Some days, I read about the pain, and just pray and wonder. Can any good follow? Sadness fills the Middle...
Pain in joints A common medical question people ask is, “Why do my joints hurt at night?” There are numerous...
Does winter cause achy joints? Let’s be clear. Cold weather is not the cause of arthritis, a medical term used...
Ugh I’m sick… When a person is infected with a virus, the immune system kicks in. White blood cells are...
The painful truth… Many people enjoy consuming alcohol for pleasure. They may delight in the taste or the social aspects...
Does pain equal progress? One may wonder, why do my joints hurt after working out? Physical workouts can strain muscles...
Joint pain Joint pain is increasingly common as people age. While it may be associated with infection, illness, or allergic...
Weather effects on the human body Did you know that weather events and changes in season may affect the human...
President Joe Biden, we keep hearing, is a deeply empathetic man. It is that empathy that brought him to the...
Back pain is a common complaint of older Americans. Per Health Policy Institute, nearly 65 million American report a recent...
Individually and nationally, we encounter rough waters. At the national level, we are in some now, leadership inconsistent, culture in pain,...
Sponsored by Nerve Renew - By Dr. Don Kennedy If you’re dealing with stabbing pains, burning, tingling, or numbness in...
WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 21 – A penny for your vote, says President Biden. To be fair, Mr. Biden and his...