Wins For the Conspiracy Community

Posted on Friday, April 8, 2022
by Ian Gargan

By – Ian Gargan

The past few years have shown us the serious flaws in our government on every level. Facts are finally being brought to light, and those once deemed conspiracy theorists are being proven correct by the liberal media. Don’t blink, or you will miss the admission of guilt by those media outlets. None of them seem to be forthcoming about publicly exclaiming they’ve been misleading you. Some, like Joe Biden, assume we’re too dumb to realize his total 180-degree flip on his stance about police funding and our border crisis. And then there’s Leana Wen, who, after two years of preaching the safety of wearing a mask, stating that “cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic.” Now she tells us. 

Remember in March 2020 when overcoming the virus took two steps? One, stay home for two weeks, and two, wear a mask. More than two years later, I’m still asking myself if I should be bleaching the milk jug before I put it in the fridge, and should I be wearing one mask or two? Well, on January 28th, the CDC let us know that cloth masks were ineffective. Thanks, CDC! When Republicans were yelling this at the beginning of the pandemic, they were labeled as reckless and out to kill their neighbors. Even the death counts from the beginning of the pandemic have been rolled back on more than one occasion. Are we supposed to believe they didn’t understand that people in the hospital with COVID are not the same as people in the hospital from COVID?

With the deception of the mainstream media and the politically fueled science over at the CDC, we were left taking advice from dumb, deaf, and blind news organizations like MSNBC. Upon the vaccine’s release, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow insisted that the vaccine stops the virus and further transmission. (This message is sponsored by Pfizer). That statement didn’t age well, did it, Rachel?

The same vaccine deemed unsafe when it was created under Trump became the focus of the liberal agenda for almost a year. Anyone who didn’t want to be forcefully vaccinated was labeled an ‘Anti-vaxxer.’ When the creator of a product isn’t willing to be liable for its side effects, it’s not unreasonable to be wary. Well, it’s 2022 and those people told by President Biden that there was a “winter of death” ahead of them seemed to survive. Pfizer is now releasing data from the vaccine trials, and we are seeing why they didn’t want the liability. Can we now admit the right-wing conspiracy wasn’t too far off?

Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” began as a Russian disinformation campaign. Now it has come to light that maybe Big Tech and the left-wing media were suppressing the story. God forbid we see any news that would make Sleepy Joe look bad before the election! Miranda Devine did an interview with AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber in May of 2021 in which she spoke about the laptop and the drug-addicted, amateur porn-filming first Son. I think we can all now safely agree that the laptop found in a Delaware repair shop proved that Hunter used his father as political leverage to gain overseas business dealings. The shop owner, who was just being a good patriot, lost his business over the whole mess. He was dealt a bad hand in trying to inform the nation. But now, the New York Times sees the red wave coming in November and deems the President’s son a viable topic to report on. Better late than never, I guess.

In 2016, Trump was labeled paranoid for saying that Hillary Clinton was spying on his campaign and continued to invade his servers well into his presidency. Trump held firm that he was in no way colluding with Russia. So, Hillary attempted to plant information to make it seem like he was secretly communicating with Russian financial institutions. Years later, we can finally say without a doubt that Hillary paid a tech company to mine the servers for dirt. Who’s paranoid now?! It should be Hillary because she’s the one currently under investigation. Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman has been criminally charged with lying to the FBI about the Alfa Bank fiction. Add another W for the conspiracy theorists.

Yup, turns out your crazy cousin was right and is doing the “I told you so” dance. The masks were not effective, the vaccine did not make you impermeable to the virus. Hunter Biden isn’t an artist (at least not with a paintbrush), and Trump has finally turned the tables on Hillary. Perhaps the tinfoil hat-wearing kooks aren’t as crazy as everyone thought. Maybe we should listen to them a little more often.