
National Security , Newsline

Wins For the Conspiracy Community

Posted on Friday, April 8, 2022
by Ian Gargan

By – Ian Gargan


The past few years have shown us the serious flaws in our government on every level. Facts are finally being brought to light, and those once deemed conspiracy theorists are being proven correct by the liberal media. Don’t blink, or you will miss the admission of guilt by those media outlets. None of them seem to be forthcoming about publicly exclaiming they’ve been misleading you. Some, like Joe Biden, assume we’re too dumb to realize his total 180-degree flip on his stance about police funding and our border crisis. And then there’s Leana Wen, who, after two years of preaching the safety of wearing a mask, stating that “cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic.” Now she tells us. 

Remember in March 2020 when overcoming the virus took two steps? One, stay home for two weeks, and two, wear a mask. More than two years later, I’m still asking myself if I should be bleaching the milk jug before I put it in the fridge, and should I be wearing one mask or two? Well, on January 28th, the CDC let us know that cloth masks were ineffective. Thanks, CDC! When Republicans were yelling this at the beginning of the pandemic, they were labeled as reckless and out to kill their neighbors. Even the death counts from the beginning of the pandemic have been rolled back on more than one occasion. Are we supposed to believe they didn’t understand that people in the hospital with COVID are not the same as people in the hospital from COVID?

With the deception of the mainstream media and the politically fueled science over at the CDC, we were left taking advice from dumb, deaf, and blind news organizations like MSNBC. Upon the vaccine’s release, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow insisted that the vaccine stops the virus and further transmission. (This message is sponsored by Pfizer). That statement didn’t age well, did it, Rachel?

The same vaccine deemed unsafe when it was created under Trump became the focus of the liberal agenda for almost a year. Anyone who didn’t want to be forcefully vaccinated was labeled an ‘Anti-vaxxer.’ When the creator of a product isn’t willing to be liable for its side effects, it’s not unreasonable to be wary. Well, it’s 2022 and those people told by President Biden that there was a “winter of death” ahead of them seemed to survive. Pfizer is now releasing data from the vaccine trials, and we are seeing why they didn’t want the liability. Can we now admit the right-wing conspiracy wasn’t too far off?

Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” began as a Russian disinformation campaign. Now it has come to light that maybe Big Tech and the left-wing media were suppressing the story. God forbid we see any news that would make Sleepy Joe look bad before the election! Miranda Devine did an interview with AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber in May of 2021 in which she spoke about the laptop and the drug-addicted, amateur porn-filming first Son. I think we can all now safely agree that the laptop found in a Delaware repair shop proved that Hunter used his father as political leverage to gain overseas business dealings. The shop owner, who was just being a good patriot, lost his business over the whole mess. He was dealt a bad hand in trying to inform the nation. But now, the New York Times sees the red wave coming in November and deems the President’s son a viable topic to report on. Better late than never, I guess.

In 2016, Trump was labeled paranoid for saying that Hillary Clinton was spying on his campaign and continued to invade his servers well into his presidency. Trump held firm that he was in no way colluding with Russia. So, Hillary attempted to plant information to make it seem like he was secretly communicating with Russian financial institutions. Years later, we can finally say without a doubt that Hillary paid a tech company to mine the servers for dirt. Who’s paranoid now?! It should be Hillary because she’s the one currently under investigation. Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman has been criminally charged with lying to the FBI about the Alfa Bank fiction. Add another W for the conspiracy theorists.

Yup, turns out your crazy cousin was right and is doing the “I told you so” dance. The masks were not effective, the vaccine did not make you impermeable to the virus. Hunter Biden isn’t an artist (at least not with a paintbrush), and Trump has finally turned the tables on Hillary. Perhaps the tinfoil hat-wearing kooks aren’t as crazy as everyone thought. Maybe we should listen to them a little more often.

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2 years ago

People have been lied to by the CDC and others. Ive been saying from the start that masks are no good but people are so paranoid they still wear the masks..even while driving in their vehicles with closed windows and all done with mask wearing and refuse anymore so called covid booters.

Anne Bartlett
Anne Bartlett
2 years ago

Thank you for this. I get so frustrated with the main stream media misleading the country and mostly those who don’t use their own brains and believe what they hear. I hope we survive until we can elect a new President. The current one is a joke.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Yes the truth is out, it was always there, right under our noses. MSM & their Democrat owners along with Big Tech back in Oct. of 2020 conveniently BURIED it, i.e. ” The Laptop From Hell “…
Now that their dementia patient got himself fraudulently installed, ( 15 ) months later, now MSM is quickly admitting the truth & moving on with more FAKE news just as fast, okay it was all true after all, time to move on to more important things, i.e. how’s about Ukraine & Russia…? Our southern border with a 24/7 walk right in invasion by all walks of life from around the globe, NO news there, NO point in reporting on it…
Rigged elections always have consequences, simply ask other countries that deal with it, year in, year out, i.e. Venezuela & Argentina come to mind, oh I almost forgot about that other nation just north of S. America & Central America, yes, the now Banana Republic of The United States of America, now the laughing stock of the world over with Russia & China paying very close attention to the WEAKEST president & military in US history…
America NO longer leads from a position of strength, it now follows from a position of weakness…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

“The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade” by Alfred McCoy

There are free pdf copies on the www

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

FASCIST liberals have always LIED about EVERYTHING. They only care about one thing and that is
Example: SWAMP QUEEN pelosi flies to SWAMP San Francisco to get her hair done and is NOT WEARING a MASK. Plus, IT used Military Aircraft to get there with OUR TAX DOLLARS.
Add the rest of the FASCIST liberals regime of Dictators who DIDN’T WEAR a MASK at Restaurants or go to their Cabin on the lake with their boat. We all know who they are.
Remember, the LAW doesn’t apply to FASCIST liberals, just AMERICANS who aren’t HIDING in the Capital with Barbwire fence and Military Soldiers PROTECTING their TREASONOUS butts.
HILLDOG Clinton (WHO DESTROYED GOVERNMENT PROPERTY like SWAMP QUEEN pelosi did) and DICTATOR Beijing biden are at the TOP of list for TREASON.

Dan Waterman
Dan Waterman
2 years ago

Let’s not forget the burying of natural immunity after Covid infection by all the bad actors. Also the mess the healthcare system is in due to the unfair purging of people who objected to the experimental ‘vaccine’ (and it still is) and vaccine injury. Crimes against humanity no doubt.

Randy Ledford
Randy Ledford
2 years ago

When are we going to start calling this what it is? TREASON. When you are aiding an abetting the enemy that is treason. Biden, most democrats and many republicans are all part of this power grab and effort to undermine the USA. They should all be held to a traitor’s fate.

2 years ago


Let’s hope Critical Thinking catches on again and becomes a viable way to sift through the garbage that ALL media likes to spit out!

Michael W Bradish
Michael W Bradish
2 years ago

Poorly edited but instructinve

Lorraine Messitt
Lorraine Messitt
2 years ago

Awsome write up! Thank you!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Nothing new under the sun. Until we start prosecuting people like Hillary, nothing will change.

2 years ago

Even your liberal friends won’t allow this to be true.

Paul Revere
Paul Revere
2 years ago

I just can’t wait for the big Red Wave, except for one miscalculation on the part of conservative pundits — Ir ain’t going to happen ! ! ! Don’t get me wrong; I hope it does, I pray it does, but the American electorate, buy and large, are the dumbest, most uninformed, most misinformed voters in the world. Don’t believe me? HOW DID WE GET JOE, THE BIG-MAN, BIDEN??? It’s all over for our beloved but divided country if the big red wave turns out to be a blue sunami!

2 years ago

Many ‘conspiracy theories’ have some basis in fact.
I look at it this way…
Noah was a ‘conspiracy theorist’…and then, it started to rain.

Wayne Waldack
Wayne Waldack
2 years ago

PLEASE, DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE THE LIBERALS. THEY are very educated in the ways of manipulating words spoken.

2 years ago

Joeblow’s money laundering with China, Russia and Ukraine is NOT a conspiracy theory as well. Don’t believe me check back in 6-12 months.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

If you want to know the truth, it’s easy. Just believe the exact opposite of what the MSM tells you. Problem solved. You’re welcome. ????

Edward Ray Michalko
Edward Ray Michalko
2 years ago

I Believe the American people are waking up. The only problem I see is if we have not fixed the way ballots are counted we could be in trouble. I teach US History in a High School in Texas and I want you to know my students get it. As a President Biden is as weak as they come and they know what is going around the country even if their little bubble is not affected. The left is just evil and I thought the government and President were supposed to be for all Americans, not just the ones that voted for you and in this case everyone outside the US. Elected officials take an oath to defend the Constitution and the United States of America. Do not vote for anyone who will not uphold the law and what has been going on is simply TREASON. God Bless and God Bless America

2 years ago

I’m fed up with ALL the ‘news’.
After all OUR media has refused to call the Communists “Communists”! Which they’ve been since 1960, and militantly so since the 80s.
All the media, and almost every politician is to blame. And has been for over 4 decades.

2 years ago

Another big win would be for the media to admit to the election fraud committed in the battleground states. That is the main reason Biden is in the White House.

2 years ago

All the lies, and chaos, decimating America’s economy……. everything had to do with making Trump look bad to keep him from a second term….MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

I have to ask what good has become of being proven correct? The federal government remains tyrannical. It remains doubtful that anyone having to do with the corruption within the Brandon crime family will ever be punished beyond a wrist slap and our privacy, speech and all our inalienable rights are being destroyed, that is the ones that havent already been destroyed.
So, we get a feather in our cap……but cannot be allowed to show that feather in public. Oh boy, what a win huh>

2 years ago

The pharmaceutical companies have not had any liability at all for any childhood vaccine since the National Vaccine Injury Act was passed in 1986. Am 75 cent tax is added to the cost of all vaccines for vaccine injury if the court decides it happened. We are now up to 22 recommended vaccines for children up to the age of 18. Why would anyone trust them an industry that has zero liability for their product?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Conspiracy theorists can be “prophets” too as in this Wuhan virus case
NO more reruns

Dave H
Dave H
2 years ago

It appears that Sleepy Joe is still wearing cloth masks. Are his handlers not genuinely concerned for his health?

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

As the old saying goes, “you’re not paranoid if someone IS after you”. This cannot be denied, just ask any speaker who has been HARASSED by the “woke” fanatics. By the way, the ones on college campuses are not spontaneous in any way shape, or form, they are promoted and instructed by communists whether or not the dupes know it.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Joe needs to check if AmTrak has a depot serving Club Fed.

Patty L
Patty L
2 years ago


2 years ago

I can’t wait to read the release of ‘The Big Guy & The Bag Man’. What a revelation that will be.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

Democrats are not even “good theater.” Government is a serious business, best not left to people whose interest is their own aggrandizement. Democrats are so ignorant and willfully perverse that their history over the course of the life of this nation has been one of divisiveness and, now, anti-Christian diversity that is threatening to destroy the country. They fail to recognize that the wrongness of choice is something far more serious and important than, simply, not being a member of the Democrat Party. That the criteria for justice based is law is not the personal choice to adhere to a partisan-majority perspective denying the truth and preventing its disclosure. That power is destroyed when it is, itself, destructive. The clock is ticking on this administration and the processes will defeat them because they have chosen policies that are destructive.

Steve Goetz
Steve Goetz
2 years ago

Also a win for common sense.

2 years ago

I love this article. But how does this all get shown to the American people when the MSM suppresses it? AMAC, you need to be pushing this out to other outlets. HELP!!!!

old silk
old silk
2 years ago

Instead of calling them conspiracy theories, we should just call them what they really are: Spoiler alerts.

2 years ago

Nice to be a Democrat in this once beautiful country of ours. I believe even some Democrats will be turning over in the grave,to see what is happening to our country. Shame on them. People wake up before it is to late.

2 years ago

I told you so.

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