
health Trump

One caucus and primary are now history. In thinking about Super Tuesday and then the November election, presidential debates, swing states, and Independent voters, who do you believe would be the single, most formidable opponent to President Trump?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

Because Trump is gonna win no matter who his useful idiot opponent will be.
Now on to a triumphant victory !

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 Deus Vult !

5 years ago

This is the worst list of democrat candidates I have ever seen. Klobuchar is the only one to raise her hand when asked if anyone had an objection to a socialist president. Some might not survive the term. Most are way too left (Socialist) for America. I’d say it’s laughable, but then look at how many voters and candidates think nothing of taking gobs of money from everyone to give to those who won’t work for it or who don’t pay their own bills. Talk about greed! And divisiveness! And hate! Those terms describe the democrats!

This is a shameful trend in this country, and we have to solidly squash it at the polls in November. Ya with me??!

5 years ago

I voted for President Trump in 2016 and he will get my vote again. As for the Democrat Party well, there is no one who matches up to our President. They should be ashamed.

S. Valwa
S. Valwa
5 years ago

Honestly, the Democratic party as a whole has shown nothing but contempt for America, even when things are going great! I have not seen ONE Democratic candidate that has any sort of viable platform FOR the American people. It appears all they care about is lining their pockets with OUR money.

Brian B
Brian B
5 years ago

The “formidable” opponents of Donald Trump are merely dumbed-down students of Karl Marx. Marx’s other students have been Stalin, Mao, Maduro, Castro, Lenin and a long list of other power hungry tyrants. Together they have murdered, tortured and enslaved many millions of the world’s populations. The socialist countries of Sweden, Canada and the UK are finally recognizing the failures of socialized medicine when they have to wait six months for basic medical treatments. In America we have raised a generation of self-indulgent children who think that nothing matters but themselves and their immediate pleasures. Too many of them feel entitled to the “free stuff” that socialism promises. But like Margaret Thatcher intelligently warned: “…you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

I’m not sure that any of these candidates is particularly formidable (although Bloomberg has a formidable amount of money).

That said, my guess is the person that the President would least like to run against is Amy Klobuchar.

5 years ago

I haven’t watched any of the Democrats’ debates because it’s a waste of my time. There isn’t any Democrat who could effectively challenge DJT, now, because the Democrats in Congress have successfully tainted them all by their behavior at the State of the Union and during their impeachment debacle.
There may be another McGovern type candidacy coming.
Great for the MAGAman.

5 years ago

Anarchists, socialists, and globalists have hijacked The Democrat Party. Thanks to the hoax impeachment I will never vote for any Democrat again.

Dan Wilson
Dan Wilson
5 years ago

Trump will be very hard to beat in 2020, but Democrats are desperate. Bloomberg has the deep pockets to saturate the airwaves and the media will create a narrative to promote him despite his only real qualification being his money.

Steve B
Steve B
5 years ago

Only POTUS Trump can defeat himself. BTW, if Barr quits, Trump is toast.

Charles Sielski
Charles Sielski
5 years ago

Klobuchar would be the most dangerous opponent as she appears reasonable, moderate, and a woman. Fortunately the Democrats ate probably too dumb and left wing to nominate her.

5 years ago

Though non real formidable opponents. Hands down, it would be Amy Klobuchar. She would have the support of the Mid-West and the most moderate of the group, other than Bloomberg.

Marie M
Marie M
5 years ago

If this is the best they’ve got, they have a HUGE problem!

5 years ago

We support our POTUS but do wish he’d tone down some of the tweets. I agree with Barr that he sometimes makes his job more difficult.

Mary E
Mary E
5 years ago

In all honesty, it’s the illegals with drivers licenses that pose the biggest threat in my opinion. There is a reason shy the democrats disgustingly allowed the 2 million to flood our Country.

5 years ago

You did not include an option for ‘None of the above’.

5 years ago

You did not include an option for ‘None of the above.’

Steven Bailey
Steven Bailey
5 years ago

Altho not one of the current people running for the post has any viable platform to run on other than ” I can do a better job than Trump ” which is ludicrous at the best when some of those running has been in office for decades and haven’t done a thing.
I picked Mike Bloomberg simply because he has the deep pockets to BUY his way in, consider that 1. he is a Communist 2. the MSM has aligned themselves with the Communist and 3 the Bernie supporter and other pseudo-Communist/Marxist etc. will then vote for Mike because he will convince them that he will give them what they want.

5 years ago

They are all scary! I believe , with the help of George Szoros the Michelle Obama will be pusher to the head of the class. The candidate who ultimately emerges will be the one Szoros wants. Just like in Obama’s case

Cathryn Center
Cathryn Center
5 years ago

I’m of a notion that the more evil & wrong a candidate is running on the democrat ticket, the more millenials, illegals, welfare/food stamp recipients will vote & if Mr Sanders has his way, ALL felons will vote as well! The term DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST is absolutely so wrong. Bernie Sanders is a full blown Communist!!! There is no one in the democrat party worthy to be Commander & Chief in this beautiful UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That being said I think Mr. Sanders will be the one nominated to run against President Trump! I take nothing for granted here. So I pray & trust the Lord. My vote goes for Our President Donald Trump

5 years ago

Need one more selection None of the Above. Mini Mike can out spend everyone but I don’t think he can buy his way in like he did to get in the Democrat club after being the Republican Mayor of New York City. The most important thing to remember this election cycle is to make sure we win back the House and keep the Senate so pay attention at the local level Vote Early and Often to Keep America Great.

Shelly Schmidt
Shelly Schmidt
5 years ago

There are a lot of stupid voters out there that adore the communist. If Trump continues upsetting people with insults I hate to think what it will be like under bernie

Hassayampa Slium
Hassayampa Slium
5 years ago

If this list represents anything close to what the new educated generation will accept, the country is in deep trouble.
Also, something currently wrong with graphics on this bar chart..bar shows “unannounced” ahead, but number shows Bloomsburg ahead.

5 years ago

The Dems are not dumb, I think they have someone secretly waiting in the wings until convention. Someone who the sheeple “love”, like Hillary, Michelle or Oprah.

5 years ago

The most formidable opponent to Trump would be Yoda.

5 years ago

The moderate democrats who will vote for Trump in 2020 will do so because their party has been hijacked by ultra liberals and socialist. Very similar to what the Republican party for the last decade or so. What they need to realize is that the change they desire for their party does not will not come until they replace many of their socialist members in the house and Senate. You as the individual voter must show the party that you mean business.

5 years ago

This group is a joke none show respect for our President now who’s to say they’ll respect anything or anyone in the future.
Their motto my way or no way.

Karl Hassler
Karl Hassler
5 years ago

Melanie Trump

S. Valwa
S. Valwa
5 years ago

There are no “formidable” candidates of the Democratic Party since they all espouse forms of Marxism and socialism. Trump will win again in 2020.

5 years ago

Truly I don’t think any of these candidates have what it take to beat President Trump! He is and will be known as being one of the BEST presidents of all time!

D. Kennedy
D. Kennedy
5 years ago

Trump has already fought the devil and won. God alone could defeat him this year.

5 years ago

A communist, a homosexual, a thief and chronic lier , a loser with dementia, a racist, a military policemen who falsely projects herself as an expert in intelligence and foreign affairs while her highest responsibility in uniform is directing convoy traffic and posting patrols around the green zone and a fat chick that is riding out a great gig as a senator from Minnesota without any notable achievements.

I can’t wait until these jesters meet Trump in debate.

5 years ago

Bloomberg is the anointed candidate by the democratic party this election. Throwing Bernie the socialist under the bus again…

Allen Lipscomb
Allen Lipscomb
5 years ago

Trump is his own worst enemy. He should have this with a landslide. But with his non-stop tweets, he is upsetting even people who support him.

5 years ago

Democrats are only concerned with power — not good policy, the rule of law, or improving our country. I am so disgusted with their hypocrisy and deceitfulness that I will never vote for a Democrat again. Socialism scares me enough to work for a Trump re-election. In my State of MN, Klobuchar is considered a lightweight even though the media fawns over her.

So Sueme
So Sueme
5 years ago

The only politician – living or dead – that could mount a credible campaign to challenge President Donald Trump would be Ronald Reagan….but why would he? Stick a fork in the entire democrat field – active or unannounced – they’re done.

5 years ago

The left has become the party of evil. From abortion to illegals and criminals ,They only care about power. I pray every day that President Donald Trump wins another four years! Our country needs him and we need to win Back the house to stop this crazy nonsense!

5 years ago

I tend to believe that Buttigieg would be the most formidable opponent in a general election. He is young, articulate, openly gay, pro student debt forgiveness and carries himself with a calm demeanor. He checks multiple boxes for millennials in that regard. Trump haters and mainstream democrats are looking for an alternative to Bernie’s outright, unapologetic Socialist agenda. So; a Buttigieg candidate gives them the face of at least a promise to stay just slightly to the right of Bernie.

5 years ago

Michelle Obama would be impossible to beat! Why!? Same reason her husband won, not once but twice! Won’t discuss here why I believe this and no I’m not racist. My husband worked overseas for years and with people of the Muslim faith. They were curious about our life style etc and would question him about how Obama got elected! Won’t repeat what he answered them but they would laugh and laugh and their response would be “well he’s one of us”! For real this happened on more than one occasion!

5 years ago

Interesting An as of yet an unannounced candidate.

5 years ago

I don’t see how any of the “front of the pack” candidates would appeal much to centrists/moderates/independents. I think the booming economy, lower taxes and less regulation keeps more of those voters on the red side of the ballot, at least for the next election. Those “front-of-the-pack’ers” can only rely on the more rabid, democrat base votes, no matter what (though, that still approaches 50% of active voters). The only dem candidate in the field that I can see taking a *significant* number of votes from moderates & independents — and possibly some center-right votes — would be Tulsi Gabbard, primarily because she comes across as more reasonable and less petty & bitter than the rest of the dem field. She can also count on all of the dem base votes because they are going to vote against the GOP, no matter who their candidate is. I don’t think she would win the nomination and certainly could not beat Trump, but I think she would cause more of a nail-biter finish for Trump. If Klobuchar/Gabbard teamed up, it would be a media spectacle (all female ticket), but they still would not beat Trump.

5 years ago

All those Democrat schmucks and kids can hear is the word FREE (and variations of free) when these rejects are speaking, along with promises to legalize drugs. God help us all.

5 years ago

HISTORICALLY SPEAKING, The Democrat Party of HATE and DIVISION of AMERICA since the First Civil War, has NOTHING to entice AMERICANS who LOVE their COUNTRY. At this point, the only one who would beat DONALD TRUMP is YOU !!! If you sit at home on election day, because the news media sez Trump will win in a landslide, then he will be defeated, because YOU FAILED to follow through with your CIVIC DUTY. The Mass Media in America is the PROPAGANDA arm of the DEMOCRAT , and is NOT TO BE TRUSTED !!! To insure they we maintain the AMERICA that we LOVE and rid this country of past and present CORRUPT politicians, we all must show up on ELECTION DAY !!! GOD BLESS YOU DONALD TRUMP !!!

Diane J Klenk
Diane J Klenk
5 years ago

The Democrats don’t have a candidate that can stand against Trump. After the recent impeachment debacle, I don’t think the American people see anyone else that they would want as their president. The Democrats haven’t proven themselves and with Nancy Pelosi ripping up Trump’s speech, I think the Democratic party is crumbling.

5 years ago

It’s hard to believe any of the candidates could beat President Trump. I’m not sure why the democrats have all turned so far left; in my opinion their hair pieces are tilting toward Russia. Of all the accusations President Trump got by conspiring with Russia, you would think the democrat party would run for the hills…evidently none have yet figured that out…what candidate other than Bernie would actually spend his 1988 honeymoon in Russia? He doesn’t deny his commitment to provide the young with free “services” that he knows he will get the liberal higher educated folks delighted. The older I get the more frightened I become with sections of our society becoming bent on destroying
our FREE country.

I will vote for President Trump in the 2020 election and will continue to vote conservative as long as the liberals give me no other option.

michele happy
michele happy
5 years ago


5 years ago

Bloomberg has already purchased the nomination….the other Democrat candidates just don’t realize it yet.

5 years ago

I voted for “unannounced because “None of the above” isn’t available.

Jerome S Shenkman, MD
Jerome S Shenkman, MD
5 years ago

Bloomberg has unlimited budget will flood the airways I’m drowning every other Democrat candidate out. Furthermore every Democrat that I know who knows that senders can’t win as a socialist is now backing Bloomberg as their savior.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
5 years ago

Gabbard is the only one who has Any sense whatsoever. Too bad she’s a member of the Progressive-Socialist Party.
The others are nothing but stooges with less than two dysfunctional brain cells amongst them.

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