anyone making less than 100K is unjust!
I don’t see how we can stop the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill since it has already passed in the Senate and the House is controlled by Pelosi. This is horrible that 19 Republican Senators agreed to this! We will need to focus on the actual National Mileage Tax bill that we can look forward to in the future and STOPPING THAT.
I also am concerned that Americans are letting the Democrats distract us from their POWER GRABS as everyone is focused on AFGHANISTAN. We need to keep an eye on the Infrastructure Bill, Budget Reconciliation plan, and HR1. These Democrats in DC are like a dog with a bone and will not give up trying to Control our State Mandated Voting Laws and Union Control of workers rights and eliminating State Right To Work laws.
With the Afghanistan mess, Dems are hoping to distract us from the Dems taking Control of State rights that are in many of the their Bills as they work to get them passed. We have to stop this.