
Which was your reaction to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to the U.S. Congress? Select up to two.

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2 years ago

Too many Biolabs in Ukraine. Doesn’t make sense. Deep State

2 years ago

If we sit back, as our predecessors did prior to World War II, we will only encourage Mr. Putin. It is a dangerous game to play either way. I just don’t believe we should let him bluff his way to world domination. If we ( the free world ) let him bluff us out of helping Ukraine ???????? then he will take another country, then another and so on. Always threatening nuclear war. Hitler should have been stopped, not appeased. The same goes for Mr. Putin.

2 years ago

Putin doesn’t care about how many Americans he kills when he drops his bombs. The USA on the other hand will choose to loose rather than to risk killing a Russian. Just like Vietnam, the generals would not bomb the most lethal north Vietnamese airport because there were Chinese there. Putin needs to be stopped and if results in war then so be it. If Putin threatens with nuclear weapons then we should too. Warn the Russian people to evacuate Moscow and see what happens.

2 years ago

While it’s an abominable situation that never would have happened if we had the real 2020 Presidential candidate winner in office instead of this doddering dementia ridden person, cackling hyena and the administration filled with misfits, fruits and nuts we need to protect our own Southern border from illegals entering our country each and every day!

2 years ago

Ukrainian Government is corrupt. It always is the general population the one that suffer the consequences of that corruption. We do not need to help to cover the corruption of elements of our own government in relation with that country.

2 years ago

America truly needs to get off of the Public Dole and turn this existing political situation around. Elected politicians work for…We the people!How is it that they leave elected office on a FIXED salary and retire as Multi millionaires.
Wake up people…you get what you ask for!!

2 years ago

Totally devastated with situation we must help them. However please don’t get us into the mix physically. We have all we can do now to aid and assist our men and women who have returned. Let’s take care of our armed forces. This may sound selfish however we have a tremendous mess to repair right here at home.

2 years ago

Get rid of Biden he is no leader, he is pretty wishy washy. All he can say is there will be consequences.

Barbara Peters
Barbara Peters
2 years ago

There are so many events happening in Russia, Ukraine, CCP, USA, Saudi Arabia, Canada, etc. that appear like coordinated coincidences. Except, there is no such thing as a coincidence. The insurgents in our White House would open our pipe lines and drilling if his concern was actually world wide weather change and clean energy. Buying oil elsewhere isn’t helping the world. The regulations in the USA are more stringent than elsewhere so our energy production is cleaner than that from our enemies. What do we do when the administration has declared war on the people? It’s obvious that we need to be taking care of defending our own Country.

2 years ago

The world knows we have a very weak president and wants to take advantage now. Not only is he weak but he has surrounded himself with weak people. We need help, not someone staring at the teleprompter.

Dudley Gray
Dudley Gray
2 years ago

Had Trump been in office this never would have happened. Afganistan exit disaster and the shutdown of our oil production and Keystone XL by executive order was a replay of. Obama’s 2014 actions which allowed Russia to seize Crimea. 1938 “peace in our time didn’t work . Appeasement with tyrants is a failure from the beginning

2 years ago

Too many of the Amac polls fail to offer suitable options. Let’s go Brandon…!

2 years ago

I wish America had the same kind of leadership in the white House-bumbling Biden would be hiding in his basement again [of course, leftist media would support his weakness]

2 years ago

The corruption in our own congress and the rest of leadership is despicable. Clearly, with few exceptions, they all need to be removed.They’re obviously taking us down the wrong path and have been for quite some time.

2 years ago

It would be great to have a President with so many strengths like Velenskyy. We had one 15 months ago and, God Willing, will again.

Chefchenko Beyer
Chefchenko Beyer
2 years ago

As a Ukrainian American whose parents lived through this identical nightmare in the 40s having to leave their country,families and homes to seek safety and freedom in the USA,and who worked hard to build a life,raise and educate four children all without a single handout, I can say that I am devastated by America’s and the worlds stance on this. Ukraine was given specific assurances with the trilateral Budapest Memorandum when they relinquished over 500 nuclear weapons on the conditions of security for their sovereignty guaranteed by the USA,russia and the UK.
That went into the shredder when obama looked the other way while Russia annexed Crimea. Russia saw a lame duck president then and simply waited for the next. Biden and this administration is abhorrent and if the wolves don’t wake up soon,we and the world are in for a very rude awakening. To be blackmailed and kneeling in front of putin who is a now a global terrorist is shameful. As Kennedy stated, Biden should get a backbone instead of the wishbone he has.
‘The weakness and ineptness was there. Putin saw a feckless “President” and took advantage of a predictable outcome. Shame on the USA, shame on the world. Ukraine will fight to the death on this one and it’s blood is on our hands.

2 years ago

Trump told Putin he was not going to invade while he was president. Biden’s Afghanistan debacle emboldened Putin. He knew there was nothing Biden would do to stop him.

2 years ago

Vellenskyy is a Leader… Biden is Not

2 years ago

Look this song and dance puppet was installed, not elected. Second your questions were skewed.
The new world order is calling the shots. This little elf is on a green screen, perhaps living in his villa, or his 34-million-dollar mansion in Florida. Ukraine is controlled by the Azov -Nazi. Reason Putin is there is free Ukraine citizens from the control of the new world order, bio-labs, destroying the child trafficking network.
Ukraine is rated as the worst country in all of Europe. When his Poll was written it was addressing emotional reaction. NOT THE FACTS, I know AMAC can do better!

2 years ago

These surveys seldom offer my thoughts as a selection. While I did not watch it was because I can’t stomach what the world is allowing to happen to citizens of a once free country. Perhaps when the documents detailing the political corruption by the previous Ukrainian administration are destroyed something will be done.

Rita Lloyd
Rita Lloyd
2 years ago


2 years ago

Remember your history! It does repeat.
This situation is like WWII, except with nuclear weapons.
Russia is playing the role of Germany, invading a neighboring country.
The rest of the world sat on the sidelines far too long, with the US thinking it was a European war.
China is playing the role of Japan. Waiting to begin their campaign to invade Taiwan.
The only way to avoid WWIII is to stop it now.
Even Putin is not dumb enough to start a war of mutual assured destruction.
Call his bluff!

2 years ago

I wish we had a president like the people of Ukraine who does not run from harm.

Rita Lloyd
Rita Lloyd
2 years ago

Time for some hard truth:

The transnational security elite lost their Afghanistan war profiteering operation after 20 years so they’re trying to turn Ukraine into the next one. The goal is endless war, not successful war.
Elites stand to make billions if the US goes to war. It’s your dollars they’re spending. And it won’t be their families doing the fighting.

The reason they keep saying No Fly Zone is so you will reject it, but approve of tens of billions in govt spending anyway. Who do you think profits from all these arms shipments? You’re being played.
War is a racket..War is a drug…
Follow the ???? money…

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
2 years ago

This never would have happened with a real leader in the White House. It should have been put to a stop when Putin started assembling his troops on the Ukrainian border but no, all Joe Biden did was talk about it. Reactive instead of proactive. Now we are stuck, just throwing bad money into a bad situation. Even if we were planning some type of a first strike option, General Milley would call his Russian counterpart to give them a heads up. Entire administration is an incompetent freak show.

2 years ago

We can’t believe anything our government or the media says about Ukraine so it’s difficult to have an informed opinion. We do know as far as scum goes there isn’t much difference between Zelenskyy and Putin!

2 years ago

I agree with Rita……stay out of it.
We are spending billions, for what? So the banks and politicians can become richer and our young soldiers die!
We can’t even take care of our vets…..are other countries giving us aid to help them?!!

Charles Obert
Charles Obert
2 years ago

This is a lousy poll because it starts by assuming the single most important point – that Zelensky is honest and legit, that the Ukraine war is all Putin’s fault and the only question is whether we should assist by a righteous intervention.

So here’s my vote – Zelensky is a liar, a right-wing dictator and neo-nazi persecuting the Russian speaking residents of Ukraine, and he is a puppet for the WEF agenda of taking down Russia and destroying traditional Russian culture.

WEF, the World Economic Forum, is the real enemy behind this war, and this war includes destroying what is left of traditional American values also.

James M Leithren
James M Leithren
2 years ago

I believe there is more to the story than we’re being t

2 years ago

We need to take care of our many problems here at home!!

2 years ago

What was my reaction to the Ukrainian president’s speech? Answer: Empathy and despair.
More importantly, my reaction to Congresses reaction was one of disgust and shame. Outside of the standing ovation, it appeared the Ukrainian president’s speech fell upon deaf ears and hardened hearts. The video should have evoked disciplined rage and elephant tears from the hearts of our American Congress. It did not. And furthermore, The Speaker of the House has once again demonstrated that she is an abject failure and embarrassment.

2 years ago

Zelenskyy is a Klaus Schwab puppet of the World Economic Forum, who are out to destroy America and the free world, as we know it.

Nancy Watson Evans
Nancy Watson Evans
2 years ago

We and the European nations need to help him and his people or Putin will keep on going and gobble up as many countries as he can. We are already in the beginning of WWIII.

2 years ago

Putin must be bound up and removed from the world stage along with his blindly loyal military leaders. The Ukrainian President has grown into maturity and his leadership shows “a great carelessness of self”, hallmarks of greatness. Whereas Putin has become more of what he has always been which is evil personified.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Have 3K volunteers serving with other nations in combatting Russians Today

2 years ago

I dont believe alot of the stuff we’re seeing. Seeing “Ukraine on Fire” was a real eye opener. I’ve been saying all along there’s more to this than meets the eye. There is alot of corruption in Ukraine and our government. Stay out of it.

2 years ago

I echo many of the comments, in that Zelensky is a puppet of the deep state regime. The US CIA and Deep State, with John McCain and Lindsey Graham, and started a color revolution in 2014 to overthrow the democratically elected leadership, and installed a puppet regime. Since then, they have used the Azov Nazi Battalion to suppress and threaten the people of Ukraine. These are true Nazis, as they were allowed to flee prosecution after WWII and settle in western Ukraine.
Where was the outrage then?
The puppet regime then commandeered bioweapons labs that Russia had used during the Cold War, and built many more at the behest of the deep state and global cabal, to continually pump biological weapons into the world for their profit and control. These are the same people who are terrorizing the people of the world with lockdowns and mitigations that steal their freedoms away. These are the same people stealing elections, starting wars, and leaving the common people without livelihoods and sustenance. They also launder money, traffic children and pillage the riches of the region for their profit, all while brutalizing the people of Ukraine. The global elites have done this for years.
Where was the outrage then?
These global cabal leaders believe they are gods, with the right to control every aspect of our lives.
Ukraine is not even a sovereign nation, it is still classified as a territory of Russia.
Their “war narrative” is falling apart, so the elites are switching back to the “pandemic narrative” to instill fear and control. Wake up, people! Thanks to Putin, Ukraine will have fewer “research” laboratories to foment their bioweapons. And, thanks to Putin, the common people of Ukraine are starting to be freed from the global cabal elites and Nazi Military.
Think about it, when Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Marina Abramovic, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the like, all team up for one side, doesn’t that send up red flags?
For all those who are addicted to the fear porn of the MSM, brace yourself! Taiwan appears to be next up for cleaning!

2 years ago

People are heartless America is in for a big surprise it will be coming here not in bombs but in our freedom and way of living anyone who studies the Bible can see what’s going on we are in for big changes and it’s already started prayers for our country

Ken M.
Ken M.
2 years ago

Research is key. Zelenskyy’s a puppet placed by the U.S. communist/government in the 2005 Coup de etat. Ukraine is the money laundering country for the deep state, globalists & others. It’s a front for child trafficking, baby selling & other horrendous crimes.
The BioLabs are the target. The Rothschild bank servers are there. The Clintons, Biden’s, Odumbass, Kerry, Pelosi corruption money is all laundered there. Why would a biolab be in a children’s school or in a hospital.
Wake up people look at the geographical location of the country. There’s so much going on there. It’s all going to come out. The MSM is lying about everything. When the MSM, Soros, Schwab, Biden, Clintons, Pelosi’s, etc., all support Ukraine. You know it’s gotta stink to high hell. Don’t be fooled any longer. Putin is exposing all the evil that is there.
I say let him. Then we can hold tribunals to hang all these treasonist traitors.
In my opinion.

Ronald G Pearson
Ronald G Pearson
2 years ago

There was a signed agreement between Russia and the West that NATO WOULD NOT EXPAND INTO Eastern Europe. The issue with Ukraine is similar to our own Civil War. We have no business involving our selves in this internal affair. The UK and France involved themselves in the Civil War and the U.S. involved itself in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan. None of these involvements turned out well. The West disregarded it’s own commitment to keep NATO OUT OF Eastern Europe. And it’s attempted involvement with NATO into Ukraine was the last straw in Putin’s mind. He warned the West! No one listened! The Russian economy might be small but the Bear of Russia is big, mean and strong and he is angry. The West has backed that dangerous Bear into a corner! When you lack into a Big Bull barn yard, you walk softly. The West has bitten of more than it can chew. STOP THIS NONE SENSE! STOP TAUNTING THE BEAR. PUTIN IS VERY, VERY MAD AND HE CONTROLS A VERY BIG STICK! FEAR THIS MAN HE IS NO FOOL. HE CAN AND WILL BITE!

Dave W (NJ)
Dave W (NJ)
2 years ago

When is Biden going to address the US Congress about the invasion at our border?

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
2 years ago

Putin is the new Hitler. He will not stop invading countries until he is taken out. As costly as that might be now, it will be far more costly in lives and treasure if we wait.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

The only solution to the Ukraine issue is the removal or assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has obviously lost his mind. He is not interested in strengthening his country economically, all he is interested in is the reassembly of the Soviet Union. Both Russia and China must be put in their place by the rest of the world. Only a full economic boycott of these two countries by freezing all imports and exports to them which would have a devastating effect on their economies and cause a total collapse of their governments.

Rodney B
Rodney B
2 years ago

Ukraine is the European version of the Alamo. I think giving them more weapons is only going to get more of their people killed. Putin will not back down or quit. I don’t think Russia have even unleashed all it’s military force yet. You have to admire the Ukrainian people for fighting back the way they have, but in the end it will be in vain.

2 years ago

The globalist elite secular liberal world order is being rejected. It’s failing and coming down. China and Russia are the big two objectors. Countries around the world are turning National Populist and toward traditional cultural Nation States!

Rob J
Rob J
2 years ago

I’m sure Jen and JOe think all is well, after all Mr. Putin has heard all JOe’s advice ….

! – He’s ” Lowering Costs ” of Government by assassinating Ukrainian officials, saves salaries.

2- He’s not killing Ukrainians and causing them to flee, he’s promoting tourism in Poland.

3- By forcing them to flee on foot, he’s creating jobs in the luggage and footwear industry.

4- By killing Ukrainians he’s creating employment in the funeral industry.

5 – By blowing up buildings, airports and roadways he’s creating infrastructure jobs.

6 – By leaving destroyed Russian armaments scattered about Ukraine, he’s promoting Green Jobs, they can replace those tanks with Solar Powered tanks.

7 – By cutting off power and gas to Europe he’s slowing GlowBull Wormin’, they’ll simply need to reset their thermostats and hibernate.

8 – By possibly firing his nukes he’d be freeing-up space to replace them with more environmentally friendly nukes.

See that, Mr. Putin is without a doubt the Dream Democrat.

Elizabeth Warren, Jen Pissaki, Nancy and Kamala will be lining up to Do the Wild Thing with him in hopes of several Lil’ Vlads to help him in the garden

” Tell Vlad I’ll be able to do more after the election “.

2 years ago

There has got to be more to this story. The way pelosi introduced zelensky is over the top.bizarre…you’d think she welcomed GOD HIMSELF !! and the things he said to appeal to OUR EMOTIONS…very manipulative !!!!!!!
I feel for the Ukrainien people who are suffering because of a few wicked elites who are ruling this world.

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
2 years ago

Talk about steering polls…how about trying fair and balanced next time, AMAC.

We are responsible for this war. Vladimir Putin has been clear, accepting Ukraine into NATO meant war. A few months ago Zelenskyy was in Brussels, talking about entry into NATO. Had we said no, there’d have been no war. The WEF’s puppets in Washington wanted this war as an excuse to impose financial penalties on Russia.

The authors of Ukraine’s troubles are the WEF-run CIA and State Department. We overturned Ukraine’s popularly-elected government in 2004 and have been destabilizing the country ever since. The international meddlers in the Deep State call these “color revolutions”, and we’ve used them to overthrow governments in both Africa and Eastern Europe, to create as much chaos as possible.

The real goal is to dethrone the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The world has now seen us paralyze Russia’s banks and freeze Russia’s Dollar assets all around the world. Why would any country want to keep its reserves in a currency that can be frozen or confiscated at the drop of a hat?
The result of our interference in Ukraine will be the impoverishment of the American middle class, the goal of the WEF. Why would anyone in his right mind want to continue?

2 years ago

There is no one good in this whole situation including the US. it is the history of mankind to war and do these kind of things. our founding fathers knew this, the best we can hope for is to maintain our freedom from tyrants who would deny basic human God given rights as long as possible and like them very hesitantly engage in a struggle against. I think it possible it can happen here.

2 years ago

Perhaps a more definitive answer by him to the Trump ‘quid pro quo’ issue would have gone a long way to keeping Trump in office another term – and peace in Ukraine today.

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