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In Georgia … Conservatives Must Vote

Posted on Thursday, December 10, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

georgiaThese are the days that test our hearts.  America is at an exhausting political moment – one putting everyone who cares about the future ill at ease.  Against this backdrop, two Senate run-off races remain in Georgia. They are vital, yet voters are fatigued, untrusting of voting machines, skeptical about the electoral process.  That said, conservatives in Georgia – MUST vote.

As evidence mounts – in state after state – of electoral irregularities, lawsuits continue to be filed, with tight timeframes. A flurry of lower court dismissals, superseding complaints, proffers of new evidence, and stage-by-stage appeals is occurring.  The endgame is a Supreme Court ruling.  But people are tired.

Rightly so, as the onset of rabid anti-Trump sentiment – four years ago – was followed by 2020’s COVID hysteria, sudden economic dislocation, assignments of political blame, violent race riots, then “defund police” and socialist movements in streets, and finally an ocean of mail-in ballots – another first – generating higher levels of doubt in this presidential election’s outcome than any in memory.

After all this, Republican believers in the Constitution, electoral process, institutional preservation, and the role of the US Senate in stopping a runaway leftist Administration, House and Senate from remaking America overnight – are asking all Georgia conservatives, and anyone who believes in preserving a balance of power in the country, to vote.

For some, this is proving a hard sell.  Why should weary, overwrought, Georgia voters bother to turn out, again trusting their vote will count, when doubt surrounds the process?  Why should they think that, in a moment of great peril, they can stop the socialist juggernaut?

Answer:  Because their vote does count and will this time be properly counted – in view of the intense national scrutiny on this race, electoral process, machines, and those overseeing runoff elections.  More to the point, Georgia conservatives are America’s last real chance to stop an unchecked radical agenda.

For much of the country, this is a time to reflect on what matters, hope on truth, veracity, and timely disposition of the many cases before our courts – and perhaps a major ruling from the Supreme Court.  To be clear, these cases are not frivolous.  They are being filed under intense time pressure, reflecting difficulty in gathering, vetting, and presenting evidence to fully support charges of mis, mal- and non-feasance before constitutional deadlines pass, to allow the Supreme Court a shot at this case.

For Georgia voters, however, the target is more clear – more well-defined, and in some ways as important as the presidential stakes.  These two Georgia Senate races will determine whether America’s checks and balances work – in a critical historic moment – or whether we will tire of trust, lose the stamina to defend liberty, fail to preserve the power balance that blocks socialism and court packing.

All concerned American eyes are on Georgia now, and this appeal is for patriots in Georgia to rally, trust that your vote counts, fortify each other, remember what is at stake, remember that no amount of regret will ever balance the scale if it tips hard left.

Vitally, this the time to believe – to believe in the American Constitution, sanctity of the electoral process, significance of your vote, and power to change the future, or preserve it against radical change.  Leading constitutionalists agree and are making this appeal. See, e.g.,

Remember:  One of the tools socialists use is fear and disillusionment.  They work – through propaganda and ceaseless false prophesies, to depress voters, convince them to sit down, stay home, give up, shut up, and resolve themselves to the inevitability of socialism’s repression.  That is how it works in China, worked in the Soviet Union, Soviet dominated Eastern Bloc, today in Cuba, Venezuela, and other “socialist paradises.”  Our mission is to be Americans, never quitting, never failing to believe in our Constitution – and never failing to step up for the rights enshrined in that document.

So, if you are looking on from afar, encourage those you know not to lose hope, heart, or determination.  If you are in Georgia, redouble that conviction and try to convince others to do the same.  Rarely has so much depended on so few.

When this runoff is done in January, may we all look back and thank the steadfast, undeterred, fearless, freedom-loving conservative voters of Georgia.  Then, in Winston Churchill’s immortal words, we may be able to look back and – for now – say “never was so much owed by so many to so few.”  Truly, these are the days that test our hearts.

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3 years ago

Yes, we all get it. The people of Georgia must vote to ensure the U.S. Senate stays in Republican hands or the country is effectively done. We’re all smart enough to understand the significance of the January 5th vote there. However, it would be very beneficial if the State Legislature in Georgia and the Secretary of State there did some things to ensure the elections were actually done fairly this time. That there was no opportunity to introduce boxes of ballots when no one is looking. To prevent the kind of rampant voter fraud to swing the election in a direction that negates the will of the lawful citizens of Georgia.

Right now as it stands, the same Dominion voting machines will be used, running the same weighting algorithms that give Democrats an advantage. The same poll watchers and vote counters will be used. You know, like the ones pulling out boxes of ballots from under a desk to feed into the tabulation machines, when no one is around in violation of the law. The same lax signature verification provisions will be used, thus enabling the dead and others to simply fill out ballots to be fed into the system. All EXACTLY as how the November 3rd election was held. See the problem here?

3 years ago

Georgians, please turn out to vote! … No matter what, it is vital to help President Trump who I believe because of the Texas Lawsuit WILL again be our President but also to keep Old Biddy Biden from having control over the Senate if otherwise. But rest assured, this time they won’t be able to get away with keeping Republican poll watchers out and that will make the difference!!! The Commies CAN’T CHEAT if We the People are prepared to stop any shenanigans like changing USB devices or putting the same ballots through multiple times. President Trump and We the People WILL be vindicated!

Benton Petersen
Benton Petersen
3 years ago

May the Lord Heaven save America!

Jean Barnes
Jean Barnes
3 years ago

Just so they don’t use the same voting machines or mail in votes.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Outcomes IF GOP GA voters DONT vote:
Dems run House & Senate & WH
ALL else Fails
Police State
Rampant Crime
& Great Depression 2

3 years ago

In GA., is it better to use an absentee ballot or the Dominion voting machine to be sure my vote is counted fot the candidate I intended?

James Sesame
James Sesame
3 years ago

Keep voting. Keep informed. If voting were not vitally important the Statists criminals wouldn’t put so much effort into ruining it.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

The Dominion touch screen machines allegedly don’t even meet the legal requirements of GA election law in how they function. Supposed to have been a $100,000,000 purchase. Wow bureaucrats at work in low gear! The GA boys are trying to sort through at least 250 complaints about election irregularities. What great theater. I made my opinion known earlier concerning the Republican candidates. Loeffler wasn’t very inspiring and just had several canned responses regardless of what question was asked. Perdue didn’t even show up personally for his “debate.” Sure hope that the plane loads of politicians heading to GA to campaign works. McConnell is on TV begging for money to help the cause. REGARDLESS OF MY QUESTIONABLE BABBLING. EVERY LEGAL REPUBLICAN VOTER HAS TO SHOW UP AT THE POLLS. IF THE PROCESS THAT IS DEVELOPING FOR A BIDEN ADMINISTRATION DOESN’T HAVE YOU CONCERNED, YOU JUST MIGHT BE HIDING IN CAVE. KEEP ON KEEPING ON! WE NEED THESE WINS. PS: BY THE WAY JOE,FATHER OF HUNTER,BIDEN WILL BE GOING TO GA TO HELP OUT.

3 years ago

People in Georgia, better vote Republican or start learning Chinese !!!!

3 years ago

I certainly hope the Georgians will step up to take care of the lack of integrity in their states government. If the governor, secretary of state are controlled by the demo-rats, shame on them. Georgians need to vote and take care of this mess the demo-rats have created. Hopefully the Georgians join the Texans and all the other states to defend the Constitution in suit of this
‘Election’ fiasco.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Praying for ALL Georgians! Get out to vote and don’t vote for Communism! OPEN YOUR EYES! What have the Democrats actually done for you??? Ever? They have only ever raised my taxes and I was a Democrat until the past twelve years.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Everyone in that wants balance in this country must rise above the weariness and vote for the conservative candidates so that there is a balance of power in Congress. To not do that is to give too much leftist power to the Democrats if they take the majority in the senate. Vote like your life depends on it!

Jane CA
Jane CA
3 years ago

There should be run offs in every state ! This election was a total fraud everywhere!!

3 years ago

My heart goes out to the Conservatives in Georgia. They have a big decision to make. I hope they have courage to get out and vote. I’ve survived way too long to see this country turn to Socialism, which is Communism by committee.
We don’t need a puppet dictator, which is all Biden will ever be, controlled by the committee of Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of their left wing gang.
I didn’t serve my country in the military to watch it eventually be allowed to turn to Communism. That’s what we were fighting! That’s certainly seems to be where it’s heading at the moment.
Joe Biden cannot be allowed to become President! We need a decisive leader, not one who usually doesn’t even know where he is or when he is, or even what office he’s running for, and worst of all, is in bed with the Communist Chinese. This man scares me with what he might be allowed to do to my country.

3 years ago

Mrs. Swalwell….What a complete and utter hypocrite and buffoon – Just like all wacko Dems….

Feinstein’s driver, Eric’s spy lover…Biden & Harris’ piggy-bank…..

Seems like the Chicoms are deeply embedded in depraved Californication’s politics.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 years ago

Here is what happens if the Senate is controlled by the Dems:

                      The Rise and Fall of Great Civilizations
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith,
From spiritual faith to great courage,
From courage to liberty,
From liberty to abundance,
From abundance to selfishness,
From selfishness to complacency,
From complacency to apathy,
From apathy to dependency,
From dependency back again to bondage.”
Republicans, do not let this happen to our great country by default. Talk about FREEDOM at every rally, every precinct meeting, every gathering you have the opportunity to compare the Republican Freedom Agenda to the Dems Socialist agenda. Keep America Free!! 

The last step will be a reality!

3 years ago

Great! Let’s hope the good people of Georgia come out and vote to put two Republicans in the Senate. What about the rest of the states where it’s been proven there was fraud? Are we as a people going to just roll over and say it’s ok so long as we control the Senate? That it was alright the Presidency and some of the other Senate seats were stolen? I don’t see any urgency or hardly even a bit of concern by too many people (AMAC members excluded). Most everyone’s acting as if oh well, nothing can be done about it. As for myself, I’m worried and very concerned that this may be the end of the USA as we know it. May God help us all, and God save the USA!

3 years ago

Their is nothing more crooked in the world today than the Democratic Party in the USA// Joe Dementia Biden is a joke and a buffoon//However with the election laws being thrown in the garbage in liberal loonie states the Trumpster has the right to be the President of the USA and the Supreme Court would have to be blind not to verify what has taken place in our country and the cheating of the liberals/ they are crooks and maybe the best is yet to come with the TRUMPSTER who stands for the best to all that care about our STATE OF THE UNION//

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

You would think the upcoming Supreme Court case by Texas and 17 other states would warrant more discussion on AMAC since that will determine the future of our elections. Maybe tomorrow?? In any case, if your state is not currently part of this lawsuit, please contact your state legislators and demand that they join. The more states that join, the better our chances.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
3 years ago

It is vital for Georgia conservatives to vote for the two Senate candidates in January – the runoff election. I, for one, do not want to be told what to do, what to watch on TV, what to wear. This may sound frivolous but it’s not. America is known to be a free country, a republic. We have a true leader in President Donald Trump. Many (mostly women) do not like him because of his abrasive personality! I didn’t vote for him TWICE because of his personality. I voted for him because he knows how to get things done. His first term as POTUS proves this.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
3 years ago


Agree with the thrust of this article. BUT..unless the people of Georgia flood their state legislators, governor and applicable public officials to make sure that any special deals are rescinded (That consent decree that created two classes of voters.), that the Dominion machines are tested and certified prior to the election (and held in a secure area to p0reverent unauthorized access), and uphold voting laws, THEN we may have more of the same.

Unless these changes are m are, no matter how much money you donate to candidates, it would be wasted.

If these changes are not made, the same states that joined in the Texas lawsuit should sue Georgia for the same reason .

3 years ago

The secular response is VOTE…..The Christian response is PRAY….do BOTH!

3 years ago

Another reason to vote: The more they have to cheat to win, the more obvious the cheating becomes, and the more likely it will be exposed.

Linda King
Linda King
3 years ago

Why does everyone refer to this ballot fraud as irregularities? Do you think that somehow this will persuade the people to believe that there was no fraud? You better come up with a better politically correct way of persuasion.

3 years ago

Georgia voters need to turn out for sure but they will do so understanding that the rigging has already begun. Unless the govt of GA sets up
overwhelming scrutiny of this vote, the fix will be set. Its as much up to state officials in GA as it is to the voters. All the voters in the world
cannot fix a corrupt democrat controlled process.

3 years ago

Georgia needs to place at least a dozen state patrol in every vote counting center from 8 pm on Jan 5 to 8 pm the next day.
Its clear that those who are counting votes in GA are manipulated.

3 years ago

To the people of Georgia: Please get out and vote; if we Republicans lose, you have the satisfaction that at least you voted and did what you could to preserve our liberty — but not voting will just play into the hands of the liberals/Democrats and you will regret that more and more as time goes on and reality sets in. Please don’t give up without a fight, and please get out and vote!!

3 years ago

The Georgia Republican Party must train and mobilize a horde of qualified poll watchers to oversee this runoff and insist that the count be done manually. If necessary they must petition the courts of Georgia to outlaw the use of voting machines which have been proven to be susceptible to fraud and inaccuracies. These measures will insure that the voters of Georgia will have confidence in this runoff and will turn out to use their greatest right to voice their opinion.

3 years ago

FIRST AMMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION GIVES FREEDOM OF SPEECH SO DO NOT DELETE THIS POST. The vase majority of the people who post here said the vote was the cure all. Democrats love your infantile delusion you can talk your way out of slavery. You will be the collateral damage of their Evil beliefs. Blood paid for America to be formed. Blood paid for slavery in America to be stopped. American Blood contributed greatly to give the light of freedom America stands for in the World during WWII. If there is going to be a Demon Biden Presidency let it begin with America turning out in Washington on JANUARY 20TH, 2021 armed and ready for a blood bath WAR. DON’T SHOW UP AND YOU YOUR CHILDREN YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL BE CONSIDERED enemies of a FREE AMERICA. We have no Justice and We Will have NO PEACE. All the institutions of civil government have failed and are failing. Not real sure this group is up to the fight. If not may God have MERCY ON YOUR SOUL. WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS THE DEMOCRATS AND THE DEMOCRATS ALONE HAVE BIRTH THIS. LET AMERICA ‘S REAL ABORTION BEGIN. WILL NOT BE ONE BATTLE BUT COMPLETE ALL OUT WAR

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

Georgia conservatves we are counting on you! And praying for you! Your vote ABSOLUTELY matters! God bless you!

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Not to worry folks. The Supr. Ct. will get our man another 4 years.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Georgia was the first and foremost Southern State to sell-out their souls to the Yankee Bankers!! They have never recovered from Sherman (the Coward) breaking their backs in the Civil War!!! B’ham tightened its belt and out produced Pittsburg decade after decade!!! Nashville tightened its belt and became the Capital of the Music Industry!!! But, except for a few pockets of resistance, Georgia has become a Yankee State!!!!! The spirit of Upton is dead!!!!! It is time to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!! As did George Washington and later as did “Ole Hickory”, it is time once again to kick-out the International Bankers and form once again the “United States of America” as Trump has been trying to do!!!!! Trump Movement PLUS equals The Freedom Party – The American Aquila!!!!!

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
3 years ago

Ya know, I’m only one vote. But I’m very stupid at stuff like this. I figure the deck is stacked by China, besides Soros, who would help naive Democrats? Remember how N Korea had exact duplicates of the $100 bill? How easy would it be to screw with us using mail out ballots? I’m disabled, I vote absentee, but if worse comes to worse, I’ll lay down in line to vote in person. I’m still only one vote, but versus China’s ability to help the Democrats (remember, according to Biden, China is our friend and not competing against us- FLMAO). The Dems sold out the US, but whoever yells the loudest usually wins. But this time, I don’t know and am kinda scared, specially if they come after my guns. Just sayin’, we’re in kinda a dark, scary place right now and kinda wished I’d live somewhere else, anywhere else. At least in a lawless land (starting to sound familiar) I can defend myself. Right now, here in the US, I ain’t sure. God Help Us, not too worried about that with me, God is my Father and Jesus is my Bro, so I’m cool. Just worried about everyone else that doesn’t take this serious.

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
3 years ago

Hey Guys, just a slight reminder, the last times the Dems were in charge of all 3 we got Oblama care. Think about it, they’re even more radical now. Just sayin’

Ann Jewell
Ann Jewell
3 years ago

People of Georgia – PLEASE VOTE!! My Mom and I came to America to escape communism in Eastern Europe and trust me, you don’t want socialism/communism. President Trump is the true winner in our election! Don’t give crooked Biden control over the Senate or America is lost! I can’t believe I escaped communism only to be consumed by it again. Keep America free!

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