
Which most closely matches your reaction to President Trump’s 2024 announcement to run for president?

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Retired Army
Retired Army
1 year ago

2024 ticket of Trump and DeSantis or Trump and someone else. He has proven he is a good President no matter what the mamby-pamby mean tweet crowd says.

1 year ago

I’ve lost faith in every government agency because of so much corruption that I’ve seen in my lifetime but, if there was a person that has stood up and fought back of all the calamity and false accusations that has been thrown at him, I would vote Trump all the way. He has a proven record who stands his ground and tells it like it is even if it offends the establishment, spineless lying corrupt politicians in D.C. that we have which includes the GOP as well. There are so many Spineless Republicans that just sit back and do nothing about the unethical unconstitutional bills that have been passed without an argument. Being a retired military service member I definitely serve under Trump proudly and turn all of Congress over to the enemy!!!

1 year ago

If we let the democrats get away with the criminal things they have done to Trump and his family it will never stop , HE is the one who has the guts and smarts to deal with these criminal treasonous democrats, we had better do everything to stop the criminal democrats now or this country is done.

1 year ago

For the sake of the country he needs to go away. We need a leader that shares the same thoughts on policy but not the anger and the consistent “all about me” attitude. I get it, the White House lies, Congress is a mess. They spent too much money and caused inflation. We need to get Independents and Moderate Democrats to win elections, the base is not enough. He won’t win. If we are a government for the people and by the people, all Republicans need to be united to save the country. We need to be better than them

Lenore Baudoin
Lenore Baudoin
1 year ago

There is a reason they want to silence and destroy him, makes me wonder why DeSantis is not on their hit list. Trump is not done, I support him ????????

1 year ago

Mid Terms tells us we need a new leader for the Republican Parry.
Time for him to retire and throw his support to a new leader.

Sharon Essex-Stevens
Sharon Essex-Stevens
1 year ago

He is the Best Candidate we have ever had! He does what he says and keeps on fighting for the United States of America!!! I have not seen anyone since Reagan, that gave us more of our Freedoms back. He stands up to those who want to take our Constitution from us. Those who have fought in wars, protecting us from those who are before our eyes disregarding the laws and taking way our protections, fought and died for so we can be free.

1 year ago

Sounds like a lot of Commiecrats are commenting. Like they say Trump takes a lot of flack because he is always over the target. They will treat any Republican candidate the same but who else can take the record setting abuse and still do great things ?

Rob citizeship
Rob citizeship
1 year ago

Communication can be considered an art in the political sense and Ronald Reagan had it well defined, well practiced. Donald Trump could be far better in communicating, in other words it is something that needs improvement. I believe he has some qualities that could be very useful in dealing with the far left , and various forms of corruption that are serious matters , illegal immigration for example. But the communication issue has a way of connecting the various strategies needed to operate the country. Kristi Noem , the Governor of South Dakota is a great communicator, Ron DeSantis is good, I like saying that Rand Paul and Kari Lake both seem to be made of the same stuff that the signers of the Declaration of Independence were made of, and those qualities are surely needed now. The qualities that include a high level of intelligence, great courage, the ability to be resourceful, and the ability to inspire others in the honorable goal of
defending liberty and
doing what is needed to have a country that values respect, fairness, and the importance of limited government in order to accomplish those things. The communist system is evil in large part because it tells people what to think, when to think ,how to think, so good communication isn’t really necessary under that sort of system. Freedom loving people will understand why communication is important because it helps to define the truth of what is going on and decisions can be made based on that trusted information .

1 year ago

The laptop legion(millineals, Generation z, Generation X) are not going to vote for Trump nor are the independents or suburban women. I love the Ex-president and would vote for him in a second. But look at the conversations going on between us. WE CAN’T AGREE ourselves . So what makes everyone think someone undecided can.Now we’re stuck once again with Mitch Mc onnell. And I’m not sure where Kevin Mc carthy stands. Look at the whole entire picture. Not just Individuals. It’s 2 years away and say what you want but our party just got spanked big time. Time for new people and term limits.

1 year ago

It won’t matter who the repubs put up to run if the voting is still tainted as it has been for so long. You have to somehow make the elections true to the will of the people, not the will of the leftists democrats.

Rob Anderson
Rob Anderson
1 year ago

Trump was a great president! No question about that. But he can’t win!! He alienates independents, moderate democrats and some republicans. To do all the good we need you have to win!! Wake up people, we have to win and he will not!

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
1 year ago

I soured on Trump when he called Ron DeSantis “Ron DeSanctimonious”, in violation of Reagan’s 11th Commandment: thou shalt not speak ill about another Republican. Name calling was cute when he was a candidate, but a former POTUS needs to exude a certain amount of gravitas. If Trump is the candidate, I’ll vote for him and his policies that brought us peace and prosperity until Biden’s Master Xi released his virus. But I would prefer another candidate who espouses those policies and actually has a chance of winning.

Robert J De Jong
Robert J De Jong
1 year ago

Ron DeSantis would get my vote. I believe he could unite the country!.

1 year ago

He put a light on the politicians in Washington which will continue to make him their target. In the past this didn’t stop his progress in making our country great but it’s time to let someone else run since they will do anything to shut him down. It’s going to be a challenge fixing all that biden broke and with their hate for Trump it will be a constant diversion from doing it.

Paula Ripperdan
Paula Ripperdan
1 year ago

I believe that the 2020 Election was fraudulent and he won but it was stolen. I also believe God’s not done with him yet. I whole heartedly stand with him. I wish he hadn’t spoken regarding DeSantis, but that’s no reason not to vote for him.
He’s the best man at this time to bring this country back. Let’s get behind him.
DeSantis’s time is coming, just not yet.

Dudley Gray
Dudley Gray
1 year ago

Trump was a great President ,but his ego and inability to take good advice from properly vetted staff resulted in too much drama. He was treated terribly by the press and the Democrats. with endless investigations an impeachments. I believe he should make every effort to. unify the country then pass the Baton to Gov. Desantis at the 2024 Republican Convention.

Ken Sharples
Ken Sharples
1 year ago

Trump has had his day, it’s time to move on to someone like minded but less divisive.

1 year ago

I’m tired of 24×7 negativity in the media regarding President Trump. Also sick and tired of the petty name calling. Are we back on the playground in 5th grade? He must STOP the cry baby behavior and mean, vindictive tweets. Be a duck, media comments and rhetoric roll off your back. I will not vote for him if this behavior continues.

Brian Carrozza
Brian Carrozza
1 year ago

Until true Non-Liberal Christians, Conservatives, and gun owners, actually decide to get up off the couch on every Election Day and VOTE THEIR CONSCIENCE, America is doomed. Judging by the midterm elections, we haven’t swirled down the toilet deep enough yet to wake up the couch potatoes.

1 year ago

I believe he did a fantastic job while in office, and the economy proved it. It seems though that many view him as a god, our only hope. We need to be looking heavenward, because the One True King and Savior is coming soon!

1 year ago

The idea that President Trump hurts the GOP brand and cause is exactly what RINOS and Communists want us to believe. Fox News alienated me when they called Arizona immediately for the installed president but waited hours to call Florida for President Trump. They alienated me further after President Trump’s announcement with their deluge of stories trying to create a narrative that President Trump can’t win his third term. The only people hurting the GOP are the RINOS who oppose President Trump because he would put an end to the gravy train they enjoy.

Pat Houseworth
Pat Houseworth
1 year ago

While I eventually want to see Ron DeSantis run, likely in 2028, Trump has the nomination sowed up if he chooses … by looking at this poll’s results, looks like we have quite a few members with TDS, and that is not a good thing.

Joy mitchell
Joy mitchell
1 year ago

Trump/DeSantis 2024 then DeSantis for 8 years

1 year ago

Who else can stand up against the totally evil corrupt insane left (we can’t call them liberals). DeSantis’ rise happened because he imitated Trump. DeSantis never held a real job. Pence was corrupt when he was governor allowing his licensed liquor establishments to bootleg liquor across state lines in violation of federal law. Trump does not need this, he loves America.

TC Ligon
TC Ligon
1 year ago

If you ignore the mid-terms and still stick with the course set by Trump you will see the Dems win again in 2024. We need statesmen not toxic personality which turns against those in their own party! UNITED we stand, the RNC has created a very divided group of Republicans! Trump was good, because of POLICIES not because of his persona! Either it is the policies of the party and its leadership that wins or it will lose on a personality that is simply narcissistic and power-driven. We the people deserve better and it is there somewhere! We really need term limits on Congress. They are not for the people, they are for the power they generate for themselves. If Trump could realize not everyone who disagrees with him are bad people, he might be worthwhile. He simply dismisses those who could be helpful because they might be right!

1 year ago

If he would stop making fun of other candidates and their wives, explain what he plans to do to get us out of the Biden mess and not talk about what he did do before, I’m all in. I know he can do it. He’s already proven that but the democrats just won’t leave him alone.

1 year ago

Well, if you get get what he said right. He said that he is running for the President of the United States. He never said 2024.

Judy Smith
Judy Smith
1 year ago

Mostly because I don’ty think he stands a chance. He needs to humble himself as he campaigns. We’ve had enough of the boisterous yelling and name calling for now. More than enough. I was 100% for him 2017 through 2020; but, while I don’t think it was his people breaking into the capitol, he has done himself no favors with his attempts to overturn the election which probably was stolen. I just cannot get as enthusiastic about a Trump candidacy as I was before election day 2020. He needs to take a few social grace lessons from his wife and act more dignified.

1 year ago

Trump Must :
Renounce the Red Flag Gun Confiscation laws He Backed .
Renounce the Clot Shots He Pushed and still Does .
Expedite the release of our political Prisoners .

1 year ago

Fully support his policies and perspectives on managing the complexities of this nation. However his personality gets him in trouble too many times and I’m very concerned about that for 2024.

1 year ago

I would like to see him run for Senator, he could be a much bigger force and probably not have all that drama.

1 year ago

If TRUMP wins the Republican nomination,then I vote for him. I will vote for any Republican that wins the nomination. With that being said, he has to stop the negativity towards DeSantis.

1 year ago

Wow! Based on several of the comments, it appears the commie media BS has gotten to many people, or they are just plain trolls. “Mean tweets” apparently bother people more than runaway inflation, open borders, surging crime, stolen elections, the fake climate crisis, etc. etc. I love President Trump PRECISELY because he is NOT a politician. A politician would never write “mean tweets” but they would also likely get NOTHING done because they care only about themselves. People who claim DeSantis is a better choice need to wake up and realize he’s never had to deal with the unrelenting attacks President Trump has dealt with for years. And still, President Trump continues to fight for WE THE PEOPLE. America needs the PROVEN strength of President Trump. God Bless President Trump, and FJB!

HL Hensley
HL Hensley
1 year ago

All other candidates only divide the impact of President Trump. He has proven himself, others at this point is just talk. We need President Trump and his abilities.

Pat Hall
Pat Hall
1 year ago

I believe he has the courage and determination to fight for our us and our country not unlike General Patton who had similar personality and turned the tide for a victory in World War II. He is not afraid to stand up against the giants of the left and their rich supporters, the largest being George Soros, a traitor Jew who spied for the Germans during World War II and turned in Jews who were hiding. Soros wants the destruction of our country and is behind the push for socialism and a one world order.

Nancy Platt
Nancy Platt
1 year ago

Trump produced results in his first term when both Democrats and Republicans secretly worked against him for 4 years. I think he worked hard for American citizens and had them foremost in his mind. He deserves another term to right the wrongs of the ‘Deep State’. Ideal situation for 2024 would be Trump as President and Desantis as Vice President. Desantis should be President the following two terms. It will take that long to correct all the damage to America citizens and our country. Get the mainstream media out of the picture and you will see American citizens come together like never before.

1 year ago

I didn’t vote because there was nothing that matched my opinion. President Trump did a great job while he was in office in spite of all he was assailed with from not only Democrats but his own party. Unless something changes the same thing will happen all over again. Our economy, self sufficiency with oil and gas were great, the borders weren’t letting so many undocumented in, the wall was being built. It would be my hope if he does run and win that he would be able to accomplish the same things. The current president ( fraudently in office) isn’t the one running this country. All the wrongs brought to light about this president and his family haven’t been dealt with and former people who have done wrong as well. This country is in serious trouble. Deep state is in control. God help us all! We need to get back to the principals this country was founded on. We the people should be in control. There was fraud in this mid term election as well.

1 year ago

Trump has too many negatives, there are simply too many people who will never vote for him no matter what. Ron DeSantis is like a more polished Trump without the negatives.

Brian J McMahon CMSgt Retired
Brian J McMahon CMSgt Retired
1 year ago

Trump needs to ‘get over himself’. There’s no doubt his policies were correct but he lacks disipline. He strikes back at detractors regardless of the political cost and he was politically immature. If he has grown politically he deserves another 4 years; if not, he should step aside for other Conservatives to run.

Carolyn C Murray
Carolyn C Murray
1 year ago

I support Pres Trump’s policies and his wholehearted love for America. I don’t believe he will win the presidency though. I believe our elections are being rigged! I haven’t forgotten Eric Cromer. To be honest, I fear for Trump’s life!! The pedophiles can’t afford him!

1 year ago

Hurts the cause of the GOP? The GOP without Trump have proven time and time again to be warmongering neocons, ie., the Bush dynasty. I vote independent if not for Trump. The GOP is another word for Democrat. Democrats always get a good reach around the aisle from McConnell and Graham don’t they?

Bill Van Horn
Bill Van Horn
1 year ago

I supported President Trump, and appreciated many of his policies while he was President.
However, he seems to be becoming more unhinged and unstable. He lost the 2020 election by millions of votes. If he had acknowledged that, and been gracious, he would be in a good position to run for President in 2024. But that’s not what he did. He’s viciously attacking good Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Brian Kemp who won’t kowtow to him and repeat his lies. (I’m writing this as a strong, former supporter of his)
 Our 10 kids/spouses: None will vote for him again, even though most are conservatives. That does not bode well for a re-run.
 President Trump is supporting election deniers, who were attacked mercilessly, and were weaker candidates for the midterm. Don Bolduc in New Hampshire was in a primary battle, so he said the 2020 election was stolen, got Trump’s endorsement, then won the primary. But then he acknowledged that the 2020 election was not stolen, came across as a self-serving hypocrite, and lost what should have been a winnable race for the Republicans.
 There are many great Republicans who would make an excellent President who don’t have all his baggage. Someone like Ron DeSantis would get many votes that Donald Trump would not, which is likely to be critical in the 2024 election. Sadly, I expect that with Donald Trump running for president again, he will savagely attack all the Republicans who run against him, whether that be Ron DeSantis, Governor Kristi Noem, Mike Pence, Rand Paul, and whoever else would dare run against him.  

 Liz Cheney could actually be helping Republicans, by helping move President Trump and his rants to the side, so more electable Republicans can step up.

1 year ago

None of the political leaders are our savior. There is only one who can deliver us from tyranny and unrighteousness and that is Jesus. He can work through people to bring about His plans, and that is our hope. But don’t put anyone on a pedestal, because they are all flawed, as we are.

1 year ago

Stay away from the personal attacks and stick to the issues. Speak to the issues, solutions and results over and over and over until it sinks in. That’s what the Dem’s do effectively, be it right or wrong.

Anne P Parker
Anne P Parker
1 year ago

He is made of good stuff and as long as he keeps up the maturity and rejects the Democrats determined vilification he will rid America of this Marxist administration.But he will need everyone’s help!!!

Gary Schmiedecke
Gary Schmiedecke
1 year ago

Although i believe Mr Trump performed his job the best that he could while in office, he was limited by what he could accomplish by the constant attacks on his character and personally. These attacks continue today and unfortunately WILL CONTINUE as long as he is a presence in politics. This, unfortunately, is why I do not think he should attempt another run for President. We need someone in office that will continue the fight that Mr. Trump started but perhaps someone who might not be such an easy target for the Democrats.

1 year ago

He needs to take his bad mouthing school yard bully attitude and disappear! I am sick and tired of him destroying the Republican party!

Al K.
Al K.
1 year ago

We all know that the media, a democrats, and majority of establishment Republicans will go full negative.
it was clear to me when the GOP re-elected McConnell and McCarthy to the respective leader roles for each chamber. Sadly, only a small number of Republicans seemed interested in changing course for America. The rest have their “club” membership and are content.
Trump’s announcement was dignified, albeit long, and “presidential. His problem is his history of getting into “Social media speak,” ie….name calling and such. He needs to be smarter and more calculating. He needs to appeal to a broader base. The Primaries are one thing but it’s the General election that is the concern.
I’m concerned that the damage is done to his image and he maybe “unelectable.” Face it , too many people don’t dig deeper.
There is no doubt that the 2020 Election was compromised, even with complicit Republicans who didn’t want him. It is evident by the various court cases and convictions that have happened Ed since then…just think of the ones that were dismissed without evidence being presented because a judge said so.
In the end, I don’t believe the D.C. Uniparty, Democrats and the majority of Republicans, will allow him to win. They will use every means at his disposal.
As others have said, we need to stop worshipping people and “Look up.”

Randy B
Randy B
1 year ago

He could win the primary but not the general. The mid terms proved he is too divisive.

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