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America – Caught in Irons

Posted on Tuesday, November 17, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

electionSailors know the term “caught in irons,” suddenly stalled, mid-tack between two different directions – until wind catches sails, pulling you back or swinging you round hard.  That is where we are, caught in “electoral irons,” uncertain if Trump will win or Biden swing America hard left.  In a larger sense, society is caught between socialism and liberty.

Truth is, our country is tacking into heavy headwinds, either way.  If Trump wins, after an impatient media declared Biden winner, expect explosive reactions – urban riots, international confusion, social media chaos, attacks on the Supreme Court for affirming Trump the winner.

If Biden is President, headwinds are stiffer.  If Republicans hold the Senate, they can slow socialism and stop court packing. If Georgia’s Senate seats go Democrat, bar the door –howling winds will rise.  Even with Republican control of the Senate, a Biden win swings America left – a slap in the face to 72 million Trump voters, and the 35 percent of America that stayed home assuming the best.

If Biden wins, batten down the hatches. Socialist Bernie Sanders, who praises the Soviet Union, wants to be Secretary of Labor.  Susan Rice of Obama-NSC “unmasking fame” wants State.  Anti-capitalist Sen. Elizabeth Warren is angling for Treasury, and candidates for Attorney General include, if you can believe it, Sally Yates of Russia-Collusion notoriety, Tom Perez (Democratic National Committee), and losing Senator Doug Jones (all for gun control, Obamacare, and abortion).

Other “transformational” favorites include former Obama Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (under whom crime soared), former Virginia Governor (and Hillary fundraiser) Terry McAuliffe, and a hodgepodge of party loyalists, former congressmen, mayors, and colorful apparatchik.

Policies will include vertical national debt., social/business lockdowns (arguably violating 10th Amendment), socialized medicine (e.g. Medicare for All), a $30 trillion dollar “New Green Deal” (i.e. mass spending, regulation, restructuring of America’s private sector).

The agenda does not stop there.  Add “defunding” federal, state, and local police (via appropriations, grant termination, new regulations, consent decrees, penalties, ending liability protection for officers, and terminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE).  Expect legalization of Schedule I Narcotics, release of felons who trafficked them, and possible elimination of DEA.

Judicial appointees advancing abortion “rights,” including at-birth, must be expected, plus rollbacks on constitutional rights.  Biden seems determined to promote cancellation of opposing views, a redefinition of the Bill of Rights.  This means asserting legal and cultural pressure, restricting free speech, religious rights, travel, and a host of other guarantees.  We should be ready for the yank.

Expect more dependence, attempts to curtail gun rights.  Beyond domestic policy, a Biden Administration will likely accommodate China (eyeing Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Western World), Russia (increasingly defensive, eyes on Eastern Europe), North Korea (greenlighting missile launches), and Iran (advancing nuclear weapons).

Despite these concerns, expect defense cuts, new civilian leaders at the Pentagon with no uniform experience, or knowledge that deterrence is about being ready to win, so we do not have to fight.

Perhaps the biggest threat to our  future is the unknowns – whether Biden would survive the next four years, or hand power to an inexperienced, unpopular, untested vice president; whether adversaries will see our internal strife, division, high debt, and rising leftism as weakness, moving while they can.

In short, we are caught in irons – awaiting the election’s outcome, and beyond that, the outcome of larger cultural and societal questions.  Can we pause to recall the exceptional nature of who we are before we run aground? America’s greatness – rooted in our goodness – is entirely real.

Threats abound.  Appreciation for our history and freedoms, not a mad dash to socialism, is how we survive and thrive.  Regardless of how the election ends – we must cherish our freedom.  Americans are not socialists, but individuals.  The future depends on not being caught in irons – of any kind.

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3 years ago

The old expression comes to mind: “caught between a rock and a hard spot”! IF JACKASS JOE BIDEN Biden IS ALLOWED TO STEAL THE PRESIDENCY, AMERICA IS DOOMED UNLESS WE LITERALLY FIGHT TO DISOBEY AND IGNORE HIS COMMUNIST DOCTRINE! That’s why I plan to leave Darkest Blue California for a “safer” Red State. We the People MUST BE PREPARED to fight if necessary beginning with ignoring any lockdown and mandatory face masking just for a start. Revolution/Civil War will be our only option and We must be prepared to fight!!!

3 years ago

Well once again the nation’s direction will come down to Chief Justice John Rpberts and whether he will agree to allow President Trump’s legal team to present their evidence of voter fraud and make their case to the Supreme Court. Given his past history, even being allowed to make the case before the full court is, at best, a coin toss. It shouldn’t be, but it is due to his tendency towards legislating from the bench. We can surmise, again based on his past history, how he himself will ultimately vote even if he does agree to allow the Supreme Court to hear the case.

Your description of what implementing the full Democrat socialist agenda will do to our country is about as positive a spin as one could make it to avoid mass panic. If you were to state the cold, hard truth that implementing the complete Democrat agenda, which is nothing less than a carbon copy of what has already been done in places such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Zimbabwe and other countries over the years, you would scare most seniors to death. So congratulations for making it somewhat less threatening.

By the way, I would like to hear your thoughts on the prospects for the two Senate run-off races in Georgia. We all know that in normal times, both Republicans would win easily. However, given the fact that we’ve just experienced what amounts to be the largest, most well organized and financed coup via coordinated election fraud in the country’s history, what is there to prevent this same exact thing happening in Georgia this January? The left has already made is crystal clear that they intend to target both Republicans for defeat and the state of Georgia doesn’t appear to be putting in any additional safeguards to prohibit voter fraud. So if the left can get away with stealing the presidential election, at least at this time before the Supreme Court decides one way or another, what is there to stop the left from using the exact same tactics in January? The left certainly wants to impose socialism on this country and make it impossible to ever again elect anyone from the opposition. So they certainly don’t have any reservations about repeating what just worked to steal two Senate seats and gain unrestricted power.

3 years ago

If we emerge from being “caught in irons” and wash up on the shores of socialism, I, for one, AM PREPARED FOR MUTINY!

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

If there is any doubt as to the election results, it is right and proper to uncover every legal vote and to investigate the software issues plaguing the voting machines. To not fully vet this question is blatantly unfair to America. There are stark differences in how America will be governed, so utmost care must be taken to ensure integrity underlies our entire government.

3 years ago

President Trump has already done America a great service . Having revived America, he has provided leadership never to be forgotten regardless of the outcome of this election. He inspired a record turnout which showed the world strong citizens. We will come through all together.
I feel sorry for the side that offered pathetic candidates and in desperation, resorted to covering the windows to prevent monitoring. Hiding makes it appear their deeds were evil.
We do not know how the election will turn out, but patriots made a great showing and will not be forgotten.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

Only God can change this outcome of this election

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

The Church MUST be vigilant and continue to pray! God is in control snd He gets the last word!

3 years ago

I just heard yesterday that during the recount in Georgia, it’s quite possible that at least one of the seats for the Senate may not be in the runoff in January. I don’t remember which Republican that’s winning so far. Also they found over 2,500 ballots for Trump not entered in the system. The voter fraud was massive. Dominion software changed Trump ballots to Biden votes, in more than one state. Things will be coming out soon. But I do agree with everyone we have to stick together and fight for our freedoms. I live in a blue state, but we have Republican governor, and our house & state legislature both flipped red. For some reason we kept 2 house reps democratic and one senator democratic. The other comes up for reelection soon. Time to make NH purple like Maine.

3 years ago

like Chruckef the Russian dictator said we will take America without a fight

3 years ago

As long as we have weak people who can’t think for themselves, we will have those who will take advantage of them, and exploit them for their votes, those trapped in the inter-cities, on the Demonrat (Democrat) new plantation’s and the College students that are instructed by communist educated slime-balls, turmoil will rain supreme.
And the fake news media, that wants to be the new Pravda in American. we need to defeat them ever way we can.

john palumbo
john palumbo
3 years ago

I plan on getting out of BLUE New York ASAP! Can no longer live in this city/state with the likes of the DOPEY DeBlasio and Adolph Cuomo, hell Cuomo. He tried to have the NY State Sheriffs secure search warrant to make sure there are no more than 10 people at any family Thanksgiving gathering! This is STEP ONE to a socialist takeover Cuomo MUST GO!
If half dead Joe does officially get in ( notice I didn’t say win) then it all sets up for the former WWE star KAMALA to become president. Wait he passed away this must be his sister! This was the Dumbocrats plan from the beginning. God forbid she does become president will be in the grasp of socialism at it’s worst the country will be torn apart and I can see us in the same type of conflict we had 1860-1865! God forbid this happens. I pray everyday it doesn’t but I can see it happening. With the Dumbocrats in bed with the main stream media and Big Tech what do the rest of us do?

George W Holzman
George W Holzman
3 years ago

How could Bernie run for Sec of labor the jerk never worked an honest day in his life.What does he know about Labor.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Caught in irons is an interesting description for setting a direction. If you tack correctly and the wind fills your sails,you should be making way in a more advantageous and speedy situation. Doc Brown in Back to the Future stated that “The future isn’t written yet.” We are at fork in the road. We shall have taken one soon. My selection is not the one that looks like we will be directed towards. There are still 4 weeks until the tack or fork is truly made or taken. Keep the faith and be prepared to continue to fight for soul of The United States of America. MAGA/A TRUMP=PENCE 2020.

Susan LeVay
Susan LeVay
3 years ago

I never realized how stupid and uninformed the American people are. I believe they have totally forgotten history, when people were put in cattle cars and driven to their death, or the invasion on 9/11. Where are the people with a heart and backbone? It is totally Ludacris. The only direction we need, is the direction that God gives us.

Barry N. Schmidt
Barry N. Schmidt
3 years ago

Children are being taught by Far Left teachers. Also saw last evening that BLM activists are being allowed to brainwash kids in the lower grades.

Rick J.
Rick J.
3 years ago

After seeing what happened to the folks who attended the rally in D.C., I realize no matter who
wins, ALL on the right will be forced to defend ourselves and our families from the violent left.
A realistic look says better a civil war now than latter. If we continue to turn the other cheek
to these leftist animals, we are going to get eaten.

R.S. Helms
R.S. Helms
3 years ago

If the people who are called by His name do not have a revival of biblical proportions, then we had better be prepared to do our part in protecting our constitutionally free & sovereign Republic of the United States of America and put a stop to this Luciferian global assault on our freedoms and Christianity. Pray for the fourth great awakening.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

A Biden Presidency will give rise to a new “Precious Metal” – Lead!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

You claim 35% of the population did not vote? More likely they were TRUMP VOTES and trashed, add that to ALL the illegal votes ( dead people, illegal alien votes, votes from china)and it makes it look like chinajoe and cameltoe won, recount EVERY VOTE and ONLY legal votes count!!!! KEEP AMERICA FREE!!

3 years ago

I believe America has been built up to be the Super Power it has become to be the ultimate ally to Israel. I believe this has been God’s plan to protect Israel from her enemies. Not one enemy nation has dared try to destroy Israel. My view on a Biden/Harris administration is that Israel will either become the Left’s ‘next’ target or will be left to fend for herself without Biden’s administrations ‘ability’ to go to their defense. As Obama did in deescalation of our military, so will Biden. If in fact that administration turns their back on Israel, no matter what we fear during the Biden Presidency, our nation will be finished. God will destroy this country. The most we can pray and hope for before this happens is for Christ’s coming for His bride, the Church….for us. We must also pray for Israel.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 years ago

Mail-in ballots + Dominion voting machines + plus Hammer and Scorecard software + fraudulent votes = Biden win. No wonder he did not campaign much….. the fix was already in!

3 years ago

Stand up America, the socialists are coming to steal your freedom and Our Country!
These slime balls have no morals, hate America and only care about their own greed and self satisfaction.
We the people, 72 plus million, better be prepared for a long and difficult approach to saving freedom!

3 years ago

Now is the call to arms! The enemy won’t be coming by land or by sea, they wlll be right next door. Prepare!

3 years ago

If lyin’ Biden and the kamel succeeds in stealing the presidency, we are doomed. I believe we will be plunged into the second Revolution.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Why are the Democrats trying to destroy the USA? The USA has rights and privileges that other countries don’t. The USA was founded with God in control. If that want a socialist country, then they should move to that type of country!!!

3 years ago

Joe Biden is a CROOK and a USEFUL IDIOT; the democrats like him and will pull the strings. Harris who knows?

3 years ago

He supposedly won because of voting fraud and because he promised people a minimum wage of 15.00 an hour. It took me almost 18 years to work up to $18.00 an hour at a health care facility. I earned that figure…not by flipping burgers, but by being responsible and a hard worker. Then he promised to give money toward buying their first home and if I remember right he promised to give families 5,000.00 for each child? Where is all that suppose to come from and how is that suppose to teach people that hard work pays off. He was buying votes with taxpayers money. We should all know that a politician will say anything to get elected and then knows that he will not be held accountable to his promises. That is why President Trump is the man that needs to be our President. He has kept most of his promises and continues to work hard for America because he cares about America and most importantly he is NOT a Politician. He is a man that we can trust to do the right thing.

3 years ago

This is a scary scenario and very possible. Our biggest fear is Kamala being in charge with no one to restrain her and her counterparts. There is an agenda out there to change America as we know it. All we can do is hope and Pray that they will fail and that Good will conquer the Evil that is trying to tear this country apart. This is what President Trump meant when he said he wanted to “Drain the Swamp”. Unfortunately, there are so many people outside the government that are huge contributors to the demise of America. Can we fight them all? That is why we need Prayers for America.

3 years ago

If they even THINK about messing with the 2nd Amendment, they will open up Pandora’s box to a Civil War, the likes no one has seen since 1865. Be ready.

Judith Wise
Judith Wise
3 years ago

I think you will find a lot of people “go off the grid”! Who do we trust anymore? Read your Bible and pray a lot folks.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

If Lil Joey becomes President, which I think he will,,,then we will become the USSA or Union is Socialist States of America.
Our DOJ acts like a Special Needs class so I don’t expect much from them. Add to that the 35% of people who were too lazy to even vote.
America, been nice knowing ya.

3 years ago

Trump won by a LANDSLIDE!! He has been playing chess with them for 4 years, and has always remained 3+ moves ahead. I believe he has the proof to back up the fraud claims and the vote changing by the Dominion counting program. Time will tell…

3 years ago

Standing behind the President and those who are seeking to make this a FAIR election. I believed that the Democrats were dishonest but this election was proof that they are MORE than just dishonest, they are anti-American and obviously anti-Constitutional. Thanks for taking a stand. It is obvious that the “other” retired people’s organization is now showing their real colors!

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
3 years ago

When the government fears its people, there is freedom….when the people fear the government there is tyranny. Joe Biden will never be president, even if they put him in the White House because they cheated and committed fraud. The Dems cannot pack the Supreme Court unless they get an amendment passed and then it must be ratified by 38 states….good luck on that one you commies. And if they think for one minute that the American people are going to do what they say, they have another think coming….we will resist to the point that there may be secession from the union. Two governors are stating that they will not uphold the mandatory mask order from cheater Joe and there will be more to come. This could be the start of the second revolution….that is what our forefathers have stated, to keep freedom there must be blood shed every so often…so get your ammo and guns ready, we may need them. Just remember that there are over 350,000 armed citizens in America…..our armed militia is larger than all the armies put together …. keep that in mind as I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

3 years ago

Josephine and RS Helms are right. It is good to report on this but it can’t stop there. These things have been going on for years, largely under the radar. However prayer can make up for it. I.e., God can if we pray and believe. It isn’t about numbers. Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit.

3 years ago

Biden: Please give Romney an obscure cabinet job and get him OUT of the US Senate.

Chris P Collins
Chris P Collins
3 years ago

Biden and the dems are frauds never let this happen must stop it

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Lincoln wanted for the slaved to be able to “eat from the work of their own hands”! The DemocRats, the RINO’s, the Media, the Entertainment Industry, etc. (That is: the Communists) want everyone to be dependent on “The Government”!! Control your own destiny!! Be free!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

What is happening today is exactly why OUR Founders wrote and passed the 2nd Amendment!!  If we are not willing to fight for OUR Country, we do not deserve to have it!!  There are STRONG indications that the “Left/Communists/DemocRats are planning some sort/level of THE “Reign of Terror” when President Trump wins reelection!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The DemocRats/Communists try to defame people by calling them NAZI’s.  NAZI is a German acronym for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party!  Americans have been brainwashed to believe that NAZI’s means extreme Racists and “right-wing” Authoritarians!  In fact, NAZI is the German form of Socialism!  It is a lie to call it “right-wing, as defined in most dictionaries.  It was, in fact, a “left wing” authoritarian group, exactly the same as the DemocRats of today!!!  The DemocRats of today, just as the NAZI’s, have also become Racist, condemning all white people (and anyone else) who will not join their “Cause”!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In the 1930’s, Adolph Hitler: “Heute Deutschland, Morgen die Welt!” (Today Germany, tomorrow the World)!!  Today, Chuck Schumer in the same year he threatened OUR Supreme Court: “Today Georgia, next we change the World!”  The Leaders of Socialism never cease to be corrupted by its EVILS!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

If you believe in Socialism or any system other than Free Market Capitalism, you have been BRAINWASHED!!  For Socialism to exist, “the elites” must, by necessity, forcibly take (e.g. taxes) what everybody earns and dole it back-out to match their version of equity!!  And, of course, “the elites” “earn” the right to keep “their share”!!  Through generations of Socialism, Communism, that impossible mythical state where there will be no need for Government because all People have become “enlightened,” is achieved!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Pete Emmert
Pete Emmert
3 years ago

The crux of the problem we face is that everyone in Congress and the Senate are crooked lawyers. We need common people to run this country such was done in the beginning. That is why our constitution is being widdled away piece by piece.

Dino Deplorable"chump"
Dino Deplorable"chump"
3 years ago

I am eighty one years old and almost for sure stuck in illinois a state run by the same bunch that want to ruin AMERICA like they did this corrupt,broke state.

3 years ago

I pray that our president does not concede. I know he is being bombarded by republican wimps ( is there any other kind?) to give up
” for the sake of the nation”. BS BS BS The nation needs a resolute president who stands up and tells us all that he will not
accept a illegitimate , corrupt, election. That is what we need and only Donald Trump has the courage and stamina to stand up to
the swamp as he has for the past 4 years. He has no friends in DC. Who cares ? I don’t either. His friends are his 74 million
voters located everywhere.

3 years ago

I have three guns and will buy more in the next week. I had no plans to do this until Nov 4.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

This is a late comment! But this is a milk toast out line of what these malcontents are going to do to our Nation. We are setting on pins, we know what the problems are and will be. Now dam it some one either grow a pair or some thing and fix this I am personally tired of this and want our Nation back!

I only got so much money and at 76 can only do so much. Do not know even after research who to give what little I can to. Might just send it direct to President Trump. Would be in the streets but afraid it would be just me, don’t mind the thought of a thumping as long as it accomplishes something. But would the people just give it away again and it be a waste as I feel my service to our Nation was, in light of where things are now.

illegal migrants crossing border behind barbed wire fence
donald trump waving and walking and joe biden on the phone, response difference to hurricane helene
American flag over the Roman Colosseum; portraying the comparison of the fall of Rome to current America
Depiction of Kamala Harris in distress with image of cyclone in the background

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