The Better for America Podcast

‘Twitter Files’ Bombshell Revelations | Robert Charles | EP 180

Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2022
by Rebecca Weber
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Elon Musk’s release of the ‘Twitter Files’ reveal what many Americans already knew. In case you missed it, the leaked emails between Twitter’s top executives and the FBI corroborate that they worked together to silence bombshells like Hunter Biden’s laptop and to fuel COVID-19 hysteria. Rebecca Weber is joined once again by Robert Charles, who is uniquely qualified to discuss this matter as a former member of the Waco Hearings Oversight Committee. What do these revelations mean for our country? Should criminal charges be leveled against President Biden and Dr. Fauci? Join us as Bobby outlines the legality and oversight government officials should be taking to get the accountability Americans deserve.

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2 years ago

Hunter Biden and his laptop is a Russian talking point. This from the republican led senate intel

2 years ago

I already feel it is not worth the effort to vote because the outcome is fixed

2 years ago

My motto is when I see something get done about it then I will belive it. Biden and his administration should be in prison now for not up holding the constitution with our open boarders and national security, but nothing has happened he is a Traitor of the American people and its only Obvious he has sold out to China, why can’t we investigate him like he has done Trump , it seems to me everything he’s accusing Trump of doin as well as the right wing they have already done. Still nothing gets done about it enough talk .

2 years ago

No more talk ? Time to act ? Absolutely. But I fear that in the next 2-3 months we will hear a lot of talk in DC, many hearings, blather on CNN and FOX yet NO action. NONE. NOTTA. Action means firings and jailtime. Until I see that we’re just a pack of words.

2 years ago

Musk has done more for the nation by running Twitter for one month than Twitter as it previously
existed will ever do. Twitter has now identified itself as part of our warped, sick liberal media followed by addicts who think Twitter is as essential as air.

2 years ago

Biden and Fauci are both criminals and Biden is a traitor on top of it all.YES, there is no doubt that they should be prosecuted to the Ful Extent of the law.

Stacy Englert
Stacy Englert
2 years ago

Press all criminal charges possible immediately! This administration sickens me to the core!!!

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
2 years ago

As it has now revealed itself D.C. is an Island. On that island anything goes. There are few if any who would test the water on these points. We the people are powerless to act, January 6th will haunt us all for the next 500 years. That whole event ( January 6th. ) is food for the Legal authorities and tons of books yet to be written. I can see Old George S. even now rubbing his hands together and smiling that crooked smile of his, to indicate just how happy he was that January 6th. actually happened. Talk about political LEVERAGE going into the next election. Everything which has occurred before that date of significance is useless fodder on the political scale of 1-10. I wish for us all that we could turn back the clock and tell those hot heads that arrived that day what the outcome would be. Therein being able to change history for the better. If it had been planned and executed properly and some thought given as to what IF, it might have worked. Now we have a large egg on our faces and hell to pay. I am sure George S. gets a daily laugh out of the event everytime he thinks back at how it unrolled. RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS. Yea we have people not of this country running the show. They don’t care,,, They don’t care !!! Got it…?.. All that matters is that they stay in control and they will do everything to keep it that way. ((((( REMEMBER THE BIGGEST THING THAT SATAN EVER DID RIGHT, WAS TO CONVINCE THE WORLD HE DOES NOT EXIST )))))

That is what WE, US, the folks that really do care, are up against. Smoke and Mirrors ! Lies and Deceit! Fraud and lawlessness! as they laugh all the way to the bank. And the GOP is standing there mouths agape along the curb where they have been kicked so many times before, to do nothing except gasp and wonder. And the Left is saying hey the GOP never learns the game plan. Lets try to run 2 of the same back to back see if the get it. What a joke. The Old Adage ” YOU CAN’T continue to do the same thing over and over and expect to get any different or better results.”
By the time that the GOP has come to life, it will be October 2024 and then they will begin to consider what to do now? I hope someone reads this besides the few who like to contribute each day. If I had been in the crowd in D.C. on January 6th. I would have reverted to my famous motto.
Knowing that the CIA and FBI infiltrate everything I would not have been caught in that crowd. Can you believe we are even making these crazy statements in the HOME OF THE FREE AND LAND OF THE BRAVE. Hardly seems possible that we should be concerned. ” OH WAIT WHATS THAT I SEE RISING OVER THE HORIZON ? LOOKS LIKE A RED FLAG WITH A YELLOW SICKLE ) and Xi comes to the G-20 and kicks the legs out from under Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau. They laughed on the plane on the way back to Bejing.

2 years ago

And yet with all this evidence nothing will happen and no one goes to jail!!!

Al V
Al V
2 years ago

It only matters if Republicans have the backbone as a unified force to present the case of leftist collusion between the government, the political system, and the main stream media. You can’t use the devil’s tools to convince those who’ve been convinced that the devil is not who he is. MSM won’t work, in-person voting won’t work, playing nice won’t work. Chuck Schumer is an evil and shrewd manipulator, motivated to use every tool he can to get his way.

Charles Cynova
Charles Cynova
2 years ago

Do it !!!!!

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

Oh I would love to see that that would be a dream come true I’d love to see Biden Joe and Hunter get what they deserve for Johnny on the spot to hang Trump it’s about damn time somebody did it to them

2 years ago

I just hope the Republicans actually do what they are promising to do.

2 years ago

Can they be charged for being ignorant?

A Voter
A Voter
2 years ago

Two questions asked in the article deserve truthful answers.

  1. What do these revelations mean for our country? It means our country is being controlled by forces which should not be controlling it. I.E. un-elected individuals.
  2. Should criminal charges be leveled against President Biden and Dr. Fauci? Yes obviously, but will charges be brought against anyone by the Republicans.? No. As always they will talk a good line, but in the end they will be like NATO-No Action, Talk Only.

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