
Which best describes your view of President Biden’s decision to forgive $10k in student loan debt and $20k in Pell Grants?

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2 years ago

The Student Loan forgiveness money should have come from the universities and institutions of higher learning. Not the American taxpayer

Rod Johnson
Rod Johnson
2 years ago

This is very wrong! Socialism they want power and control that’s all it’s about they r destroying America. Nothing is ever free!’

Neal Valenta
Neal Valenta
2 years ago

What gives Joe Biden the authority to waive Student Loans. Why don’t the voters decide.

2 years ago

One of Joey’s GOFER’s needs to remind him…he is a Preso, not. Tsar!!

2 years ago

I can’t believe that people that paid their student loans themselves are now going to have to pay for people that won’t pay their own student loans. The university I went to encouraged me into a useless degree to get more grant money for their new major program. I never found a job related to my degree but I still paid off my student loans.

2 years ago

This is complete BS. Just because you may have a degree in Pakistan transgender studies and can’t find a job, that’s not the taxpayers f-ing problem. You take out a loan you f-ing pay it back.

2 years ago

Then I want $10k back for each of my 2 kids that we paid towards college!

John Di Donato
John Di Donato
2 years ago

Everybody’s tip toeing around the real issue the Obama administration and the Democrats party took over all student loans the government is making large profit because of the outrageous interest rates To be fair all they would have to do is lower the interest rates or give interest free loans to college students Also colleges need to be held responsible for the outrageous cost of education

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

What a joke!! Vote buying!! Another way to steal an election!!

Dale Kirk
Dale Kirk
2 years ago

You have this slightly wrong. Joe is not buying votes. He wants me to buy his vote. Someone has to pay for the bottom line and it sure isn’t going to be Joe.

2 years ago

There is SO MUCH TREASON occurring by all democrats and most republicans at this moment, shouldn’t they all be arrested and taken to Gitmo for their trials?

2 years ago

So he sticks it to us again. I believe this crook is delusional and thinks he’s a dictator. If we don’t stop him now, we will soon be a communist nation.

2 years ago

We need term limits to remove all the idiots from power on both sides

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

POTUS has no authority to forgive any debt. This essentially is a federal spending bill, which must have its origin in the House. Biden continues to exceed his constitutional authority – and he calls many of us semi-fascist? Do not be complacent in November. Vote Dems out. And always remember: the government gives us nothing; taxpayers do.

2 years ago

Think we are focusing on the wrong thing. Biden is getting all the heat but the president has no money to give. Our legislative branch is the one allowing this to happen by not closing the vault door. Blame the legislative branch of the government they authorize all the spending or at least according to the Constitution they are suppose to. This is a bad deal anyway and I don’t care which party is in charge it should be stopped.

2 years ago

Over 25 years I helped my 4 kids pay off their Education Loans. When I was struggling making low 5 figures a year. Still paid off the obligations. Now this Idiot is buying votes this fall from 43mm students that will not go back to work. One student they are publishing said now he can move out of his parents basement because of the $10k forgiveness. We are encouraging people not to work, at the workers expense. Another Socialist move by the Dems!

2 years ago

This is nothing more than buying votes. Also it is wrong period for others to pay for something they didn’t sign on for. You went to college you pay for it. Not my problem.

2 years ago

If anyone is trying to take away my freedoms it is Joe Biden
The price of gas, high inflation, energy costs, more taxes & IRS agents
Are restricting my freedoms
Joe’s administration and agenda favors his base.

Patrick Donahue
Patrick Donahue
2 years ago

Not my president, more like a dictator

2 years ago

We are becoming a socialist country being spoon fed from the government! It is not my responsibility to pay for someone else loan they they signed the contract.
Pure corruption at the core!

2 years ago

O’Biden just put the stupidity and irresponsibility of a few on the backs of all. Congratulations America, you are getting what you voted for, socialism. Loophole anyone?

2 years ago

Again, I wanted more than one option. It is definitely an attempt to buy votes, but it is alo unconscionable to expect the taxpayers to pick up the tab for their reckless spending. I paid for my own college by working and borrowing some, but I paid every dime of it back myself!! Democrats are evil Marxists and I will never vote for them!!

2 years ago

The destruction of our country continues unabated.

2 years ago

Something does need to be done to lower costs and make education more affordable for students, but getting others to pay the high prices for it is not the answer.

Dennis Nash
Dennis Nash
2 years ago

First and foremost it is unconstitutional. He can’t take a unilateral decision and forgive a loan by the federal government. It is a dishonest attempt to by votes and manipulate the outcome of a election!

2 years ago

Everything that nitwit does is wreckless..they all need to be sighted fir treason.

Dicksy Jo Cathey-Bryant
Dicksy Jo Cathey-Bryant
2 years ago

I am tired of all of the Democrats trying to undo all the good things President Trump did for our country and trying to turn us into a socialist nation. They can give in one, there are plenty to choose from. Just let the rest of us prosper in the freedom of the USA. Am also very tired if supporting so many wasteful “causes” when we desperately need the border closed and order restored along it!

Schuyler Antane
Schuyler Antane
2 years ago

It is a mistake for Republicans to attack this. They have given billions to war in Ukraine without diplomacy. Suburban moms welcome this relief. Attacking this will cost Rs the midterms. Just look at what happened in Georgia when Rs fought last stimulus pkg

RH Williams
RH Williams
2 years ago

Increase Pell Grant money for Technical School / Trade School jobs. Nursing, Welding, Electrician, Plumber, HVAC/R, etc. No loan forgiveness at all. Individual states need to better incorporate technical education into High Schools. Students should have option for 12th grade of High School to be spent at local Technical College. Get HS diploma and Technical certification at same time.

Kelly J
Kelly J
2 years ago

Yawn, yawn, yawn. Another boring day that the Democrats get it wrong.

William White
William White
2 years ago

Sign them up for a 2 year enlistment in the military then forgiven the loan entirely.

Horace Tucker
Horace Tucker
2 years ago

I would benefit from this because I co-signed a student loan for my son’s fiancé. They broke up, and she isn’t paying. If they really wanted to help, they should cut the interest rate.

2 years ago

We need to take the country back. In November go vote. Get your families, neighbors, friends and tell them to vote in November. It’s a beginning to stop the democrats and their socialist ideas.

2 years ago

It’s anti equality and social justice. I feel discriminated against because I have loans too. Never voting for any democrat ever.

2 years ago

The problem is the colleges and universities charging tuition that is astronomical. This only encourages them to raise tuition even more. What do we get but more indoctrination.

Schuyler Antane
Schuyler Antane
2 years ago

The first option is a lie. It will benefit >40 million Americans. Attack this at your own peril.

2 years ago

Yes they don’t mind blowing taxpayer money and yes I believe they are trying to buy votes but there is a prophecy that says they have set their table and by doing so they have set their own snares I see it happening already they do not see it they are blinded and evil. The presidency has term limits all political offices should have term limits no more career politicians

Nora Blankenship
Nora Blankenship
2 years ago

I am very concerned about our country growing debt and this doesn’t help.

2 years ago

Reckless and to but votes. The big guy puppet does whatever his squad and one world government leaders say

Todd M Karvanek
Todd M Karvanek
2 years ago

Isn’t it great. Take over college funding and then complain about high costs. Throw money at something and the price skyrockets. Look at healthcare. Same situation. How do we fix high costs? Why make it free of course. But alas, nothing is free.

JoAnn Leichliter
JoAnn Leichliter
2 years ago

This is really just a vote-buying scheme. These are already government-guaranteed loans, so the taxpayer is already on the hook for the money, with the possibility of the government getting repaid. If the student defaults, we are still on the hook and the government won’t be repaid, but at least the debtor has to acknowledge his responsibility. If the loan is “forgiven,” the taxpayer is still on the hook (the school already got paid), but the President gets the credit for being generous with someone else’s money. See how that works? This was all set up when the Obama administration basically federalized all student loans, making the borrowers essentially clients of the federal government. Think past stage one.

Diane S Novelli
Diane S Novelli
2 years ago

The first two answers combined encompass my real answer. But also what a slap in the face to all of those who HAVE paid off their OWN student loans, which they chose to incur that same debt. My son didn’t go to college with the intention that “hopefully someone else will foot the bill” so either he or I wouldn’t have to use our own money to pay it off!
This is out of control and we need to fight back to regain our grand old ???????? USA!!

2 years ago

Another example of the current role of government, transfer public money to the private sector (corporations)

2 years ago

Biden is a Dictator not a President.He said he didn’t know about the raid on mr Trumps Home.
I believe he knew and Pelosi was in on it as well. The College kids will take the money and Party Time for them. The cost will be 1 trillion at the end. It’s time for Biden to Prove to the American People and to take the Coginative Test.We all know He should step down. Heads should Roll over the Raid. I wouldn’t trust the FBI because they were on the Russian colusion as well. Hillary came out with no charges. 500,000 Dollars on his Beach House and He leaves the Borders wide open.
He and Harris have a hand in killing thousands of People because of the open BORDERS. They should be IMPEACHED ASAP.. He claims to be President. Well let me see. Throw away the P and he should be a RESIDENT. I stand by this. USMC VETERAN. How many agree?

Rollin D Hough
Rollin D Hough
2 years ago

The cost of 300 billion in your poll is on the very light side. I’ve seen most estimates on cost coming in at twice that amount or more. If there’s a playbook on how to destroy a nations economy biden is following it chapter to chapter.

Nick Selembo
Nick Selembo
2 years ago

I never voted for the idiot. If I was looking for a clown to perform I would go to Vegas or a circus. The Socialists have certainly done a lot to hurt this country and make us a laughing stock to the world while Obamas old crew is making itself rich cashing in on the supposed Green New Deal lol. Lastly I hope that the lawsuits start pouring in over this loan forgiveness plan of Bidens. He probably really doesn’t have the authority to even do this. Only lawsuits will expose him and his cronies.

J.R. Nilles
J.R. Nilles
2 years ago

The best solution is to just get rid of the government backed college loan program. Tuition will lower as enrollment at colleges lower and become more reasonable as private banks use better terms to compete for the loans. Nothing (except cost of living, and technology) has changed in college education since I went (back in the eighties) to warrant the high costs today. It’s just education taking advantage of the ‘free’ money they can get. I’d rather support trade schools for this reason.

2 years ago

The Biden administration has decimated our military, making recruiting a difficult challenge. They have begun to enlist people without a GED or skill set. Therefore, I recommend that anyone who accepts this college debt forgiveness be required to serve in the military for 2 years…even if their service is unrelated to their degree (get some real life experiences). Then help those interest in serving their country to get their GED and prep them to enter military so they can contribute to our national security as well. Make sense?

Guy Robilliard
Guy Robilliard
2 years ago

I had to Pay all of my school loans off myself. do I get a refund of said monies? NO
Kids need to work off that loan. teach them responsibility.

Rick Campbell
Rick Campbell
2 years ago

The general public is not responsible for funding the irresponsible actions of borrowers who took loans and now are unwilling to pay. Loan terms are clear if, if you are not willing to work off the debt do not do not take the loan. That said Biden is taking this opportunity to “buy ” voters that underpin the Democratic Party’s irresponsible behavior of blaming others for personal choices gone bad.

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