
Wildfires are currently devastating parts of southern California, destroying homes and taking lives. In your opinion, who or what is responsible for this disaster?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
1 month ago

Besides the first three choices in the poll being the culprits in this avoidable disaster, the uniformed, woke, gas-lit, ignorant citizens who voted complete incompetence into leadership positions are responsible.

Despite countless warnings and previous devastating fires in California, Governor Newscum and other governmental half-wits have deliberately failed to take the necessary actions to implement preventative maintenance, such as:

·     Failure to complete water infrastructure projects from the voter-approved $7.5 billion bond in 2014. For example, to date the Sites Reservoir is expected to begin construction in 2025 (hello, eleven years later) with an anticipated completion of six to seven years. I bet LA residents are thrilled! Other reservoirs are planned, but no progress!

·     In 2020, a California court granted an injunction against the Trump administration’s effort to increase water diversion from the Bay Area to existing reservoirs. This injunction negatively impacted farmers, as well.  The looney left leadership wanted to make sure the little fishies got to float all the way the ocean instead of having the water be stored for actual human use.

·     Fire hydrants are dry (remind you of the Maui fire?) Unbelievable that firefighters resorted to filling purses and handbags with water to throw on the flames.

·     Incompetence has been so rampant that insurance companies have fled the state.

·     Newscum has done nothing to deal with the multitude of homeless encampments, from which many fires have originated.

·     Commie Mayor Bass (more on her later) cut the LAFD budget by nearly $18 million just months before these fires. By the way, she also cut budgets for Street Services, Sanitation, Street Lighting, Public Works, etc., while increasing the budget for Cannabis Regulation.

But just like so many other incompetent socialist leaders (like the New Orleans Police Chief) who were either handed their positions from family ties (Newscum) or were appointed/elected because of shameful DEI schemes, Bass and Newscum continue to destroy the lives and quality of life for the citizens they have pledged to protect.

I’ll close with Commie Karen Bass. She is the daughter of a former Cuban political prisoner. This communist sympathizer, who was even considered to be bungling Biden’s running mate, has made numerous trips to Cuba and worshiped at the feet of the former communist leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro.

In the 1970’s, young Bass was a leader in the Cuban organization called the “Venceremos Brigade” in southern California. This group was employed by Havana to spy on American targets, including members of Congress.

Like Newscum, Commie Karen will not take any responsibility for the lost lives and property as a result of their incompetence. But don’t worry, she’s back from her junket to Ghana and can direct all those who need assistance to the “URL.” Well, at least that was better than refusing to answer a reporter’s questions in the jetway, and instead doing an impression of Biden with her frozen dementia face! Again, it is sad that so many Californians voted these people into office. Yes, elections do have consequences…some deadly. Pray for all those impacted.

  “Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their
      hands have done.”     Isaiah 3:11      

1 month ago

If you think it is so-called climate change, you are an idiot

jim wood
jim wood
1 month ago

Southern California is approx 200 miles from my home. I live in a city 75% red, we think for ourselves and give great support to our fire departments, police and 1st responders. We also produce 400 plus crops in this state for consumption to the world. The mis management by Newsom and the Democratic morons who have a super majority in both state houses is something that has finally exploded in their faces. We have lakes, rivers where the water just overflows into the Pacific Ocean as is not captured because of a tiny little fish Newsom saved. We have not built a new reservoir in over 45 years. I grew up 7 miles from Altadena, and their community is one of many that has been destroyed by the fires. Now going forward the poor people in the fire areas will take years if they can even contemplate rebuilding. I am 80 years and disgusted with the leadership in this state. We need to votethese jackasses out going forward, get competent leadership and stop this madness in this state. I may not make it through to vote for the next presidential election in 2028 but anyone voting for Newsom,Harris or another Democrat needs to have their head examined. What a mess.

1 month ago

Sad, but not only the governor & mayor are responsible, but the voters as well. You get what you vote for.

1 month ago

Both Newsom and Bass, as well as the fools who vote for them.

Dave G
Dave G
1 month ago

All of the above except climate change and unsure, obviously.

1 month ago

I have compassion & care @ heart but the Federal Government needs to STOP bailing out California’s poor governing choices…like a child that needs to experience the consequences of bad behavior.

Vance Donald
Vance Donald
1 month ago

Stating the obvious here – ALL the people with decision making positions are responsible for this. Newscum. bASS. Elected and unelected idiots everywhere. Whatever happened to tar and feathering? It needs a reinstatement here.

Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
1 month ago

Democrats are responsible. I voted for number one, the leader, Governor Newsom. But that was a toss-up with number two. It strikes me that the hardest hit this time were the Hollywood elites that live on the coast and are mostly WOKE leftist Democrats. They have to take a large measure of the blame for what has destroyed. them. For those that live on the coast it is even worse. There is a California Coastal Authority that will not permit them to rebuild in order to return the coastline to nature. Go WOKE go TOAST. Maybe I should be sympathetic or empathetic but I can not forgive them for trying to impose their mistaken ways on the rest of the country. MAGA

Paul W
Paul W
1 month ago

Certainly 1, 2 and 3, but a MAJOR contributor is an incredibly antiquated power grid. Because of their obsessive spending on the “renewable green energy” hoax, the existing power lines, transformers etc. are responsible for more wild fires in that state than lightning, carelessness and arson combined. So in a way, “climate change” is responsible; just NOT in the way that lefties claim. It’s their devotion to that scam and the subsequent failure to replace or upgrade their equipment because of spending on “green energy”. A catastrophic wildfire in 2017 was ignited by equipment that was installed in 1921 and the vast majority of power equipment in that state predates 1950. That state experiences blackouts at the same rate as a lot of 3rd world countries. But hey…keep voting for the dims.

Obsolete Man
Obsolete Man
1 month ago

The first three choices in your poll. Enough said.

Obsolete Man
Obsolete Man
1 month ago

Oh, plus the voters who put these people in power. Liberal policies suck.

Donnchad Scot
Donnchad Scot
1 month ago

The TRUE culprit is the policies of the Democrat party. This started LONG before Newsom. LONG before. Democrats thrive when the populace depends on the government for assistance. I would never say they started the fire (they might have), but they are certainly reveling behind closed doors about it, because now they get to spend multiple millions of dollars to “help” the victims. What kills me the most is that even THIS tragedy will not be enough for Californians to vote Republican. I have ZERO sympathy for the elite, but I am very sorry for the poor who lost everything, and the lives of animals and humans that were lost, and the firefighter who had to risk their lives without the proper resources to fight this fire. #OurGovernmentIsCorrupt #DemocratsThriveOnTragedy

Marty M
Marty M
1 month ago

Very disappointed in amy coney barrett, supreme could have rendered merchan’s kangaroo court moot, but barrett failed, shame on her!!!

1 month ago

First 3, Newsom for mismanagement of the forest, and firing lots for not getting the jab. the mayor for slashing the budget and the local officials for not prosecuting the thieves. I’ll bet my left nut they don’t prosecute the arsonist either. Climate change is a hoax

1 month ago

Karen Bass is also responsible as she obviously cannot do the job as mayor properly. Declaring a state of emergency and then leaving the country is unacceptable. G. Newsome is completely incompetent as well.

1 month ago

The left is so concerned about “climate change”, that they totally ignore the “climate” they actually live in. Knowing that the normal “climate” in California is hot, dry and windy, plan for the highly likely probability of “FIRE”! But, NO, the leftists focus on saving a stray fish or a rodent species or a frog or an insect. Never mind the other species that get destroyed every stinking year by the fires in California. These people, and I include those who vote for the incompetent leaders are reaping what they sowed. Let this be an example of how much worse our nation would be if the leftists leaders like those in California ever get control of the White House. Totally void of common sense!

1 month ago

An option should have been “Democrats”. Enough said

IM retired
IM retired
1 month ago

The biggest culprit in this’d mess is the “ranked voting” system that eliminates other candidates when they run two or three Dems per race rather than using the primary system to reduce election choices to representatives of any recognized party.
this failed state is a prime example of why we need to continue the Electoral College, and should bolster its by requiring that the electors be chosen by the voting results in each particular state without regard to what other states have voted

1 month ago

I would answer all of the above except climate change. Short-sighted management, building that does not take into account the area, etc, etc.

1 month ago

You need an all the above option!!! It is cut and dried simple!!!

Bill E
Bill E
1 month ago

Three of the above listed selections, actions or inactions are the result of California voters choosing poorly in the voting booth. In this and too many other cases, “Climate change” is a scapegoat for mismanagement of resources and services.

Paul Difflipp
Paul Difflipp
1 month ago

I actually wanted to pick the top 3 all these SOROS appointed scumbags are responsible!!!!

1 month ago

You left out ALL THE ABOVE. Santa Anna winds flow every year and under the right circumstances result in massive fires. California has dealt with this issue forever and their government should be all about managing this particular issue. As we have seen in recent years, they are not. The people of California have got to grow up and stop voting for the con-men and women that offer them candy vs. debt, safety and security.

Michael Monnin
Michael Monnin
1 month ago

All democrats in all offices needs to be removed.

1 month ago

When are the people of calif. going to run these bums out? Rigged elections not withstanding. How long are they going to put up with this incompetent, radical and corrupt government? Good Lord, I can’t even believe the way the fire department is that leftist with the whole LGBQ way of thinking! When are people going to rise up and see where this is taking them? I pray for those that have been displaced and devastated and are grieving.
Guess , maybe Newscum signed away his chances for a Pres. run in 2028? Very pathetic to say the least. Democrat party is at the bottom of the barrel….

Harold Williams
Harold Williams
1 month ago

Newsom and Hochul are the two worst governors in the country. Unfortunately they govern the two largest states per population. Ultra-liberal ideas, and costly illegal migrant policies have hurt the citizens of not only each state but the entire country. Newsom calling for a special legislative session to fight Trump instead of the LA fires shows exactly what Newsom really cares about and it’s not the citizens of California. Hochul is just a disaster trying to buy votes for her upcoming election (which can’t happen too soon) meanwhile the streets of New York City and the subways are tragically unsafe (woman set on fire) all of this while she continues to fight (Newsom and Hochul are apparently in a contest on this issue) legitimate citizen rights to defend themselves. January 20th at 12:01pm can’t come quick enough!

1 month ago

I blame wokeism for the fires not being contained. People who don’t have faith in God will believe anything.

Kenneth Aydlott
Kenneth Aydlott
1 month ago

The first three choices are all contributing factors to the disaster. Looks like another Lahaina to me.

1 month ago

Newsome wastes money on himself instead of the state. I was going to say he wastes government money on illegals but he doesn’t do a very good job of that either. He’s Pelosi’s relation so what do you expect.

1 month ago

Responsibility for this idiocy is shared across multiple sectors:

• The multiple “Greenie” political movements and their mindless workers and canvassers who “care” so much for insipid causes.

• California voters, for repeatedly voting-in the equivalent of DEI politicians.

•The DEI politicians who appear to be incapable of thinking their imbecilic policies through to the logical and natural conclusions. All you need to do is ask, “And then what?” when considering nearly any course of action….

• Gavin “Gruesome” for thousands of already known reasons.

1 month ago

New word on the Webster dictionary for incompetence:j Newsom

Jakov Altraides
Jakov Altraides
1 month ago

While I had to choose where the buck stops in this case all three of the top choices share responsibility on their own levels.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
1 month ago

In a recent article Henry Winkler said that arson was a serious threat.

1 month ago

The real choice, a democrat run system doing just what they did in Hawaii!!

1 month ago

Gov. Newscum should immediately resign and leave the state. He is more concerned about his hair and white teeth than the citizens of California. He is the epitome of a narcissist. He just loves himself and dining at the French Laundry. I have never seen a man so wrapped up is own appearance. Meanwhile, the people of California are suffering. Maybe this is a wake up call to voters in the state to NOT vote democrat next time.

1 month ago

I blame the citizens of CA. They elected these bafoons who run this state. They stood by and allowed them to ruin their state over the last 50 years.

1 month ago

This is only the best answer among the choices, but given its resemblance to Lahaina, I strongly suspect it goes all the way back to Davos.

1 month ago

Gov. Newsom chose to protect fish over protection of private property in a high tax state! There is no excuse for this choice. The resources were available; he chose wrong.

1 month ago

City officials are as well responsible for these fires and probably paid terrorist. I also heard that insurance companies had cancel fire policies prior to the fires.

Kent Stones
Kent Stones
1 month ago

Actually the voters of California are experiencing the type of policies they approved of when they voted in the current liberal slate of politicians.

Manuel&Lyn Perez
Manuel&Lyn Perez
1 month ago

Absolutely it starts at the top! All of the propositions that we the people of California have voted and passed. Where did all of that money go to and for if not to add or build more reservoir, Gaven Newsom????

Ed LaCroix
Ed LaCroix
1 month ago

To add to responsible parties we shouldn’t rule out that the fires were probably set. It has long been known to be a low risk and cost effective type of terrorism. Very strange that after announcing the high winds and fire danger days ahead that five fires started with multiple fronts almost simultaneously.

1 month ago

Like another poster, stated, ALL of those who are in positions of authority. In one way or another, they are all responsible.for what has befallen those devestated by this PREVENTABLE DISASTER. Sharing in this, should be all the geniuses, that voted these individulas into office, knowing full welll the policies they would put forth.

1 month ago

Conservation, fire breaks, the lack of it. California and the rest of the states that are full of ecologist need to learn Conservation. But I think the biggest problem is what we see in our work life, government etc. Piss poor management.

1 month ago


1 month ago

There should have been a line for all of the above because all of those entities are responsible what happened, everyone in CA government is to blame. They all need to be fired and their salaries used to mitigate anything like this happening again.

1 month ago

A politician will have to be honest and accountable; not likely!

Harold Wolfe
Harold Wolfe
1 month ago

Forest management requires controlled burns. Otherwise here’s what will happen. Govt officials can’t make decisions based on the community whining because they don’t want to smell smoke.

1 month ago

Agree with first 3 options. Many are also saying arson, by homeless or other people. News showed someone was arrested carrying a blowtorch while riding a bicycle.

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