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Post-Election Optimistic Takeaways

Posted on Friday, November 6, 2020
by Outside Contributor

electionAs of this writing, the results of our roller-coaster presidential election and several Senate and House seats remain unsettled.

We can, however, already confirm one positive overarching takeaway with certainty:  That promised “blue wave” never materialized.

If anything, the blue tide receded.  Liberals lost multiple Senate races that they expected to win after spending hundreds of millions of dollars, and Nancy Pelosi will actually lose seats in the House.  Moreover, minority voters supported President Trump at levels unseen since 1960.

More broadly, it’s important to recognize that reason for continuing optimism remains no matter how the outstanding races conclude.  In that regard, a personal story seems instructive.

My first political memory dates to the tight 1976 presidential election between President Gerald Ford and challenger Jimmy Carter.  My mother, a Goldwater Republican despite her impoverished rural Arizona upbringing, hissed that she feared that my father had voted for Carter.  From that point forward, I considered the Carter presidency an unmitigated disaster, which in many ways it was.  But although I lamented his presidency for every minute of its existence, the Reagan Revolution wouldn’t have been possible without it.  Had Ford won in 1976, it’s almost inconceivable that Reagan would’ve been elected to bring dramatic change four years later.

In similar vein, no matter how this year’s presidential election settles, a healthy dose of humility and recognition that history unfolds in curious ways is in order.

Optimism should always prevail.

And for conservatives and libertarians, the reasons for optimism abound.

Consider that most had no expectation of President Trump winning the 2016 election.  If someone from the future informed them that Trump could miraculously win, with no assurance beyond one term, and would nominate three phenomenal Supreme Court justices, appoint approximately 30% of all federal judges and successfully implement a wide array of substantive policy changes, such as repeal of so-called “Net Neutrality” internet regulations and relocating the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, they’d have taken that offer in a heartbeat.

Perhaps if President Trump and his Senate allies had not confirmed new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett in recent weeks, the prospect of a Trump defeat in this year’s election might’ve caused greater gloom.  But with Justice Barrett joining the Court in addition to Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh earlier?  Label conservatives thrilled however this election plays out.

All of that and more were already achieved in a presidency that most didn’t even expect to happen in 2016.  Conservatives would’ve jumped at that prospect without hesitation.

Fast-forward to today.  Wasn’t Joe Biden supposed to win a landslide victory, in a thunderous rebuke of Trump’s presidency and governing principles?

Instead, even in a best-case scenario Biden will eke out a razor-thin victory in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that before 2016 hadn’t gone Republican since 1984 or 1988.

Furthermore, the polling services once again were wildly incorrect, providing yet another rebuke to their biased business model.

President Trump is also a singularly controversial candidate who motivates his opposition like hornets, yet he kept the race down to the wire in a year like 2020 that included a sudden worldwide pandemic, a nationwide economic shutdown, widespread frustration, social media censorship and mainstream media bias against him.  That’s simply remarkable, and it speaks to the success of President Trump’s broad agenda of deregulation and lower taxes to offset those headwinds.  In a year like 2020, any challenger should’ve won on a level resembling Reagan’s in 1980.

And for Republicans to likely maintain Senate control and expand their House proportion?  That’s truly remarkable, and again speaks to the offsetting success of their record of confirming judicial nominees and unleashing American prosperity before the pandemic and to bring a V-shaped recovery since.

So no matter how the outstanding unresolved races end, the bottom line is that sometimes your side wins and sometimes your side loses.  But most of the smart set confidently anticipated a nationwide blue wave that didn’t come close to materializing.  President Trump did not suffer the rebuke that so many hoped would occur after throwing everything they had at him over the past four years.  Senator Lindsey Graham (R – South Carolina), who led the successful confirmation battles over Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett, was not unseated.

Conservative principles endure because they work, regardless of the year and regardless of the particular leaders implementing them.  We were told to expect a stinging rebuke of those principles in this election, but that simply didn’t occur, and reasons for optimism continue.

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3 years ago

No one on our side believed any of the manufactured polls predicting a blue wave, We’ve all seen how wrong the polls are and how over-sampling of Democrats in these surveys skews the results. So the fact that , once again, the poll predictions of a blue wave being incorrect doesn’t surprise anyone here.

Now if you want to have a serious discussion of the rampant voter fraud being perpetuated to give Joe Biden the win even as we speak, then that is something worth discussing. Otherwise, these “Lets look back fondly at how many great accomplishments President Trump delivered as we prepare to replace him with a Democrat by fraudulent means” holds little to no real interest for what I believe are the majority of constitutional conservatives.

Put whatever spin you want to try on what is going on with the election, but lets try to keep it real. There was ZERO enthusiasm by the public FOR Joe Biden. His rallies, the few that he actually did, had problems even getting a 100 people to show up on any consistent basis. Usually the counts was 10 to 20. Contrast that with President Trump, who attracted thousands to tens of thousands at each of his events in the very states that now are magically showing Biden with increasing leads. Call it like it is. The election is being stolen right in front of us, while the public is supposed to just sit by and cheerfully accept it. Sorry but that doesn’t fly.

3 years ago

Sorry, but I refuse to accept a Biden victory! … The widespread cheating that took place in Wisconsin and Michigan is now being overshadowed by the Progressively Communist Democratic cheating in Georgia and Pennsylvania. To accept 90% turnout in Democratic big cities defies logic. President Trump had overflowing crowds of supporters wherever he went while Jackass Joe couldn’t attract a crowd of 100 people. For Jackass Joe to win the Presidency and for the Progressively Communist Democrats to lose House seats defies the Blue Wave we were told to expect. No way should President Trump accept defeat when anyone with half a brain knows there were shenanigans being wrought by these phony mail-in ballots that defy logic. Attorney General Barr must investigate and press charges against these cheaters and Biden should also be investigated over his son’s actions and be forced to concede the election. THESE COMMUNISTS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO STEAL THIS ELECTION!!!

3 years ago

Without doubt, President Trump is a fighter. All of us are grateful for the prosperity he showed the country we’re capable of achieving, given business-friendly policies. I don’t think he or his brand of Republicanism will simply fade into the background. Maybe some of the dems will someday come to understand the good things he did and will look at Republican candidates in the future.

But it’s hard to get past having Biden/Harris in the White House, and hard to come to terms with lost opportunity. Let’s see what the lawsuits uncover. If it’s not enough, then we have to accept the facts, and get on with it. Let’s work to get more conservatives voted into office next time around, and continue to voice our opposition to liberal policies that harm the citizens.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

These three things I know are true:

1) Defying predictions, the Republicans made significant gains in the House;

2) Defying predictions, the Republicans have held the Senate; and

3) The President should resist his natural instincts and let his lawyers do the talking in the multiple legal challenges ahead.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Post election +: We have House, Senate. & CA dumped loony left propositions, & added seats to CA House etc.
Otherwise more fraud.
always dumping ballots for Trump, I say President wins on default by Fraud alone

3 years ago

This election makes the hard case for redoing our election system and scrapping this one period and doing it over, if three terms were good enough for FDR the Dems will survive President Trump’s term to be extended until a fair and this time fraudless election can be conducted. Voting only in person, with voter i.d., thumb print left next to the signature if we could help the Iraqis have a fair election why are we unable to have one here at home? Maybe the voting system needs adult supervision.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 years ago

You are forgetting that the Dems cheated in Michigan to deny the Republican the win. They are cheating in North Carolina to deny Tillis the win and cheating in Georgia in hopes of winning those two seats in run-off elections. If they succeed in this cheating scheme all the things they said they would do like packing the Supreme, admitting Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico as states they would have formed an unbeatable wall that no Republican would ever win the White House again and Republicans would never have a majority in the Senate again. If this happens our country would reach the final step in the “Destruction of Nations” that I have posted a couple of times….. that is BONDAGE.

Larry Kelso
Larry Kelso
3 years ago

Neither I nor many other patriots are any where close to conceding the Presidency! Republicans have always rolled over and quietly accepted malfeasance and fraud. NO MORE! Now is the time to fight… and President Trump is the consummate fighter!

3 years ago

President Trump IS going to win!! We have to remain positive and keep praying!! I sent emails to Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Fox News and Rudy Giuliani asking for help in how the Trump Supporters, across all 50 states, can ‘make some noise’ (aside from burning down buildings) to show our support for President Trump. We are being denied a fair election and we AREN’T and SHOULDN’T accept what is going on. In PA they are literally changing the votes, there is a video showing them changing the votes. In GA, 9K military votes haven’t even been counted. This election is so corrupt, it isn’t funny. At 51 years old, this is a complete learning experience for me, as I never realized how naive I was to how corrupt our government is and how must trust I actually put into our elected leaders. President Trump is the only one I trust now. What can we do as as a group to show our support and show them we do NOT accept this type of treatment?

3 years ago

Reasons for optimism do continue and always will. None of us knows the future. The optimist will always live a better life today. I hope that the final vote will help heal the nation. Yes, it will be morning again in America.

Roba Snider
Roba Snider
3 years ago

Most intelligent people haven’t believed polls in decades, they are too easy to manipulate. As for the election, I find it hard to believe that people like AOC legally won their reelection after the things they said and did that hurt those they represent. This election is being stolen, sadly for them we have a fighter o. The White House. He knows how to fight and won’t take this thievery lying down as Republicans have in the past.

Linda Justesen
Linda Justesen
3 years ago

I see a lot of unprecedented events unfolding, beginning with the political usage of the corona virus. God is in control of all this, and He knows what He is doing. He told us to watch and pray. I think we are coming into some very exciting times

3 years ago

Thanx but still sad that a man who accomplished so much will probably lose.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

My “takeaway” is the realization that I am not a “good” person after all. My hatred for the corrupt Leftists has grown exponentially. Their cheating, underhanded tactics has caused me to wish them bodily harm. Their “by any means necessary” mantra has made me willing to do the same to them. Their open disdain for, and name-calling at Trump supporters has made me wonder why we all just stand there clutching our pearls and take it squarely on our collective chins. And after 4 years of a Harris(Biden) rule, I wonder if more Patriots may feel as I do?

3 years ago

But a Democrat steal of the White House means a hell of a lot of pain to everyone, and the continuation of their drive to destroy this country.

Jane CA
Jane CA
3 years ago

My husband just checked the voter registration and it said his mail in vote was counted on 10/20 we voted in person at our local precinct!!! I wonder who the mail in was voting for??? FRAUD!! WE should have a strict re election in December. Or is this going to be swept under the carpet like Hillary gate? And we certainly didn’t vote for Cooper (D-NC) !!!

Michael Skiles
Michael Skiles
3 years ago

Now this is how true perspective is cast on Tuesday’s election results. Even if Biden wins, look at all 4 years of magnificent results of a Trump presidency that, statistically speaking, should never have even happened. With a Republican Senate, a diminished Democrat presence in the House and a resoundingly conservative Supreme Court, main street America still won!

3 years ago

Joe and Kamala will never be a true president to me IF somehow the citizens crap out again, fold to this bogus election caper, and accept this masquerade as an honest election.

Voting in person the best with monitored absentee or elderly votes by mail arriving before or on the day should be accepted. This lazy attitude from irresponsible citizens should be reprimanded and not catered too.

Linda King
Linda King
3 years ago

What has happened in Pennsylvania and Michigan is downright wrong. I don’t live near Philadelphia, but I am a Pennsylvania resident and I am quite ashamed to even be a resident of this state right now. Biden didn’t win, he stole the election. We were fraudulently overridden by illegal actions of biased democrat polling facilities, not just in Philadelphia PA. What they did is broke federal election statutes and nothing is being done? What the hell is wrong with this country? Are we that far gone? I hope I don’t get my right to free speech taken away for this post

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

This author wants us to just accept all that Trump has accomplished in his 4 years, and walk away, be willing to embrace our brethren across the political aisle, then watch them systematically dismantle and destroy everything that Trump put into place, while “humbly” accepting a narrow defeat that was rigged? I say, uh-no, we need to make them twice as MISERABLE as they did to us for the last 4 years. “Goose & Gander”.

3 years ago

Biden is not qualified to be President and I think they have cheated and lied and I have no confidence in his leadership ability. She is egotistical and arrogant to the extreme. Is she going to be included in the equality she Touts? Is her salary and rights going to be the same as the rest of the poplulace? I don’t see how anyone with half a brain could vote for those two, but apparently a lot of people only learn the hard way. I have never seen such childish, immature, hateful behavior on the part of so called leaders. What a mess. I find it very difficult to see anything positive in the prospect of those two in the White house. But, thanks for pointing out some. Excellent article.

3 years ago

Is anyone really surprised by this communist crap from Biden the disgrace of having this vile treasonous scum as President is a sign of the times we live in America must take its government back from the corrupt trash in DC dark days loom ahead and their is no wishing that away.You only vote for a communist once then you bow down or perish .RISE UP!

Tedd K
Tedd K
3 years ago

There is no silver lining, just fuzzy warm feelings for now, IF this coup goes through. What we will have lost is what keeps us free, FAIR HONEST TRANSPARENT ELECTIONS! Once you cheat at this level you own that ability to alter elections. Future voting becomes pointless and renders us a one party system going forward. There will no be winning another election. Eventually there will be no election. This is huge, it is enough to have a civil war over at some point. Very very troubling considering the USA is on the brink of no return.

Evelyn Emory
Evelyn Emory
3 years ago

Thank you for the encouragement. President Trump fought every step while in office to bring prosperity and deregulation back to our country where we needed it. He singularly brought to focus the corruption that has eroded our government over the last three decades if not longer. We can look forward to more changes in two years for the next election.

Leon Krauss
Leon Krauss
3 years ago

I know in my heart as do all of you that there is absolutely no way Joe Biden and Kamela Harris could win this election honestly. The American people are not that dumb nor are they corrupt like Joe Biden’s socialist/communist bosses who paid to have this election stolen from the American people. I am going to stick my neck out here and state nor are these “last minute Democrat votes” Christian-centered like so many of the Trump/Pence supporters because Christian people would not participate in a knowingly questionable/illegal election. The RNC has just not been able to pinpoint who and how they did it with unarguable evidence. Smart planning on the Democrats part even if it is wrong, illegal and just plain down right evil. They had planned for this exact scenario ever since they legally lost the 2016 Presidential election. I propose that inaugeration day will come and go without an answer as to who legally won this election, but that is not all bad. At least Donald J. Trump can remain our President until the election decision has been legally determined. And I really like what another contributor has stated that without another failed Democrat in the White House we can never have another Reagan-like President again!

Randy W
Randy W
3 years ago

I would ask that investigations in to vote counts that yielded more votes than registered voters in any locale be removed from the count. Let’s see where the final tabulation goes, be it for either candidate. That wold give us the actual winner of the Presidency and surely could not be argued against by either side.

3 years ago

Thanks, good article. I want to share it but the email share icon doesn’t seem to be working.

Thomas Henry McGinley
Thomas Henry McGinley
3 years ago

Without a clean election we invite tyranny. The worldwide Communist movement has been infiltrating Western institutions since the Bolshevik Revolution and has found a home with nearly full control of the Democratic Party. They knew America would be the last to fall and so played the long game with great success. We may have won the “hardware” aspect of the Cold War but it appears we have lost the “software” component.

Rick Hall
Rick Hall
3 years ago

I tend to agree with this article in general.
However, knowing the history of the Democratic Party and their tactics to do their best to deliver the vote in their favor by fraudulent means, and in light of the mysterious, seemingly miraculous change of President Trumps good lead to an instant turnaround to Biden’s favor and these miraculous turnarounds happening in those states that are Democratically controlled??
Then there is the factor that already there have been solid reports of deliberate fraudulent poll reports of Democratic wins that were tallied through deceptive means.
So, overall, it would seem as if it’s the same old story as always of the Democrats doing the same old thing of attempting to win by fraudulent voting tallies.
Even with this happening there are great conservative wins & liberal defeats!

3 years ago

If the American people let this election theft stand, we will NEVER have another free and fair election in this country! I don’t care who you voted for, that should scare you in to action.

Carol Moran
Carol Moran
3 years ago

It”s not over yet….One thing we have learned National Elections can not be left to the states. The Supreme Court must mandate reliable, universal equipment. They must require valid ID, and with only few exceptions, it must be in person. They must schedule a reasonable time and amount of time for polls to be open. We must bring integrity back to the vote.

Linda Sweet
Linda Sweet
3 years ago

I am still optimistic because our times are in God’s hands (Eccl. 3:11) regardless of outward appearances. Hopefully, corruption on the part of the left is provable and President Trump will be declared the winner.

C Anderson
C Anderson
3 years ago

I disagree with the entire premise that Ronald Reagan would not have been elected without the preceding Carter regime. It suggests that Reagan was not nationally known and that he had no political history! He was greatly loved even before he was a politician. And, I also have to disagree that bad always results in a return to good. If that were true, Russia would be free. This article is not worthy of AMAC. We don’t need a crappy Biden presidency to have a great country and I hope we get past the notion that we have to be run over by corruption to want truth and light! Conservative principles endure only if we have an educated society and learning through blundering is not an education that any of us wants.

3 years ago

I am positive that if we had all voted in person and showed our legal ID like it is required President Trump would have won already. The cheating and lying that is going on is something that only happens in a communist nation. Shame on the democrats, they should all be in jail. Anyone that thinks an dog or cat has more rights that a human baby is not qualified to be elected for any position.
I am still praying for the lies and cheating to be made know and the law breakers to be punished. Trump 2020!!

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago


3 years ago

Isn’t it amazing that in America a felon may be President of the United States. The Democrats may think that they have won but they have just, through ends justifying the means, ACCEPTED the total end of their political party.

3 years ago

At this point, considering that we have control of the Senate, we could possibly have the option of choosing the President via the House and the Senate. The Democrats assumed that they would control the both houses but they don’t. They could have their chosen “temporary” leader but the Senate chooses the VP, which means that the Republicans can and should put Pence in the VP spot which will definitely put a dent in their plans for replacement of Biden by Harris. I am sure that they, the Republicans, are weighing their options. But whatever the future holds we need to stay strong and let the radicals face the consequences of their actions, like we are seeing now with ballots “appearing “ suddenly that only have the same vote marked on them. Stay strong

Gary F
Gary F
3 years ago

Oh, look! There’s a sweet juicy raisin in my manure sandwich!

Virtually everything accomplished over the past four years – except for the court appointments – can be undone in less than that by a Chief Executive (who might be Biden for a while) with full support from the House, the Media, and radical, violent Marxists.
My version of optimism is to fervently hope and pray for a better outcome.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

May God help Trump win!!

Still Thinkin'
Still Thinkin'
3 years ago

I’ve got a simple question. Why is it that ALL of the states with late vote counts are cliffhanger states? The states that are solidly in either camp are settled and done. But states where we still really don’t know who is winning, where the margins are razor thin, are still up in the air with who knows how many votes remain to be counted and no end in sight. That has to tell us something. I know, it’s a coincidence.

Time for a new name! “Just Say NO to Crazy Joe” has run its course. How about, “Say Hello to Comrade Joe?” But is Crazy Joe even smart enough to figure out how to be a true “comrade”, as his running mate is? Questionable.

3 years ago

Trying to vote reader comments up or down using these + and – icons is about the same as casting a Republican vote in this election. I tap numerous times to get a thumbs up and it recorded a double minus. Frustrating all around!!!

3 years ago

My question is…How could an old white guy, whose been in DC for 47 years and never made any “good” changes to the law, came out of his basement to hold a few rallies, doesn’t know what city or state he’s in or even what he’s wearing that day, is a criminal with a corrupt family history, come out on top??? Sure looks like voter fraud to me. Philadelphia Mayor Kenney said this morning that Pres. Trump should “put on his big boy pants and give up”. And then said that Biden is the presidential winner. Really??? Not surprised PA is a democratic state and Mayor Keeney is also a democrat, oh and by the way the Mayor hides out too, very seldom does he surface. Pres. Trump should not give up til the truth comes out!

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
3 years ago

Hi Everyone..
Being optimistic is one thing, but to see evidence of voter fraud, like ballots delivered in the middle of the night, the statistical improbability of the vast number of late votes breaking for Biden, poll watchers being barred, networks too quick to call states,etc. , I am concerned that too many people are excusing fraudulent practices to achieve a desired results.
Just that issue should alarm everyone.

3 years ago

We are all screwed! I will close out all my stocks and bond accounts the first week of 2021. I will not support the Wallstreet that funds this crooked communist biden party. If anyone knows of a good plan, I will be watching for a backup plan.

Thomas Harper
Thomas Harper
3 years ago

I am not at all optimistic with the left wing radical Democtat party openly stealing the election while the DOJ stands by failing to enforce election laws. The DOJ is a part of the Deep State and failed to prosecute criminals who have been trying to take President Trump down since July 2015 when he was candidate Trump. Meanwhile, the mainstream media are over 90% anti Trump, with Fox News now joining them. We have become a Banana Republic while the world watches. If the Coup Cabal had been prosecuted as they should have been, the remaining members of the DNC would not have been brazen enough to commit MASSIVE voter fraud. They know they can get away with it, so the Coup continues,. If President Trump is defeated, it will be due to voter fraud, and that will be the end of our country as we know it, and also the end of our freedom.

George Sweeney
George Sweeney
3 years ago

Are we in Russia? Maybe it is Venezuela? In any case, the coup has hit a peak. No country on earth could defeat us, but are being brought down from the inside. There are so many working to bring the nation down.

3 years ago

Uh is it just me or did this piece seem more like a pep talk after the Pee Wee baseball team lost their championship? The guy needs a reality check. I’m sure there may be some pie in the sky Conservatives out there with Timothy’s view. What’s really the mood among Conservatives right now is vehement anger for our government officials who have gone absolutely berserk!! I’m witnessing an unprecedented moment in our history which will determine the impending destruction of our country and the lost future for our grandchildren. I’ve made clear before what I believe is happening due to our country’s spiritual decline. Like Israel we have a lesson to learn from turning away from God. Until we acknowledge our backsliding ways we will struggle with hardships. There are a lot of people praying right now, including me and I’m hopeful the Lord will intervene and destroy every effort of these demons to take down our country. Remember, Man in his own capacity is a flawed human being and without God our self willed desires bring us to the point where we are now, a nation in chaos imploding upon itself.
President Trump has really grown on me. I originally voted for him so Hillary wouldn’t win. Our prayers at that time were answered in one way or another. I still have a tough time watching and listening to him. But it’s not a person’s personality I vote for, it’s first, their godly principles then their governing integrity and ability to lead. Well, he has convinced me he can lead and I agree with his policies for our country. We do need God to intervene for us because if that doesn’t happen I believe this country will sink into a dark nightmare of globalism lead by Satan’s appointed destroyer.

3 years ago

It looks collusion among the Democrat (Marxist) party leaders. When Mr. trump was ahead they stopped counting, then took out the suitcases of “False ” ballots and include them in the false count ( which happen to be for Bird brain Biden. This is how these scoundrels operate. This is a criminal act that needs to be exposed. Mr. trump should demand an investigation as to where these ballots came from and not concede.

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

Trump won the election, period. The dems have been planning their cheating scheme for four years and they’re counting on conservatives to do what they usually do, bend over and take it. Not this time!

Roseann Riddle
Roseann Riddle
3 years ago

I was supposed to be a poll observer, and had done it in the past and had studied for this current vote. I was told to send in a taped off “box” and I found myself 12 to 30 feet away from the voting, unable to hear or see anything of value. They could have been doing anything whatsoever and I couldn’t have detected it.

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