By: Scott Sturman DEI has festered within the ranks of the military for over a decade. Few generals and admirals...
On November 29, 1998, America lost Master Sargent Roy P. Benavidez, a decorated hero. Benavidez was raised by his aunt...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis One of the most shameful outcomes of President Joe Biden’s botched evacuation from Afghanistan...
WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 12 -- How’s this for a 21st century way to entertain your kids-- A Disneyland-like theme park...
There are special people who come along and make a difference. Clara Barton is among them, and her story is...
WASHINGTON, DC, July 16 -- To what extent will Communist China [CCP] go to achieve world domination? Apparently, they'll go...
Sometimes I look backward, to see forward. It was March 1983, 39 years after the event, and now 38 years...
[caption id="attachment_330702" align="alignleft" width="543"] (Specialist Jeremy D. Crisp, United States Army/Wikipedia)[/caption] Sergeant Leigh Ann Hester, of Nashville, Tennessee, went from...