Maine’s education system, like so much of our nation, is in freefall and, more accurately has crashed and must be...
By: Abbie Crank Most bookworms can remember the moment they fell in love with reading. Maybe your mother encouraged your...
Bohemia, NY – AMAC is excited to announce the launch of the AMAC Book Club, a new initiative designed to...
He was born this month, 120 years ago. Barely known by his given name – which was Theodor – he...
Late 2022, we got confirmation: Continued school lockdowns, pushed by unions and politicians, killed two decades of educational progress, placing kids...
Much like a chef’s knife becoming dull over time, the brain can become cloudy after years of steady use. In...
Interior designers work with architects and builders to create floor plans and oversee project specifications within a home. Hired for...