

Which of the following statements most closely represent your opinion of President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan so quickly and with no plan?

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j. k. blakely
j. k. blakely
3 years ago

After watching the military, diplomatic and humanitarian debacle unfolding in Afghanistan, I and many of our nation, the world too, are appalled at the stunning absence of competency displayed by our present administration and its cadre of bunglers. Yes, a military withdrawal from Afghanistan has had wide support for some time. But, the way it has been implemented is a disgraceful stain on our nation.

The soldiers, flyers, sailors and marines presently serving in our great military, along with all the brave women and men who have served and those now sleeping in cold graves on lonely hills, deserve so much better.

Congress must set aside its divisiveness and rise to the occasion, demanding the immediate resignation of National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, CIA Director William Burns, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley.

President Biden and VP Harris should resign as well, or in the alternative, impeached. But I suppose such notions will be left for another day, when disgusted Americans, patriotic voters, rumble to the polls.

Susan T Priest
Susan T Priest
3 years ago

I sent my first comment to Biden: “Confess and Resign.”

Jan Vance
Jan Vance
3 years ago

This is blatant treason by the President and those that left Americans and their Afghan resources to die, left military secrets and weapons allowing them to fall to enemy hands.
How do we take action to impeach this fake President and his entourage?

3 years ago

It’s not joey the puppet making these decisions, but the elite who will do anything to inflict the great reset upon the world. He is in his basement still trying to master pong on the government’s newest computer…an Atari pong console.

3 years ago

Poor planning. This was not Vietnam pull out. The guy is old enough to understand haow it was done in Vietnam. Now Vietnam is a thriving economic and tourist country.

Ronnie Butler
Ronnie Butler
3 years ago


3 years ago

We are being governed by stupid incompetent people. The time draws nigh.

3 years ago

Biden is a disgusting President and a pox on the American people. Veterans hate him and he is like the Jane Fonda of Vietnam fame. We will remember.

Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
3 years ago

None of these are even close to what I think. Joe Biden is a traitor! His actions will kill Americans and our allies. He should be dealt with as George Washington dealt with traitors!

3 years ago

Fuhrer Biden the most pro-criminal anti-American to ever hold the U.S. presidency – should be tried for treason or at least impeached!

3 years ago

I also believe that he has weakened our country. Since I could only vote in one I choose what he has done to our military.

David Pyke
David Pyke
3 years ago

This president was not qualified to hold that office. But I don’t think Biden is the person making the decisions. I don’t think we should have had troops in Afghanistan for as long as we did, but the way the pull out was handled was an absolute disgrace.

William Meyers
William Meyers
3 years ago

why in Hell has there been no prosecution of traitor Joh Kerry, murdered Klinton, and now we let Lyin’ Biden murder American citizens and disrespect those who have died to protect America and he is allowing America to be strangled with those who hate America to ent

Kelly Rouse
Kelly Rouse
3 years ago

Biden has undone all the progress President Trump made on the world stage. We were well on our way to respect again after the fiasco Obama did to our reputation. Biden is so weak he is inviting the Chinese and Koreans to attempt a takeover. Sad and heaven help us.

John Gerkey
John Gerkey
3 years ago

The first mistake that Biden made was to bring out the military before bringing out all U.S. citizens including the diplomatic core at the embassy. He should also have quietly brought out as many of the Afghan citizens that worked with the U.S. over the past 20 years as possible. The second mistake was to give away Bagram air base. There was no reason to do that other than the fact that the Taliban wanted the base closed. The Afghan government never asked for it to be closed. Had we kept Bagram operating with our fighter and cargo aircraft capability operational until the last military forces were withdrawn, the current human tragedy would never have happened. Biden is now put in place orders and restrictions on our forces that has tied their hands and does not allow them to use even 1/3 of the capability that is in place. There are special forces already in the region that could easily be employed to extract the U.S. citizens and Afghan citizens that are in danger. Biden and his entire administration is incompetent and should be removed through the impeachment process.

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
3 years ago

Laura Logan hit the nail on the head in her interview with Tucker. This is what this administration wants; total destruction of democracy. This agenda has been growing for (at least) the past 50 years . We must fight back or we will lose our country and way of life forever

3 years ago

All of the statement options are correct. Biden has weakened the nation on the world stage, emboldened all enemies, and endangered the U.S. homeland with his reckless, thoughtless act. However, I think he’s just a puppet. The strings are being pulled, decisions being made by others. He’s simply reading their script. But these actions are not random or purposeless. The string pullers are achieving precisely what they set out to do–destroy the United States. And the Republicans ,,(with relatively few exceptions) are spineless

3 years ago

Biden needs to be impeached and tried for high treason.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

We are surrounded by idiot’s. Or, are we? What if this is part of the plan to destroy our great nation. Everything Biden and company have done since taking over has been against the best interest’s of the American people.

Howard Smith
Howard Smith
3 years ago

Biden is an idiot a disgrace to America

David Deeds
David Deeds
3 years ago

The choices in the survey doesn’t even come close describing the damage this idiot has has done. Now we have ZERO credibility in the face of the world, now the Afghans will be the number 1 supply of heron being controlled by a terrorist group. Now that being said drugs,terrorist, money China and Russia. We have a extremely volatile future ahead of us just to survive. Joe Biden needs to be impeached NOW just so we might have a chance to stop the destruction of our GREAT NATION. ????????????????

Rebecca O'Bannon
Rebecca O'Bannon
3 years ago

I Agree 100% with J. K. Blakely

3 years ago

Afghanistan has lithium to be mined! China built batteries for our electric cars.

3 years ago

He got exactly what he wanted. My only question is how much money did Hunter and the “big Guy” make on the deal.

3 years ago

No. One It’s not what you do it’s how you do it.
I believe and I have to admit it is way out there but this is not Biden making these decisions. Obama who has hated this country from the day he took office and before is calling the shots. I know it sounds crazy but I am sure (my opinion) that Obama, George Soros or the Chinese government have something so damaging to Biden that he will do anything that they direct him to do.
It’s really the only thing that can explain why he is trying to destroy this country.
Just saying

3 years ago

The manner in which Biden pulled out of Afghanistan is disatrous.

3 years ago

Actually, a combination of 1 and 2.

3 years ago

I believe Biden is very ill and should be removed from office, but, is Harris capable of worse?

3 years ago

Unbelievable what this administration has done to our country in under 8 months in office.

3 years ago

I think this is part of the plans to oust Biden because he is not mentally capable if doing the job. He will step down soon and we will have Kamala as the face of the nation and Pelosi and Obama pulling her strings. Sad that this is costing so much for US and they Afghans.

3 years ago

Biden should be mpeached and tried for treason. Harris Austin Millie and others should be removed and charged. Contact congress and them they should force Joe to bring in Trump and his team to manage this disaster. They will get more people out alive. I’d even push Joe to dump Harris, make Trump VP and then resign.

Barbara Barger
Barbara Barger
3 years ago

Biden has disgraced our nation. Does he just follow orders from some puppet masters? I don’t think he knows what he is doing. Further disgrace.

Linda K.
Linda K.
3 years ago

Biden isn’t making any decisions. He’s just a puppet for whoever is running the show. Biden can’t put together a coherent sentence much less make decisions of this nature. He’s just doing what he’s told. They’re setting him up for Harris to take over and then God help us. Wake up people!

Michael Lovejoy
Michael Lovejoy
3 years ago

The remaining Americans will be gathered up and mass executed on live feed come this 9/11 Anniversary! Biden will do nothing!

3 years ago

I am so frustrated with this President. He is not fit to serve. He has left Americans and allies to fend for themselves as well as weakening us in the eyes of the world. He left our equipment to the Taliban. How stupid can you get?? Each thing he does is worse than the last.

3 years ago

We undermined the free world with our “turn tail and run” departure which apparently occurred without any coordination with our NATO partners / allies. We left noncombatants, our allies, and our Afghan friends / supporters at the mercy of the Taliban because we did not provide security for an orderly withdrawal. Every American leader involved in this debacle should resign. We left people to die at the hands of radical Islamists.

Carolyn E Smith
Carolyn E Smith
3 years ago

The majority of the Democratic party that is in office are thinking only of them selves and revenge on former Pres. Trump. And leaving all the equipment there is very diastrous! Someone there force him to reverse his actions or get a plan to get Americans out!!!!!!!!!

Margaret Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
3 years ago

It’s time for Biden and his feckless cabinet to resign. They are all very inept in doing the job this country needs. It’s not only Afghanistan, but our southern border, the inflation caused by this president, the energy dependence on other countries who hate us anyways. These things would have all been taken care of properly if the right president were in office. Biden has made this country very weak by his more than weak leadership.

Sandra Zacharko
Sandra Zacharko
3 years ago

I’ve been listening to Veteran’s. They feel like their service in Afghanistan was for nothing.

3 years ago

Democrats and Rinos, you OWN this. Put your name on it and proclaim to the world your pride in making this possible. Those who aided and abetted the 2020 election fraud should also step forward and take a bow.

3 years ago

As with nearly all his decisions, this one only served to weaken our position at home and in the world. His continued “leadership” will serve only to continue to crush the United States. God help us if the people do not stop this foolish man and his cronies.

3 years ago

Since entering “public service” almost a half-century ago, Biden has been considered one of the dumbest people in DC. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says Biden has been wrong on EVERY major foreign policy initiative over the past 40 years. And our illegitimate POTUS remains consistent. Not only did he botch the withdrawal, he has earned for the USA the distrust of our allies and the contempt of our enemies. This is what happens when a Dem runs foreign policy.

China, Russia and Iran are having a field day – and you can bet that he will turn his back on Taiwan when the time comes. And yet we cannot impeach him, because we will be stuck with Willie Brown’s girlfriend as President for the next three years. But there is a solution. Donald Trump runs for Congress, gets elected Speaker, we impeach and CONVICT Biden and Harris and Trump becomes President. That likely won’t happen, but we should never again elect a Dem as President.

3 years ago

This man who claims to be President did not handle this withdrawal with weakness and shame. 20 yrs down the drain. Should have pulled our people out first, then get all our stuff out, equip etc then blow up our installations and then military comes out at the end knowing all of our people are safe. He blew it and it will cost us lives. For those of you who voted for Biden, thank you very much,

3 years ago

The wages of sin is death………….The wages of a stolen election is the Biden regime. August exposes Biden as the WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY!

John K Whitsett
John K Whitsett
3 years ago

I wish there was a “ALL OF THE ABOVE” button

3 years ago

Leaving without evacuating US Citizens and allies (interpreters, etc.) FIRST, was pure stupidity, as was leaving equipment and the Air base “behind” – its not so much why we left, but how we left. That is a disgrace of unforgivable proportions.

Ken Hickson
Ken Hickson
3 years ago

Yes, Joe Biden and his policies are a disgrace. However the solution is not another Trump presidency. We haven’t had a viable candidate for president in decades. Limited government, strong defense, attempts to balance the budget, secure borders, individual personal choice and then personal responsibility for our choices etc. The list goes on. Frankly, I don’t think there’s a republican or democrat out there that can turn things around. We are headed down a slippery slope and have been for a long time now.

3 years ago

It’s not the pullout, it’s the careless withdrawal procedure. Bush could and should have pulled the troops out in 2002, right after the Taliban were defeated. A successful mission. But no, we stayed, and the Afghan government became dependent on our presence and power. The same happened in Iraq. The suddenness of the pullout, in both instances left a “void” that was filled by ISIS in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Even SOD Austin, then a General, requested 15K troops remain in Iraq, after the primary pullout, to ensure a smooth and safe transition, as Iraq assumed more and more control of their Country. Obama disregarded those requests, and abruptly left Iraq. ISIS formed (Obama’s JV Squad) to fill the Void and began their reign of terror in the region and beyond. The world experienced a time of people being burned in cages and beheadings in many places, including Oklahoma. The Taliban will likely do the same in Afghanistan. So the criticism is towards the method, not the pullout itself. In both instances our military returns to retake what we just gave away. Our Viet Nam experience was similar, even though the outcome (communism) was predictable. Stark Indications that we did not learn from history and it therefore repeated itself. When will we learn Nation-Building doesn’t work.

3 years ago

Impeach Biden now

3 years ago

Biden was only looking for a political win not the best interest of the country

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