
Great Depression

Will Joe Biden still be President at the end of 2022?

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Ann Ritter
Ann Ritter
3 years ago

I thought it would have been killaried shortly after the fake “election”. The only way the pedophile is still in office is because it’s hyena vp is even worse

Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson
3 years ago

Let’s Go Brandon!

Chris Barnes
Chris Barnes
3 years ago

Hopefully we win the midterms in a strong fashion and he and kamala are impeached. That would leave the crazy nancy in charge. Its going to be an interesting 3 more long years!

Dan Daly
Dan Daly
3 years ago

If we win the midterms Nancy will not be SPEAKER. The new speaker will be Republican and this nightmare will hopefully have a happy ending.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Biden is unlikely to resign in 2022 but he is more unlikely to run in 2024.

He may get a scaled down (to one trillion) Build Back Better bill to sign in 2022 but after that…nothing. His presidency is pretty much over no matter how long he manages to hang around.

3 years ago

Biden isn’t the president. He’s an impostor (and a poor one at that).

3 years ago

I’m surprised this socialist slime lasted this long. We suspect they’re feeding him large quantities of drugs to keep him [barely] functioning; his recent anti-Trump Jan 6th diatribe shows one thing however: he’s not lost his ability to lie & twist the truth.

3 years ago

I hope not removed because he is a gift to conservatives that keeps on giving.

3 years ago

He’s not going away in 2022. His handlers may hide him more but their options aren’t better (Cameltoe Harris!?)

3 years ago

He will be there in “title” only going onto the 2028 elections, if we still have them which is not a given. He is the perfect “Peter pumpkin head” type controllable dummy that can be used to do the bidding of China, the WEF and all the nefarious human-hating billionaires. No, he isn’t going away for a very long time even if they have to “reincarnate” him somehow. I doubt the repubs will even notice since they seem to be asleep at the wheel anyway.

Judy Smith
Judy Smith
3 years ago

Leave him there. Study the chain of succession. The next already doesn’t stay around enough to hold office. The one after that has been wanting more and more power ever since her election in the early 2000s. Go on down the list. Find one if you can, but he’s not there. We lucked out with Ford. Times have changed greatly in the past nearly years.

3 years ago

No, and God help us when that happens!

Joe Di Benedetto
Joe Di Benedetto
3 years ago

remove Biden, get “Old Camel Hair” she slept her way to VP office We’ll go “From frying pan into the fire”

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
3 years ago

Biden is dreadful, but the Dems don’t have anyone else. Their bench is weak.

J Ayala
J Ayala
3 years ago

He’s never been president. He wasn’t legitimately elected….he’s been put there by complete fraud.

3 years ago

I hope his entire joke of an administration is gone! but, that’ll never happen. certainly don’t want cackling kamala, or nasty nancy to run the country further into the ground. would like to know who is actually is making these horrible decisions, because poor old joe doesn’t have enough brain cells left. – pray & get involved to help the conservatives win this year!

Tony Ardelia
Tony Ardelia
3 years ago

Biden will remain president as the alternative, Kamala Harris, would be his replacement and the Republic would collapse.

3 years ago

I didn’t think he would last this long. God help us all. Let’s go Brandon!

S McNeill
S McNeill
3 years ago

Haven’t we forgot about Afghanistan.. that one decision of pulling the troops out before the civilians, allies and equipment. That tells everyone what a fool this Biden guy is all about.

Dave W
Dave W
3 years ago

“No longer capable” is insinuating at one point he was capable. That’s not the case.
I voted yes. His handlers think the American people are idiots and they got us believing he’s the best thing for America. Despite his crashing polls.

3 years ago

It really depends on the hands of God Almighty Creator because he Christ
Permitted him in office and only God can take the presidency from him. We go through many plagues
Physical and Spiritual for our lack of followimg Jesus’ Words about life and death. Shalowm!]

3 years ago

He’s not really the president. We all know that there’s evil behind him although he’s not ever been a good senator either. They are just using him as a front to all the evil things they are doing to bring this country down.

Lee Stare
Lee Stare
3 years ago

The democrats gave the CCP of China the nod to release this virus world wide in an attempt to take control of the population. The Democrats are not democrats but Marxist Communist Pigs, they are your sworn enemy.,. Destroy them all. They will play any dirty tricks they can to secure power you must retaliate 100 times more than them, that’s what it will take to neutralize these bastards.

3 years ago

Joe Biden is the “Resident” in the White House; he is not the President of the United States! I believe the real Joe Biden is dead and they have at least 3 actors who can sound like he sounds and read a teleprompter. The avatar(s) they allow us to see are not the real Joe Biden.

If you go back to photos of when he was senator, up to the Ukraine incident, there is a remarkable difference in his facial appearance, his bearing and mannerisms. That’s why almost all current pictures and videos are either “green-screened” or done on a set. It’s all a show while the communists destroy our country and our civilization .

We are in a war. The people who have the levers of control hate us.

3 years ago

Joey is only their “Hood Ornament”. The true devious work and planning goes on under the hood. His mental state is low on their list and easily managed by his handlers and our unprofessional media.

3 years ago

Well the answer is Yes!
Unfortunately the brain dead Kamala Harris will keep him President and of course we all know that Biden is not in control of his presidency.
Who is? That is the question but it certainly not Biden. 2022 if all goes well Biden will lose the House and Senate and the country will be able to hold off the socialism push by the squad and the rest of the democratic party.
If Joe Manchin holds the line for just a little longer maybe we can save this great country. God bless and pray for Senator Manchin and the country.

Claire Hicks-Brannon
Claire Hicks-Brannon
3 years ago

I am so mad at the republicans, who aren’t doing anything, but blah; blah; blah we had gotten exactly what we tolerate. Zip…a big fat nothing! I am going to look for new blood! I want term limits of no more than 12 years, period! Once they become career politicians they become one party of them and forget about us, the citizens from Congress, the Senate and then within my own state, county and city elections, I am voting to kick ALL of them out! Maybe one day my vote will count.

3 years ago

I think one of two things are likely.

1. He will be such mental decline he won’t be able to finish the job.

2. He will pass away before his term is up.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

Yes, But I expect he and Kamala will both be impeached in 2023.

3 years ago

Biden will only remain president if the evil plans to destroy this country find his “presidency” beneficial to the cause. It has little to do with the state of his mental health. If he is a “useful idiot”, he will remain where he is. Otherwise, they will move on. To Kamala? That could be even worse for their plans !

marie Sanford
marie Sanford
3 years ago

Biden–Harris? what difference does it make-one is as bad as the other ,well maybe not Harris MAY be worse. Either way the U S is in BIG trouble. Unless Obama is defused there is no way to bring back America as the wonderfull nation it was Also included in this diffusion we must include Clinton(Madam), Shumer, Waters, Feinstein Oac, and the muslim person from Minnesota (I think she is) I know it is one of those poor northern states that doesn’t know better.

3 years ago

Here’s a New Years poll from Amac NO more about Uncle Joe please ???? . America has 3 more years of this old white guy. Let the rag Free Press cover him .

3 years ago

Everyone in this country knows that the 2020 election was rigged. I still question why the republicans haven’t spoken out louder and pushed this to the Supreme Court to have a physical recount and voter verification of the election results.

The idiot in the white House doesn’t knoiw his left from his right and his destruction of jobs lost by his executive orders.will not go unnoticed this November. For those of you that are proud union members take a look at how many jobs have been lost by this administration. My grandfather was a proud UAW man, I shudder to think what this country will look like for our children and grandchildren if we allow this country to be taken over by socialists.

After hearing the second idiot in command say that the January 6 protest was just as bad as Pearl Harbor and Nine Eleven doesn’t know how many men and women paid the ultimate sacifrice to keep this country free.

When a horse goes lame, the owner (we the American People) need to put them out of their misery.

Deplorable Joe
Deplorable Joe
3 years ago

Prediction; Kamalakaze will get dumped and replaced with Hillary. Biden will have another stroke and step down; you know what follows.
OR: After the Kamalakaze crashes and explodes, Biden has the stroke and Nancy takes his place, then installs Hillary as VP. Then she “loses it” (not that she really has “it”) and Hillary gets in. Either way, that’s the end objective, because the Clintons have a lot of janitorial work to do and probably a few things to bury once and for all.
Jeffrey Epstien didn’t hang himself and things are getting hot around Lolita Island.
Let’s Go Brandon!

3 years ago

Who is sure he’s President now? He’s more like a puppet.

3 years ago

Yes, his handlers need him to complete 2 years so Harris will be eligible to serve out the remainder of the term and be elected to 2 more terms. Of course, I don’t think she could be elected even once in a fair election.

3 years ago

His mental deterioration is already to the extent where he is no longer capable of fully executing his duties as President. He will be propped up as long as he can remain vertical and mumble an occasional recognizable word or 2. The treasonous Dems won’t remove him until Harris (their next puppet) is able to finish Slow Joe’s term and still be eligible for 2 terms. He will not be president for long in 2023.

R. Norton
R. Norton
3 years ago

He already can’t execute the presidential duties so why should it change?

william berglund
william berglund
3 years ago

even the Democrats don’t want Kamala in the White House they could not control her as easy as they do JB

3 years ago

Probably the real reason that they will continue to “prop him up” is that they have only much worse options.

3 years ago

Evil has certainly made itself known throughout our world. There are many good folks who have been exposing all the evil. There is a renewal of prayer today in plant city florida. It will be aired on America’s real voice starting at noon. We cannot give up or give in. For those who believe, we cannot give into fear. We certainly need God more than ever, and keep on speaking about this with everyone you know. Some may not want to believe or even hear it. Like I said, God has given strength and courage to many good folks to lead the charge. They will need our support and plenty of prayers.

3 years ago

Personally, I don’t believe he is in charge of any decision making nor has he ever been. He is being fed his duties and speeches by another entity bent on destruction of the Constitution of The United States! He knows what is happening but doesn’t care one iota because he is getting filthy rich for being the dummy for the puppeteer. May God have mercy and the real Americans stand up and wrest the government back from the globalist/socialist/communists!

Robert Fuston
Robert Fuston
3 years ago

This Presidential election of 2020 was stolen therefore I do not refer to Biden as our President. He was Vice President and that’s it. In which looking at it now that was probably stolen as well. Any move made from that Administration is treason.

Benjamin Stewart
Benjamin Stewart
3 years ago

I believe those behind the scenes making the actual decisions are using Pull-toy Joe to be their puppet while they avoid detection and subsequent prosecution. This is a totally corrupt and evil empire…to the core.

3 years ago

I am afraid that the nazi socialist DEMO party will maintain control in the near future. Watching news sources outside the US you realize Sleepy Joe is treated like a joke. When do the people realize he is incapable of holding the office of the Pres. The problem is his laughing horse’s ass number one is also a joke. Job reports are just out and did not meet expectations. Maybe we need another stimulus package to keep people at home doing nothing productive. Maybe we need high inflation to get the economy going? I served and trained soldiers for Iraq and Afghanistan. What a farce the end result is and has fallen off the main media news.

Jim Davidson
Jim Davidson
3 years ago

I hope not, but Kamala is worse

3 years ago

Evil has certainly made itself known throughout our world. There are many good folks who have been exposing all the evil. There is a renewal of prayer today in plant city florida. It will be aired on America’s real voice starting at noon. We cannot give up or give in. For those who believe, we cannot give into fear. We certainly need God more than ever, and keep on speaking about this with everyone you know. Some may not want to believe or even hear it. Like I said, God has given strength and courage to many good folks to lead the charge. They will need our support and plenty of prayers.

3 years ago

Let’s hope that Joke Biden is still president at the end of this year as the alternative is the cackling clown ass bitch I call Scumballa Harris. She’s not even capable of running a hot dog stand much less the entire U.S. of A.

3 years ago

Poll Question: Will Joe Biden still be President at the end of 2022?
Why would anyone believe he’s president now? He gets lost walking from Marine One, he can’t climb stairs, he can’t speak in coherent sentences, and he can’t even read a teleprompter. He craps his pants in front of foreign dignitaries and he gets pissed at the press when they don’t ask the right questions.
Would Jeff Dunham’s puppet Walter be a suitable replacement? Absolutely! They’re twins!

Joyce Crommett
Joyce Crommett
3 years ago

Until I’m convinced of election integrity, I really can’t project what the outcome will be. After seeing the audits of Arizona and Michigan as well what was presented on Frankspeech, it’s no longer up to the American voter.

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