All we know is what the media and other talking heads tell us. I know someone who lived there for two years and met hundreds of people.The majority of those people want to be part of Russia.There are far too many Americans (politicians) laundering money and other corrupt activity happening in Ukraine. We will lose a strategic Port but crush a lot more thieves of America.I say let Russia have it. He will stop the corruption that effects us.
3 years ago
Why are the borders surrounding the Ukraine more important than the porous borders surrounding the United States of America? Let’s put our military along our borders and stop the insanity of letting any/everyone just enter our country without vaccinations, documents or any identification or background checks! Way to go Brandon, FJB!
3 years ago
Wonder if China and other countries will take advantage of the invasion to try and do something sneaky that they normally wouldn’t get away with. Also, need to suppprt those that suppoet USA.
Tom Tobin
3 years ago
Russia and Ukraine are not America’s problem. Let them fight it out.
J VanHorn
3 years ago
Everything Joe Biden touches turns to crap. He is in so far over his head and sinking further. If he and NATO were serious about this situation they would have left the sanctions that Trump put on Russia intact and applied the current sanctions along with stronger sanctions when Putin began assembling his troops on the Ukrainian border. But instead of being proactive he is reactive and now telling us “sanctions will take time”. For what moron, the war has started. Also we are now paying $4.00 and up for a gallon of gas and still buying oil from Russia when 15 months ago we were energy independent. FJB
DeEnna Matthews
3 years ago
The Donetsk and Lugansz regions of SE Ukraine are primarily Russian. The corrupt government of Ukraine has perpetually persecuted these two provinces. They have asked Putin to help him. I don’t care if Russia removes the corrupt government, but I wish they would be held accountable for the corruption in coordination with the Bidens be addressed. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people because they don’t know how corrupt their government is.
3 years ago
The situation we (and especially the unfortunate Ukrainians) find ourselves in is solely the fault of those voters who elected an incompetent man who is suffering from dementia. You may not have liked Donald Trump, but he was a very strong leader and we thrived under his Presidency.
3 years ago
We are being led to the brink of war by a total moron and a group of clowns that advise him. The only thing in the world afraid of Sleepy Joe is a scoop of ice cream.
3 years ago
We have an extremely weak president who can’t speak without a teleprompter, despises the past president so much that anything with his name on it is dumped, despite the fact that it was good for us, thinks printing money and spending more will eliminate inflation, botches a withdrawal from Afghanistan in spite of his own advisors telling him he was making a mistake. He has given our enemies the opinion that we are also weak and venerable country. It’s scary to think that he is making the decisions that are supposed to keep us safe.
Dennis M Struk
3 years ago
Too little, too late. Open up the Keystone Pipeline. SHUT DOWN the “SQUAD” INDEFINITELY. Sanction Putin and Lavrov PERSONALLY, together with the Russian oligarchs in Russia as well as the REST OF THE WORLD in its ENTIRETY, Shut down Putin’s SWIFT ACCOUNTS EVERYWHERE. Create an ANTI-PUTIN & Company Ad Campaign on social media and ALL conventional media. IMPEACH, CONVICT and OUST Joe Biden & Company. DRASTICALLY cut American aid to NATO- NATO is USELESS, anyway.
NONE of this will happen of course…
Mark Strother
3 years ago
I also believe the story of the 13 soldiers guarding Snake Island was a welcome confirmation that bravery still exists in this world. I wish America had more of it.
Jim Payer
3 years ago
So long as “climate change” remains our priority, does anything else matter ??? (Lol)
3 years ago
Sanctions don’t do much good. The best way to stop such events is for the free world to be strong to begin with. You can’t be strong when you are dependent on your enemies for energy and when you are infected from within with self-loathing, WOKE nonsense.
Larry Hall
3 years ago
Ukraine escaped USSR once, it’s just with; without that’s what the fighting’s all about. Will Putin go after the rest of the countries that also left?
Robert C Schleicher
3 years ago
This would have never happened under Trump. Remember; Afghanistan, Korea, Iran, etc were all under control till Biden took office. I hope all those Anti Trump people are happy with what they’ve got.
Greg labelle
3 years ago
Our energy policy under Biden has given putin the cash needed to fight the war.
Pamela Figueroa
3 years ago
You put out a lot of options and none of them are the right one. Do some deep research before ya put out some poll and for what purpose do a poll make for you?
John Sullivan
3 years ago
Potato Biden and his cohorts have instigated this war to change national attention from all the other issues his administration is responsible for . . .
Angela L Lawson
3 years ago
The toothpaste is already out of the tube. If President Trump were in office (as he should be), Putin never would have invaded Ukraine. Putin knew if he invaded Ukraine that President Trump would have fired a rocket into The Kremlin and have taken out Putin’s living quarters, (as promised).
We are stuck with a feckless, inept Dementia Patient President and a Cackling, Ignorant Vice President. Our “only hope” is to get our pipelines going again, opening up our drilling, and becoming energy independent once again. We need to “undo” everything this embarrassing, Obama Puppet has done to ruin American lives and to force us to look weak on The World Stage.
Rufus J Wheeler
3 years ago
Kind of a dumb poll. My actual view includes several of the choices.
Vincent in CO
3 years ago
In 1994 the US, UK and Russia agreed to recognize and protect Ukraine’s sovereignty in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear stockpile. As soon as Putin moved troops to Ukraine’s border months ago, the US and UK should have told Putin that we would uphold the 1994 agreement and actively defend Ukraine – even though they are not in NATO. That might have made Putin reconsider – but we did NOTHING.
The Free World needs to understand that a hot conflict with China and Russia is unavoidable, but too many have become too soft since the fall of the Soviet Union. We could crush the economies of Russia and China by turning our collective backs on them, but we are addicted to cheap goods and foreign energy.
Biden needs to restore our domestic energy production immediately and tell the green progressives to take a hike. He needs to increase defense spending to 10% of GDP – we are no match now for either China or Russia. He needs to impose a stiff excise tax on any American corporation doing any business with our enemies – equal to 100% of the gross revenues derived from enemy markets. He needs to do more than impose weak sanctions, and he needs to do this things immediately.
John Di Donato
3 years ago
Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to screw things up
3 years ago
The Biden administration does not have a plan, nor a clue. A President that suffers obviously from mental incapacity, and a Vice President that doesn’t understand what her duties to the American People is, has led to a de facto weak country, that is incapable of defending the weakest of our allies, let alone our own border. Say goodbye to your 401k, and forget any plans for vacations as inflation rises through the roof.
Darlene Dorosh
3 years ago
It is a distraction of what is yet to come
Robert Ivy
3 years ago
We could very well be witnessing the start of major conflicts in Europe and elsewhere.(ie WW 3) I am appalled at the overall indifference by many people that don’t want to be bothered with events across the ocean. The world is a much smaller place than 20 years ago. I believe Russia and others see an opening to expand their borders due to our weak leadership and lack of resolve to preserve freedom. NATO is being exposed as a paper tiger.
3 years ago
The reality is that this is a coordinated effort to remove the deep state corruption that has been instilled into the Ukrainians government! It’s no secret that Ukraine has been a playground for the corrupt laundering money and creating biological weapons for deployment on the world again since Covid didn’t destroy enough people?? I guess we will see!!
Linda Trott Dickman
3 years ago
We are, as a nation, as a world, uniting in prayer. This could be a new start for us, for Ukraine. Pray like it matters, our freedom depends on it.
3 years ago
Environmental groups, democrats, and Joe Biden shutting down USA fossil fuel production emboldened and empowered Putin. The blood of many Ukraine citizens is on their hands.
Y. Toste
3 years ago
American true patriots must rise and bring back the image and strength of the Eagle. US republic is fractured and we need healing and reconciliation. May we come together and rise as a phoenix. The gist of it is we must unite irregardless of our many differences and lay it aside for a common united mission of the American way only.
Joseph W Cupp
3 years ago
NATO should have installed Ukraine as a member the moment that Putin started making threats, that might have forestalled his attack knowing he would have to face the NATO as a whole, instead now, not only has Biden been shown to be a fool and the US under his so called leadership to be impotent, but NATO has no teeth especially since most of its members are buying oil from Russia and don’t want to have their heat turned off in the middle of winter or to have their military vehicle run out of fuel due to Russia shutting off the fuel flow. But this might also spell the end of independence for Taiwan, the CCP is watching this and seeing how useless the UN and NATO have shown themselves to be, I’m sure that Xi is slobbering all over himself wanting to attack Taiwan and destroy that bastion of freedom in Asia. 2 years ago we had the most powerful military in the world today we have the most woke military in the world Biden’s administration purged the military of anyone that did not fit their perverted mindset and when they did that they also removed a large number of extremely competent officers and senior NCO’s. They claimed they were removing racists and other “ists” but what they were really doing was removing people that were capable of standing up and saying that some things were inconsistent with successful military operations.
Larry Rhodes
3 years ago
Putin must be stopped now or he will just continue, he is emboldened by Biden’s inability to take decisive action, and the infighting going on in Congress. I don’t know that American troops must be sent in but we have a lot of other ways to stop him, they must all be used. He and all of Russia must cut completely off monetarily and arms and equipment must be sent to the Ukraine. It should have been done 2 days ago.
3 years ago
There is more to it than most people realize. Ukraine is a hot spot of corruption and money laundering. Our own politicians are deeply involved. Clinton, Kerry, Pelosi, Biden all have dirty financial dealings through Ukraine. There are probably more we haven’t heard about yet.
3 years ago
is there anyone in this country that doesn’t see joe’s in bed with Russia &China?? why do we continue to sit, waiting for him to give our beautiful country to them? Americans are supposed to fight for our rights granted to us by our constitution. otherwise, what we see happening to the Ukrainian people, will happen here. joe’s entire administration is a disgraceful, incompetent, power mad group of fools – unwilling& incapable of leading & protecting the United States citizens.
3 years ago
Americans need to focus on the borders, and now both of them. Trudeau cannot be trusted. Look at what he aligns with, the global world order. Midterms are country’s last hope of stability. If elections are not secure paper ballots and machines are used again, forget it.
Ron Laswell
3 years ago
Biden and his cronies are such fools. And who does the media think they’re fooling? It will all be over very soon, and it will expose the media for the insurrectionists that they are. Don’t allow this stupid scene on the world stage twist your mind. Stay strong in your hearts. Love has got this, and we will prevail through love.
Thomas Wulf
3 years ago
Joe Biden is the best thing that ever happened to China, Russia and Iran. What I haven’t figured out yet, is he really that incompetent or is he actually working for them… And yesterday, Pelosi had the gall to call his actions toward Russia brilliant. Have they all gone insane?
3 years ago
There is so much more to this conflict than the average American knows.
3 years ago
We have a crisis on our southern border which the FRAUD BIDEN encourages but he is more concerned about the Ukraine. Am I missing something?
Jeff Savlov
3 years ago
Let’s face the facts. If Trump had been in the White House, Putin would never have attempted this. Both Russia and China would have been put in their place. Democrats are weak and their leadership are anemic. If we are to salvage our country a massive recall of our government is called for. A full blown enactment of martial law may be required to remove the administration and install a strong leader like Trump to right the ship, and put these dictators in their place.
Susan Berardi
3 years ago
The Ukraine President is pro-LGBT, Putin is not. He is Russian Orthodox and pro marriage between a man and woman. Ukraine is a long standing political issue related to provinces that are Russian speaking. It is a NATO issue, NATO is European and largely non-Christian and pro LGBT
Jim Gentry
3 years ago
I think Putin is correct on this one. Western backed rebels have been fighting all along the border for sometime now and he’s fed up with it. He offered that those 2 states have neutrality as a solution and of course the West said no. What would we have done if the Mexico border had all this fighting going on? Probably the same. Remember the Cuba crisis, when Russia was at our back door, very similar situation, just roles are reversed. Russia and any other country has a right to defend it’s borders or threats. The media has to quit drumming up drama.
Pamela Brida
3 years ago
I really do not understand the whole conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, however, I remember my great uncles, who fought in WWII, talking about how near the the end of the war, America could have taken advantage of the weaken state of the Soviet Army and marched all the way into Moscow to liberate the Russian people from the tyranny of Communism.
I also remember the words of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, the Romanian pastor who spend fourteen years locked in a communist prison, and who later founded The Voice of the Martyrs Ministries. In his book, “Tortured For Christ” Pastor Wurmbrand said that he never understood why, after ridding Europe of Hitler’s Nazis, the Western powers, primarily the leaderships of America and Great Britain at the time, allowed communist forces to overrun the nations of eastern Europe and take possession of what later became known as “The Iron Curtain”.
Pastor Wurmbrand and his wife later escaped from Romania and came to America, where, after being ridiculed while addressing skeptical members of Congress, he stripped to his waist to show the terrible scars on his back from the torture he had endured during his incarceration in Romania.
When Russian novelist and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn escaped to the West after spending years in a Soviet gulag, spoke at Columbia University in the late 1970’s his warnings to the audience about the significant parallels he saw between the American government and the Soviet system were met with boos of indifference. In his book, “Warning To The West” Solzhenitsyn observed, “All Communist Parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless. But at the stage before they achieve power, it is necessary to use disguises.”
Does this sound familiar to anyone paying close attention to the current situation in America today?
Harold Meads
3 years ago
The entire Biden administration is equal to or greater than Confederate General Braxton Bragg’s ability to SNATCH DEFEAT OUT OF THE JAWS OF VICTORY. Of course it’s opinion that Biden’s only concerns in this conflict are his continued under the table payments. I’m pretty sure baby boy is also sweating bullets about his next automatic deposit.
Sue Wong
3 years ago
From what I read/heard Clinton promised Ukraine defense/NATO if Ukraine gave up there nukes, they did and they are now in the fight of their lives. In addition to what I have read/heard the Clintons, Biden’s, Kerry’s and Romney’s have benefitted financially from the corruption in Ukraine. Our political elites on both sides of the aisle in this country have made this political mess.
US supplies most of the UN’s financial aide and soldiers. Let Europe step up, it’s their neighbours not ours. If Biden had not shut down the Keystone pipeline and drilling in this country we would not be so helpless and would also be able to help Europe with their energy crisis. Trump warned Merkel not t get into business with Russia for energy. But maybe she too knew of the plan to steal the election.
I laugh when commenters talk of corruption in other countries, I have come to believe that our country is pretty damn corrupt too! In addition I’ve Jeb Bush and Mike Pence on Fox of late. I gather they are pushing them for a presidential run. Like I told FOX when they had Cuomo on everyday at noon during Covid crisis, “he will never be President”. And look what came out on Cuomo. He killed thousands of elderly by putting them in nursing homes with COVID. Not to mention his roaming hands.
3 years ago
Two actions will end this invasion swiftly. First, those in control must shut Russia off from the SWIFT banking system. Second, open the spigots of US oil production by ending the sanctions Biden imposed on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE. The increased supply will make the US and all countries which buy oil from us independent of Russian oil, as well as lower the price of oil, lowering Russian revenues and GDP from oil.
3 years ago
It’s Trump’s fault
Open Borders, Inflation, Gas Prices, Afganistan, Crime in every liberal state/city, CRT in our schools. Yes of course UKRAINE.
Rob J
3 years ago
China beats up the Entire World via Germ Warfare …. Trudeau beats up Canada’s citizens ….. the Democrats beat up Americans via Federal Employees ( Fauci ) …. Putin beats up his neighbor and is robbing our collective Financial Ass with assistance from JOe …. is there any difference ? ! ? !
……… yes, the JOe is intentional, figure it out.
3 years ago
On virtually every front Biden has proven to be inept and clueless-he’s a pox on our nation & the laughing stock of the world [but many warned us but not enough heeded those warnings]
Keith Bailey
3 years ago
Biden is a spineless leader that is following an agenda of New World Order. Hope our country cab survive this STOLEN 4 years of “lack of leadership “!
All we know is what the media and other talking heads tell us. I know someone who lived there for two years and met hundreds of people.The majority of those people want to be part of Russia.There are far too many Americans (politicians) laundering money and other corrupt activity happening in Ukraine. We will lose a strategic Port but crush a lot more thieves of America.I say let Russia have it. He will stop the corruption that effects us.
Why are the borders surrounding the Ukraine more important than the porous borders surrounding the United States of America? Let’s put our military along our borders and stop the insanity of letting any/everyone just enter our country without vaccinations, documents or any identification or background checks! Way to go Brandon, FJB!
Wonder if China and other countries will take advantage of the invasion to try and do something sneaky that they normally wouldn’t get away with. Also, need to suppprt those that suppoet USA.
Russia and Ukraine are not America’s problem. Let them fight it out.
Everything Joe Biden touches turns to crap. He is in so far over his head and sinking further. If he and NATO were serious about this situation they would have left the sanctions that Trump put on Russia intact and applied the current sanctions along with stronger sanctions when Putin began assembling his troops on the Ukrainian border. But instead of being proactive he is reactive and now telling us “sanctions will take time”. For what moron, the war has started. Also we are now paying $4.00 and up for a gallon of gas and still buying oil from Russia when 15 months ago we were energy independent. FJB
The Donetsk and Lugansz regions of SE Ukraine are primarily Russian. The corrupt government of Ukraine has perpetually persecuted these two provinces. They have asked Putin to help him. I don’t care if Russia removes the corrupt government, but I wish they would be held accountable for the corruption in coordination with the Bidens be addressed. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people because they don’t know how corrupt their government is.
The situation we (and especially the unfortunate Ukrainians) find ourselves in is solely the fault of those voters who elected an incompetent man who is suffering from dementia. You may not have liked Donald Trump, but he was a very strong leader and we thrived under his Presidency.
We are being led to the brink of war by a total moron and a group of clowns that advise him. The only thing in the world afraid of Sleepy Joe is a scoop of ice cream.
We have an extremely weak president who can’t speak without a teleprompter, despises the past president so much that anything with his name on it is dumped, despite the fact that it was good for us, thinks printing money and spending more will eliminate inflation, botches a withdrawal from Afghanistan in spite of his own advisors telling him he was making a mistake. He has given our enemies the opinion that we are also weak and venerable country. It’s scary to think that he is making the decisions that are supposed to keep us safe.
Too little, too late. Open up the Keystone Pipeline. SHUT DOWN the “SQUAD” INDEFINITELY. Sanction Putin and Lavrov PERSONALLY, together with the Russian oligarchs in Russia as well as the REST OF THE WORLD in its ENTIRETY, Shut down Putin’s SWIFT ACCOUNTS EVERYWHERE. Create an ANTI-PUTIN & Company Ad Campaign on social media and ALL conventional media. IMPEACH, CONVICT and OUST Joe Biden & Company. DRASTICALLY cut American aid to NATO- NATO is USELESS, anyway.
NONE of this will happen of course…
I also believe the story of the 13 soldiers guarding Snake Island was a welcome confirmation that bravery still exists in this world. I wish America had more of it.
So long as “climate change” remains our priority, does anything else matter ??? (Lol)
Sanctions don’t do much good. The best way to stop such events is for the free world to be strong to begin with. You can’t be strong when you are dependent on your enemies for energy and when you are infected from within with self-loathing, WOKE nonsense.
Ukraine escaped USSR once, it’s just with; without that’s what the fighting’s all about. Will Putin go after the rest of the countries that also left?
This would have never happened under Trump. Remember; Afghanistan, Korea, Iran, etc were all under control till Biden took office. I hope all those Anti Trump people are happy with what they’ve got.
Our energy policy under Biden has given putin the cash needed to fight the war.
You put out a lot of options and none of them are the right one. Do some deep research before ya put out some poll and for what purpose do a poll make for you?
Potato Biden and his cohorts have instigated this war to change national attention from all the other issues his administration is responsible for . . .
The toothpaste is already out of the tube. If President Trump were in office (as he should be), Putin never would have invaded Ukraine. Putin knew if he invaded Ukraine that President Trump would have fired a rocket into The Kremlin and have taken out Putin’s living quarters, (as promised).
We are stuck with a feckless, inept Dementia Patient President and a Cackling, Ignorant Vice President. Our “only hope” is to get our pipelines going again, opening up our drilling, and becoming energy independent once again. We need to “undo” everything this embarrassing, Obama Puppet has done to ruin American lives and to force us to look weak on The World Stage.
Kind of a dumb poll. My actual view includes several of the choices.
In 1994 the US, UK and Russia agreed to recognize and protect Ukraine’s sovereignty in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear stockpile. As soon as Putin moved troops to Ukraine’s border months ago, the US and UK should have told Putin that we would uphold the 1994 agreement and actively defend Ukraine – even though they are not in NATO. That might have made Putin reconsider – but we did NOTHING.
The Free World needs to understand that a hot conflict with China and Russia is unavoidable, but too many have become too soft since the fall of the Soviet Union. We could crush the economies of Russia and China by turning our collective backs on them, but we are addicted to cheap goods and foreign energy.
Biden needs to restore our domestic energy production immediately and tell the green progressives to take a hike. He needs to increase defense spending to 10% of GDP – we are no match now for either China or Russia. He needs to impose a stiff excise tax on any American corporation doing any business with our enemies – equal to 100% of the gross revenues derived from enemy markets. He needs to do more than impose weak sanctions, and he needs to do this things immediately.
Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to screw things up
The Biden administration does not have a plan, nor a clue. A President that suffers obviously from mental incapacity, and a Vice President that doesn’t understand what her duties to the American People is, has led to a de facto weak country, that is incapable of defending the weakest of our allies, let alone our own border. Say goodbye to your 401k, and forget any plans for vacations as inflation rises through the roof.
It is a distraction of what is yet to come
We could very well be witnessing the start of major conflicts in Europe and elsewhere.(ie WW 3) I am appalled at the overall indifference by many people that don’t want to be bothered with events across the ocean. The world is a much smaller place than 20 years ago. I believe Russia and others see an opening to expand their borders due to our weak leadership and lack of resolve to preserve freedom. NATO is being exposed as a paper tiger.
The reality is that this is a coordinated effort to remove the deep state corruption that has been instilled into the Ukrainians government! It’s no secret that Ukraine has been a playground for the corrupt laundering money and creating biological weapons for deployment on the world again since Covid didn’t destroy enough people?? I guess we will see!!
We are, as a nation, as a world, uniting in prayer. This could be a new start for us, for Ukraine. Pray like it matters, our freedom depends on it.
Environmental groups, democrats, and Joe Biden shutting down USA fossil fuel production emboldened and empowered Putin. The blood of many Ukraine citizens is on their hands.
American true patriots must rise and bring back the image and strength of the Eagle. US republic is fractured and we need healing and reconciliation. May we come together and rise as a phoenix. The gist of it is we must unite irregardless of our many differences and lay it aside for a common united mission of the American way only.
NATO should have installed Ukraine as a member the moment that Putin started making threats, that might have forestalled his attack knowing he would have to face the NATO as a whole, instead now, not only has Biden been shown to be a fool and the US under his so called leadership to be impotent, but NATO has no teeth especially since most of its members are buying oil from Russia and don’t want to have their heat turned off in the middle of winter or to have their military vehicle run out of fuel due to Russia shutting off the fuel flow. But this might also spell the end of independence for Taiwan, the CCP is watching this and seeing how useless the UN and NATO have shown themselves to be, I’m sure that Xi is slobbering all over himself wanting to attack Taiwan and destroy that bastion of freedom in Asia. 2 years ago we had the most powerful military in the world today we have the most woke military in the world Biden’s administration purged the military of anyone that did not fit their perverted mindset and when they did that they also removed a large number of extremely competent officers and senior NCO’s. They claimed they were removing racists and other “ists” but what they were really doing was removing people that were capable of standing up and saying that some things were inconsistent with successful military operations.
Putin must be stopped now or he will just continue, he is emboldened by Biden’s inability to take decisive action, and the infighting going on in Congress. I don’t know that American troops must be sent in but we have a lot of other ways to stop him, they must all be used. He and all of Russia must cut completely off monetarily and arms and equipment must be sent to the Ukraine. It should have been done 2 days ago.
There is more to it than most people realize. Ukraine is a hot spot of corruption and money laundering. Our own politicians are deeply involved. Clinton, Kerry, Pelosi, Biden all have dirty financial dealings through Ukraine. There are probably more we haven’t heard about yet.
is there anyone in this country that doesn’t see joe’s in bed with Russia &China?? why do we continue to sit, waiting for him to give our beautiful country to them? Americans are supposed to fight for our rights granted to us by our constitution. otherwise, what we see happening to the Ukrainian people, will happen here. joe’s entire administration is a disgraceful, incompetent, power mad group of fools – unwilling& incapable of leading & protecting the United States citizens.
Americans need to focus on the borders, and now both of them. Trudeau cannot be trusted. Look at what he aligns with, the global world order. Midterms are country’s last hope of stability. If elections are not secure paper ballots and machines are used again, forget it.
Biden and his cronies are such fools. And who does the media think they’re fooling? It will all be over very soon, and it will expose the media for the insurrectionists that they are. Don’t allow this stupid scene on the world stage twist your mind. Stay strong in your hearts. Love has got this, and we will prevail through love.
Joe Biden is the best thing that ever happened to China, Russia and Iran. What I haven’t figured out yet, is he really that incompetent or is he actually working for them… And yesterday, Pelosi had the gall to call his actions toward Russia brilliant. Have they all gone insane?
There is so much more to this conflict than the average American knows.
We have a crisis on our southern border which the FRAUD BIDEN encourages but he is more concerned about the Ukraine. Am I missing something?
Let’s face the facts. If Trump had been in the White House, Putin would never have attempted this. Both Russia and China would have been put in their place. Democrats are weak and their leadership are anemic. If we are to salvage our country a massive recall of our government is called for. A full blown enactment of martial law may be required to remove the administration and install a strong leader like Trump to right the ship, and put these dictators in their place.
The Ukraine President is pro-LGBT, Putin is not. He is Russian Orthodox and pro marriage between a man and woman. Ukraine is a long standing political issue related to provinces that are Russian speaking. It is a NATO issue, NATO is European and largely non-Christian and pro LGBT
I think Putin is correct on this one. Western backed rebels have been fighting all along the border for sometime now and he’s fed up with it. He offered that those 2 states have neutrality as a solution and of course the West said no. What would we have done if the Mexico border had all this fighting going on? Probably the same. Remember the Cuba crisis, when Russia was at our back door, very similar situation, just roles are reversed. Russia and any other country has a right to defend it’s borders or threats. The media has to quit drumming up drama.
I really do not understand the whole conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, however, I remember my great uncles, who fought in WWII, talking about how near the the end of the war, America could have taken advantage of the weaken state of the Soviet Army and marched all the way into Moscow to liberate the Russian people from the tyranny of Communism.
I also remember the words of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, the Romanian pastor who spend fourteen years locked in a communist prison, and who later founded The Voice of the Martyrs Ministries. In his book, “Tortured For Christ” Pastor Wurmbrand said that he never understood why, after ridding Europe of Hitler’s Nazis, the Western powers, primarily the leaderships of America and Great Britain at the time, allowed communist forces to overrun the nations of eastern Europe and take possession of what later became known as “The Iron Curtain”.
Pastor Wurmbrand and his wife later escaped from Romania and came to America, where, after being ridiculed while addressing skeptical members of Congress, he stripped to his waist to show the terrible scars on his back from the torture he had endured during his incarceration in Romania.
When Russian novelist and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn escaped to the West after spending years in a Soviet gulag, spoke at Columbia University in the late 1970’s his warnings to the audience about the significant parallels he saw between the American government and the Soviet system were met with boos of indifference. In his book, “Warning To The West” Solzhenitsyn observed, “All Communist Parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless. But at the stage before they achieve power, it is necessary to use disguises.”
Does this sound familiar to anyone paying close attention to the current situation in America today?
The entire Biden administration is equal to or greater than Confederate General Braxton Bragg’s ability to SNATCH DEFEAT OUT OF THE JAWS OF VICTORY. Of course it’s opinion that Biden’s only concerns in this conflict are his continued under the table payments. I’m pretty sure baby boy is also sweating bullets about his next automatic deposit.
From what I read/heard Clinton promised Ukraine defense/NATO if Ukraine gave up there nukes, they did and they are now in the fight of their lives. In addition to what I have read/heard the Clintons, Biden’s, Kerry’s and Romney’s have benefitted financially from the corruption in Ukraine. Our political elites on both sides of the aisle in this country have made this political mess.
US supplies most of the UN’s financial aide and soldiers. Let Europe step up, it’s their neighbours not ours. If Biden had not shut down the Keystone pipeline and drilling in this country we would not be so helpless and would also be able to help Europe with their energy crisis. Trump warned Merkel not t get into business with Russia for energy. But maybe she too knew of the plan to steal the election.
I laugh when commenters talk of corruption in other countries, I have come to believe that our country is pretty damn corrupt too! In addition I’ve Jeb Bush and Mike Pence on Fox of late. I gather they are pushing them for a presidential run. Like I told FOX when they had Cuomo on everyday at noon during Covid crisis, “he will never be President”. And look what came out on Cuomo. He killed thousands of elderly by putting them in nursing homes with COVID. Not to mention his roaming hands.
Two actions will end this invasion swiftly. First, those in control must shut Russia off from the SWIFT banking system. Second, open the spigots of US oil production by ending the sanctions Biden imposed on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE. The increased supply will make the US and all countries which buy oil from us independent of Russian oil, as well as lower the price of oil, lowering Russian revenues and GDP from oil.
It’s Trump’s fault
Open Borders, Inflation, Gas Prices, Afganistan, Crime in every liberal state/city, CRT in our schools. Yes of course UKRAINE.
China beats up the Entire World via Germ Warfare …. Trudeau beats up Canada’s citizens ….. the Democrats beat up Americans via Federal Employees ( Fauci ) …. Putin beats up his neighbor and is robbing our collective Financial Ass with assistance from JOe …. is there any difference ? ! ? !
……… yes, the JOe is intentional, figure it out.
On virtually every front Biden has proven to be inept and clueless-he’s a pox on our nation & the laughing stock of the world [but many warned us but not enough heeded those warnings]
Biden is a spineless leader that is following an agenda of New World Order. Hope our country cab survive this STOLEN 4 years of “lack of leadership “!
I see the brainwashing is working!