The Biden Administration's Dangerous Incompetence

Posted on Friday, May 20, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
the biden administration

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

Every single person, leader, and president has bad days, and everyone can make bad decisions and mistakes. Leaders especially often speak about the importance and value of learning from your mistakes and changing your trajectory.

But learning and changing is clearly not on the agenda for the dangerously incompetent Biden administration. They must like what it is they’re doing to us because they certainly aren’t breaking a sweat to stop the madness.

The New York Post highlighted this week the abject absurdity within which we are currently living with a cover featuring Biden on top of a runaway trainwreck. Their headlines? “Gas hits brutal $6 a gallon.” “Border crisis gets worse.” “Ministry of Truth collapses.” “Market drops 1164, worse day in 2 years.” “Baby formula disaster.”

Biden and the Democrats can’t get anything right. Heck, even a broken clock is right twice a day. How is it that after so many disasters, they learn nothing? Part of the problem is that they remain obsessed with revenge against Trump and the American people.

Consider White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s response when asked about the volatility of the stock market and its downward spiral as inflation continues to rise. “Nothing has changed on how we see the stock market. That’s not something we keep an eye on every day, so I’m not gonna comment on that from here.”

Think about that. The Biden administration doesn’t consider the stock market serious enough to watch what’s happening to it. Yet Americans have to watch it with IRAs and 401-K’s and even state local pension funds tied to the performance of the market, they know it affects their future. Seeing your retirement or savings account evaporate changes everything. Seniors often rely on dividends in their retirement years to pay the bills. Wall Street is Main Street so no wonder the rage filled, leftist-controlled Biden presidency doesn’t ‘keep an eye on it,’ they loathe both places.

The gas crisis continues unabated as Biden continues to do nothing to re-start our domestic oil and gas production which he took great glee in smothering to death his first day in office. You’d think they’d recognize that monumental mistake and reverse it, but no. It’s all “Putin’s fault” or our fault for not owning electric cars.

Our heading toward the cliff is so obvious to some that one Washington state gas station is anticipating $10 a gallon for gas. The Post-Millennial reports, “Gas stations across the U.S. are running out of fuel, and in anticipation of an increase in gas prices, gas stations in the state of Washington are reportedly reprogramming pumps to include double-digit numbers in ‘price per gallon’ as the current trend could put prices over $10.00.”

The Biden administration’s creation of a “Disinformation Board” (appropriately exposed as a ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics) as a political cudgel didn’t work out so well. It has been “paused” and the crank Democratic operative tapped to lead it has resigned. Their reason? They complained that misinformation from “outside forces” (i.e. condemnation and rejection by the American people) did too much damage. Oh…So they were stopped by what they said they existed to stop. Yes, that’s America you hear laughing out loud.

And then there is the most immoral and appalling unforced error of them all—the baby formula crisis. We’ve all heard the reasons—a formula recall, the FDA shuttering a plant this year, and the supply chain crisis became a perfect storm. But the real disaster was the Biden gang repeatedly telling us they could do nothing, and so they did nothing. Then, Press Secretary Jen Psaki mocked the fact that Americans were looking to the Biden administration for a solution. “I don’t believe there’s a national stockpile of baby formula” she quipped. Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg got into the act and ridiculed people putting pressure on the Biden administration to do something. On CBS’ Face the Nation when asked about the administration’s lackadaisical response, he scolded, “Let’s be very clear. This is a capitalist country. The government does not make baby formula, nor should it. Companies make formula.” In other words, it’s big bad capitalism that did this.

After their go-to plan of mocking, ridiculing, scolding, and passing the buck failed, Biden finally took action. On Wednesday he invoked the Defense Production Act, something which many have been imploring him to do for months. He also announced, “Operation Fly Formula” (what?!), which will utilize Defense Department aircraft to fly baby formula from overseas into the country.

For months we have been told that the Biden administration could do nothing about the crisis and castigated for suggesting otherwise. Now here they are doing something about it. These steps could have been taken months ago, so why weren’t they?

In the meantime, “Two young children in Tennessee, who have special nutritional needs, have been hospitalized after their families were unable to gain access to the baby formula they require amid the supply shortage in America,” reported Fox Business. “Doctors were able to find a new solution for the toddler, who was admitted to the hospital last week and was discharged Tuesday, the rep confirmed. The preschooler, who was admitted in April, is in stable condition.”

But don’t be fooled, the Democrats are focused on some projects—pro-choice riots in the summer over Roe vs. Wade is their big midterm election surprise, and as Jen Psaki noted, the White House is “encouraging” related demonstrations meant to intimidate and frighten Supreme Court justices at their homes. See? They can get something done when they want to.