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The Biden Administration’s Dangerous Incompetence

Posted on Friday, May 20, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

the biden administration

Every single person, leader, and president has bad days, and everyone can make bad decisions and mistakes. Leaders especially often speak about the importance and value of learning from your mistakes and changing your trajectory.

But learning and changing is clearly not on the agenda for the dangerously incompetent Biden administration. They must like what it is they’re doing to us because they certainly aren’t breaking a sweat to stop the madness.

The New York Post highlighted this week the abject absurdity within which we are currently living with a cover featuring Biden on top of a runaway trainwreck. Their headlines? “Gas hits brutal $6 a gallon.” “Border crisis gets worse.” “Ministry of Truth collapses.” “Market drops 1164, worse day in 2 years.” “Baby formula disaster.”

Biden and the Democrats can’t get anything right. Heck, even a broken clock is right twice a day. How is it that after so many disasters, they learn nothing? Part of the problem is that they remain obsessed with revenge against Trump and the American people.

Consider White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s response when asked about the volatility of the stock market and its downward spiral as inflation continues to rise. “Nothing has changed on how we see the stock market. That’s not something we keep an eye on every day, so I’m not gonna comment on that from here.”

Think about that. The Biden administration doesn’t consider the stock market serious enough to watch what’s happening to it. Yet Americans have to watch it with IRAs and 401-K’s and even state local pension funds tied to the performance of the market, they know it affects their future. Seeing your retirement or savings account evaporate changes everything. Seniors often rely on dividends in their retirement years to pay the bills. Wall Street is Main Street so no wonder the rage filled, leftist-controlled Biden presidency doesn’t ‘keep an eye on it,’ they loathe both places.

The gas crisis continues unabated as Biden continues to do nothing to re-start our domestic oil and gas production which he took great glee in smothering to death his first day in office. You’d think they’d recognize that monumental mistake and reverse it, but no. It’s all “Putin’s fault” or our fault for not owning electric cars.

Our heading toward the cliff is so obvious to some that one Washington state gas station is anticipating $10 a gallon for gas. The Post-Millennial reports, “Gas stations across the U.S. are running out of fuel, and in anticipation of an increase in gas prices, gas stations in the state of Washington are reportedly reprogramming pumps to include double-digit numbers in ‘price per gallon’ as the current trend could put prices over $10.00.”

The Biden administration’s creation of a “Disinformation Board” (appropriately exposed as a ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics) as a political cudgel didn’t work out so well. It has been “paused” and the crank Democratic operative tapped to lead it has resigned. Their reason? They complained that misinformation from “outside forces” (i.e. condemnation and rejection by the American people) did too much damage. Oh…So they were stopped by what they said they existed to stop. Yes, that’s America you hear laughing out loud.

And then there is the most immoral and appalling unforced error of them all—the baby formula crisis. We’ve all heard the reasons—a formula recall, the FDA shuttering a plant this year, and the supply chain crisis became a perfect storm. But the real disaster was the Biden gang repeatedly telling us they could do nothing, and so they did nothing. Then, Press Secretary Jen Psaki mocked the fact that Americans were looking to the Biden administration for a solution. “I don’t believe there’s a national stockpile of baby formula” she quipped. Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg got into the act and ridiculed people putting pressure on the Biden administration to do something. On CBS’ Face the Nation when asked about the administration’s lackadaisical response, he scolded, “Let’s be very clear. This is a capitalist country. The government does not make baby formula, nor should it. Companies make formula.” In other words, it’s big bad capitalism that did this.

After their go-to plan of mocking, ridiculing, scolding, and passing the buck failed, Biden finally took action. On Wednesday he invoked the Defense Production Act, something which many have been imploring him to do for months. He also announced, “Operation Fly Formula” (what?!), which will utilize Defense Department aircraft to fly baby formula from overseas into the country.

For months we have been told that the Biden administration could do nothing about the crisis and castigated for suggesting otherwise. Now here they are doing something about it. These steps could have been taken months ago, so why weren’t they?

In the meantime, “Two young children in Tennessee, who have special nutritional needs, have been hospitalized after their families were unable to gain access to the baby formula they require amid the supply shortage in America,” reported Fox Business. “Doctors were able to find a new solution for the toddler, who was admitted to the hospital last week and was discharged Tuesday, the rep confirmed. The preschooler, who was admitted in April, is in stable condition.”

But don’t be fooled, the Democrats are focused on some projects—pro-choice riots in the summer over Roe vs. Wade is their big midterm election surprise, and as Jen Psaki noted, the White House is “encouraging” related demonstrations meant to intimidate and frighten Supreme Court justices at their homes. See? They can get something done when they want to.

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2 years ago

We have a COMPLETE incompetent socialist Washington. Too many old people trying to run the show. We need term limits as after 75 no one should be in charge of anything but their bathroom breaks.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
2 years ago

Their deeds are evil, and they are proud of them.

2 years ago

Elections have consequences now dont they? Especially when there is corruption like we have never seen before in my, and maybe your lifetime.

Phillip Ridenour
Phillip Ridenour
2 years ago

Nailed it with the observation “revenge against Trump and the American people.” Especially the American people. People who just want to do their jobs, keep a fair percentage of what they earn, and live their lives without the boot of an oppressive government standing on their necks.

Timothy Michael
Timothy Michael
2 years ago

Without question, the Biden Administration is on track to injure seriously and to destroy possibly the foundations of American greatness. The question becomes “why”. Joe Biden’s credentials for President always were in question, and his underhanded dealings with foreign entities, i.e. China in particular, should have been investigated long before his candidacy. He is compromised, and worst of all, he has surrounded himself with others who are as duplicitous and dishonest as he is. Homeland Security head Mayorkas is a prime example. Our beloved republic is on a downward trajectory, and most of the blame can be put at the feet of the Democratic Party and the Bidens.

Helen Sommers
Helen Sommers
2 years ago

As an American citizen who loves our country, I don’t understand one thing. There’s proof of corruption in our government and in their families wrong doing that is destroying our country and us as citizens. Why are these matters not addressed? Everyone knows and they talk and talk about it. Nothing is being done. You talk about a dead horse and in a while it starts stinking, the the smell get worse and worse. At some time you have to bury it or everyone get sick from it. IT’S TIME to BURY THE HORSE and all the maggots that are associated with it. Biden is the horse and the maggot are his cabinet and associates.

Rick Hoover
Rick Hoover
2 years ago

Biden and administration needs to be impeached

2 years ago

Don’t say that the Biden Administration can’t get anything right because they are succeeding in destroying Capitalism and our Constitution with every move they make! . . . The day will come when they WILL NOT GIVE UP POWER AND DECLARE AN OUTRIGHT DICTATORSHIP AND WE THE PEOPLE MUST BE PREPARED TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH OR BECOME SERVANTS OF THE GOVERNMENT!

Conservative Marine
Conservative Marine
2 years ago

Don’t forget – the Biden regime does not have the same goal as the readers of this article. In the eyes of the Biden regime, they are WILDLY successful because their goal is nothing less than the complete and total destruction of America.

Because they continue to think this way and they don’t appear to be concerned about the mid-term elections, we should look at just how much control the people have over the current election process.

Arleen Blackstone
Arleen Blackstone
2 years ago

The Biden administration COULD do many things about our crisis.
Re-Start Keystone
Finish the Wall
Deport ALL illegals
No more $ to welfare recipients

2 years ago

Ukraine learned about how grateful the Hiden Biden family is when they kowtowed to the illegal gratuity, they gave them … not worth a rusty penny. Typical DemcRat politico motto … “I am God” and I expect you to treat me and my party that way. Lest we forget …. the DemocRats seek to RULE the Nation … not just GOVERN the Nation. And Communistic strategies are handy and most productive in accomplishing this.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

There can be no question that all these “problems” are part of the socialist/democrat agenda. Nothing could be this disastrous by accident. The “fundamental change” to America is due to hatred for freedom and what has made America great. Follow the money and power to see what fuels these tyrants in Washington.

2 years ago

It is not incompetence. Biden couldn’t order lunch. People who are very anti-American are running things behind the scenes. Binden just says and does what he’s told to do by his handlers. They want to destroy the USA and rule the ruins that are left after the destruction. Stolen elections have disastrous consequences.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

AMERICA needs to get off their butts and FIGHT BACK cause the BIG BAD WOLF IS NOT ONLY AT YOUR DOOR, BUT INSIDE.
Just look at what’s happening in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA right now.
It speaks Volumes.

Art Barkley
Art Barkley
2 years ago

We could only wish it were “incompetence”. We passed that benchmark months ago. No, this is a well coordinated movement masquerading as a good intentioned administration. Joe Biden is nothing more than a puppet for people to criticize and throw darts at. The damage done already is horrific, but imagine the extent of the damage if we didn’t have a Constitution a few safeguards, and some men of integrity who are brave enough to speak out and stand against the anti-God ideologies. The framers of the Constitution knew that it would only work for a “moral” people. Evil men will always find loopholes to not do what is right. Praise God He is absolutely sovereign and He will use all that His enemies do to accomplish His purposes, and to bring many lost to Himself. In a nutshell, He wins, they lose!

2 years ago

When is everybody going stop just talking about the treasonous stuff this treasonous government is doing and realize they are doing exactly what they want to do!!! That is destroy this country so they can rule for ever!!! Just ask Venezuela how it will go if this group isn’t stopped immediately!!! You know what they do to those who commit treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop talking about it and do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie L.
Marie L.
2 years ago

So sick of all this. Biden is a very evil man who cares nothing about the American people. The only thing he cares about is power. Can’t wait for him & Kamala to go away.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

Didn’t think it was possible to elect a worse president than Jimmy Carter but American actually managed it.

2 years ago

What’s really telling us that Joe Biden actually thinks he’s doing well-a sign that he is not mentally competent to lead anything, let alone the federal government.

2 years ago

The Constitution means nothing if we as a nation do not enforce it. It is time for us to join together and take back control of our nation before these Marxist completely destroy it.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

The democRATS are vindictive and hate AMERICA and her patriots because we destroy their agenda that is about wealth and power,FOR THEM ONLY,to hell with AMERICANS.

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
2 years ago

God help us. Amen. Hang on folks. The midterm elections will b here in 6 months. The madness in government will soon b minimized. Two years later the remainder of the idiots will be removed.

2 years ago

It’s not incompetence, Obama/Biden are destroying America on purpose with the aid of the wicked media and big tech and the public schools and other public, federal entities. They gave the baby formulas to the illegals. Illegals don’t have to get the phony vax which is killing and will kill people who have taken it in the near future. Muslims and federal employees don’t have to get the vax because guess what the vast majority will vote democrat. All of this pertains to stealing the elections for these wicked democrats!!!

2 years ago

It’s all in the plan of the ONE WORLD ORDER ! ! This is all intentional in their plan to destroy America ! !

2 years ago

We must do EVERYTHING TO PROTECT THE NOVEMBER ELECTION. You know their evil knows no bounds and they cannot stand to loose. We are now experiencing the realities from what they did to President Trumps election. VERY SCARY – they must be stopped, they are destroying America on purpose.

2 years ago

And every dumb ars that votes for a Democrat.

2 years ago

Nothing the Biden administration and the Democrats in Congress are doing is due to incompetence. Stop being politically correct and too afraid to state the honest truth. Everything the Democrats are doing is all by design. They spelled out in plain English exactly what they would do, if they were again placed in power in Washington. All that is happening is the Democrats are executing their agenda with predictable results. So please, no more of these ridiculous “incompetence” articles, that just go over the same premise over and over again and solve nothing. Yes, they are easy for the various authors to generate, as they just have to edit older articles and update them with the latest man-made crisis the Democrats have created, but they do nothing to provide either solutions or workarounds to the people reading such articles in search of answers as to how to cope with a changing country.

Move on to discuss how the average American will have to adjust their lifestyle to cope and survive in this environment. Some of us understand how to cope with all the damage being inflicted to this country, but many people simply have no clue. They need something more than endless copycat articles about supposed Biden incompetence. The Biden administration will be inflicting damage to this country until at least January 20, 2025. So providing more solution-based articles would be far more useful to the vast majority of Americans reading articles on this site, than a continual rehash of so-called “Biden incompetence”. Just a suggestion of course.

2 years ago

NO admin could be this incompetent creating one crisis after another, if not by design!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

He has been chosen for his incompetency

2 years ago

None of this is incompetence, accidental or ineptitude. It is ALL planned and by design. Intentional. Biden is merely the front man to take the heat and be the doddering old puppet while Jarrett, 0bama, Pelosi, Schumer and Soros destroy America.

2 years ago

Incompetent? I think it is planned. Planned destruction of the United States. Destruction of the American taxpayers all for some NWO global hellhole. Except for the elites.

2 years ago

There is no incompetence. This has been a plan for many years. They just needed the right person in the oval office and enough bought politicians to pull it off. Makes me sick

Vic Crane
Vic Crane
2 years ago

It seemed like no one thought much of the glee on the Royal Clown’s face when he signed that proclamation on his first day, of the disaster that shut down the pipeline that had been touted as the U.S. solution to the foreign oil disaster approaching!

2 years ago

bidone ……incompetent. democrat marxists …….. deadly.

2 years ago

It is not incompetence…it is planned destruction of the US Constitution and the surrendering of its citizens into global tyranny.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Count on this clown getting us involved in a real shooting war with Russia just in time for the midterm elections.
Nothing like a good old fashion shootin’ war to get everyone pullin’ together. RIGHT?
fjb etc etc

Joseph Michael
Joseph Michael
2 years ago

“Our Father…”

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

Why should we have to get baby formula from another country ? It probably isn’t produced in as clean of facility as over here. Just like a lot of products over here. We have to step through a lot of hoops to make a product over here. But we import same products that are made with slave labor,not as sanitary, no safety or requirements for products to pass rigid standards or specs and we think that’s ok? I still think we should be able to do and make anything better over here. Get rid of Democrats and bring back Made in the USA

Walt Miller
Walt Miller
2 years ago

Biden is not running our country. He is not our President. Obama is running our country from outside the White House. Biden is just Obama’s puppet. Why are the American people being so stupid thinking that Biden is doing a good job. Our great country cannot withstand Two and a half years more of this craziness.

2 years ago

“Operation Fly Formula”: which millennial came up with that one? (“Yeah, man, let’s call it something to make us look hip.” Fly=cool. Silly.) I’ve heard that several babies have been hooked up to hospital IV’s for basic nutrition. I’m picturing that ad calling for donations for the starving children in Africa, and never would have thought this could happen here.

Any new or recent mothers not breastfeeding their babies might reconsider. This is nature’s ultimate solution to feeding the young, and provides the healthiest food for their babies while freeing up their ration of formula for others who can’t. It’s free, portable, and doesn’t generate any trash. Can’t get any greener than that! I’m surprised we’re not hearing this from HHS or biden himself. What…too personal? Get over it; these are desperate times. It’s biden’s fault for not making sure there was a backup supply when a major formula supplier was shut down by the feds.

Okay, now that the new WH press secretary’s first words at the podium were, essentially, “I’m the first black lesbian..,” can we get on with it? Is she going to be reading all the answers to pre-screened questions? This nonsense is so laughable, so ridiculous, embarrassing for our nation, and, regrettably, so easily avoidable. Get these bums outta there!

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
2 years ago

Dammit dammit dammit – this is NOT incompetence – MauMaubama and his two harpies (#obamaricejarret) are working their asses off to DESTROY America – treating the fascists like cartoon characters is ingenuous and vapid – THEY MUST BE WIPED OFF THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE !!!! Christ wake the F-bomb up!!

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
2 years ago

I do not believe that ANY of this is incompetence. I believe that EVERYTHING which Illegitimate President Joe Buyden has done since his inauguration is INTENDED to destroy American democracy. He and his managers/cohorts want to replace our government with a left-wing fascist bureaucracy, which cannot be done without first destroying the democracy. (Of course, Buyden also wants to reverse EVERYTHING which Donald Trump did as president.)

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

Operation “Fly Formula” is aptly shortened to “OFF” and reminds me that fly formulas are usually classified as insecticides. Not funny, people.

2 years ago

Biden has done nothing but bad since he stole his way into office. Whether decisions are his or obummer’s or whoever, it needs to be stopped. He is destroying America.

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
2 years ago

They are all consumed with destroying our own country. They have chosen to murder their fellow countrymen. They do this out of some sort of sick mental derangement brought on by the lust of power and money.
They are showing nothing but disrespect for all who laid down their lives to let us all live our lives in these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

They should all be exiled and stripped of all their monetary assets they have accumulated while living in the country they are now conspiring to destroy.
All of them are the epitome of traitors to our country.They are the most despicable of all the human race.

2 years ago

Of course “they” would love to blame the catastrophe of the Biden presidency on incompetence, but I side with those who believe the destruction of our country is purposeful. Obama wanted radical change and he, as puppeteer, is continuing our downward slide via Biden. There has been no administration so full of incompetent, inept and unethical Cabinet members and other staff, one worse than another. I cannot think of one Biden appointee who is doing his/her job decently or even to the lowest common denominator standard; it’s all lies and excuses and arrogance. That has to be on purpose!

2 years ago

It is the depopulation agenda , this is being done on purpose , look at the evidence , supply chain disruptions , fuel prices and shortages , fertilizer shortage , food shortage , invasion of the border , and the poison shot , open your eyes and see the evidence .

Legally present
Legally present
2 years ago

I’ll just bet ole Petey’s twins have all the formula they need, neither parent can breast feed.

Michael N.
Michael N.
2 years ago

This is all by design and Joe Biden is the front man.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

I have long been an admirer of Ms. Bruce. I must say, however, that she is not seeing the forest for the trees. What may appear to be stupidity, incompetence, and really bad policies is, in fact, nothing of the sort. All that is happening is part of a plan, a very carefully crafted plan, to destroy this country as quickly as possible. As for brain dead, senile Joe, he is nothing more than a puppet on a string, and that string is being pulled by Obozo, Susan Rice, George Soros, and other of the globalists whose mission is the creation of a worldwide dictatorship, run by the elite for the benefit and further enrichment of the elite, and at the expense of the other 99.999% of the world’s population. And they are succeeding. If people don’t wake up very soon, the “Dark Ages” will be looked at as “the good old days.”

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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