The Key Players of the Obama Administration need to be held accountable for their criminal abuse of power. Obama, Clinton, Biden and a long list of coconspirators and bureaucratic deep state operatives clearly engaged in sedition and treasonable offenses. They must be charged and prosecuted. Americans also need to carefully watch events in Virginia as recent elections have emboldened Democrats to trample upon the Second Amendment. A groundswell rebellion of gun owners is inspiring. There is nothing currently more important to the Democrat Party than concealing their criminal conspiracy against America, and disarming Americans and making us subservient and powerless. Fortunately, the President has surrounded himself with tough conservatives who believe in justice, and who are prepared to protect our Constitutional freedoms.
Dan W.
5 years ago
In an election year: “It’s the economy, stupid”.
(All of the other choices are political white noise which will change no one’s mind come election time.)
5 years ago
Definitely #3, if the Barr/Durham Justice Department rolls some heads in the deep state and Hillary campaign over the devious Russia collusion probe, with possible bleed-over into the Ukraine/impeachment coup attempt, it would be huge and incredible for 2020.
The other choices, not so much…
If the House Democrats sit on their arsticles of impeachment throughout 2020, that issue will only become a failed 2020 campaign ploy. This baseless political impeachment should be worn like a badge of honor.
Democrats switching parties? No big deal. They are just rats jumping from a sinking ship. Political rats do that all the time.
The economy’s improvement is old news. Been doing that since Trump took office.
The Horowitz report’s not finding evidence of bureaucratic political conspiracy? Come on, if it quacks, it’s not a turkey or chicken. This poll option is redundant. The issue will likely become part of the Barr/Durham investigations.
AMAC missed it. The biggest event for 2020 will be a Trump re-election, in spite of CNN/MSNBC propaganda. Again
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago
That being the populace has now been awakened to the treachery of the Deep State Left
and is angered greatly enough to do something about it come 11/3/2020.
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
Marie M
5 years ago
I agree with Brian B in regard to all those involved In the plot to take down our duly elected President to be held accountable. The deep state, it’s abuse of power, spying and entrapment is finally being exposed. Unfortunately people’s lives (General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, Michael Caputo) their lives have been ruined due to the deep state plot to destroy a sitting President. With AG Barr and US attorney Durham at the helm I’m sure people will be charged and prosecuted. It can’t happen soon enough!
Joseph mills
5 years ago
Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shift should be held for impeachment for both being guilty for treason.
Bridget H Shaw
5 years ago
I thank God every day that Barr and Durham have the courage to track down any and all wrong doings by members of the prior administration. I am suspect that it will come right down to they were doing what they were told to do by the one, the only the hypocritical liar himself, BHO.
Jay Wimer
5 years ago
The Leftist mantra “No one is above the law” will come back to bite them, a thousand-fold.
5 years ago
There should be a “all of the above” option since everyone is going to have a significant impact. Each item has ignited a fire under conservatives and will definitely carry into November.
Disruptive Element
5 years ago
One thing for sure it has taken the blinders off my eyes to the depth of corruption of the so called patriots laboring in the backrooms running the government. It has shown that the government is in a world of its own and is divorced from our reality. To sit back and watch this with blinders off it is shocking how manipulated the public is and how they continue to fall for their elect me lies. President Trump is a real warrior out there mostly alone while the wolves circle with smiles on their faces. It is difficult to believe that not one high level known person has been called out in a real legal way. They are running around neither frightened of being caught or prosecuted because they seem to know that this will fade and the public will forget and they will remain on the payroll. All that is known about Biden and all the others that are factual crimes. are called minor ethical lapses yet we would be locked up for the same. The swamp is deeper than thought. Sad days.
5 years ago
There HAS to be accountability – aka – send these “animals” in the deep state to prison for treason OR the evil they perpetrate on the American people will continue. Brian B – spot on!
Buddy Saunders
5 years ago
I really appreciate your polls. Here, again and in fact always thus far, I find that my thinking is in step with the great majority of Amac members, true Americans all. The impeachment is a joke, produced by by a clown car full of frauds and liars. It doesn’t register on any serious radar at all. Bar’s inquiry, on the other hand, is coming from a man who is both smart and honest. The deep state is in for some difficult times.
Allen S
5 years ago
I think we all know of the swamp and the disgust with Washington but the real story for 2020 is the economy. This effects everyday people in everyday life. New DOW records and trade deals gives everybody the confidence needed to enjoy life in the USA!
Marjorie Orr
5 years ago
I think you should have added one more option to the poll – Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to deliver the impeachment results to the Senate. It is a significant event in ‘cleaning the swamp’. It is a great reason for her constituents to not reelect her!
Elmer L Baacke
5 years ago
Obama and his co-conspirators have truly laid the foundation upon which the ultra left Deep State liberals are building to destroy the United States.
Diana Smith
5 years ago
I am in agreement with just about the following commentators in that the Left is totally out of control. They are the ones who should be impeached. How did these people ever get elected to begin with (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, M. Waters, Swalwell, Hoyer…just to name a few). The next question…how do they manage to get re-elected every 2 years, several times? While I don’t always agree with everything that Trump says or does (i.e., wish he didn’t tweet so much, be so blunt at times), I am pleased that he backs up his “words” with action…promises made, promises kept. And, little he is draining the Swamp. I, for one, am looking forward to another 4 years of a Trump administration. (And hopefully a Nikki Hali administration in 2024.)
5 years ago
Barr & Durham are middle managers for those who hold the highest title an American can: Citizens. Let’s see if they, with Trump’s support, fulfill their job duties /oaths to us. If not, we must disempower, prosecute and punish them all.
Jack Lyon
5 years ago
DOW 10,000 may be destined to turn into DOW 5,000 early on in year 2020 which will surely become an eventful year for better or more likely worse. The Fed is playing fast and loose with everything financial and it won’t end well.
5 years ago
With all that are called out as the perpetrators of the coup, let us not forget that all roads lead back to the Clintons.
5 years ago
The fact that the far left routinely commits crimes and does not even try to hide their corruption while expecting preferential treatment from the rest of us shows how bad it’s gotten in DC. Past time for the judicial process to take them down and strike fear into the core of their being.
Thomas Giloy
5 years ago
I voted for the ‘impeachment’ because I do believe it will have the biggest impact next November. But the impact will be exactly opposite of what the Democrats in the House expect. It will solidify the Republican base behind Trump and lead many independents to support Trump.
Frank F
5 years ago
What we have witnessed over the last 3 plus years is nothing less than a slow motion coup. At its heart it treasonous. The people who led this coup need to be punished to the full extent of the law.
Joe C
5 years ago
Being generic, “The Democratic PARTY” is the major enemy of the state.
The radicals have dragged the PARTY down the rabbit hole and they are so deep, by default now, they must continue to get farther from the light. Thank you for your self-generated demise.
Vic G
5 years ago
When the dems in the House voted to impeach, I believe the foregone result in the Senate will be NOT to uphold the House’s decision. I believe the nonsense the Dems have been pursuing, spending millions of tax dollars, holding up any REAL work they should be doing, has energized the “usually calm” electorate. The result will be essentially that the Dems will fail in the next election. I seriously believe our next President will continue to be Donald Trump. Hooray! As functionally limited as Pelosi is, even she was VERY reluctant to start the impeachment process, but eventually had to go along with the rest of them. The only thing left to do, is not to forget and also get the vote out!
Tom H.
5 years ago
The partisan impeachment of a president based on the flimsiest evidence that every president from George Washington to Donald Trump could have been impeached will only energize the Republican voters, and may force independents to support him in a way that would NOT have happened if the process was not so biased. This could result in a landslide victory for Trump in 2020.
John Karkalis
5 years ago
I predict (without any commitment) the impeachment circus will be just an echo in 11 months. It will have served only to firm up Mr Trump’s already strong support.
How can any rational person argue with such an amazing market ?
Jules Guidry
5 years ago
How many folks realize that this whole sham was in response to the Hag not being elected? She was in the slot to carry on the “transformation” of this nation to whatever 0zero, and his handlers, had in mind for “We the People”. When Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS, the left geared up against him because he was running as a repub. Then when things showed he could win, the left set about using polls to influence voters to elect the Hag. It just didn’t work like they thought it should. After election, it was all about protecting those who sought to overturn the results. It still is.
All the illegal machinations by the previous administration were going to be revealed and folks would figuatively, hang. Maybe, some will do so literally.
That is what this is all about, protecting the leftist traitors from facing the consequences of their actions, prior to the election of Donald J. Trump as President. And post election as well.
Stay tuned for what happens with the release of the Barr/Durham results. Gonna be interesting.
Glen Strecker
5 years ago
The Durham investigation is about to blow politics in this country wide open. The impeachment of President Trump is a complete sham. Rudy Guliani, acting as the President’s personal attorney, along with a reporter from OAN have uncovered whistleblowers and evidence in Ukraine showing wide-spread corruption, theft, money laundering, interference with foreign governments, and more by members of the Democratic Obama Administration. Funds earmarked as foreign aid were used to bribe foreign officials, and funneled through various NGO’s and corrupt companies in a way that the money was laundered and returned to the US and into the coffers of various politicians and the DNC. Democrat operatives in the state department, including Obama-appointed ambassadors, have blocked foreign officials from being able to provide information to US law enforcement and the DOJ on the ongoing plots. Heads are about to roll and a large number of current and former government officials are going to be headed to prison by the time this is over.
5 years ago
One can only hope and pray that Barr and Durham are sincerely committed to burrowing deep into the secret cabal, expose those who have and continue to manipulate our country into the global one world dictatorship and finally to lead in the prosecutions of all those committed to destroy our Republic. .
5 years ago
The federal government participated in a “silent coup.” Indictments must be forthcoming for those involved. Otherwise, America loses its exceptionalism and becomes just another third world country. Merry Christmas everyone
5 years ago
The only way this is going to change is the RNC is going to have to identify conservative candidates to run against the treasonist Democrats and spend multi dollars to make sure they can win. The RNC also needs to have inspectors at all voting venues to insure fairness at the pole and stop the ballot stuffing the Democrats are on so good at. We have to many seats open from retirement and this needs to be a priority for the RNC in 2020. Trump will need very little help thanks to the charges brought by an unconstitutional mock impeachment trial/ Coup.
5 years ago
IF Barr and Durham move forward with charges and energetic prosecution, Number 3 is an easy winner in this poll. At this stage we are only hoping this occurs. But hopes and dreams have a way of not coming true in life, especially when powerful forces of evil are desperately fighting in opposition.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no pessimist, but I am a realist. After all, I was hoping the IG report was going to be way stronger at identifying bias and a coup, and naming names with referrals for prosecution- it didn’t turn out that way, did it?
Greg B
5 years ago
There is a real comparison of the FBI’s treatment and certain people in the news media in the Richard Jewell movie currently playing in theaters and this action against President Trump. If they (FBI or news media) want to finger you , then your pretty much cooked. I just ask that Barr and Durham find out the truth and prosecute to the fullest to all in this sickening display by the Democratic party.
Donna S Fee
5 years ago
I’m just waiting for President Trump to make his move.
5 years ago
It is uplifting that we show promise of finally holding those in power accountable for their evil deeds against our democracy. Congress needs to serve the citizens they represent and not their self serving interest. Next step term limits, balance budget, and debt payment plan. Salute our flag, say our prayers and advance our republic. Socialism has never worked except for the leaders in power. Look at Korea from above at night. Where are lights?
Nancy Diraison
5 years ago
Very interesting results on this poll! It shows that amidst many things going on, the highest impact event is standing out for informed “watchers”! 🙂
Susan O
5 years ago
I feel all of these are significant and pray results of Impeachment stop people from voting for Democrats from here on out. I can no longer understand why my Democratic Friends & Family vote for any Democrat. Not that Republicans have been perfect. Those that resist or say “not my President” are petulant children. I have lost my patience and had to give myself a time out from watching and reading about Politics at least 1-2 times a week.
As far as Horowitz outcome, I knew that was a waste of time and money. Now we are waiting for Barr & Durham to give us what we have been waiting for and if that ends in no charges I just fear how people will react. Tired of being played by Incompetence.
So happy the Stock Market is doing so well and why not? This President has shown Companies he is fighting for American jobs and succeed in many companies staying and even moving back to America.
I enjoy reading the comments from like minded Patriots. I as well feel the re-election of President Trump will be major, half of our Country will need their safe spaces. Enjoy the Holidays and Merry Christmas.
God Bless our President and Vice President Pence
Scott Christy
5 years ago
Trump 2020??!
Proud American
5 years ago
Everyone knows unfortunately that all those at the very top of this corruption will not be punished! Obama, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, they won’t even see a jail cell as they should, so the only way to make them and all involved is to hold a criminal trial and hit them in the pocketbook by their high priced lawyers who will have to defend their treasonous actions! Just like Michael Flynn, carter page, Caputo and others who had their lives destroyed by spending their own money in the millions to defend them!
I hope Comey, Clinton’s and all those deep state actors who wrote a book have to use that blood money to defend themselves and they all end up penniless for what they have put innocent people and America through!
That will be the only way to seek justice for all Americans who have had to watch this for the last 5 years and millions of our hard earned tax dollars wasted for this evil partisan hit job!
Pray for Attorney General Barr and Durham and America!!
Shelley W
5 years ago
It blows my mind how we have SO MANY lawyers that are elected officials, so all they do is argue back and forth and get NOTHING done!
Robert L
5 years ago
I have to disagree with the majority on this one. The Impeachment Hoax perpetrated by the Demonrats in the House is unprecedented in American history. The President did not get the protection of his constitutional rights in this Kangaroo Court, and this is going to lead to the destruction of the Demonrat party. People will remember this Sedition and Coup attempt when they vote in November 2020. #MAGA!
5 years ago
The Deep state corruption in America is deeply troubling and dangerous to our Republic. These people must be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The Enemedia, who spread lies, day after day, to gullible people are complicit. President Trump is not only fighting the Democrats, he is fighting CNN,MSNBC, etc. He is left with using Social media, and the few News outlets that support him. The deck is definitely stacked against him, and they are not going to stop. This is deadly serious, and we must fight back. Any way you can. Donate, contact your representative’s, the FCC, and above all vote!
5 years ago
Democrats are not trying to be bipartisan. This impeachment shenanigan has been the most sickening lies against our President I have ever seen! It’s a Kangaroo Court from every angle. They are forever Sore Losers of not winning the 2016 elections. Their plan is to make the U.S.A. a socialist country with a 3 world rating.
Maureen York
5 years ago
Hard to choose – I have supported President Trump since he was candidate Trump. I will continue to do so and pray everyday for his safety, the safety of his family and supporters. And for the continuance of this great country. The past administration corruption needs to be made public and find a way for the blind followers of the left to believe it.
Heidi Gennaro
5 years ago
A return to law and order is underway—thank GOD. It looks like we’re headed for a Renaissance the likes the USA hasn’t seen since the gold standard, government surplus, 4% tax rate “gay 90’s” nearly 130 years ago. The White House finally has a non-politician, strategically brilliant “Art of the Deal” businessman who refuses to lose for We The People. BRING. IT. ON.
5 years ago
It is about time that the entire deep state be taken down. This fake impeachment is a disgrace to our nation and the American Patriots.
Thomas G Kelley
5 years ago
Thank you for the opportunity to share the following: It my belief that there is a blessing in all that President Trump and his supporters have been forced to endure, which most of us have failed to notice or are so down beaten that we don’t dare to talk about it. The “quid pro quo” issue could and should be used by the informed, concerned, caring electorate to pursue and demand campaign reform, for the current campaign system is a factual example of “quid pro quo” which benefits the campaigner, the biggest donators, and the media, which is ultimate recipient of a large percentage of donations raised. Stop the funds, play their game and regulate and restrict their methods and the media is forced to go broke or adjust and/or reform. The method of reform is open for discussion and ultimate, timely decision and action.
To start the discussion:
* Every candidate for public office should be required to file a platform statement which briefly layout their intended goals and objectives which we the electorate can hold them accountable to.
* Minimum of one maximum of three public debates, depending on level of governmental responsibility of the office, to be aired and recorded with open access for those who cannot be available at the time of actual debate.
*No tv, radio, newsprint, computer, etc. advertising.
* Candidate only, door to door or public speaking events.
*Any and all donations / contributions included personal must be recorded in permanent receipt book with a receipt copy issued to the donner. All such donations to be turned over to offset the cost of making a booklet of all relevant platform statement to the voters whose residence is in the area of jurisdiction.
Over my lifetime and especially the last three years I have forced to hear someone say no one is above the law, more times than I wish to count. Each time I wanted to be able to scream, “Have you looked in the mirror lately?”
Let’s allow them to experience what they force us to endure our entire lives. Unconstitutional laws. Congress has the responsibility to write/purpose, present, debate, vote on bill(s) which if passed by both houses is presented to the President for signature. I ask how many bills are written by “quid pro quo” lobbyist with the sponsor or the co-sponsors having little or no idea of what they are putting their name, their reputation, and most importantly the responsibility of their office on and are voted on in the same manner?
We also need to discuss and find ways to remedy the abuse of the Unconstitutional Judicial Laws.
Thank you for your time and this opportunity for me to express the love I have for the Constitution I willingly gave to defend it when I gave three years of my life to defend it from all enemies.
Thomas G. Kelley
Richard L Mastronardi
5 years ago
What can be done in the future to defend against the “media” that has been a crucial part of the massive deception by the left & others? Any suggestions – without violating “freedom of speech”?
Rich J
5 years ago
Really none of these things will ultimately matter to the die hard liberal socialists or the die hard republican patriots. The die hard will vote for who they will vote for. It’s only the confused and uninformed that only make up their minds at the last minute that any of these issues might make a difference in their vote. The liberals are now a party of hate and think that anything is acceptable to radically change America for their agenda. The republicans need to educate and we need to pray that the liberals don’t get enough “sheep” to follow their path to destruction. The liberals are very adept at telling people what they want to hear, whether it is truth or not.
John Blasik
5 years ago
One could look at the impeachment of President Trump as partisan politics at it’s worst. I see it as the Dems being made to look foolish for even trying when they knew they had nothing and even still going forward with it knowing it has zero chance in the senate. They are so out of touch with average Americans that they can’t see how badly this will affect them, thank God they’re this stupid. 🙂
The Key Players of the Obama Administration need to be held accountable for their criminal abuse of power. Obama, Clinton, Biden and a long list of coconspirators and bureaucratic deep state operatives clearly engaged in sedition and treasonable offenses. They must be charged and prosecuted. Americans also need to carefully watch events in Virginia as recent elections have emboldened Democrats to trample upon the Second Amendment. A groundswell rebellion of gun owners is inspiring. There is nothing currently more important to the Democrat Party than concealing their criminal conspiracy against America, and disarming Americans and making us subservient and powerless. Fortunately, the President has surrounded himself with tough conservatives who believe in justice, and who are prepared to protect our Constitutional freedoms.
In an election year: “It’s the economy, stupid”.
(All of the other choices are political white noise which will change no one’s mind come election time.)
Definitely #3, if the Barr/Durham Justice Department rolls some heads in the deep state and Hillary campaign over the devious Russia collusion probe, with possible bleed-over into the Ukraine/impeachment coup attempt, it would be huge and incredible for 2020.
The other choices, not so much…
If the House Democrats sit on their arsticles of impeachment throughout 2020, that issue will only become a failed 2020 campaign ploy. This baseless political impeachment should be worn like a badge of honor.
Democrats switching parties? No big deal. They are just rats jumping from a sinking ship. Political rats do that all the time.
The economy’s improvement is old news. Been doing that since Trump took office.
The Horowitz report’s not finding evidence of bureaucratic political conspiracy? Come on, if it quacks, it’s not a turkey or chicken. This poll option is redundant. The issue will likely become part of the Barr/Durham investigations.
AMAC missed it. The biggest event for 2020 will be a Trump re-election, in spite of CNN/MSNBC propaganda. Again
That being the populace has now been awakened to the treachery of the Deep State Left
and is angered greatly enough to do something about it come 11/3/2020.
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
I agree with Brian B in regard to all those involved In the plot to take down our duly elected President to be held accountable. The deep state, it’s abuse of power, spying and entrapment is finally being exposed. Unfortunately people’s lives (General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, Michael Caputo) their lives have been ruined due to the deep state plot to destroy a sitting President. With AG Barr and US attorney Durham at the helm I’m sure people will be charged and prosecuted. It can’t happen soon enough!
Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shift should be held for impeachment for both being guilty for treason.
I thank God every day that Barr and Durham have the courage to track down any and all wrong doings by members of the prior administration. I am suspect that it will come right down to they were doing what they were told to do by the one, the only the hypocritical liar himself, BHO.
The Leftist mantra “No one is above the law” will come back to bite them, a thousand-fold.
There should be a “all of the above” option since everyone is going to have a significant impact. Each item has ignited a fire under conservatives and will definitely carry into November.
One thing for sure it has taken the blinders off my eyes to the depth of corruption of the so called patriots laboring in the backrooms running the government. It has shown that the government is in a world of its own and is divorced from our reality. To sit back and watch this with blinders off it is shocking how manipulated the public is and how they continue to fall for their elect me lies. President Trump is a real warrior out there mostly alone while the wolves circle with smiles on their faces. It is difficult to believe that not one high level known person has been called out in a real legal way. They are running around neither frightened of being caught or prosecuted because they seem to know that this will fade and the public will forget and they will remain on the payroll. All that is known about Biden and all the others that are factual crimes. are called minor ethical lapses yet we would be locked up for the same. The swamp is deeper than thought. Sad days.
There HAS to be accountability – aka – send these “animals” in the deep state to prison for treason OR the evil they perpetrate on the American people will continue. Brian B – spot on!
I really appreciate your polls. Here, again and in fact always thus far, I find that my thinking is in step with the great majority of Amac members, true Americans all. The impeachment is a joke, produced by by a clown car full of frauds and liars. It doesn’t register on any serious radar at all. Bar’s inquiry, on the other hand, is coming from a man who is both smart and honest. The deep state is in for some difficult times.
I think we all know of the swamp and the disgust with Washington but the real story for 2020 is the economy. This effects everyday people in everyday life. New DOW records and trade deals gives everybody the confidence needed to enjoy life in the USA!
I think you should have added one more option to the poll – Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to deliver the impeachment results to the Senate. It is a significant event in ‘cleaning the swamp’. It is a great reason for her constituents to not reelect her!
Obama and his co-conspirators have truly laid the foundation upon which the ultra left Deep State liberals are building to destroy the United States.
I am in agreement with just about the following commentators in that the Left is totally out of control. They are the ones who should be impeached. How did these people ever get elected to begin with (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, M. Waters, Swalwell, Hoyer…just to name a few). The next question…how do they manage to get re-elected every 2 years, several times? While I don’t always agree with everything that Trump says or does (i.e., wish he didn’t tweet so much, be so blunt at times), I am pleased that he backs up his “words” with action…promises made, promises kept. And, little he is draining the Swamp. I, for one, am looking forward to another 4 years of a Trump administration. (And hopefully a Nikki Hali administration in 2024.)
Barr & Durham are middle managers for those who hold the highest title an American can: Citizens. Let’s see if they, with Trump’s support, fulfill their job duties /oaths to us. If not, we must disempower, prosecute and punish them all.
DOW 10,000 may be destined to turn into DOW 5,000 early on in year 2020 which will surely become an eventful year for better or more likely worse. The Fed is playing fast and loose with everything financial and it won’t end well.
With all that are called out as the perpetrators of the coup, let us not forget that all roads lead back to the Clintons.
The fact that the far left routinely commits crimes and does not even try to hide their corruption while expecting preferential treatment from the rest of us shows how bad it’s gotten in DC. Past time for the judicial process to take them down and strike fear into the core of their being.
I voted for the ‘impeachment’ because I do believe it will have the biggest impact next November. But the impact will be exactly opposite of what the Democrats in the House expect. It will solidify the Republican base behind Trump and lead many independents to support Trump.
What we have witnessed over the last 3 plus years is nothing less than a slow motion coup. At its heart it treasonous. The people who led this coup need to be punished to the full extent of the law.
Being generic, “The Democratic PARTY” is the major enemy of the state.
The radicals have dragged the PARTY down the rabbit hole and they are so deep, by default now, they must continue to get farther from the light. Thank you for your self-generated demise.
When the dems in the House voted to impeach, I believe the foregone result in the Senate will be NOT to uphold the House’s decision. I believe the nonsense the Dems have been pursuing, spending millions of tax dollars, holding up any REAL work they should be doing, has energized the “usually calm” electorate. The result will be essentially that the Dems will fail in the next election. I seriously believe our next President will continue to be Donald Trump. Hooray! As functionally limited as Pelosi is, even she was VERY reluctant to start the impeachment process, but eventually had to go along with the rest of them. The only thing left to do, is not to forget and also get the vote out!
The partisan impeachment of a president based on the flimsiest evidence that every president from George Washington to Donald Trump could have been impeached will only energize the Republican voters, and may force independents to support him in a way that would NOT have happened if the process was not so biased. This could result in a landslide victory for Trump in 2020.
I predict (without any commitment) the impeachment circus will be just an echo in 11 months. It will have served only to firm up Mr Trump’s already strong support.
How can any rational person argue with such an amazing market ?
How many folks realize that this whole sham was in response to the Hag not being elected? She was in the slot to carry on the “transformation” of this nation to whatever 0zero, and his handlers, had in mind for “We the People”. When Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS, the left geared up against him because he was running as a repub. Then when things showed he could win, the left set about using polls to influence voters to elect the Hag. It just didn’t work like they thought it should. After election, it was all about protecting those who sought to overturn the results. It still is.
All the illegal machinations by the previous administration were going to be revealed and folks would figuatively, hang. Maybe, some will do so literally.
That is what this is all about, protecting the leftist traitors from facing the consequences of their actions, prior to the election of Donald J. Trump as President. And post election as well.
Stay tuned for what happens with the release of the Barr/Durham results. Gonna be interesting.
The Durham investigation is about to blow politics in this country wide open. The impeachment of President Trump is a complete sham. Rudy Guliani, acting as the President’s personal attorney, along with a reporter from OAN have uncovered whistleblowers and evidence in Ukraine showing wide-spread corruption, theft, money laundering, interference with foreign governments, and more by members of the Democratic Obama Administration. Funds earmarked as foreign aid were used to bribe foreign officials, and funneled through various NGO’s and corrupt companies in a way that the money was laundered and returned to the US and into the coffers of various politicians and the DNC. Democrat operatives in the state department, including Obama-appointed ambassadors, have blocked foreign officials from being able to provide information to US law enforcement and the DOJ on the ongoing plots. Heads are about to roll and a large number of current and former government officials are going to be headed to prison by the time this is over.
One can only hope and pray that Barr and Durham are sincerely committed to burrowing deep into the secret cabal, expose those who have and continue to manipulate our country into the global one world dictatorship and finally to lead in the prosecutions of all those committed to destroy our Republic. .
The federal government participated in a “silent coup.” Indictments must be forthcoming for those involved. Otherwise, America loses its exceptionalism and becomes just another third world country. Merry Christmas everyone
The only way this is going to change is the RNC is going to have to identify conservative candidates to run against the treasonist Democrats and spend multi dollars to make sure they can win. The RNC also needs to have inspectors at all voting venues to insure fairness at the pole and stop the ballot stuffing the Democrats are on so good at. We have to many seats open from retirement and this needs to be a priority for the RNC in 2020. Trump will need very little help thanks to the charges brought by an unconstitutional mock impeachment trial/ Coup.
IF Barr and Durham move forward with charges and energetic prosecution, Number 3 is an easy winner in this poll. At this stage we are only hoping this occurs. But hopes and dreams have a way of not coming true in life, especially when powerful forces of evil are desperately fighting in opposition.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no pessimist, but I am a realist. After all, I was hoping the IG report was going to be way stronger at identifying bias and a coup, and naming names with referrals for prosecution- it didn’t turn out that way, did it?
There is a real comparison of the FBI’s treatment and certain people in the news media in the Richard Jewell movie currently playing in theaters and this action against President Trump. If they (FBI or news media) want to finger you , then your pretty much cooked. I just ask that Barr and Durham find out the truth and prosecute to the fullest to all in this sickening display by the Democratic party.
I’m just waiting for President Trump to make his move.
It is uplifting that we show promise of finally holding those in power accountable for their evil deeds against our democracy. Congress needs to serve the citizens they represent and not their self serving interest. Next step term limits, balance budget, and debt payment plan. Salute our flag, say our prayers and advance our republic. Socialism has never worked except for the leaders in power. Look at Korea from above at night. Where are lights?
Very interesting results on this poll! It shows that amidst many things going on, the highest impact event is standing out for informed “watchers”! 🙂
I feel all of these are significant and pray results of Impeachment stop people from voting for Democrats from here on out. I can no longer understand why my Democratic Friends & Family vote for any Democrat. Not that Republicans have been perfect. Those that resist or say “not my President” are petulant children. I have lost my patience and had to give myself a time out from watching and reading about Politics at least 1-2 times a week.
As far as Horowitz outcome, I knew that was a waste of time and money. Now we are waiting for Barr & Durham to give us what we have been waiting for and if that ends in no charges I just fear how people will react. Tired of being played by Incompetence.
So happy the Stock Market is doing so well and why not? This President has shown Companies he is fighting for American jobs and succeed in many companies staying and even moving back to America.
I enjoy reading the comments from like minded Patriots. I as well feel the re-election of President Trump will be major, half of our Country will need their safe spaces. Enjoy the Holidays and Merry Christmas.
God Bless our President and Vice President Pence
Trump 2020??!
Everyone knows unfortunately that all those at the very top of this corruption will not be punished! Obama, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, they won’t even see a jail cell as they should, so the only way to make them and all involved is to hold a criminal trial and hit them in the pocketbook by their high priced lawyers who will have to defend their treasonous actions! Just like Michael Flynn, carter page, Caputo and others who had their lives destroyed by spending their own money in the millions to defend them!
I hope Comey, Clinton’s and all those deep state actors who wrote a book have to use that blood money to defend themselves and they all end up penniless for what they have put innocent people and America through!
That will be the only way to seek justice for all Americans who have had to watch this for the last 5 years and millions of our hard earned tax dollars wasted for this evil partisan hit job!
Pray for Attorney General Barr and Durham and America!!
It blows my mind how we have SO MANY lawyers that are elected officials, so all they do is argue back and forth and get NOTHING done!
I have to disagree with the majority on this one. The Impeachment Hoax perpetrated by the Demonrats in the House is unprecedented in American history. The President did not get the protection of his constitutional rights in this Kangaroo Court, and this is going to lead to the destruction of the Demonrat party. People will remember this Sedition and Coup attempt when they vote in November 2020. #MAGA!
The Deep state corruption in America is deeply troubling and dangerous to our Republic. These people must be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The Enemedia, who spread lies, day after day, to gullible people are complicit. President Trump is not only fighting the Democrats, he is fighting CNN,MSNBC, etc. He is left with using Social media, and the few News outlets that support him. The deck is definitely stacked against him, and they are not going to stop. This is deadly serious, and we must fight back. Any way you can. Donate, contact your representative’s, the FCC, and above all vote!
Democrats are not trying to be bipartisan. This impeachment shenanigan has been the most sickening lies against our President I have ever seen! It’s a Kangaroo Court from every angle. They are forever Sore Losers of not winning the 2016 elections. Their plan is to make the U.S.A. a socialist country with a 3 world rating.
Hard to choose – I have supported President Trump since he was candidate Trump. I will continue to do so and pray everyday for his safety, the safety of his family and supporters. And for the continuance of this great country. The past administration corruption needs to be made public and find a way for the blind followers of the left to believe it.
A return to law and order is underway—thank GOD. It looks like we’re headed for a Renaissance the likes the USA hasn’t seen since the gold standard, government surplus, 4% tax rate “gay 90’s” nearly 130 years ago. The White House finally has a non-politician, strategically brilliant “Art of the Deal” businessman who refuses to lose for We The People. BRING. IT. ON.
It is about time that the entire deep state be taken down. This fake impeachment is a disgrace to our nation and the American Patriots.
Thank you for the opportunity to share the following: It my belief that there is a blessing in all that President Trump and his supporters have been forced to endure, which most of us have failed to notice or are so down beaten that we don’t dare to talk about it. The “quid pro quo” issue could and should be used by the informed, concerned, caring electorate to pursue and demand campaign reform, for the current campaign system is a factual example of “quid pro quo” which benefits the campaigner, the biggest donators, and the media, which is ultimate recipient of a large percentage of donations raised. Stop the funds, play their game and regulate and restrict their methods and the media is forced to go broke or adjust and/or reform. The method of reform is open for discussion and ultimate, timely decision and action.
To start the discussion:
* Every candidate for public office should be required to file a platform statement which briefly layout their intended goals and objectives which we the electorate can hold them accountable to.
* Minimum of one maximum of three public debates, depending on level of governmental responsibility of the office, to be aired and recorded with open access for those who cannot be available at the time of actual debate.
*No tv, radio, newsprint, computer, etc. advertising.
* Candidate only, door to door or public speaking events.
*Any and all donations / contributions included personal must be recorded in permanent receipt book with a receipt copy issued to the donner. All such donations to be turned over to offset the cost of making a booklet of all relevant platform statement to the voters whose residence is in the area of jurisdiction.
Over my lifetime and especially the last three years I have forced to hear someone say no one is above the law, more times than I wish to count. Each time I wanted to be able to scream, “Have you looked in the mirror lately?”
Let’s allow them to experience what they force us to endure our entire lives. Unconstitutional laws. Congress has the responsibility to write/purpose, present, debate, vote on bill(s) which if passed by both houses is presented to the President for signature. I ask how many bills are written by “quid pro quo” lobbyist with the sponsor or the co-sponsors having little or no idea of what they are putting their name, their reputation, and most importantly the responsibility of their office on and are voted on in the same manner?
We also need to discuss and find ways to remedy the abuse of the Unconstitutional Judicial Laws.
Thank you for your time and this opportunity for me to express the love I have for the Constitution I willingly gave to defend it when I gave three years of my life to defend it from all enemies.
Thomas G. Kelley
What can be done in the future to defend against the “media” that has been a crucial part of the massive deception by the left & others? Any suggestions – without violating “freedom of speech”?
Really none of these things will ultimately matter to the die hard liberal socialists or the die hard republican patriots. The die hard will vote for who they will vote for. It’s only the confused and uninformed that only make up their minds at the last minute that any of these issues might make a difference in their vote. The liberals are now a party of hate and think that anything is acceptable to radically change America for their agenda. The republicans need to educate and we need to pray that the liberals don’t get enough “sheep” to follow their path to destruction. The liberals are very adept at telling people what they want to hear, whether it is truth or not.
One could look at the impeachment of President Trump as partisan politics at it’s worst. I see it as the Dems being made to look foolish for even trying when they knew they had nothing and even still going forward with it knowing it has zero chance in the senate. They are so out of touch with average Americans that they can’t see how badly this will affect them, thank God they’re this stupid. 🙂