
Which of the following issues would you like to see AMAC Action prioritize? Please choose three.

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Ann Ritter
Ann Ritter
3 years ago

If we don’t do something about voter fraud, nothing else will matter because our votes will never count.

test email
test email
3 years ago


Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

What is the Over/Under on how many people will mention that this poll has no “All of the Above” choice ?

Doc Malaz
Doc Malaz
3 years ago

All of the above would indeed be the best choice here!

3 years ago

If we lose our Constitutional Rights & election integrity, we have no recourse to correct the many other issues! First things first.

3 years ago

It is extremely difficult to pick the top three issues that need attention since every issue listed qualifies for that level of attention. Anyway, I did my best. I think someone should really look into the fraud of the Nov 20 election along with the two senators elected from GA. Common sense alone tells you that these elections were phony! “The Big Guy” and his cronies are ruining our country!

3 years ago

It is time to go on Offense. The GOP is always nice and playing defense. The time is short for our Republic. It is time to fight back with all we have. Let’s get in the face of the opposition, nicely, but in their face.

3 years ago

Inflation? Biden is waging war on retirees

3 years ago

I would have liked to check off all of the choices, they are all important.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

How about a choice for the “Re-election ” of Donald J.Trump. All of the above would quickly be restored or repaired.

James Foucault
James Foucault
3 years ago

When the election integrity is solved, then we can get the right Patriots in office that can pass the legislation to solve the rest of the issues listed above. Being a veteran myself, and was taught in school the true history of this country, I realized at a young age how different our Great Nation is compared to the rest of the world and how blessed we are. I have traveled and lived in many places in the world and have seen the other side of the fence. We as patriots need to stand up and fight like our ancestors have done through the past centuries. Many Americans believe that voting is a right. That is not the case. It’s a responsibility placed upon each of us that we need to take seriously and vote the right people into office.

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

You need to find a way to get at the roots of socialism and pull them up. Since we use elections as the main determination of who governs us, elections like the 2020 fiasco must not be permitted to happen again. As long as the communists can distort the elections, they will retain power and all the rest will not matter since they will take out our rights one by one.

3 years ago

Everyone is correct they are all important and yes if we would have gotten the voter fraud under control from early on we would not be in this situation we are in. I am a prayerful man and wonder if this is part of God’s plan. I still feel something good may come of this if this administration doesn’t destroy everything we worked for in the short time they have. Not sure how we can trust the next election unless they figure out what took place at this last election. There is a lot coming to light and I pray that what ever they are doing that is wrong will all come out to light; they need held accountable as they try to find things on the Republican side to hold accountable. I am still praying for them that they or someone will come to their senses and let the truth out. Socialism/Communism does not work but everything they are doing is following the steps by the book. God Help Us!

3 years ago

The main and only issue every person needs to address and speak boldly and confidently on is our need of Jesus Christ!
Father-God, I pray that Your Holy Spirit revives us and gives us strength to know only You are our LORD-GOD and forever King. You consent to our desire to rule ourselves only because, in this way, we can see and know that we cannot! Please shine Your Light in our darkness and renew our hearts, minds and souls to You alone. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

3 years ago

Personally I’m offended as a voter how the 2020 election was stolen in broad day light! It was no election, it was a purchase by China!

Curtis Eaby
Curtis Eaby
3 years ago


3 years ago

These are ALL so very important topics. Hard to pick only top 3

Jeff Guy
Jeff Guy
3 years ago

All are important.

Terry Wirginis
Terry Wirginis
3 years ago

Hard to pick just three

3 years ago

It took 3 years to investigate Pres Trump with the Russia hoax.

Only a day or two for them to say their was no election fraud!

Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

Maybe if the constitution was just followed instead of dissected most of the issues would take care of themselves. Changing the rules whenever you need (nuclear option, budget reconciliation) just because you can’t get your way. Issues like free speech, gun rights/control, and voting rights are all addressed in the constitution. People and companies (all) have to held accountable for their actions equally, unlike how is, one set of rules for the elites/political class and one for the rest of us. No where in the constitution does it say health care is a right (according to Pelosi and Bernie sanders) and that showing an ID at the polls to prove who you are is racist. People in this country have become way to complacent. Most can’t fix anything around their house or car, allot don’t cook and I believe they vote by name recognition. Congress has a 10% approval but yet the same people keep being elected. Go figure?

Scarlett Wagner
Scarlett Wagner
3 years ago

Social security and disability should be at least double than what it is. No one can live on such a minimal amount.
That is not enough money to survive off of.
Vote security, trump won and we want him back

3 years ago

The one issue that I am concerned about the most is missing from this list.


The young folks of today have no concept of what ills inflation can cause.

3 years ago

There are two kinds of issues here: specific economic ones like national debt and social security, and global policy ones like the Bill of Rights, election integrity and women’s right to autonomy.

The question is: which ones are most likely to respond to AMAC’s input?

The big loser here is fighting abortion ( all dressed up as “Sanctity of Life”): that ship has sailed, and women as a class will not go back into the involuntary servitude of unwanted motherhood. It just isn’t happening, and there are no incentives to force them to comply. And it’s not as if anyone openly promotes euthanasia, so there’s no point in trying to tie that into the argument just to make it look better.

Stick to issues that have American LIberty solutions: economic policy, Bill of Rights, election integrity, honesty and utility in education. Give up the unicorn dream of choosing to dictate to women how to live their lives. You might find a lot more women joining in to battle your issues if you stop fighting against theirs.

Keith Brilhart
Keith Brilhart
3 years ago

I think social security was a bad idea, but after millions have planned their retirement around it it is only fair to have an off ramp to avoid hurting those that paid the tax and now have no savings, because they believed the government.

Dennis Scharp
Dennis Scharp
3 years ago
  1. A. People have a vested interest in medicare. B. Universal medicare for all is a means to enslave people through dependency.
  2. CRT is yet another way for the Marxists to brainwash our youth and divide and concur from within as they continue their march to Communism.
  3. Without integrity in our elections, there is little value in going to the polls. This is another item from the Marxist’s’ playbook. We all need to “Lock ‘n Load” before these idiots become our masters.
Martha Henriod
Martha Henriod
3 years ago

Those were tough questions. All of them need to be addressed and continue to be addressed. The big one though would be election integrity. Without that, we don’t have a voice for anything else.

3 years ago

Couldn’t agree more with the comments – for years we allowed our national values to erode- look at what is happening at our schools and colleges. Somehow, all things have become politicized even religion and science. That creates crisis.In order to restore our nation’s value we need to begin paying attention to local elections such as school boards etc That is our first line of defense. We have neglected this much too long. Add that we no longer accept the claims of the left that by nature we are a bad people.
lastly we need to identify the sources of dark money used to influence political campaigns- much of this money is coming from sources outside the US with the intent to buy influence and power in our nation’s affairs

Dan L
Dan L
3 years ago

AMAC needs to focus its efforts on fixing the systemic failures in our governments which are destroying the country. Why wasnt there a choice for term limits on the corrupt criminals on both sides who undertake to pit us against each other so they can stay in power and have their way with us. Their job is to find common ground through compromise and working together to bring about solutions which enable free citizens to attain their highest self determination, freedom, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But they divide us to conquer us. United we stand divided we fall. Find and elect representatives who will unite and legislate for us, and get rid of those who dont.

Keven Entzel
Keven Entzel
3 years ago

Pretty amazing that stopping censorship of FIRST AMENDMENT Rights by big tech is so low, yet protecting other Constitutional rights like the right to bear arms and religious freedoms gets almost double the votes. Religious freedoms are part of the First Amendment. Social media is the most depended on source of information for those under 60. If we can’t stop the censorship and cancellation of conservative/libertarian voices by the big tech companies we’ve already lost the rest. Tyrannical regimes have always used silencing the opposition as the main hold on their power. As long as they control the flow of information, especially what is getting to the younger generations they will control the ideology the people develop. I believe we have crossed that point that Clair Wolfe alluded to when she wrote “it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” If we don’t concentrate on stopping the Marxist movement right now none of the other issues will matter. Our children and grandchildren are doomed to live under big brother. Some would say civil war is inevitable. I would caution that although the left in this country would fall easily because the majority of the weapons, ammunition and military are on the right, the left would be supported by all the other Marxist nations of the world as well as the radical Islamists. Civil war in this day would be a lose/lose situation, we would end up being western china.

3 years ago

I’d like to see a movement towards getting rid of Federal Tax on SS. You work your whole life paying taxes and now when you’re retired your SS is taxed!

3 years ago

After working for 50 years I have to pay for my health-care if I want minimal decent care. All the while migrants reap the benefits. Social security income is not a sustainable living not even poverty level. Some of us gave our lives and incomes so our families could have a better life. It’s just so disgusting the lack of respect for the elders that have paid their share of everyone else’s incomes and benefits all to be kicked to the curb later.

Cindy I
Cindy I
3 years ago

It was hard to make my decisions. All of them are top priority for me.

3 years ago

The systemic racism crap needs to be stopped. Bias media fake need as well as hatred by the left for our once great country .Simple as that.
People need to be treated and respected by their actions and behavior not ethnicity and race. Criminals and others who do not abide by our laws need to be isolated from the public .
Respect and work ethics need to be a required course in all schools.
Teachers and schools that use race as a weapon need to be fired and tenure needs to be eliminated. Our schools are totally broken nothing more than day care up to college.
Congressional accountability needs to be paramount and those who speak against our country need to be thrown out .
Law and order needs to be applied by all means available regardless of race.
Time we got back to basic and protected the public

L Hardy
L Hardy
3 years ago

The goal is and always has been to hit us on so many sides that we can’t fight all the problems, so it’s easier for communism to take over. People divided allows the roots of communism to take hold and grow unchecked which is where we find ourselves right now. So what is important? Right now it should be anything contrary to our constitutional rights because that is the line in the sand for us as free people.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

All are crucial. But it starts with election integrity or we will become another third world cesspool.

Sandy Mittelstaedt
Sandy Mittelstaedt
3 years ago

It was hard to choose just three because I believe they all were equally important to address.

Nancy Hall
Nancy Hall
3 years ago

There are so many good organizations trying to stop the downfall of our nation, our morality, our children. We need to all unite in someway and then organize ways to get the truth out there.

Timo Kallen
Timo Kallen
3 years ago

I once looked forward to retirement, without understanding things clearly. Now I am beyond disappointed with how little importance is given to Social Security and care for retirees. Having worked and paid int the system for over 45 years and knowing how little I will get in return is worrisome. WHY are SS benefits “taxable income”??? What is AMAC to fight for rights like these?

3 years ago

AMAC should negotiate with firms to get better deals on healthcare, travel major stores.

Thomas Sansoni
Thomas Sansoni
3 years ago

If we are 1 Nation Under God then Show It, Pray & Reverse Roe vs Wade Stop the Legal Butchering & $ profiting from this crime
Stronger border coop from Feds w/ states while rebuilding wall, which was not so long ago approved by Dems but they got amnesia on that
Balance Fed Budgets across the board by starting w/ 1 to 2% reductions in all depts each year as suggested before by senators
If across the aisle partisanship was truly in place, there wouldn’t be straight party votes, so the American citizens are not fooled by representatives talk but no real civilized cooperation
Republicans should be taking the Lead on this Stop talking Start Showing your citizens that you rep instead of bragging about how many places you visited in your districts

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

I’m happy to take the polls, yet obviously words have become an ineffective way to communicate given the current propensity to lie, cover it up, make it up or just blatantly attack any words spoken; replacing verbal meanings, for what? FAME, Glory, OH POWER through money. Their not human, they don’t know humanity and they want to rule over people. Enough said, my chips are off the board game of the life proposed by Congress. These issues are man-made and as Christians they mean nothing, except for ‘GOD given FREEDOMS’. Blessings to all who took the time to read. 😉

3 years ago

With censorship in big tech, we have no outlet to fight the outrageous misinformation being spread by mainstream media. They have become a propaganda arm of the liberals, and are thus giving them immense power over the people. How can the truth prevail when we are being silenced from sharing it with others? This is dangerous. I firmly believe that the msm is the most evil of entities we are currently fighting.

3 years ago

All I hear about is re-electing Trump. That should not be the focus. Yes, the election was stolen. In my opinion though, almost any other republican candidate would have won in a landslide. Much of the population hate Trump and refuse to vote for him no matter what. Almost every person I know who voted for Biden did not vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. To me, it is questionable if Trump is “electable”. How about we focus on finding a republican candidate with a lot of the same traits, but has not offended half the population? There are a lot of great candidates out there. Pick one. We need to win the next election if we want to turn this around. Making Trump the face of the republican party will not help. It’s disappointing for me to see the last two elections have not been about voting in a winner, it’s been about the candidate who didn’t lose. Independents and people of both parties are voting “against” a candidate instead of “for” a candidate. Let’s give them someone to vote “for”.

3 years ago

All of these are critical issues. However, if we don’t seek unity over divisiveness, and guarantee each vote counts, then we will lose all the other issues. If we succeed in the first two we win all the other issues, in God’s good time.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I went with 1,3 & 8, however I should have been able to check ALL the boxes. #8 is especially important because without our 2nd Amendment Rights, none of the boxes could be checked, pretty much a no brainer on that score…
I realize AMAC’s intentions are noble here, however, having only ( 3 ) choices only, pretty much makes this poll close to worthless…
Thank you & God Bless America…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

I wanted to say yes on all of them, but it wouldn’t let me.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

I would have voted for “All the above” if given the choice.

3 years ago

Actually all of the options

William Kohler
William Kohler
3 years ago

I believe social security and medicare will remain at an acceptable level regardless. I don’t do social media and no one will ever shut me up, but border and election security are absolutely necessary for the survival of our United States as I am used to them. We all know how the last election went even those that say all was legit.

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