AMAC Defending Life In The Womb

Posted on Friday, June 24, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, June 24 — “It’s not done yet,” says Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens. “The Supreme Court decision overturning the Roe vs Wade ‘license to kill unborn children’ ruling of 1973 is a welcome win for the anti-abortion right to life movement. But it is not the end of the righteous fight to save the lives of our children as they are nourished in their mother’s wombs awaiting their birthdays. There’s a lot more to do.”

Weber says abortionists still have options, legal and illegal. “She points out that the high court’s decision didn’t outlaw abortion; it turned the matter over to the states. The Associated Press reports that it is likely that half of the states will soon have their own anti-abortion laws in place. That’s a good thing, but it leaves half the country open to the notion that it’s okay to murder a baby-in-waiting while still in the mother’s womb.”

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The AMAC chief says that is why the association has partnered with the Breath of Life organization, a pro-life organization that provides support for expectant mothers. The Christian, Long Island native, Regina Napolitano is the founder and executive director of the program and has been since the idea came to her in 2004. As Regina put it, “We help girls with a good listening ear, work to hear what their problems are, what they need, and give them the resources to work through those problems. We encourage them by finding solutions, not just telling them not to abort…We stick with them, through the whole process.”

Weber was so impressed with the sincerity and the promise with which Ms. Napolitano has grown her critical life’s work over the years that she is pledging her support and the support of AMAC to her cause. “It’s a task that is sustained by commitment, lots of love, and significant funding. Regina is committed; she’s been doing God’s work since 2004 through times of thick and thin. Certainly, she has the love; you can’t have that measure of commitment if you don’t love your job and the people you help if you don’t have love. If anything, she needs the wherewithal, the financial support to continue growing her outreach, and the protection she provides for unborn lives. It’s the reason we partnered with her and her Breath of Life organization. It’s the reason we hope her story resonates with AMAC’s 2.4 million members, the reason we need helpmates willing to spend a dollar or two or three for the cause.”

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