Who We Are
AMAC Action represents Americans over age 50 to advance policies that empower them to live longer, keep more of their hard-earned money, retire with dignity, and build a stronger America for future generations. We provide a vehicle for AMAC members to engage in grassroots advocacy to preserve our great American values of faith, family, and freedom.
What We Do
AMAC Action serves to support and defend the United States Constitution, freedom, liberty, and the free market. AMAC Action and its volunteer advocates work to advance AMAC members’ influence in Washington, DC, in Congressional Districts, and state legislatures while serving as a valued resource for the membership, Congress, state leaders, and mature Americans throughout the nation. AMAC Action enables conservative Americans aged 50+ to become politically engaged and active in their community.

Our Unique Approach
AMAC Action is the premier conservative grassroots organization for Americans over 50. We do not simply speak for our members— we give them a platform to directly engage in the most important policy battles of our time.
AMAC Action’s Legislative Priorities
To protect seniors and build a stronger America for our children and grandchildren, we are focused on advancing major issues, which include advocating for the following policy objectives:
1. Restore election integrity
• Promoting free, fair, and secure elections
• Opposing the federal takeover of elections
2. Defend our constitutional freedoms
• Advocating for first amendment freedoms of religious liberty and free speech, which have been under attack
3. Protect parental rights
• Defending parents’ rights to know what their children are being taught in schools
• Safeguarding children from the radical Critical Race Theory and gender indoctrination in our schools
4. Ensure Social Security solvency
• Introduced the AMAC Social Security Guarantee to resolve the current insolvency and preserve this benefit for current and future generations.
5. Deliver better healthcare
• Improve and expand healthcare price transparency
• Expand access to quality healthcare through the AMAC-inspired HEALTH Act
6. Save every human life—from the unborn to the elderly
• Protect the lives of mothers and their unborn babies
• Defend seniors against the growing movement of physician assisted suicide
In addition, we engage with our conservative coalition partners to:
• Restore full energy independence
• Support veterans and their families
• Secure the border and stop lawless immigration
• Support the law enforcement and reduce crime in American communities
• Strengthen our national defense and homeland security
• Stop runaway federal spending and the increase in the national debt
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