Close decision except for sports and “entertainment” stories. Disney is dead to me until they clean up their acts. The other stories affect me, especially the rate of inflation, but saving baby’s lives comes first out of the options here. Most important story not mentioned is that Jesus is still Savior, Prophet, Priest and King.
Dan W.
2 years ago
In the U.S: Red Tsunami Becomes a Red Ripple.
In the World: Russia’s Ukrainian Invasion Bogs Down.
2 years ago
The biggest NON-news in 2022 is that democrats cheated in multiple elections. And why wouldn’t they? We didn’t do a thing about it in 2020.
2 years ago
How corrupt our government is an it’s lawmakers
Cay Ireland
2 years ago
Actually, the biggest story is probably the one(s) that were not reported
2 years ago
Election cheating. That gave Dems another year (almost) to influence direction US will go.
2 years ago
We all knew Hunter’s laptop was real…it’s sooooo scary that the FBI, CIA, Big Tech and the national media worked together to silence the TRUTH! When one party has this much control over the dissemination of information, we no longer have Freedom of Speech! The biggest story is not mentioned in this list…the INVASION of our southern border!!! Millions of illegals are freely entering our country! Unchecked, sick, and at least 98 from the TERROR WATCH LIST! The worst part of this is our own government wants this to happen to “fundamentally change America”!
Barrett Smith
2 years ago
The biggest and scariest truth that has come to light is how little we can trust our government anymore.
Peter Stroempl
2 years ago
The inflation related damage to our economy was entirely avoidable. This fact along with open borders into our welfare state economy will sink our country. We do not have a competent governement.
2 years ago
I agree with the above comments. My first thought was that election fraud was not on the survey. The grievances of the challengers are sickeningly underreported.
Jim F
2 years ago
I did not vote for any of the offered items. In my opinion, the biggest story is the humanitarian, national security and financial disaster caused by millions of undocumented and unvetted illegal aliens invading our homeland. The lack of action to enforce our immigration laws by Joe Biden and members of his administration is treasonous and they all need to be held accountable for this.
J Van Horn
2 years ago
There’s a big difference here. What is the biggest news story, and which is the biggest story the media failed to report on or accurately!
2 years ago
The latent power of the current “regime” is the most dangerous element in our leadership today. The forces of evil have very deeply controlled them. Man changes but GOD never does. This spiritual battle has only one important weapon, PRAYER!!!
2 years ago
Election fraud and the border. PERIOD.
2 years ago
No mention of the open southern border or the hold Marxism has on pretend liberals. We are in deep trouble as these situations continue to grow worse. It is not difficult to see the evil being perpetrated on decent God fearing people who seem afraid to confront it and fight against it.
2 years ago
The biggest of all- the country ends as weve known it with the pathetic election results in November. I know there’re various excuses put forth, but the fact that a man who was always without integrity and is now demented sits in the white house didnt cause a tsunami against his party is damning. Recall 2010. Such an outcome would’ve provided a fighting chance. Thats gone now.
2 years ago
Illegal immigration
Tim J
2 years ago
I voted for the sick and sordid story of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the revelation that Biden Sr. is the leader of a crime syndicate. A story almost as big is the fact that the criminals running the FBI and DOJ have turned a blind eye and will not only allow, but encourage the Biden Mafia to continue their nefarious activities. Up has become down and evil has become good here in good, ol’ America.
Michael R Towler
2 years ago
The biggest overall story is the exposure of the biggest stinking cesspool of fraud, corruption and conspiracy the world has ever seen and the accompanying…”who cares” from those criminals involved, the msm and even those who should be going after the guilty.
Theodore Kornfeld
2 years ago
I voted for five of the stories that were offered as options, but in my view, two of the most important stories were not listed. (1) The catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan by the Biden administration not only destroyed that country but did massive damage to American credibility around the world. (2) The open border policy of the Biden administration is allowing the Mexican drug cartels to become even richer and more powerful, while condoning drug and human trafficking into America. American children are paying the pricefor this evil. Biden, Harris and Mayorkas should be impeached for violating their oath of office on this issue.
2 years ago
Roe vs Wade was a major decision but the border crisis is also. Biden & his administration working to change our country into a socialist nation, trying to force us to buy EV’s, attempting to dry up our oil supply and on & on.
2 years ago
The biggest news of 2022 should be that an imbecile is still the president of the United States and continues to ruin this once great country of ours. OR maybe that a governor’s race in Arizona had many voting irregularities in the largest county in that state. OR how about B**ch McConnell going along with the out-going congress ran by one of the most disgusting persons on the planet Nancy Poopalosi to pass another muti-trillion dollar bill rather than wait a couple weeks and let the new republican lead house have a say in the next 12 months budget. Frankly who gives a sh*t about Johny Depp, Tom Brady or Will Smith when leftists and a–holes like B**ch McConnell are clearly subverting the will of the people.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Tom Brady retiring and un-retiring is a bigger story than the unabated ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the fraud allowed to continue in some states that adversely affected the Mid-term Election outcome?!
2 years ago
Invasion of our border is number one.
2 years ago
No the biggest story is the Jan 6 ‘BS’!!!
Followed by the the wide open (‘under control’ lie) Southern Border invasion!!
Followed by the most ungodly, lying, antiAmerican, unDemocratic, corrupt self serving administration, politicians and agencies this country has ever seen (or known about)!!
I didn’t vote either and agree with all these comments!!!!!
Oh and mustn’t leave out the Vaccine lies either!!
2 years ago
Seeing the truth revealed about Big Tech and our government is good, but if nothing is done about it or the truth about this does not reach the mass population, then really what good has come of it being revealed? Mass media is still not reporting on these important topics to the masses. When they do the little comments, usually extremely short < 1 minute, are quite often missed by the public
John C. Davis
2 years ago
The obvious corruption in the Biden Administration is revolting. Illegal alien invasion, foreign policy blunders, his son Hunter’s scandals, inflation and his total contempt for the rule of law.
2 years ago
Non of the above!!! How about the devastation of the jab/vax and the deaths this has caused because of a man made virus and the supposed cure, with the being more devastating than the virus for years to come. Step up AMAC and call this unproven jab for what it is, a license for governments with big pharma to regulate life.
Non your other topics matters if there is no ethos remaining to determine right and wrong. Although your other topics does bring into question does America have a conscience ant longer
Ray "Skip" Hagan
2 years ago
It pleases me to know that citizens have more concern about corruption in our government than any other issue. There are many distractions, but this is the key to our national survival…
2 years ago
The biggest story for me is who to trust, who to believe. Every morning since the day Covid was announced the media from left to right have been deceptive. The medical field is a joke and are bought and sold for the right price. Government is the biggest joke of all. They believe themselves to be omnipotent. Power hungry “professionals” from every field believe themselves to be gods and spew anger and hate at the average citizens of the world. America is on fire and that fire is out of control while everyone watches. So, where does that leave me? Who do I believe and why believe them? Who do I trust and why should I trust them. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Richard M Stott
2 years ago
Biggest story is the invasion on our southern border
2 years ago
What has happened to AMAC?!?!?!?!?!? Will Smith, Tom Brady big news stories? Who gives a rat’s ass!!!! How about people dying suddenly of the clot shot? What about rampant voter fraud?
Jason W Conditt
2 years ago
The border non enforcement will change this country forever. That is truly the biggest story because it will affect everyone. Enemies are pouring in and will do damage that won’t be realized for years. This country is in real trouble. We all personally have to think about what my state will do if one day if the union dissolves. My state is already taking steps that would allow it to become its own nation again so we can be defended. We have to do that because we are obviously not being protected by the federal government anymore. That was their number one job.
Lynn C. Burkert
2 years ago
The biggest story should be just how bad the corruption in our country is. The second biggest should be the absolute dishonesty of the corporate media. For us to save ourselves we need honest reporting so we can make informed decisions.
2 years ago
The stolen election in 2020 and 2022. President Trump received over 100 million votes and all 50 states (2020). The POS Biden only received 30 million votes. If you do not have free and fair elections, we are not a country. AMAC wants to forget about the stolen elections. Wants us all to move on! We are fighting evil, and God will WIN and is Winning!
2 years ago
I don’t understand why the biggest story isn’t listed: the Republicans unexpectedly poor performance in the midterm elections.
2 years ago
Voting for 5 is like the Ranked Choice voting system in Alaska. And look what it did for them, six more years of RINO Murkowski.
Dolores Rocker
2 years ago
I believe the border crisis is the biggest story and has the greatest long term effect on our country that we are going to regret. And the fentanyl coming across the border and killing our people!
2 years ago
I’ll say it again. You have the worst polls ever!!
Stephen Smith
2 years ago
You did not mention the mid term elections!
2 years ago
Why are you afraid to add the most important issues that are destroying our country? Our border is wide open, thanks to our demented so called president. None of those crossing were vetted, much less tested for covid or other infectious diseases. Yet citizens were forced to vaccinate, mask up, isolate, & lose their jobs if they didn’t comply. Innocent nonviolent citizens were imprisoned on Jan 6..2020 & have yet to be ” tried” for their supposed crimes. Criminals burned down cities with the governments blessings, along with the worst destructive looting this country has ever seen. It would take writing a book to list all the most important news worthy events you failed to list. Is AMAC rhino republican?
2 years ago
The FBI suppression of the Hunter’s laptop news is a subset of the Elon Musk buying Twitter question. Their totals should be combined.
2 years ago
I do agree with Dolores below.
2 years ago
I did vote among the choices provided and selected the FBI conspiring with Big Tech, because that story reflects the most serious threat to our Republic out of the options provided. However, I agree with t.b.that there are many other huge stories from 2022 that should have been on the list. These stories demonstrate how out of control our country’s political, bureaucratic, and corporate leaders have become and how they are pushing for a collapse of our Constitutional Republic. I’ve never seen our country in a more dangerous place.
Dana Stahl
2 years ago
The 2 most significant stories were not listed: the out-of-control Southern Border, and the mid-terms where the American Voters continued to vote for incumbents/Democrats despite all the problem for the past years.
2 years ago
I believe it is the over turning of murdering our innocent children . Where was the question on the poll of the trafficking of human beings, namely children? But as you can see it is about the importance of the almighty dollar that has led the poll so far. To hell with human life and the murdering of God’s children, the $$$ rules once again. And we wonder why the judgement of God is upon this world.
2 years ago
The biggest news story should be the chaos at our borders. No one will be safe until something is done to ease and correct that problem.
2 years ago
FBI- BIGTECH=. The new world mob. Don’t trust them!
2 years ago
Actually, I think the biggest story is that we have a president, fraudulently elected, who is one of the biggest criminals in the history of politics and he hasn’t been prosecuted and every federal agency is protecting him because the heads of those are all corrupt as well.
Close decision except for sports and “entertainment” stories. Disney is dead to me until they clean up their acts. The other stories affect me, especially the rate of inflation, but saving baby’s lives comes first out of the options here. Most important story not mentioned is that Jesus is still Savior, Prophet, Priest and King.
In the U.S: Red Tsunami Becomes a Red Ripple.
In the World: Russia’s Ukrainian Invasion Bogs Down.
The biggest NON-news in 2022 is that democrats cheated in multiple elections. And why wouldn’t they? We didn’t do a thing about it in 2020.
How corrupt our government is an it’s lawmakers
Actually, the biggest story is probably the one(s) that were not reported
Election cheating. That gave Dems another year (almost) to influence direction US will go.
We all knew Hunter’s laptop was real…it’s sooooo scary that the FBI, CIA, Big Tech and the national media worked together to silence the TRUTH! When one party has this much control over the dissemination of information, we no longer have Freedom of Speech! The biggest story is not mentioned in this list…the INVASION of our southern border!!! Millions of illegals are freely entering our country! Unchecked, sick, and at least 98 from the TERROR WATCH LIST! The worst part of this is our own government wants this to happen to “fundamentally change America”!
The biggest and scariest truth that has come to light is how little we can trust our government anymore.
The inflation related damage to our economy was entirely avoidable. This fact along with open borders into our welfare state economy will sink our country. We do not have a competent governement.
I agree with the above comments. My first thought was that election fraud was not on the survey. The grievances of the challengers are sickeningly underreported.
I did not vote for any of the offered items. In my opinion, the biggest story is the humanitarian, national security and financial disaster caused by millions of undocumented and unvetted illegal aliens invading our homeland. The lack of action to enforce our immigration laws by Joe Biden and members of his administration is treasonous and they all need to be held accountable for this.
There’s a big difference here. What is the biggest news story, and which is the biggest story the media failed to report on or accurately!
The latent power of the current “regime” is the most dangerous element in our leadership today. The forces of evil have very deeply controlled them. Man changes but GOD never does. This spiritual battle has only one important weapon, PRAYER!!!
Election fraud and the border. PERIOD.
No mention of the open southern border or the hold Marxism has on pretend liberals. We are in deep trouble as these situations continue to grow worse. It is not difficult to see the evil being perpetrated on decent God fearing people who seem afraid to confront it and fight against it.
The biggest of all- the country ends as weve known it with the pathetic election results in November. I know there’re various excuses put forth, but the fact that a man who was always without integrity and is now demented sits in the white house didnt cause a tsunami against his party is damning. Recall 2010. Such an outcome would’ve provided a fighting chance. Thats gone now.
Illegal immigration
I voted for the sick and sordid story of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the revelation that Biden Sr. is the leader of a crime syndicate. A story almost as big is the fact that the criminals running the FBI and DOJ have turned a blind eye and will not only allow, but encourage the Biden Mafia to continue their nefarious activities. Up has become down and evil has become good here in good, ol’ America.
The biggest overall story is the exposure of the biggest stinking cesspool of fraud, corruption and conspiracy the world has ever seen and the accompanying…”who cares” from those criminals involved, the msm and even those who should be going after the guilty.
I voted for five of the stories that were offered as options, but in my view, two of the most important stories were not listed. (1) The catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan by the Biden administration not only destroyed that country but did massive damage to American credibility around the world. (2) The open border policy of the Biden administration is allowing the Mexican drug cartels to become even richer and more powerful, while condoning drug and human trafficking into America. American children are paying the pricefor this evil. Biden, Harris and Mayorkas should be impeached for violating their oath of office on this issue.
Roe vs Wade was a major decision but the border crisis is also. Biden & his administration working to change our country into a socialist nation, trying to force us to buy EV’s, attempting to dry up our oil supply and on & on.
The biggest news of 2022 should be that an imbecile is still the president of the United States and continues to ruin this once great country of ours. OR maybe that a governor’s race in Arizona had many voting irregularities in the largest county in that state. OR how about B**ch McConnell going along with the out-going congress ran by one of the most disgusting persons on the planet Nancy Poopalosi to pass another muti-trillion dollar bill rather than wait a couple weeks and let the new republican lead house have a say in the next 12 months budget. Frankly who gives a sh*t about Johny Depp, Tom Brady or Will Smith when leftists and a–holes like B**ch McConnell are clearly subverting the will of the people.
Tom Brady retiring and un-retiring is a bigger story than the unabated ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the fraud allowed to continue in some states that adversely affected the Mid-term Election outcome?!
Invasion of our border is number one.
No the biggest story is the Jan 6 ‘BS’!!!
Followed by the the wide open (‘under control’ lie) Southern Border invasion!!
Followed by the most ungodly, lying, antiAmerican, unDemocratic, corrupt self serving administration, politicians and agencies this country has ever seen (or known about)!!
I didn’t vote either and agree with all these comments!!!!!
Oh and mustn’t leave out the Vaccine lies either!!
Seeing the truth revealed about Big Tech and our government is good, but if nothing is done about it or the truth about this does not reach the mass population, then really what good has come of it being revealed? Mass media is still not reporting on these important topics to the masses. When they do the little comments, usually extremely short < 1 minute, are quite often missed by the public
The obvious corruption in the Biden Administration is revolting. Illegal alien invasion, foreign policy blunders, his son Hunter’s scandals, inflation and his total contempt for the rule of law.
Non of the above!!! How about the devastation of the jab/vax and the deaths this has caused because of a man made virus and the supposed cure, with the being more devastating than the virus for years to come. Step up AMAC and call this unproven jab for what it is, a license for governments with big pharma to regulate life.
Non your other topics matters if there is no ethos remaining to determine right and wrong. Although your other topics does bring into question does America have a conscience ant longer
It pleases me to know that citizens have more concern about corruption in our government than any other issue. There are many distractions, but this is the key to our national survival…
The biggest story for me is who to trust, who to believe. Every morning since the day Covid was announced the media from left to right have been deceptive. The medical field is a joke and are bought and sold for the right price. Government is the biggest joke of all. They believe themselves to be omnipotent. Power hungry “professionals” from every field believe themselves to be gods and spew anger and hate at the average citizens of the world. America is on fire and that fire is out of control while everyone watches. So, where does that leave me? Who do I believe and why believe them? Who do I trust and why should I trust them. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Biggest story is the invasion on our southern border
What has happened to AMAC?!?!?!?!?!? Will Smith, Tom Brady big news stories? Who gives a rat’s ass!!!! How about people dying suddenly of the clot shot? What about rampant voter fraud?
The border non enforcement will change this country forever. That is truly the biggest story because it will affect everyone. Enemies are pouring in and will do damage that won’t be realized for years. This country is in real trouble. We all personally have to think about what my state will do if one day if the union dissolves. My state is already taking steps that would allow it to become its own nation again so we can be defended. We have to do that because we are obviously not being protected by the federal government anymore. That was their number one job.
The biggest story should be just how bad the corruption in our country is. The second biggest should be the absolute dishonesty of the corporate media. For us to save ourselves we need honest reporting so we can make informed decisions.
The stolen election in 2020 and 2022. President Trump received over 100 million votes and all 50 states (2020). The POS Biden only received 30 million votes. If you do not have free and fair elections, we are not a country. AMAC wants to forget about the stolen elections. Wants us all to move on! We are fighting evil, and God will WIN and is Winning!
I don’t understand why the biggest story isn’t listed: the Republicans unexpectedly poor performance in the midterm elections.
Voting for 5 is like the Ranked Choice voting system in Alaska. And look what it did for them, six more years of RINO Murkowski.
I believe the border crisis is the biggest story and has the greatest long term effect on our country that we are going to regret. And the fentanyl coming across the border and killing our people!
I’ll say it again. You have the worst polls ever!!
You did not mention the mid term elections!
Why are you afraid to add the most important issues that are destroying our country? Our border is wide open, thanks to our demented so called president. None of those crossing were vetted, much less tested for covid or other infectious diseases. Yet citizens were forced to vaccinate, mask up, isolate, & lose their jobs if they didn’t comply. Innocent nonviolent citizens were imprisoned on Jan 6..2020 & have yet to be ” tried” for their supposed crimes. Criminals burned down cities with the governments blessings, along with the worst destructive looting this country has ever seen. It would take writing a book to list all the most important news worthy events you failed to list. Is AMAC rhino republican?
The FBI suppression of the Hunter’s laptop news is a subset of the Elon Musk buying Twitter question. Their totals should be combined.
I do agree with Dolores below.
I did vote among the choices provided and selected the FBI conspiring with Big Tech, because that story reflects the most serious threat to our Republic out of the options provided. However, I agree with t.b.that there are many other huge stories from 2022 that should have been on the list. These stories demonstrate how out of control our country’s political, bureaucratic, and corporate leaders have become and how they are pushing for a collapse of our Constitutional Republic. I’ve never seen our country in a more dangerous place.
The 2 most significant stories were not listed: the out-of-control Southern Border, and the mid-terms where the American Voters continued to vote for incumbents/Democrats despite all the problem for the past years.
I believe it is the over turning of murdering our innocent children . Where was the question on the poll of the trafficking of human beings, namely children? But as you can see it is about the importance of the almighty dollar that has led the poll so far. To hell with human life and the murdering of God’s children, the $$$ rules once again. And we wonder why the judgement of God is upon this world.
The biggest news story should be the chaos at our borders. No one will be safe until something is done to ease and correct that problem.
FBI- BIGTECH=. The new world mob. Don’t trust them!
Actually, I think the biggest story is that we have a president, fraudulently elected, who is one of the biggest criminals in the history of politics and he hasn’t been prosecuted and every federal agency is protecting him because the heads of those are all corrupt as well.