AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: February

Posted on Friday, February 2, 2024
by AMAC Action
AAWU amac action update

2 February 2024 

February 2024 By the Numbers (to date) 

  •      Number of AMAC Action Army of Advocates: ~ 361,854
  •      1 Chapter Meetings held
  •      4 Political Inquiries Answered by AMAC Action Staff


Chapter Meeting Activity 

ASM = All State Meeting | MTG = Local Area Meeting | CF = Candidate Forum 



ASM | Bill Carson | Virtual | Feb 1 2024 | TX 




ASM | Annette LeBaron | Virtual | Feb 5 2024 | MI 

MTG | Russ Cotton | In Person | Feb 5 2024 | CO-05 

MTG | Nikki Colletti | In Person | Feb 6 2024 | AZ-08, AZ-01 

CF     | Mike/Karen Rogel | Virtual | Feb 9 2024 | CA-35 

MTG | Scott Kosteretz | In Person | Feb 12 2024 | WI-05 

ASM | Cheryl Hooper | Virtual | Feb 13 2024 | KY 

ASM | Kerry Reeder | Virtual | Feb 13 2024 | TN 

MTG | Gary Henderson | In Person | Feb 20 2024 | GA-06 and GA-05 

MTG | Barb Schwerman | In Person | Feb 20 2024 | KS-04 

MTG | Linda Dimarzo | In Person | Feb 22 2024 | FL-13 

ASM | Ramona Goolsby | Virtual | Feb 22 2024 | NM 

MTG | Liz Veeder | In Person | Feb 22 2024 | CO-07 


 Under Review 


118-S.3262 – Fiscal Stability Act of 2023 


2024-FL HB 599 – Gender Identity Employment Practices 


Latest Letters 


118-S.204 – Born Alive Survivors Protection Act 

118-S.3548 – Health Care PRICE Transparency Act 2.0 

118-S.3490 & H.R.6744 – No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act 

118-H.R.7024 – Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 

1-26-2024 | MI Nursing Home Camera Bill Support Letter (Michigan) 


 New Coalition Letter 


1-24-2024 | AMAC Joins Coalition To Support Bill To Provide Tax Relief To American Families And Workers  


**WIN This AMAC Action supported bill passed the House on 1/31/2024 





Campaign | Ohio SAFE Act Veto Override Campaign – Senate Effort (Completed) 


**WIN 1-18-2024 – This campaign focused on Ohio AMAC members compelling their state representatives to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of the SAFE Act. This legislation would ban mutilating transgender surgeries for minors (including administering puberty blockers) and keep biological males out of girl’s and women’s sports. Ohio AMAC members sent over 1,400 messages to their senators and the Ohio Senate successfully overrode the Governor’s veto by a 23-9 vote margin on January 24! The bill is set to become law on April 24! 


Campaign | Kansas HB 2284 Gubernatorial Campaign (Completed) 


1-23-2024 – AMAC members in Kansas sent Governor Kelly 715 messages telling her to sign a bill that would “axe the tax” on retirement income. Kansas is one of a handful of states that taxes retirement Social Security income. The deadline for her to sign is the end of January. Unfortunately, Governor Kelly vetoed the bill. 


Campaign | Georgia SB 355 (Anti) Ranked Choice Voting – Senate Committee and Full Senate (Completed) 


1/31/2024 – Supporting SB 355 is essential for Georgia to uphold the principles of clarity, accessibility, and consistency in its electoral system, while also avoiding potential challenges associated with the adoption of ranked-choice voting.  


**WIN – See update here: AMAC Action Ramps Up Anti-RCV Activity in Georgia Legislature 


Campaign | Georgia SB 355 (Anti) Ranked Choice Voting – House Vote (Active) 


1/31/2024 – Supporting SB 355 in the Georga House of Representatives is the other half of our combined effort to uphold the principles of clarity, accessibility, and consistency in its electoral system, and builds on our previous win (noted above) in the Geogia Senate. Keep up the good fight AMAC Action Advocates! 



AMAC ActionAcademy 


From The Leadership Institute, you are invited to review their Conservatism 101 course, available online at no cost.  


Quote of the Week 


The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life and the procedure. The process is its own reward. 


~ Amelia Earhart 



Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Delegate and/or Advocate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected]. 

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