Biden’s ‘America Last’ Agenda

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2022
by Ian Gargan

By: Ian Gargan

Last week Congress voted on a $1.5 trillion-dollar bill that was a whopping 2,741 pages long. Given the fact that there was barely 22 hours in between the posting of the bill and the vote, my guess is that nobody had time to read the whole thing (even the best of readers can only process about fifteen pages of legislation per hour.)

This bill highlights what many are calling Biden’s ‘America Last’ policy, and further demonstrates what we already know – Democrats are only looking out for their own self-interests and the interests of other countries. The initial purpose of this bill was to keep our government-funded before our self-imposed government funding deadline expired. Marketed as a relief bill to offer aid to Ukraine, we are providing $6.5 billion to send troops and weapons to Eastern Europe, and $6.8 billion on economic aid to allies and their refugees. But what are we doing about the refugee issue in our country? And why are we suffering the highest inflation in 40 years if we have billions to spend on foreign aid?

Do the math. We have $1.37 trillion remaining. So, what are we going to spend it on? Securing the border sounds like a win, right? Democrats like the idea of securing borders, just not the one between the US and Mexico. Not the one that has all the fentanyl coming through it, killing our citizens at an alarming rate. Nope, not that border. Democrats would much rather enhance border security in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Oman, and Pakistan. Seriously, it’s right there on page 1,497 of the bill. It proposes we give funds to Pakistan under the heading “International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement.” And with record-high overdose rates in the US, why wouldn’t we direct those funds overseas?

Once again, America comes last. But let me not seem ungrateful. The Biden Administration’s best effort for the drug problem at home was to give out free crack pipes and needles. Because the best thing to do when you want someone to quit using is to give them a new pipe and fresh supply of needles, right? I may be missing the connection here, but this is a slap in the face of the American people.

And while the Left tries to steal elections in America with laxed voting laws and pushback on voter registration, they look to establish a democracy in Sri Lanka, and send a total of $55 million to Venezuela and Nicaragua to go toward democratic programs in those countries. When you have a minute, check out page 1,519 of the bill, where we give Colombia $471 million. I get it, we are a generous nation, but in our own time of struggle, does it make sense to splurge on democracy for all? What happened to the rule about securing your own oxygen mask before helping others? It seems that the wicked always find a way to line their own pockets.

But all is not lost. The bill did have a few domestic allocations sprinkled in. There’s $6.3 billion for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. You think to yourself, that’s a smart move. Especially after the last few years, putting more money toward the research of infectious disease can’t be wrong. But wait, who’s the director of this institute? You guessed it – Dr. Anthony Fauci! The COVID rule fool himself has been the director of the NIAID since 1984 and stands to receive yet another boatload of money to benefit his noble work.

I can’t help but wonder if I am the only one thinking about how we are going to pay for this. Aren’t we already $30 trillion in debt? Well, we did spend $675 million to increase the IRS budget and to boost tax enforcement. Looks like when the government spends too much of the money, they just ramp up the IRS workforce and come back to the taxpayers for more.

Before I forget, there’s another Easter egg hidden within the 2,741-page bill that nobody read – the overturn of President Trump’s Protect Life Rule. This Title X program will once again be directing $286 million to abortion providers. But that’s not all, what would a good Democrat sponsored bill be without a little gun control? On page 2,207, Section 925B, you’ll find that if you are denied the purchase of a firearm by the instant criminal background check system, you will be reported to the FBI and state authority. Not only does this cleverly buried nugget encroach on our Second Amendment rights, but this portion of the bill has nothing to do with Ukrainian relief or keeping the government-funded.

Shall we sum things up? Instead of spending money on the US economy to make life better for millions of struggling Americans, we are protecting the Pakistani border. We are also calling for democracy in Venezuela while supplying Fauci with the funds he needs for his infectious disease greatest hits tour. That’s it. Did we need a nearly 3000-page document to tell us that the needs of the American people rank low on the priority list of the Biden Administration? Apparently, yes.