

Which will be the most likely outcome in Washington D.C. over the next two years?

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6 years ago

The correct answer is both 2 and 3. So once again AMAC, the poll is fatally flawed.

6 years ago

Nothing will get done. Democrats will dig in their heels and become more obstreperous than they have been for the last 2 years. Investigations will be their focus. And air-time. The one glimmer of hope is, if the American people finally see the dems for what they are, the House might go back to Republican majority.
In the absence of bipartisan cooperation, President Trump will resort to the “I have a pen and I have a phone” methodology that Obama used so recklessly. The “national security and general welfare” umbrella casts a very wide shadow, and Trump knows that.
Republicans, especially the Freedom Caucus, will attempt to re-strategize in an effort to get our message out, something the dems are better at then we are. 2020 will be here before you know it. RINO’s should be called out for whom they are; I’d like to see them marginalized, but we need their votes. I hope Jim Jordan becomes House minority leader.
I didn’t vote; the poll needs more choices.

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

Too much yapping and not enough production from either side.

Result: Stalemate (garnished with a full dollop of irresponsible spending).

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

The Fake News Media (FNM) will continue to act as the propagandist and antagonist arm of the DEMOCRAT Party led by CNN’s own golden boy,
Abilio Acosta . I’m sure Fidel would have loved him.
See POTUS spank Acosta here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4qGtEiEh4A
This will put a smile on your face – MAGA !

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

I expect partisan gridlock to continue as the Democrats persist with their incivility with motives to unseat the President. The MSM has been fully indoctrinated with the Democrat Party’s One-World Government ideology. They will continue to malign the President with unsubstantiated accusations of impropriety, no matter how preposterous. More Presidential Executive Orders should be expected as Congress becomes mired in its ever-widening ideological divide.

On the bright side, the Democrats now have diminished power in the Senate and at the Supreme Court. And additionally the President is surrounding himself with some brilliant strategists. He is now far better prepared to reverse the damage of the Obama administration’s Deep State shadow government. The President’s politics are also energizing conservative movements in Europe and elsewhere in the world. There is hope as the success of Capitalism overshadows the failures of all the rest. MAGA.

John Higgins
6 years ago

The “Trump Tormentors” will ignore the needs of our country to go after President Trump with a vengeance! They will sacrifice the good of our nation to gain political advantage. They will stage attack, after attack, after attack with the hope of of causing Trump to lose it and cause him to damage his chances for re-election in 2020.
We pray that the President will not fall into their traps and continue to govern as he has been. With God’s Grace, he will succeed and America will continue to prosper.

Craig Mellor
Craig Mellor
6 years ago

Democrats hatred of this President and Conservatives in general will be the norm in the House and nothing will get done. They will be obsessed with investigating Republicans and Conservatives every chance they get. Democrats want to impose a Socialist society on Americans with them in charge of the government and all our lives. They will push for open borders and do everything they can to confiscate guns that are owned legally by law-abiding Americans, including eventually hunting type weapons of Americans.

6 years ago

Stupid people who continually vote democrats into office will never change. The Democratic Party has become a mass of “deplorables”, using a discriptive word of another democrat. Obama made corruption the “norm” and they are so proud of their behavior they don’t try to hide it anymore. My question is, why aren’t these openly corrupt people not being arrested. I don’t mean sued, I mean arrested?

6 years ago

I for one am sick of my tax dollars being spend on ongoing foolishness like the Mueller investigation. I think all republicans, conservatives and independent voters should refuse to pay their income taxes. File extension after extension. Let the stupid democrats pay their own bill.

Christine Drinkwine
Christine Drinkwine
6 years ago

The President will push through the roadblocks and in doing so be an encourager to the people. More Republican politicians will find their voice and their courage

Tom M
Tom M
6 years ago

It really doesn’t matter who is residing in the DC Swamp. Nothing major ever will get done, until the Marxists take complete control of the Swamp. Then the Constitution will be burned, all guns taken away and thousands murdered and jailed. The Dem Marxists will see their puny victory in 2018 as an opportunity to retake the Swamp in 2020. The Hate, similar to what is in the book 1984, will ratchet ever higher. Even the RINOs still hate Trump. The real scary question is what happens after Trump? Without a strong 3rd party, things will never change as we go back and forth until the mid 2030’s when it all finally comes to a head with a Civil War, part 2.

6 years ago

It’s my hope

Dale Gettel
Dale Gettel
6 years ago

Democratic party is a complete joke!! No common sense left. There out of control, will do anything get in power, nothing for the good for the country.

T Smith
T Smith
6 years ago

The Democrats are already showing their true skin just here in the midterms we have three states that the Democrats will not concede and somehow they just keep tallying upvotes until the Democrats are finally ahead how does that work

Joe sinischo
Joe sinischo
6 years ago

It is sad that we have allowed our government to deteriorate to the us and them trench war politics.
And yes I said we as we have voted them in office based on there ability to tell us what we want to hear. Doing what ever is necessary to secure their positions for a life time of riding on the backs of “the people” v/s serving the people. Spending money we don’t have to serve their own agenda v/s following the constitution and serving the people. While we continue to pray for our leadership and country I have concerns that we have lost our vision of the American dream and “One nation under God”

Glenda LaFaye
Glenda LaFaye
6 years ago

The democrats hate President Trump so much they are willing to destroy our country. Now trying to steal votes in Florida, Georgia and other states. This has to stop. Wake up America. Demand they do their job or be fired. Too bad so many failed to get fired this time. Voter fraud is rampant.

Jack Bertoia
Jack Bertoia
6 years ago

The Dems in Congress stoking the fires of dissent. Unfortunately the Country is becoming more divided with civil discourse on the rise. Governmental officials are brazenly breaking the law (Florida, Arizona Elections and sanctuary Cities and States) which will fracture the society even more. The next two years will not doubt be troublesome, but the 2020 election will ultimately decide the fate of the nation…..

6 years ago

Pelosi, who Might be the next majority Speaker, said the #1 priority for the Dumocrats will be gun control. These imbeciles SAY they want “common-sense” measures, but the liars have
in the past revealed what they Really want. Given the events they’ve perpetrated in the last few years, if they get what they want, there will be revolution in the U.S..

Bridget H Shaw
Bridget H Shaw
6 years ago

Chuck, Nancy Maxine and their ilk have been on a search and destroy mission for the last 2 years! What makes anyone think this will change? Its only going to get worse!

6 years ago

I am having difficulty referring to Democrat’s as Democrat’s. I see them more as Socialists trying to destroy the United States through indoctrination in the “education” of our children. There has been a lack of pushback by not only parents but all of us. We have allowed ourselves to become divided from within an easy way to bring down a country. As a Catholic I put part of the blame on my Church for not being direct with the formation of concsense in regards to voting. Feel as though no one wants to hear the truth about anything.

Donald King
Donald King
6 years ago

You only have to look at the current Florida recount to get a glimpse of what is to come for the next 2 years. Dade County is starting to look like Chicago.

Joseph A.
Joseph A.
6 years ago

I have tried to be civil with democrats but you cannot be. They are frothy mouthed hateful people with no tolerance of opposing views. Two members of our family watch MSNBC news all the time. They have become so hateful that any family get together is now impossible. They bash Trump non stop. Everyone who disagrees with them or likes Trump is now a racist Nazi. This is what liberalism brings to the country, divisiveness and hate. The liberals have destroyed our family. Thanks CNN and MSNBC. You guys are a piece of sh*t.

6 years ago

The President is giving the democratic libholes all the rope they need to hang themselves and they are obliging him by doing it again and again. My prediction is that the country will soon really tire of all the spiteful nonsense and kick the fruitcakes out.

William Weisert II
William Weisert II
6 years ago

It would be nice, or rather hopeful, if the Democrats could put their animosity for President Trump aside so that the country doesn’t suffer. However, I have little faith in the Democrats doing anything to benefit the country, rather than their own agenda! The only advantage that we the People have is the vote in two years and we will not forget! And don’t forget the President still has the Senate AND the veto, and the DEM’s don’t have the votes to override and that will also never get past the Senate. GOD Bless America & and The President-we will overcome the temporary democratic House!!!!!

6 years ago

There will be the same of what has been going on all through President Trump’s election so far. They will fight him all the way! It is really a shame that it has to be that way because the man is doing so much good for our country, and the Democrats, the socialist Democrats, are just being spiteful (or what I call the “DUMBOCRATS!” Can you imagine what it’s going to be like when the next election rolls around? I don’t even want to think about it!

Tim Pool
Tim Pool
6 years ago

Divisive, Projecting, Dishonest, Distracting, Disruptive, Destructive…the progressive agenda virus….they are the above at varying degrees to maintain or acquire power not caring if they destroy the USA or the World.

6 years ago

CROWDSOURCE THE TRUTH has the best approach !

You can watch “Clinton Foundation: Financial Conduit Between the Deep State & Shadow…Jason Goodman * Streamed live on Jun 28, 2018

Full Disclosure ! Declassification of all information ! No secrets ! No back room meetings ! No special committees!
Broadcast Names, Faces, Crimes, Charges ! Public Trials !
When the public is fully informed & aware of the heinous crimes, corruption, mis-use, abuse of power & position in the Federal and State Governments, there will be arrests, indictments, prosecutions to the fullest extent of The Law allowed under The Constitution of the USA !
Ours is a Government of The People.
It is our duty and responsibility to hold all those who transgress our Constitution of The USA accountable for their criminal actions !
It is our inaction which allows rogue individuals to commit sedition and treason !
Time to Stand Up ??

I did not check any of the possible answers in the above poll

6 years ago

Do you really think that the Democrats will do anything to make Trump look good, don’t hold your breath.
If they could get rid of Trump sooner than 2020 they would. So forget about doing anything to help the country. Remember winning is everything to the Democrats.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
6 years ago

Regardless if someone likes President Trump’s rhetoric or tweets, his policies have generally been outstanding. His tax cuts and regulation reform has spurred terrific economic growth, his efforts to achieve fair trade agreements are much needed, his effort to secure our border desperately needed, his energy policy attempting to make us 100% energy independent also much needed, his desire for fair and honest election by investigating election fraud is needed, his judicial appointments have been to nominate the types of judges needed (those who uphold the law instead of legislating from the bench), etc. It’s a long list of doing the right things for the nation even though some people despise his rhetoric. His opposition is simply insane with an unjustified hatred and things will not improve in that environment. The next two years will be even ore difficult than the last two because of his opposition. Unless the Democrats are eventually reduced to a very small minority it will not ever improve. The rabid quest by them for political power is insatiable. America needs to wise up and understand that our founders has it right to begin with. Limited federal government with maximum freedom for individuals to produce and prosper. The GOP represents an ideology that is closer to the founders vision than the Democrats who favor a massive and all-controlling federal government. That’s where socialism leads, and its unAmerican.

6 years ago

It’s all about the Democrats and their socialist agenda. Not about the working class. Just imagine what would happen if they worked together and forgot about their egos.

6 years ago

With the rise of democrats in the House we will endure Pelosi/Schumer gridlock. I believe the gridlock will become so intense and spiteful that it is possible that President Trump will eventually look around at what needs to be “finished” (Courts & Immigration) and promptly finish those select items…then he will declare victory based upon his overall accomplishments for the betterment of the citizens of the USA. He will then inform Mike Pence that Pence is NOW in the “bullpen” and will soon become President of the USA…Trump will declare “you voted for the return of the swamp…you wanted the swamp…you can have the swamp!” “I’m leaving office with my head held high with the knowledge that America is truly a better place to live and grow.” Annnnnnd, “Once again I put America first…by “retiring”… this will end liberal partisan gridlock and bullshit investigations and witch hunts and you will have a NEW Conservative President, Mike Pence to work with.”

Robert E Lebischak
Robert E Lebischak
6 years ago

To me this all comes down to two main points. One, our elected officials have forgotten their Oaths of Office, and the fact that they work for the people. Two, We the People have forgotten they work for us, and we no longer seem to care about the Nation, educated to be dumb, and accept what we are given, instead of standing up and fighting back against a government that is corrupt.

Rick Johnson
Rick Johnson
6 years ago

As long as I am called a racist,bigot homophobe and every other name under the sun because of the way I think and vote, I really don’t see what we have to talk about,nor do I care what they think.

Carol A Miller
Carol A Miller
6 years ago

Government should work together to solve our problems. I am sick of hearing about all the fighting. President Trump is the president. They should all respect him and help him to get this immigration problem under control. Free borders are not an option. Otherwise, I fear there will be a civil war one day in our country. The news media should make amends with the president too. He was elected by the people, they should respect that. We are all Americans first!!!!!!!

Theodore Olson
Theodore Olson
6 years ago

Really, you’re not helping the situation. God is in charge. We need to pray for both sides. This, from a conservative. May God bless and keep you. Amen

Bro' Joel Wasson
Bro' Joel Wasson
6 years ago

The haters of Trump do not see that what they are doing doesn’t hurt him, it hurts the U.S. When you get so upset when you do not get your way, then you are nothing less than a spoiled little baby!!!

6 years ago

Every chance I get I talk to young people about their future and the choices they are making for their own prosperity. Nieces, Nephews, Grandchildren, and young people I work with…keep talking, keep telling them the benefits of capitalism, and their future with government run everything. They will own you…and your money. It’s scary what our colleges and universities have put in their brains. My nephew was loving Bernie. I put a stop to that!

6 years ago

A lot of the blame for uncivil society can be laid at the feet of the NEA. One of my closest friends was a High School teacher, and a good one. He was, mor or less, forced out through ideology of the left and stifling pressure to confirm.
If anyone has really looked at their children’s textbooks, social studies and history, they will see what I mean. Churning out little leftists/socialists is the goal. Check your newspaper; they are succeeding.
Charter schools, Montessori schools, and Religious/Church schools are fast gaining ground here; Bravo! The wave for the future of sanity in government.

American Believer
American Believer
6 years ago

I’m grateful that I don’t have much time left here on Gods imperfect earth. On the other hand I am embarrassed that my grandchildren will grow up in a world that celebrates such greed and narcissism.
We are responsible for this mess and we’re responsible to fix it. Sadly that requires more anarchy and resistance than this old man can muster.
I sure do miss America!

Greg Hallstrom
Greg Hallstrom
6 years ago

Socialism will continue to spread in this country unless we can educate voters on the evils of it.

Ron B
Ron B
6 years ago

1st choice is a best case scenario. If Nancy (or the next speaker) cannot control Waters, Nadler, et al, then choices 2 & 3 are a certainty

6 years ago

Yes Democrats being the cry babies they are and are never going to do what’s good for the people of this country just because Trump wants to do it. I don’t understand how they think they’re hurting him when it’s the Americans who are being punished. We need to stand behind our president and let all the politicians that we are done with their dictatorship. It’s our country and we want what Trump wants to make us great again.

6 years ago

There should be no tolerance for the kind of politics the left is playing. Their radical violent protests, mobs harassing Republicans, anti-police agenda, and outright lies being told on the mainstream media should be held accountable. If this continues to expand over the next few years our freedoms are at risk.

Chiron Venizelos
Chiron Venizelos
6 years ago

Paul Ryan and his band of RINOs who failed to follow through on their promises (e.g. repeal 0bamacare, secure the border, and deport all illegal aliens) are the reason why the GOP lost the majority in the House. Meanwhile, John McCain’s vote against 0bamacare merely to spite President Trump sealed his legacy. How sad that we must support such a dysfunctional party but it’s the best of two bad choices.

6 years ago

I felt bad voting on #3 as if to say I have no confidence in our government, but of the 3 choices that seems to be what is going to happen. I pray everyday that God will protect our President & Vice President as they seem & act as if they truly care about our country & the people of the USA. Only God Knows (GOK) what lies before us and unfortunately the liberals have tried to take Him out of existence but He is alive and still in control. PTL!!

6 years ago

The Democratic Party today is NO longer the “Working Mans Party” . It has been taken over by billionaire elitists whose plan is to overpopulate America with illegals and provide them sanctuary city’s they can thrive in while also illegally giving them voting privilege! They are the party who preys on the poor while increasing our debt to support Government subsidy programs. They have forgotten the middle class citizens to depend only on their tax paid money to fund their devised illegal and illiterate voting populace. Obama populated so many states following the plan to overpopulate, we are seeing it in CA and Minnesota, NY, etc. Trump America is the middle class hope and must be supported or we will see a total collapse with no return. Build That Wall!

Susan Blankenship
Susan Blankenship
6 years ago

Since the election, I have lost hope of America being great again. Apparently, over half of this country is socialist and determined to run it into the ground. Colorado for sure is on it’s way to being the next California. Nothing is going to get done as long as Trump is in power – the idiots won’t let it. I agree with the other post. Depressing and Sad.

Robert J Schundler
Robert J Schundler
6 years ago

I think other than minor stuff, not much marjor legislation will pass …. giving the Senate a lot of time to confirm judges for all the open slots! I think the senate, or the DOJ or the FBI should looke into Hillary’s (as well as Bill) actions to include the foundation (many of which i feel were illegal, and if evidence is found charges should be filed)! I also think the White House needs to ask the HOUSE to send a balance budget to the Senate to be acted on ….. the Constitution requires all spending bill to come from the HOUSE ….. that would force the HOUSE to make choices like do we fund free education and if we do how do we finance the free education? The Democrats must be made to face choices ….. the Senate and the White House need to hire some good economist to bring up issues for the House and to educate the public.

6 years ago

A possible solution: in the future, quit electing lifetime politicians. Their entire net worth is due to you, the taxpayer. And, unlike any of us in the so-called public sector, they can’t be fired, or suspended, or given a warning notice, for doing only a so-so job, they can only be “not re-hired” (not re-elected).

Pat R
Pat R
6 years ago

Conscience definition: the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one’s own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good; conformity to what one considers to be correct, right, or morally good. Bad people have never had much of a conscience. First, prayer was removed from schools, then an onslaught of legal filings (mostly by ACLU) to have all things Biblical removed from ALL things & properties of government. Then abortion on demand became the law of the land. Freedom from Religion Foundation/FFRF began legal attacks against any and all public expression of Christian beliefs. In 2015 SCOTUS, in the case of marriage, ruled that homosexuality (and all it’s other variations) was legal. Emboldened by that decision, HGBTQ (etc) began purposefully going for service to businesses they knew were Christian whose Bible teaches homosexuality is wrong in an effort to shut them down. This has caused a crisis between Christians freedom to exercise their beliefs (Christian conscience) in their businesses, not to mention the legal costs for court cases (HGBTQ gets free legal aid from ACLU but businesses have to pay out of pocket).

All this to say that from the 1960s on, this country has become increasingly without conscience. That has resulted in no holding back emotions, resulting in growing animosity to equal outright hatred. And as it grows, gets out-of-hand, it results in property destruction, attacks on others, etc. This is by and large going unabated since the perpetrators have run by the time police show up.

There are spiritual powers at play in all of this (has been since the beginning of time, but since 1776 for the USA), as well as those people in the background funding and manipulating these situations. The success has been aided via the legal changes since the 1960s with the human results as stated. Only a complete turn-around back toward the God of the Bible by increasing numbers of people (here and around the world) can/will change this. Even if Trump succeeds in turning our country around, it will only be for a short time unless the majority of people turn back to God. Human nature will not allow it otherwise; just look at history.

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