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What issue facing our Country are you most concerned with right now?

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nancy Stone
nancy Stone
7 years ago

I am most concerned about the hate speech which the press seems to just adore. It is always in the news making celebrities out of people who talk hate for the USA, for the President, for one another, for anything that does not agree with them. I think horror of Charlottsville would not have happened had the original demonstrators been ignored by EVERYONE. No press, no protesters, no recognition, no witnesses to their hate speech other than the police to be sure order was retained. WE must NOT give power to those who want to destroy our country, to those who want to divide us by gender choices, race, color, faith (or the lack there of) age, income, you name it. The comments on social media contain language and slurs that would never have been acceptable in the past and that insult the very foundation of common decency.

We are a nation of generous people helping those in need around the world. Our charity contributions, freely given, are the largest in the world. Now we are being maligned by the very people that live in this free country. There is a small percentage of our population that is working to destroy us from within. If this continues we will not have to fear any country but our own.

I truly blame the media for aggrandizing those who make outrageous statements and actions, making “heroes” of those who appose everything upon which our country was founded. There are thousands of fine and honorable actions and choices made by our citizens each and every day. That is what should be rewarded and acclaimed by the media and by each of us. Let’s be proud of and recognize those who serve as examples of strength, honor and charity. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves with sorrow because we are recognizing the few who want notoriety and by their actions endanger the many.

Our Congress, the Electorate and the Media have forgotten that we held a free election. President Trump won. The office of President deserves their loyalty and respect. We must each vote for what we believe is best for the Citizens of the United States and not for what is best for you or your career. Get over the self aggrandizing and belittlement of individuals. Remember how fortunate you are to live, work and enjoy all this country has to offer.

James Sohl
James Sohl
7 years ago

All except not sure are important, but a secure border is the most important now.

7 years ago

I am most concerned about the anarchy I’m seeing on a daily basis. When a group of people dictate what everyone can think and say and hear, we are on a very slippery slope. Those of us who are conservative, in great part because of the complicity of the press, are becoming irrelevant. We are very quickly becoming a totally divided nation , and Lincoln said ” A house divided against itself can not stand.” If those of us who are being silenced by the radical left don’t become more involved in our own destinies we are in great danger of loosing every thing that we cherish for ourselves and for future generations.

Neil Bjurling
Neil Bjurling
7 years ago

I could not agree more with the comments made by Marianne and Nancy. They must have a pipeline to my thoughts .Nice going Ladies you speak for all of us law abiding Americans who fear for our country.

7 years ago

I don’t like polls that do not give me an option to choose something not listed in the poll. In this case I think the murder of people like unborn babies and the genocide of Christians is of paramount importance. I am also concerned with efforts by groups and individuals to silence those who disagree with them and attack judicial nominees for their Christian values, which are the bedrock of our system of government.

7 years ago

The continuation of increasing the national debt will have a direct impact upon most of the other issues … we are technically bankrupt at this very moment and, increasing the debt yet higher is to affect every American and leave us, as a nation, at the fiscal mercy of our debtors; plus, it’s a reality that sets a terrible example upon every who should be taking personal responsibility for healthy management of their individual financial well-being. “Come on
– wake up American, it’s time to get back to our”Franlininte” principles!

7 years ago

I would add Terrorism AND North Korea as a separate choice.
The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is failing. If North Korea develops the (Hydrogen) bomb, many including Iran, SaudiArabia, possibly Japan and South Korea, and many others will follow. North Korea will sell the know how helping the proliferation. They have a history of having attempted that already with Iran and Gaddafi’s Libya. With the addition of the new nuclear crazies someone is bound to think they can get away with selling nukes to a non-state actor such as ISIS or Hezbollah. A nuclear conflagration of some type is virtually guaranteed afterwards.

Richard Zusp=an
Richard Zusp=an
7 years ago

Obama care should be totally repealed and not replaced. Our health care is not any of the governments business and they have no constitutional right to dictate to us how we take care of ourselves.

7 years ago

The economy use to be the strength of our county. You can’t run a home or a business like this. The nation debt will be the down fall of the USA. The value of the $ will be deflated.

7 years ago

Being able to heal the hate and division brought about by the Obama administration

Connie Watts
Connie Watts
7 years ago

The domestic terrorism by BLM, Antifa, celebrities and the NFL concerns me the most right now. Our freedom of speech is gradually eroding away by those and other groups – ironically in the name of free speech!

Sam Byrum
Sam Byrum
7 years ago

All are important. The debt ranks higher, immigratiion, and throwing out the establishment Senators and Rep. in 2018. Amen to the other comments.

7 years ago

12-17-2018 I am more concerned today about the UN troops on American soil..They apparently were asked to come by R. Emanual of Chicago. A convoy was seen in Arizona headed toward California. Obama made an Executive Order in 2016 before he left office and that was used to bring the UN here..but the request was not made by the White House or Congress..May be illegal…but they are here and I think that could be our biggest problem… Something to think about.

6 years ago

Dealing with “Illegal Immigrants” at the border must be a priority. Why are they called Immigrants anyway? In any other country, they would be called “Invaders”. It must be stopped! These individuals are way too often (not all) a drain on our economy (because of idiots giving them feebees), a threat to our security (gang members and terrorists), and a detriment to our culture (Muslims, etc. that have no interest in blending in). A wall, National Guard, Army, dogs–what ever it takes–something must be done, soon! ( quit giving away fee food, health care, education, social security benefits, etc., etc. and it will quit real quick)

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