
Trump vs Biden 2024 Election

Which TWO come closest to what you expect from the upcoming presidential debate?

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Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
8 months ago

This debate is irrelevant because it is not a debate at all. It is just political theater run by the liberal leftist media. It seems that facts and important issues will not be directly debated one on one. There will be prepared sound bites. The only contest is to see if Biden survives on his feet for 90 minutes while Trump keeps his cool and focus. The results will be whatever the fake news media has already determined. Pre determined political theater.

8 months ago

I’m voting for the same guy I voted for in 2016 and 2020! I’ve had my mind set since 2016, and not even jail will change my mind. As far as I’m concerned DJT can run the office from jail if he has to. I wouldn’t vote democrat for dog catcher!!!!

jim wood
jim wood
8 months ago

Media and dems have this so called debate rigged and will softball Biden with questions that a child could answer. If Trump maintains his cool and pushes his agenda he should prevail, but he must stay away from going off .script with insults. Push his vision on positives that will get this country going in the right direction.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
8 months ago

Presidential debates are always concocted and executed to benefit the Democrat candidate. The CNN (Communist Negative News) hosts, Tapper and Bash will deliver softball questions to the angry, screaming, pumped up with all the meds to get him to the podium, current Commander-in-Chief to assist in a hopeful victory for the leftist looney.

The “debate rules” are made to benefit Biden. His team of desperate enablers are hoping that jacking him up on PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) and stimulants will prevent him from freezing up onstage and consistently mumbling entire sentences.

Once again, the corrupt, socialist media will put on a show to increase viewership, but miserably fail to present questions to the candidates about crucial policies and issues that impact all Americans so that the truth can actually be exposed. Shame on them!

The Bible warns against deception and encourages believers to seek truth. In 2 Corinthians 4:2, it is written, “But we have renounced the secret things, not openly walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” This verse emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of life, including politics.  It’s sad that secular rulers do not possess such wisdom.

Frank Galeoti
Frank Galeoti
8 months ago

Expect the questions will be given to Biden in advance

8 months ago

What I expect to happen is completely opposite of what I pray will happen- we know CNN is aligned with this regime – so they will do everything to make old joe look vibrant – & everything they can to demonize Trump. What I pray is- despite their efforts, joe will look as inept as he actually is- & Donald Trump will remain calm, non combative – & steer his answers towards joes multitude of failures – biden has “successfully” brought the world to the brink of WWIII – destroyed our economy, allowed an invasion of terrorists, murderers, rapists- & other ” delightful newcomers” into our country– giving them Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans benefits, more money than the average senior receives from social security – fast track to citizenship, voting rights …. No consequences for their crimes…… Need I go on??

Bret McElhinney
Bret McElhinney
8 months ago

Look for miniature ear pieces in Joe Bribens ears! You know the Dems can’t do anything without cheating!

Dan W.
Dan W.
8 months ago

I expect that the “No Notes” rule and “Energy” vs. “Lethargy” perceptions will be telling.

Probably won’t hear very many direct responses to any of the questions but I expect that President Trump will surprise the audience by being more measured in his responses than anticipated.

I will try to watch but at the first mention of Stormy Daniels or Hunter Biden, I’m changing channels.

Jon Smyth
Jon Smyth
8 months ago

Biden will likely do much better than all of us conservatives might think. They’ll have him so pumped with drugs or something, that he’ll do surprisingly well. We all want to see him just mumble and fumble through the whole thing, but I can almost guarantee that won’t happen. And, it’s going to be one giant effort to make Trump look bad, depict him as a criminal, etc.

8 months ago

It would not surprise me to find out CNN is working with the Biden administration providing some listening device for Joe to receive help responding to questions. I cannot see Biden lasting very long without some powerful drugs, outside help, or a teleprompter to read from. It’s truly sad to see how so many people (especially his wife) put him out there as some competent leader of this great nation. May God forgive them.

8 months ago

I’m hoping that the country will see Biden for what he is – a tired, old, frail, stupid, mentally impaired, lying sack of poo. But as has been mentioned, the bar is set so low that all he has to do is remain standing for 90 minutes and they will claim victory. We all know he will be jacked up on drugs of some sort. We also know that the awful CNN agents of the left will do all possible to keep Biden afloat. Lastly, I’m skeptical that Trump can keep his cool when CNN is in full attack mode. Biden has everything to gain, and Trump much to lose here.

8 months ago

I would like to add I think the mics will be manipulated in Bidens’ favor. I would like a search of Biden before the debate to find the bug they try to put in his ear. Trusting a democrat to be honest is like reaching out to pet a hungry lion.

Al Smith
Al Smith
8 months ago

I suspect his handlers will have poor old Joe juiced up as they did for the state of the union address. Those who continue to force this senile old man to continue on with this gawd awful charade should be horse whipped.

James from Eastover SC
James from Eastover SC
8 months ago

They stole a presidential election in 2020 with zero consequences for doing so. Why would they not do it again??? I don’t believe we can vote ourselves out of this when one side doesn’t play by any rules. Our founding fathers would have handled this a whole lot differently!!! FJB and all his handlers…

8 months ago

I’m praying that President Trump can keep his cool stick to the facts and not wander around on one topic. Show himself as the true leader in these perilous times we live in and going to get worse. We need strength not this weak government we have now.

8 months ago

The deck is stacked against Trump.
1.     CNN probably has already provided Biden with the questions he will be asked as they did for Hillary Clinton. This is why Biden has taken a week to prepare to memorize the questions / answers.
2.     The CNN moderators: Jake Tapper and Dana Bash suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome so I expect hard hiding questions to Trump and so-called soft balls to Biden.  
3.     Trump will not be asked any questions relating to the economy or immigration (key issues). Bidens questions will be in the form of a statement, such as, you recently signed an Executive Order to better secure the border which is working, if necessary, do you foresee the need for any additional executive orders. 
4.     If Biden has a senior moment, I expect CNN will turn the camara away and cut his microphone then quickly ask Trump a question. CNN will later apologize for their mistake. 
5.     The media is setting the bar so low for Biden if he walks onto the stage and get to his podium they will hail it as a success.  

Marty M
Marty M
8 months ago

It will be way too painful to watch and listen to the doddering bye-dumb attempting to justify his evil executive orders and his idiotic cabinet’s direction for our country, I will wait for the highlight reel!

8 months ago

This isn’t a true debate.

Love Mycountry
Love Mycountry
8 months ago

I’m still not believing that the debate will happen. But if it does that means that CNN communists are all in for Biden and most likely it’s a trap for Trump. Why else would they try to put Mr.Magoo(Biden) on stage for 90 minutes. It’s a big gamble for Trump. I hope it backfires on them and get in some responses before they cut off his mike

Susan Kater
Susan Kater
8 months ago

Let’s face it; the MSM has hated Pres. Trump since he came down that golden escalator in Trump Tower. The American people need to put their thinking caps on and realize the existential threat that Joe Biden is to this nation. He has destroyed the economy. He’s allowed an invasion of this nation. He, clearly, is non-functional above the neck. I’m not even sure I’m going to watch the debate because it will focused on ‘get Trump’ again and I will not support that. My mind is made up and it will not change. I will be voting for President Trump in November.

8 months ago

Since biden will be hopped up on something and talk very loudly, regardless of how embarrassing he is, the left will call him the winner. Doesn’t matter, like his state of the union, the world will see him for what he is.

Mary Anne Weeg
Mary Anne Weeg
8 months ago

I think Joe will have an earpiece. I think biased CNN will direct great questions to Biden.This whole situation has been set up to benefit the most unfit president we’ve had in our history.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
8 months ago

Trump should never agreed so quickly to Biden’s ground rules. He should have accepted a debate but proposed his own rules – and not with CNN’s notorious vaudeville troupe of Tapper & Bash. Without opening statements and candidate interaction, this will not be much of a debate. But it could be Biden’s last stand.

8 months ago

I am more optimistic than most people commenting. Trump does have the last word so if he gives a concise, persuasive closing comment (that is as long as the democrats, aka CNN, don’t “accidentally” cut the mic) Trump will win over the undecided. What’s most scary about this election is that half of America is willing to vote for an obviously dementia ridden Biden just because of their hatred for Trump.

Stirl Back
Stirl Back
8 months ago

Hope President Trump can stay focused on matters that are affecting Americans like inflation, high interest rates, crime, wars, the border and excessive government spending. I’m praying for President Trump and our country.

8 months ago

This is a test on many levels. I think the Dems have a “backup” candidate ready and waiting for the right moment.

Bob S
Bob S
8 months ago

The RNC has again fallen into the Dem’s trap in participating in an event that will portray Biden as the better person. The CNN run debate is currently being orchestrated at Camp David and Frankenstein is being experimented on to see how much of the PED’s he can endure. I pray that former President Trump comes across as a firm, compassionate, focused on returning America back to the respected country we used to be and not a negative Nancy. Our elected Republican government officials need to get off their backside and put their constituents’ concerns into action. Too many of them sit on their duff, collect a paycheck and remain straddling the fence right and wrong.

Ed Mulholland
Ed Mulholland
8 months ago

The debate will be between Trump and the CNN hosts. Biden is just a side show. CNN will do all in their power to get Trump fired up and aggressive while the nicest little old man in the world stands by smiling and looking harmless.

Ovide R.
Ovide R.
8 months ago

I for one, cannot blame Biden. He is facing what many of us may one day have to face. Rather, I blame his family, for leading him to this public shame of the man’s senility. I do not believe they would have let him attempt the presidency, if not for his son. Biden is exposing himself in order to pardon his son. Furthermore, Biden is NOT running the country. He is merely the puppet of those who are continuing what Obama and Hillary have begun. My concern is that the Democrats have been put into a corner by exposing themselves to the public, with the many false fabricated attempts to discredit Trump, thus exposing their need to conceal their true goal of greed, power and full control of the country. They are now in the same position as an animal in a corner with nothing to lose, thus very dangerous and perhaps, even evil.

8 months ago

Just like everything else the media does, they will cut President Trump short and try to highlight the Senile Imbecile Biden!

Rosemary D'Andrea
Rosemary D'Andrea
8 months ago

I’m hoping for a calm, disciplined, cheerful Trump to be determined and on the important points of home and world safety. But I’m not optimistic.

8 months ago

Once again CNN will be trusted by the American sheeple. It wouldn’t be any better with NBC. I doubt any news network is interested truth for the voters, no difference with big tech. Shameful Americans are being stripped of rights guaranteed by our bill of rights. Not to mention politicians that run on the platform of taking those rights away. It’s even more insane of those who vote for giving up their freedoms. My name is Jackie, I truly was born on the 4th of July 69 years ago almost 70, I don’t see us ever getting back to what we once had.

8 months ago

Only chose one, the Commie Propaganda Outlet will do everything they can to sabotage Trump. That’s one of dozens of reasons I won’t be watching. Of five, number one, I won’t give the Commies the clicks. Two, CNN is propaganda only. Three, I know who I’m voting for. Four, we know FJB has the intelligence of a houseplant, I don’t need to see more evidence. And, five, did I mention I already know who I’m voting for?

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
8 months ago

I’ve heard it said that Biden’s “no audience” requirement(highly unusual!) is to allow the media running the show to alter responses/hide gaffes via the broadcast time delay = no witnesses to contradict the story.

Given the “any means justifies the end” tactics the Progressive-Socialists habitually employ, that theory is entirely believable. The common explanation that they don’t want Trump to have an unfair advantage by “feeding off the audience” sounds like pure BS.

8 months ago

I recall Pres. Trump initially required that Biden be given a drug test before the ‘ debate’ and be given an independent assessment of his hearing- questioning why he would need an earpiece? What happened to those two common sense demands? Lefty Dems cannot ever be trusted to be on the up and up.

Susan J
Susan J
8 months ago

It won’t be Biden at the debate. It will either be an actor wearing a mask or a body double. The real Biden would never be able to handle debating anyone with his declining mental health.

8 months ago

I believe this debate will be all about Trump’s kangaroo trial, the other charges they’ve brought against him, and J6. This debate was a huge mistake for Trump since he wont be allowed to defend himself and Biden’s many, many deficiencies wont be addressed unless theres an unbiased mediator ( which you wont get from major news media). I’d bet that if Biden doesnt even show up he’ll be declared the winner. It’s a trap.

Thomas F. Olszewski
Thomas F. Olszewski
8 months ago

Come on November 5th

8 months ago

I don’t put much stock in polls are debates. Polls are so controlled & rigged they mean nothing and debates get so out of hand useful informatino is quickly lost in the shouting, interruptions, arguing, rudeness, etc, and NEVER stay on point. I will watch if for as long as I can stand it, which won’t be long with CNN controlling things.

J. Hogg
J. Hogg
8 months ago

I’m going to ignore it. Since the “so-called” debate has been rigged, it will be meaningless to me. All it’s designed to do is promote Biden, which it definitely will do.

8 months ago

This debate is every bit as fixed as the last elections! The Soroscrats will cheat to win anything, including a debate. A supercharged Pedo Joe will appear on his PED’s, and he’ll shake his fists at us and our President, but it all won’t change my vote!!

8 months ago

I will be voting for Donald J. Trump. Period. CNN’s rigged and staged “debate” is of no consequence. I have more respect for dog mud than I do CNN and it’s “Goebbelsesque” reporters, and I doubt I’ll watch the debate.

Martha Henriod
Martha Henriod
8 months ago

So the media will soft ball questions to Biden and attack Trump, without really letting him answer or defend himself. Hopefully Trump will sidestep the media’s attack and focus on the issues of economy, border control, and the well being of our country.

8 months ago

Robert F Kennedy needs to be included for a real discussion. Otherwise it’s just business as usual, another scripted performance to keep the voters guessing.

8 months ago

I fear Trump will bully Biden and further alienate him from undecided voters. I pray Trump will tone down his agressive behavior and stay on topic.

8 months ago

It’ll be part of the Dems exit plan for Joe… IDK who will then take the spot for their nominee?

Becca Unrein
Becca Unrein
8 months ago

First of all, Biden will be given a “pepper-upper” whatever that might be so he doesn’t look slow and dim-witted, BUT- make no mistake, the most important thing to know is that Biden will be outfitted with a micro hearing aid (otherwise known as a wire) so that the answers to the questions can be streamed into his ear for him to repeat. Pay attention to see if he has a bit of a delay in answering the questions…..

8 months ago

Totally theater for the democrats hoping to actually see if Biden can get through 90 minutes of camera time with his opponent. CNN has crooked Joe covered already. Bogus all the way around. Another sham!

Brenda G
Brenda G
8 months ago

I’m not sure if the results of this so called debate matter.
As with anything associated with Joe Biden? It’s pre-determined.

8 months ago

What a freaking waste of time…debates, that is.

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