OPINION: Instead of Reporting or Commenting, this Journalist Offers a Battle Plan for a Progressive Upending of our American Political System

Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, May 27 — It used to be that reporters reported the news.  They told us the who, what, where, when, and how of timely newsworthy events and personalities.  But these days, so-called newsmen and women go above and beyond in an effort to influence their readers, listeners, and watchers politically.

Take Tom Rogers, editor-at-large at Newsweek.  He also helped establish MSNBC and CNBC.  He must be proud of those accomplishments, and rightly so.  But perhaps his pride has gotten the best of him, as evidenced by a recent column he wrote for Newsweek.  It blatantly showed that Rogers has lost the most important quality of being a good reporter: objectivity.  The column did not rationally discuss an issue of the day; it blatantly outlined a leftist battle plan for the progressive takeover of America.

In a nutshell, his idea is to create “a corporate initiative” in support of the Democratic Party that would pack red states with a new population of yuppie progressives.  As he put it: “If corporate America decided that it would support a new Corporate Great Migration to swing states of women, young and diverse employees—those most likely to vote against Big Lie candidates—especially when we are talking about the very thin voter margins for Biden we saw in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin (admittedly not a good weather state), this could reshape the voter demography of those states in a short period of time. Looking at history, the two Great Migrations of African Americans from the South to northern states certainly reshaped the demography of many states.”

Soon after his column appeared, he showed up on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, a decidedly liberal program, to discuss his unusual, if not “hair-brained” idea, as some would call it.  In fact, the show’s co-host Joe Scarborough, notwithstanding his leftist bent, was quick to see the grievous nature of Rogers’ call to arms that they called it “too radical,” logically noted that “things are tough enough out there without corporations moving their locations to affect a thousand or two votes in a swing state here or there.”

It was not an Opinion Article, by any means; rather, it was a call to arms for a partisan attack on America’s political future.  Instead of winning voters over by appealing to their wants and needs, Rogers was suggesting that the left send infiltrators into their midst in a ludicrous attempt to reshape the political makeup of Republican states.  Instead of sticking to his career as an objective journalist who pens an opinion article from time to time, he has become a political activist gone amok.  His agenda: the overthrow of America’s multi-party political system and replacing it with a homogeneous one-party nation-state, not unlike the Soviet states of yore.

First, you pack the Supreme Court.  Then you pack the voter registries and Congress.  Three deadly blows for American Democracy.  Gone are the days of the loyal opposition; there’s nothing loyal about the scam outlined by Rogers, an activist in the guise of a mild-mannered reporter.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/opinion-instead-of-reporting-or-commenting-this-journalist-offers-a-battle-plan-for-a-progressive-upending-of-our-american-political-system/