
Newsline , Society

Why Beijing Hopes for a Biden Win

Posted on Wednesday, November 4, 2020
by Outside Contributor

bidenWhen it became clear that the Obama-Biden administration wouldn’t do anything serious to push back, China ramped up its island-building activities.

Elections have consequences, both domestic and foreign. There is a consensus among China observers that Beijing hopes for a Joe Biden win this November, because the last time Biden was in charge, as vice president of the United States, China completed its control of the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is one of the most important bodies of water on the planet. Besides China, multiple nations including Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines have their own, sometimes overlapping, claims to portions of the South China Sea. In addition to historic claims, according to the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a nation has sovereignty over waters extending twelve nautical miles from its land and exclusive control over economic activities 200 nautical miles out into the ocean.

However, using its own map with a “nine-dash line,” China claims that it has historic rights to about 90 percent of the South China Sea, including those areas that run as far as 1,200 miles from main­land China and which fall within 100 miles of the coasts of the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam. No other country in the world either recognizes the legitimacy of China’s nine-dash–line map or its historic claim.

The disputes between China and its neighboring Asian countries are not simply about who has the rightful claim historically but are predominantly about economic rights. The South China Sea is rich with natural resources such as oil and gas. It accounts for 10 percent of the world’s fisheries and has provided food and a way of living for millions of people in the region for centuries. The region is also one of the busiest trading routes, with about one-third of global shipping and more than $3 trillion worth of global trade passing through this area annually.

When Xi Jinping became Communist China’s supreme leader in 2013, he regarded transforming China into a maritime power, including the expansion in the South China Sea, as a key component to his great Chinese rejuvenation. According to the Chinese Communist Party’s own publication, “On the South China Sea issue, [Xi] personally made decisions on building islands and consolidating the reefs, and setting up the city of Sansha. [These decisions] fundamentally changed the strategic situation of the South China Sea.”

China started land-reclamation efforts in the South China Sea in 2013. Beijing initially proceeded slowly and cautiously while evaluating the Obama-Biden administration’s reaction. It sent a dredger to Johnson South Reef in the Spratly archipelago. The dredger was so powerful that it was able to create eleven hectares of a new island in less than four months with the protection of a Chinese warship.

When it became clear that the Obama-Biden administration wouldn’t do anything serious to push back, China ramped up its island-building activities. China insisted that its land-reclamation efforts were for peaceful purposes, such as fishing and energy exploration. However, satellite images show there are runways, ports, aircraft hangars, radar and sensor equipment, and military buildings on these manmade islands.

Noticing the Obama-Biden administration’s unwillingness to push back on China’s island-building activities, China’s smaller neighbors decided to find other means of addressing the crisis at hand. In 2013, the Philippines filed an arbitration case under the UNCLOS over China’s claims of sovereignty over the Spratly Islands and Scarborough Shoal.

In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague rejected the majority of China’s claim of the South China Sea. It also ruled that China’s island build-up was not only unlawful but also a blatant violation of the Philippines’ economic rights and that it “had caused severe environmental harm to reefs in the chain.” Beijing chose to ignore the ruling and press ahead with more island construction and militarization.

Without U.S. intervention, small countries such as the Philippines have little means to enforce the ruling and halt China’s maritime expansion in the South China Sea. Former U.S. defense secretary Ash Carter criticized the Obama-Biden administration for giving Beijing a rare strategic opening for its island-building. As the Obama administration stood by, China was able to reclaim an estimated 3,200 acres of land on seven features in the South China Sea.

The Obama-Biden administration bore the prime responsibility for not forcefully stopping China’s South China Sea expansion early on. The administration’s soft approach and wishful thinking gave China a four-year strategic window to turn the South China Sea into China’s backyard pond and the most dangerous water on this planet, a reality the rest of the world now has to live with.

It was reported that between 2010 and 2016, 32 out of the 45 major incidents reported in the South China Sea involved at least one Chinese ship. Fishermen from the Philippines and Vietnam can’t even fish in their own nations’ water safely without being harassed by Chinese coastal guards and militarized Chinese fishing boats. The Chinese Navy also has responded to the U.S. Navy’s “freedom of navigation” operations in an increasingly defiant and aggressive manner. Some national-security experts predict that the first real Sino–U.S. war could be fought in the South China Sea.

The Trump administration ended China’s unchallenged expansion in the South China Sea by announcing in July that the United States supports the 2016 Hague ruling and opposes several of Beijing’s claims in the South China Sea.  In the same month, the U.S. Navy also sent two aircraft carriers to waters near the South China Sea when China held a large military exercise. Following the U.S. lead, Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, who had appeased Beijing since he came to office in 2016, recently told Beijing to follow international law, including The Hague ruling to resolve any dispute in the South China Sea.

Biden might have adopted harsh rhetoric against China, but his past actions — and inactions — speak louder than his words. The last time when Biden was in charge, China completed its expansion in the South China Sea. Should Biden get elected this November, Beijing believes that Biden is someone it could do business with and expects him to revise the Trump administration’s hard line policies toward China. The recent revelation of Hunter Biden’s questionable dealings in China shows that Beijing has invested heavily to cultivate a good relationship with the Biden family for decades. A four-year Biden presidency will likely give China’s Xi ample time to fulfill his ambition: putting the final building blocks of a Sino-centric world order, turning China into a technology powerhouse through the completion of the “Made in China 2025” initiative, and possibly taking Taiwan by force.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Rerun movie Red Dawn with Chris H in starring role , see orig Red Dawn 1980s movie, only remove Koreans from sequence & add Chinese forces in US, End Run.
Both movies on DVD, streaming, Red Dawn 2, 2015.
Thats the basis for Chinese wanting Joe

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Lord, please have Trump re-elected.

3 years ago

Does the US have so many idiots that we are going to give the nuke codes to a guy who never knows what state or city is in? The Chinese will attack an ally and Biden (in a haze) will bomb England????

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Shocked, disgusted and sickened that we have so many people wanting socialism.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Yet another reason to keep Biden-the-Clown out. Him and the Cameleon WILL ruin this Country. Time to mobilize.

Donna L Stroup
Donna L Stroup
3 years ago

China is a bully! Come on folks. First they tried to kill our babies with bad formula…then our cats and dogs with tainted food. Also the may years I worked in a hospital pharmacy we had recalls on drugs constantly…guess where they were made?? We all have heard what Joe Biden and his son have been up to. It’s not rocket science! I’m hoping President Trump wins as he promised to clean up the Pharmaceutical companies and lower drug prices. My dream would be that we do not deal with any drugs coming out of China. Pharmaceutical companies being based here in the USA would be the safest way to go…..

3 years ago

Of course China wants lyin’ Biden to win. He’s already sold us out to them. After Biden is removed Kamel Harris will continue the takeover. She is a Soros puppet too.

DB Giuntoli
DB Giuntoli
3 years ago

What I don’t understand is why this article comes out the daY after the “REAL DATE” of the election! With J.B. never expressing his real platform, or expressing a consistent message he is able to do whatever he’s told to do. Pray for our nation!

3 years ago

The mail-in vote fraud perpetrated by the Progressively Communist Democratic Party has a chance of defeating President Trump’s reelection. Listening to Fox News this morning they claim that no matter what the Demoncrats can’t push “Socialism” down our throats even if Biden wins the Presidency because the Republicans still have control of the Senate. What hogwash! Like Biden wouldn’t just ignore the Senate and just Executive Order everything he wants. It looks slim that President Trump wins re-election right now with these phony mail-in ballots steamrolling his election. What a farce!

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

The thing I have not figured out about all of this is why China has not moved to take over Taiwan. For years they have claimed that the former Formosa was territory of China.

Phyllis Poile
Phyllis Poile
3 years ago

What’s out Russia? Isn’t that getting into Russian territory?!

RV Toledano
RV Toledano
3 years ago

Biden = The Manchurian Candidate

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
3 years ago

I can see it now with all the brainwashing of our students in public schools they will make it mandatory to learn to speak Chinese. Joe could appoint Hunter to be the Chinese Ambassador! We will scrap our military and police forces so we cannot defend ourselves. More jobs will be lost so we have to import more! All courts will close since the Socialists will tell us what to do and we will not need any laws. We have everything to lose that made America great! God Bless President Trump and America.

3 years ago

Ya for sure. They are traitors. All for themselves and money and power. They have no morals or compassion for anyone. Psychos basically.

3 years ago

In 1959 I met a person from Taiwan who left me with this plea “Taiwan wants to remain a free nation. Please do not forget us.” Taiwan has quietly shown that freedom is necessary for prosperity. We now know that a President Biden has personal reasons to let China take over Taiwan and eventually the U.S. I appears his personal power is more important to him than anyone’s freedom. I am praying for America and Taiwan.

Barry N. Schmidt
Barry N. Schmidt
3 years ago

China is on the path toward world domination, and the U.S. is the only nation in the world who can stop them. If diplomacy fails to work, military intervention is the only answer left. Obama, the great appeaser, would have merely said, “Please,” while the Commies proceeded merrily on their way to dominate the South China Sea and surround areas. China has been a bully since 1949 when Mao shoved his own people into economic slavery under his newly-adopted Communist government. Nothing has changed except its evil leaders.

3 years ago

biden is in bed with china – anyone who voted for this loser must like liars, cheats and frauds. i’m sure that the dems are using some of their tactics in this election

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Mayors often give “Keys to the City” to visiting VIPs. Biden will give Xi the “Keys to America” and then proceed to sell all the rest of the country piece-by-piece to China as the Demsheviks march us down the road to so-called “Democratic Socialism” (i.e., Communism-lite) on the way eventually to full-blown Communism. In fact, America may ultimately become the newest offshore “Province” of China, much in the manner that the United States previously added the non-contiguous new states of Alaska and Hawaii to our Union. Then, hand-in-hand with the so-called Cancel Culture ideology as a backdrop, the Grand Utopia of George Orwell’s 1984 will be fully achieved!

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Why not? They are not idiots and Joe and his relatives are in the bag. ROLL OVER IDIOTS THEY COULD BE ON THEIR WAY. HAVE FUN! MAGA/A-KAF-KAG!! TRUMP-PENCE 2020

Robert Goidel
Robert Goidel
3 years ago

Are we really surprised? Biden is in China’s pocket of donations.

3 years ago

China is hopeful for Biden because they want maximum return on their investment.

Carla Anderson
Carla Anderson
3 years ago

It sickens me how so much voter fraud is happening right now. The democrats have no other way to win, so what does that say about them?! Pray to God this election goes to the person who loves this country and wants it to be great. WE can’t lose everything Trump has worked so hard to accomplish. I have never in my life been so afraid and at odds with so many others who actually believe socialism is a good thing!

dick valnes
dick valnes
3 years ago

We suffer or enjoy the consequences of our leadership! We had 8 years of the consequences of Biden and the process is in the making for 4 more years! We can and must pray that we can stave off another 4 years of the man who was famous for:”Let me be clear”! Who was Bidens mentor! Apologizing for America’s terrible actions!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

The need for term limits is GLARING, WE can start the process by NOT re-elected self serving TRAITORS like chinajoe and cameltoe, the clintons, obamas, schiffs, nadlers, schumers, pelosi etc. That have proven for decades they ONLY care about themseves and thier power and wealth, we need to make serious changes in order to protect ourselves from our domestic enemies(democrats). GOD HELP US AND SAVE US!

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
3 years ago

Biden has won.

3 years ago

Seriously! Why do you think China released Covid?? To I help elect Biden.

Rick J.
Rick J.
3 years ago

It’s amazing how many ignorant fools are in this country…Hope President Trump prevails in recount challenges
If not demand the Republicans begin a resistance movement like was done to President Trump.

3 years ago

Biden isn’t going to do anything but be a puppet of Harris and the leftist if he wins the presidency.

3 years ago

I believe most of the votes are coming from this young generations. These young ones have no clues about the south china sea and what will happen next. Biden and Obama did not do anything, therefore, if Biden becomes President, China will expand and take over. I hate to think about it. China
realized that they cannot walk over Trump, and did not have their way with him. I can believe it that they are waiting for Biden’s win. It will be sad.

Veronica Kim Cota
Veronica Kim Cota
3 years ago

Voter Fraud is ensuring a Biden America and if anyone was dumb enough to vote Joe, you have just sold America to China

3 years ago

AMAC has written this article a little too late. It would have been a good read before the election, but now it’s moot, the writing is on the wall.

3 years ago

Truth is that the ones who vote democrat should have to live with socialist,anti american,failed policies, riots, and kissing the rears of foriegn dictators, and paying obsessive taxes.
Republicans should be able to live in a free,normal society.
So so disappointed in America.
You get what you accept,shame,shame that free stuff and no effort is what you aspire to achieve.

3 years ago

Let’s not accept,create a fabricated solicitous story,and impeach the 2 morons camela and corrupt joe!
Only difference, they deserve it

3 years ago

Joe Biden ( nor any democrat) will ever be my president. The voters of Michigan and Wisconsin are stupid and the voters of GA and NC are
about be. NO DEMOCRAT-RHINO president.

3 years ago

Sell your property and get out now while you can sell for a reasonable price. The new retirement destinations are Mexico and Canada.
Our real estate boom (created by Trump) is now at an end. Cash out NOW.

3 years ago

For our country, I don’t see an eventual China take over. I’m a believer in Christian biblical principles. What I learned is God had plans for our nation, one being a major ally and defender of Israel. Things began slipping when the Liberal Left began trying to change our country’s social barriers about what is biblically acceptable for society. The evolution of anti-God sentiment grew exponentially in our schools perverting immoral views regarding Creation and imposing the absurdity of Mankinds Evolution from Apes. Christianity also has taken a plunge in the last forty years or so bringing in more questioning about faith than admonishing God’s gifts of what wars were fought for to make us a free and Sovereign nation under God. After years of failed leadership brought in by Democrats our nation now stands in question as a Super Power.
The Left has eroded away at our moral core and is dedicated to their dehumanizing values. Teaching abominable deviance in human nature. I think a line has finally been crossed which may lead to our ultimate destruction. We were ‘One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.’ Now a nation steeped in total chaos and delusion. In the Book of Revelations the scriptures mention a nation once blessed by God and one had in honor among many nations as well as feared because of the power of our armed forces, became prideful and saw herself as a Queen, that no one dare move against her. She put herself above God who made her what she was. God gave her a name:
She became the enemy of God and His wrath was kindled against her. I hope this isn’t the description of our country in Prophecy but another passage of scripture describes this nation as becoming as Sodoma and Gomorrah. If this doesn’t seem like what is happening in our country I don’t know what else does.
I believe the absolute final straw for our country in God’s sight will be when our nation turns against Israel. That hasn’t happened yet, thank God, but I fear if Joe and Kamala win this election, it may happen under their administration. Praying God will forgive us and get us out of this mess.

3 years ago

Notice the last response was sent in 10 hours ago. The anger that has been expressed over the past 10 hours has been deleted including mine.

3 years ago

I love AMAC and appreciate this forum but we need to have an up to the minute , unfiltered, forum. The nation would
be shocked at the anger being expressed. Facebook would melt down.

3 years ago

Notice that there has been no new entry for the last 10 hours. Thats how angry people are.
Entries have been made but they have been deleted.

3 years ago

If Trump loses, I will simply drop out. I will no longer be involved. I will either accept the abuse being done to me
or I will leave. Those of us who think this way are quiet. One day we’re here. The next day we’re gone.

3 years ago

Will we be the first nation taken over by communism without a fight ? At least the Russians put up a fight.

3 years ago

The new USSR ( United Soviet States) is Russia, China, and the US. Welcome to the new world.
Mexico and Canada have just lost their best ally. Next month the Canadian govt will erect a fence
between the US and their country and Mexico from their own budget will finish the wall. They should
now be afraid of us. Biden is a tool.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

I think Biden is a disgrace to the United States and cannot, for the life of me, understand why so many people have voted for him and his ideas which will destroy the United States as we know it today.

3 years ago

A day or two back there was Ben Ferguson and others showing proof of the Bidens’ dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine. If that was posted maybe six months earlier Trump would still be the president

Helen Galfi
Helen Galfi
3 years ago

Yes we all are shocked by the outcome of this election and I am sure that its fixed by the Silicone Valley cronies and probably China had some input in it and also Iran but we pray to our dear God to expose all this in a short time. Let’s all pray to Him to prevail Amen !!!!

3 years ago

Beijing wants Biden because he’s weaker and dumber than Carter, and nearly as big of traitor as Obama. Along with the fact that his successor is a communist, Beijing loves this combo!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The DemocRats/Communists and Media are controlling the Swamp!! Their funding is primarily from international sources, Soros and ChiComs!! The DOJ knows most of the Monies are international and therefore are illegal but are doing nothing!! The SWAMP refuses to enforce our laws!!! We must be ready to “Take-up Arms and FIGHT!!”  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Both the DemocRat Party and the National and International News Media belong to the One World Government/Communist Machine!! Turn them all OFF!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Get our Children our of Public Schools and turn-off Mainstream Media!  Become a Free American!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

3 years ago

So we’re the next Tiawan ?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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