Reviving the Constitution’s Original Meaning to Combat the Weaponization of Justice. The Justice Department under the next Trump administration has...
The curtain has been pulled back on the FBI’s involvement with helping perpetrate the Hillary Clinton-ordered Russia Hoax and the...
America could finally be on its way to hammering out a truce between advocates for same-sex marriage and religious opponents...
It is the unique goal of travel adventurers to visit all fifty states in America. To boost this objective, each...
AMAC Exclusive - Barry Casselman One of the most carefully constructed U.S. political voter coalitions, fashioned over ninety years, is...
The essence of critical race theory would teach my three bi-racial children that I, their Black father, am oppressed by...
AMAC Exclusive The so called “Equality Act” is a top priority of Congressional Democrats, reportedly slated for a vote sometime...
Let us get a few things clear, as 2022 is fast upon us. Election integrity is critical for the survival...
Today, our country honors the legacy of American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., remembering his struggles and...