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Storm Clouds Brewing for Terry McAuliffe as Democrats Face Reckoning Nationally

Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


There’s no doubt about it – Terry McAuliffe is in trouble in Virginia. After previously serving as governor from 2014 to 2018, McAuliffe presumably believed he could simply cruise back into the position he once won by nearly three points. But since locking up the Democratic nomination early last month, it has been anything but smooth sailing for McAuliffe & Company. Now facing a multitude of crises created by the Biden administration, growing public outcry against radical left-wing policies, and a litany of attacks from within his own party, McAuliffe has suddenly found himself in an electoral landscape far different from the one he navigated nearly a decade ago.

The latest, and perhaps most devastating blow against McAuliffe, has come from former Democrat Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder, who became the first African American elected governor in US history in 1989. During a radio interview last week, Wilder delivered a stinging rebuke of McAuliffe for campaigning with current Virginia governor Ralph Northam. As AMAC Newsline has previously reported, McAuliffe called on Northam to resign following his blackface controversy in 2019, but has since enthusiastically embraced Northam’s endorsement of his candidacy for governor, a reversal that Wilder took issue with during a radio interview last week.

“The people of Virginia have not forgotten,” Wilder said. “They are not stupid. They are not fooled, they are not being hoodwinked.” Wilder called on McAuliffe to explain his flip flopping and went on to criticize McAuliffe’s previous term in office, saying that “many of the problems we speak of were occurring when Mr. McAuliffe was governor.”

Wilder also criticized McAuliffe for not supporting one of the several minority candidates who sought the Democratic nomination, echoing the concerns of several other Virginia Democrats. In a social media posting last week, Wilder accused McAuliffe of believing that his minority primary opponents were “not qualified to be given the chance that he [McAuliffe] had been given.”

McAuliffe has faced even worse criticism from Republicans and Independents alike for his stance on Critical Race Theory (CRT), particularly after several Virginia school board meetings recently became ground zero for the rapidly escalating public outcry against CRT indoctrination in K-12 classrooms.

Despite the fact that McAuliffe has done his best to distance himself from CRT, summarily dismissing it as a “right-wing conspiracy theory,” financial disclosures show that pro-CRT groups have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to McAuliffe’s campaign, leading many to wonder what policies McAuliffe has promised to introduce if elected. One of the largest McAuliffe donors, the National Education Association, which has contributed at least $125,000 to McAuliffe since 2013, has pledged to “not back down” from including CRT in the public school curriculum, and has pushed to replace traditional American history with narratives like the now widely-discredited New York Times 1619 Project.

This news is not likely to sit well with Virginia voters, even many who voted for Joe Biden in 2020. According to recent data released by Public Opinion Strategies, which sampled 400 registered voters in Fairfax and Loudon counties – won by Joe Biden last year by a margin of 42.2% and 25.2%, respectively – 50% of respondents had a negative opinion of CRT, while only 42% have a positive opinion. Notably, independent voters opposed CRT by 48% to 31%, and even a full 23% of Democrats surveyed opposed CRT.

Several conservative groups have seized on this opportunity to expose McAuliffe as out of touch with ordinary Virginians, even those who don’t consider themselves conservative. According to Fox News, one organization, 1776 Action, which has the support of GOP stars Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson, and Kristi Noem, sent out more than 150,000 texts to independent voters in Northern Virginia last week that read in part “Terry McAuliffe says this is all a made-up conspiracy, but these moms & dads have a very different take.” The text message then linked to a webpage that includes videos of Loudon County parents and students sharing their experiences with CRT.

The list of woes goes on for McAuliffe. While many of his wounds are undoubtedly self-inflicted, McAuliffe’s struggles mirror those of many other Democrats nationally who have tied themselves to the extreme left-wing policies of President Biden and Congressional Democrats. As the border disaster continues unmitigated, the Biden Administration continues its assault on First and Second Amendment freedoms, and Congress passes one radical policy after another, McAuliffe finds himself in the unenviable yet predictable position of being guilty by association.

Meanwhile, as McAuliffe has struggled to defend the dismal record of his fellow Democrats, Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin’s stock has surged. Youngkin has proven to be the antithesis of the established political class embodied by McAuliffe. A young, energetic, and authentic candidate with a knack for speaking to the issues that matter most to ordinary voters, Youngkin is making inroads with moderate and left-leaning Virginians left weary after years of unified Democrat control in Richmond. Combined with President Trump’s endorsement, which is sure to invigorate the conservative base and spur fundraising efforts, Youngkin stands more than a fighting chance of beating McAuliffe, who was originally regarded as a prohibitive frontrunner.

“Our shared values are going to bring us together like never before,” Youngkin said during his acceptance speech last month. “We’re going to take back our Commonwealth. We’re going to change the future and we are going to change the future of this great country and we are going to do it together.” Time will tell if Mr. Youngkin can capitalize on the growing resentment against Democrat policies to make good on his promises and secure the governor’s mansion this November.


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3 years ago

The way the democrats are running America into the ground, with seemingly no care or concern for the voter. I have to believe they plan to depend on stealing the election with voter fraud again. Otherwise, they would be shaking in their boots and scrambling to do, at least, some smoke and mirrors damage control. But with each wrong step, the worse it gets, the more they double down. They are not at all concerned about the vote. And it isn’t because of the level of support they are getting.

3 years ago

It seems on occasion, what goes around, comes around….to bite you. May the wound be deep, bloody and permanent for all who back peddle, swhaffle, double-speak and outright lie. And may their supporters receive the same stinging “chomp!” Especially the NEA, rotten to the core.

3 years ago

More hype from Republican scribes, don’t you know they can never lose again after 2020. Creeps have refined their cheating to point that we must take them out in the most Roman way.

3 years ago

If the future elections are not cleaned up so that they represent the true majority of legal voters, the National governance will no longer be a Constitutional Democracy … it will degrade to a Chino/Russo form of governance ruled by the upper authorities in the present DemocRat Party. Texans historically know that LBJ won his first Senatorial seat in the 1930’s when the State was still run by post Civil War Democrat Party people (the Republicans at that historical moment were so in the minority that they didn’t even have a Republican runoff to select its choices on the final State ballot). And I’m confident there were similar examples in other Confederacy States post-Civil War.

3 years ago

Well it begins. By “electing” the Biden administration, the contrast between the Trump administration and prosperity, and the Biden’s and chaos, is very easy to see. I feel it every time I fill up my car!! Prices for everything are getting out of control. That affects every American. The promise of the government taking care of you stinks. Americans want to earn their own way (with the exception of college grads.) And when President Trump was in office everyone was earning a fine living, and prices were down, so we had a better quality of life. Now we’re under the democrats, and prosperity is just a wonderful memory. This should make it a bit easier to elect a conservative next time around.

3 years ago

This is it, unless we take Governors houses, the local and state houses along with the U.S Senate and Congress we will be finished. After which we need to get rid of the 2 party system and force candidates to run on their own merits and qualifications. Total donor transparency so we know where their money is coming from. This will help cut corruption and partisanship.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t hold up Virginia as a litmus test for national sentiment. What is left out of this article is the fact that the northern part of Virginia has been turned deep blue by all the employees of the federal government calling those Virginia suburbs home. Better than 90 percent of federal employees today are members of either the Democrat party or the Democrat Socialists of America party. That’s an awful lot of Democrat voters residing in some of the most populace parts of the state to over-come in this Governor’s race.

So while it may be possible to get a Republican elected Governor again in Virginia, it will hinge on how many truly open-minded, so-called moderate Democrats decide to vote Republican in this state race, instead of going along with the so-called “progressive” (socialist) wing of the Democrat party. It’s a numbers game, as all elections are. Just an honest assessment of the state’s make-up as it stands today. We should expect this will be a hard-fought, up-hill battle to win this state and not the cake walk the author seems to be painting. Act accordingly.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Let’s hope Terry McAuliffe is only one of many Demsheviks who will crash and burn in 2022! And let’s hope that the victories of all Republicans will be by huge landslides that will indicate a genuine mandate from the people (yeah, remember We the People) of what we want from our government.
Let’s hope that “Woke” is put to “Sleep” (permanently) and that “Critical Race Theory” is seen in its true colors and rebranded by all as “Hypocritical Race Theory!” with both consigned to the dustbins of history as insignificant footnotes under “Psychopathology.”

3 years ago

Good! Get rid of his marxist dead ass!!!!

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
3 years ago

So long Comrad Terry!

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Damn! It sucks when you throw rocks that get thrown back at you… more accurately than when you threw them…

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

He is the chief Weasel of the Weasels, He has done more damage to America than about anyone. He and George Soros and Michel Bloomberg are out to destroy America, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. with Barack Insane Obama they might be the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse.

3 years ago

If only those folks in Virginia can get a fair election.

3 years ago

Power to him and to those poor parents. This is a crazy situation and CRT must be stopped. I think McCarthyism is a good comparison.

3 years ago

We all know that drastic measures must be taken to make sure he fails! The Lord of The Flies. President Puss for Brains will rally his minions and do everything illegal to keep their foot in the door!

3 years ago

‘You’ ask me to Financially support AMAC, and I have done so by Being a Paid-Member/Subscriber

since Day one of your existence!
3 years ago

Adieu, Terry: Take the rest of your commie, socialist, as—-es with you!!!!!

3 years ago


3 years ago

Youngkin needs to be seen campaigning with the nominee for Lt Gov. – a black, female, marine! Imagine the optics!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

While I am in Younkin’s court, he needs to be more viable, especially campaigning with Win Sears throughout the Commonwealth. He must beat McAuliffe.

John Shea
John Shea
3 years ago

What do you expect from a Clinton acolyte?

KV Sullivan
KV Sullivan
3 years ago

Virginia desperately needs a Desantis. Youngkin seems to exhibit common chops and a disposition similar to Desantis. Most importantly, Youngkin wears well the courage of his convictions. This is in direct contrast to that gumby, McAuliffe…what a poser.

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

Hopefully Virginia has awakened to bit voting in Clinton/Obama Marxists as their pick to be governor. God help them if he gets reelected, we thought Romney is bad, this man is worse by a power of ten.

3 years ago

Unless the voting fraud that stole the 2020 election from many conservatives, NOT just President Trump, is exposed and ended, the same fraud will occur in 2022, regardless of what Democrat is running!

3 years ago

If we don’t get these blithering idiot Communists out of office all across our country — right now — we will have no country.
It really is just that simple.
I hope Youngkin wins big.

3 years ago

This reads like a campaign press release. It’s not journalism. The CRT stuff was particularly cringeworthy. CRT is not taught in schools. Teaching about slavery is not CRT even if it makes white kids feel uncomfortable.

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
3 years ago

It doesn’t matter……the fix is in for the commies. They got away with it for Trump and will continue to get away with it now. The republicans are impotent to stop them cause there no fight in them.

Joseph Butz
Joseph Butz
3 years ago

Biden did not win Virginia, but we will never disclose the fraud until a Republican is placed in charge. They probably cheated on all levels of government. Wait until all the audit results come in. Particularly North Carolina. We will win back our country.

3 years ago

Hooray…….this is the way to do it America!

Donald Cook
Donald Cook
3 years ago

Terry McAulliffe is a JOKE and Liar. We had that P,O.S. in here before and He Ruined Us.

Todd Van Noordt
Todd Van Noordt
3 years ago

McAulliffe is a “tool of HRC” and the DNC Media, as well as social media.

Bret Baier and Kamala Harris Fox News Interview
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va

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