

What is your opinion of the US-China Tariffs?

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6 years ago

The tariffs are a temporary tool to bring all our trading partners back to the negotiating table to correct the incredibly bad trade deals negotiated by the so-called “experts” of the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. Remember, the goal laid out by President Trump is to do away with ALL tariffs everywhere. To have a true free market trading system that benefits everyone, instead of the current system where the U.S. is the sucker paying for everyone else to do better at the expense of our economy and jobs.

The only way to force other nations to come back to the table and agree to terms that are actually reciprocally fair to all parties is to threaten tariffs. In short the stick approach that would cost their economies far more than ours in the long run. If we were just to do the standard pleading for a few crumbs, there would be NO INCENTIVE for any of our trading partners to give up one inch in the advantages our past administrations gave them over our economy and jobs. Mexico has already capitulated and Canada will likely come around in the next few weeks, as there is growing pressure on the Canadian government, from its own citizens, to quickly resolve this. Trudeau wants to wait until he sees the results of the mid-terms in the hopes that Democrats will take control of one or both houses of our Congress. If we hold both houses of Congress, then Trudeau will buckle and agree to the few outstanding terms we want.

The EU economy, outside of automobiles, is in a precarious state. While EU high command in Brussels might grumble and issue a lot of meaningless threats to retaliate against us, the simple fact is the United States is far too important a market to them to jeopardize. The EU is essentially a large social welfare state and if we curtail the revenue they get from us, they risk the dominoes starting to fall over there. They too are awaiting the outcome of the mid-terms as they know the Democrats would back nothing President Trump wants to do. Again, if we hold both houses of Congress, there is a high probably we would have a greatly revised trade deal with the EU by end of year. They don’t have the luxury of dragging things out much beyond that with several economies in the EU on thin ice.

So both Canada and the EU are awaiting the results of our mid-terms. If the democrats win and gain control of either house of Congress, then there is no incentive on their parts to agree to anything we wants. All the leaders of our foreign trading partners know that the Democrats want “business as usual” and won’t back President trump on anything.

China is a much longer slog, because past U.S. administrations bent over backwards, especially Bill Clinton’s administration, to give China everything it wanted in hopes of the country would dump communism and become like us. Yeah, another massive FUBAR by the so-called Washington “experts”. None of which had any meaningful, real-world business experience. All politicians or “old money” donors who were appointed to lead these original negotiations as a “thank you” for their fat campaign checks. So while all the other nations sent seasoned, hardened business and financial people, the last three U.S. administrations sent career bureaucrats with zero business knowledge, some college professors who never ran a business in the private sector and some big campaign donors, who viewed it as a paid vacation. It should not come as a surprise we ended up with a series of bad trade deals that were so lopsided in favor of everyone else but us. Send ignorant children into a series of trade negotiations where business savvy adults are sitting across the table and this is what you will get every time.

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

Way too early to tell the impact of US-China tariffs on either economic growth, prices, or employment. Ask again next September.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

For many years Communist China has engaged in a complex multi-point conspiracy against America. The Internet has helped to accelerate that conspiracy as China has copied American business formulas via cyber espionage. They steal foreign innovation and technology, then export the very commodities to the nations from whom that intellectual property was stolen. And with a captive population, they can undersell just about anyone.
President Trump has recognized both our economic vulnerabilities and our military strategic vulnerabilities if China is allowed to continue unchallenged. I completely agree with the President’s approach. There may be some short-term economic pain as tariffs are implemented and world markets readjust. But America will be safer, more prosperous, and more influential in the politics of freedom around the world as we recover business back to our own shores.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

Art Of The Deal.
Trump negotiates to MAGA !

Bonus: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/amazing-two-mile-long-line-for-trump-rally-in-springfield-missouri/

Red wave coming in November, get out and vote – CRUSH the Left and make the Fake News Media collective heads explode – you can be part of history again !

Michael Shetter
Michael Shetter
6 years ago

Trust Trump!! He’s the best negotiator in the world, period.

Linda Brake
Linda Brake
6 years ago

This was a terrible poll. The tariffs have hurt the economy and helped at the same time. That is not the point. It needed to be done for the ultimate good of American workers.

Fred Ritz
Fred Ritz
6 years ago

Tariffs always precipitate a trade war that ultimately hurts the economy when consumers are reluctant to purchase goods that become too expensive. This is a no-win situation because exporting countries will counter our tariffs with their own that will negate any perceived benefit to the U.S.

6 years ago

Tariffs are legitimate taxes waged on goods. It is also a way to level the playing field for american workers when other countries do not support the same level of human rights, worker safety, environmental controls, etc.

6 years ago

There should be another choice of answers: The tariffs will help the economy.

6 years ago

Time will tell. However, it’s about time that we have a president that stands up for US. No more bowing to other world leaders and no more giving the store away. Walmart may suffer but over time if a equal global trade policy and other countries tariffs on american manufacturing products drop, it will have a positive effect.

6 years ago

Don’t you think it was time to finally level the playing field with China and the European union on trade. Look what happened to our Manufacturing in this country under NAFTA.
Wake up America, let Trump have some time on this one. With our economy booming, now is the time. Be patient.

Jim Cooper
Jim Cooper
6 years ago

For decade’s our government leadership has allowed our country to be the losers on the issue of tariffs with most major trading partners. Finally we have a Ptesident who is saying enough is enough and it must be leveled out. He is absolutely correct and I hope some in Congress and the business world and laborers can understand any short run hardships are far outweighed by the future benefits of the new tarif policies!

Bryan Holton
Bryan Holton
6 years ago

Tariffs may hurt in the short term, but they are also hurting those that have been unfairly trading with us for years. End game will hopefully be a more balanced trade policy with all our trade partners.

Edward Shick
Edward Shick
6 years ago

Well it is unfair for American workers to compete against nations with Slave labor , and China has supported North Korea and other communist Nations since WW 2 , With Friends like China we are in Trouble ! Trump is the best President we have had in my Life time ! Freedom is not Free!!

Steven Mettler
Steven Mettler
6 years ago

I did not answer your poll because it did not have the obvious best answer: too early to tell. The result of this necessary trade tactic doesn’t reveal itself in a few months. The limited answers to your poll question make the result disingenuous.

6 years ago

I am really glad that someone such as our President and his Cabinet are looking out for the American people instead of themselves.Thank you Mr.President for doing the things you said you would do.

Van Hamlin
Van Hamlin
6 years ago

None of the so-called experts have published an article predicting the outcomes we have already experienced. Even the Wall Street Journal predicted numerous bad outcomes from a tariff confrontation with China, the EU and our NAFTA partners. In the short term, we have actually seen the stock market hit all time highs, labor participation set all time highs, unemployment hit all time lows and a demand for money that has warranted Federal Reserve concern over inflation. President Trump was trying to achieve greater trade deficit parity but has not realized his goal. Trade deficits are slightly higher now than they were before he instituted tariffs. This can only be explained by analyzing the relationship between the increase in prices being offset by the consumer’s increase in wages and the absorption of Tariff increases by importers through more narrow profit margins. To achieve this trade deficit reduction, President Trump is going to have to increase tariffs again. A bonus to the economy has resulted from this application of tariffs in that Federal revenue from tariffs is soaring.

The primary goal of any tariff is to protect labor. Tariff’s do not protect consumers, manufacturers or investors. They protect working class citizen’s jobs. The tariff has achieved that goal. There are now more jobs available than there are U.S. citizen wanting to work. Every economic teacher will tell you that there is approximately 3 to 4% of the working age population that is either too sick to work, taking care of someone too sick to work or suffering from bad lifestyle decisions that prohibit their employment. With unemployment hovering just below 4%, we can safely say that the tariff has clearly protected labor.

If Congress could actually create legislation that facilitated President Trump’s immigration policy, this country would be forced to generate legislation that allowed more H1b and H2b visas. These laws should stipulate that visa recipients must be replaced with U.S. citizen workers if the department of labor directs such action. Switzerland and Monaco have such laws now. No work visas should be issued to pregnant woman or families where a baby is expected. These workers would have to take a leave of absence and have the child outside of the USA. This avoids the anchor baby dilemma. Nothing would bar these workers for citizenship application. These H 1 & 2 b workers would face instant deportation by contract of they are convicted of a crime during their stay.

Drug use is the largest impediment to further domestic unemployment reduction. The Department of Labor clearly needs to have the power of reducing unemployment benefits for those who cannot pass a drug test. No one can hire an illegal drug user or chronic alcoholic. There should be a three strikes and you are out policy governing those who flunk their drug tests. On the first failure, the unemployment recipient loses 33% of his compensation for a 12-month period, unless they successfully complete a Department of Labor drug rehabilitation program. A second violation within that 12-month period would further decrease compensation by an additional 33%. A third violation with in that 12-month period would terminate any remaining unemployment compensation for that time period.

Pete K
Pete K
6 years ago

It is time for America first, not only in trade but border control and uphold the constitution.

Charles K
Charles K
6 years ago

The long term benefits will far outweigh the short term problems created by the tariffs. The predatory trade practices of China must be met with determined opposition; not only from the U.S., but from the rest of the world.

Kent R
Kent R
6 years ago

It is about time we pushed back and not use our treasury to fund other country’s growth and foreign militaries

Allen Jaglowski
Allen Jaglowski
6 years ago

I have to agree with some of the comments. This poll was poorly set up. Do tariffs help? Sure, they do, sometimes. Do tariffs hurt? Of course, they do, especially if we’re on the bad side, and we have been on the bad side from administrations who honestly believe that it is our duty to give in to the globalists. By trying to change the tariffs, President Trump has tried to improve the playing field. Is it always going to help overnight? Well, it depends on the country that we are dealing with. Some countries will respond quickly and lower theirs. Some might even go so far as to go to zero as the President suggested.

Back to the poll, though, I hope that you’ll try to improve the construction of the choices for future polls. This was almost like a “Fake News’ poll about elections.

6 years ago

Don’t know for sure, but confident it will help, as that is what President Trump excels at.

Laura C
Laura C
6 years ago

Second time in a row, a nonsensical poll. We don’t know yet how the tariffs, as a tool, will work out, but things seem to be going in the direction we want them to go. The President was hired to do exactly what he is doing by the people who will most benefit by it. The inane ruling class, whom we incompetently keep re-electing, would sell us down the river to any dictatorship that comes down the road, and we’ve enlisted Trump to stop them. Thank God he’s taken our side and is working to help us.

6 years ago

I am relived that we now have a president that believes in America first!
The Chinese believe in China first,
Now I’m proud to be an American!!

JoAnn Stanford
JoAnn Stanford
6 years ago

Just let President Trump do his job, Congress, you democrats and rhinos should be ashamed of yourselves.

6 years ago

The issue isn’t that simple. I don’t think the tariffs have hurt the economy at this point, but the ultimate goal of the tariffs, to drive us to true fair trade will help the economy big time and the workers of America.

K Too
K Too
6 years ago

Someone check the math. The numbers do not add up! Adding the number of votes in each category gives a sum of 1600. However, 1409 votes are reported as having been cast.

We need a ciphering consult with Jethro Bodine!

6 years ago

In an ideal world trade would be free… no tariffs… restrictions or dumping of products. As long as we don’t live in an ideal world I am glad we have a President who puts America first and negotiating trade deals that are good for both parties… as close to free trade as possible.

6 years ago

Amen to the thoughts of “ the freezing Senior” MAGA!

Phillip J. Sloan
Phillip J. Sloan
6 years ago

It is to soon to tell and many of the parties affected have not had time to evaluate the outcome or respond in kind.

Edward Ludwig
Edward Ludwig
6 years ago

I think President Trump is on the right track. China wants to dominate the world and they’ve got a good start with bases in Central America. Africa ,the Artificial Islands in the South China sea and who knows what there next target is.they want of our intellectual property so they can use that against also.

6 years ago

I chose the Hurt the Economy answer because I believe in the short term that is what they have done/are doing. They will drive prices up and erode all of the benefits of the tax cuts. And for those of us nearing retirement, they are causing issues with retirement accounts for those who have them because of the volatility created in an otherwise increase with the stock market. But this is not a short term issue. It is what is best for the country in the long run and if they can be successfully completed (so very important that the Republicans maintain control in Congress this fall and actually get the long term important changes that will positively impact everyone done), renegotiating all these trade agreements will be best for the economy and the country all the way around.

Once again I don’t know who is creating these polls for AMAC, but they are not doing a very good job and never include the potential answers that should be a presented. Cut and dried black and white answers are not the best way to get an honest picture of what quite often is a combination of the choices allowed.

Catherine Thornberry
Catherine Thornberry
6 years ago

I was not able to take the poll either because it is too simplistic. I am in favor of the tariffs for the long term benefit. The FBI has worked for decades to stop the Chinese from stealing our technology. President Trump recognizes that we must stop the Chinese theft of our technology. Read Brett Kingstone’s book, “The Real War Against America” published in 2005.

6 years ago

Who does your polls ?? A simple answer to a very complex question . This has been going on for years first . Second even in your magazine you state how China has completely taken over our pharmaceutical industry . What sane person would do that ?? Seniors that want a deal but in big red letters have made in China just like the dog food , the drywall the inferior steel . I get there’s suckers out there and like the computer nerds giving the master keys to the commies of the internet . Only thing I can think of is their drugs are finally taken ahold .

6 years ago

I agree with the general consensus that these tariffs against China combined with his call on the European nations to pick up more of their share of NATO costs has been long overdo!!! The poll should have been worded differently due to the consequences of us indebting this country and it’s future generations to China and Europe. But I also think whatever program this uses to calculate the math and percentages needs to be corrected!!!! When I calculated the numbers, the total percentage came out to be 114%. Also Trump is the first President to be brave enough and put Americans first to take on such an obvious travesty to the American Public!!! As far as the American economy, bringing China’s imports to a more competitive pricing with American products and their costs. That translates to increased production in the USA!!!! With that in mind, The economy and its workers benefit. The problem is that if we’re paying illegal aliens the $5000/month like Canada is, and free education, then the benefits don’t fall on the productive members of society but the illegals!!!!

glenn eastman
glenn eastman
6 years ago

Bad poll, no one knows yet. It will bring China back to the negotiations table

Tim C.
Tim C.
6 years ago

‘+I don’t know what short term effect they have had, but the goal is to have long term impacts that I believe are important. “War” of any kind is disruptive, but sometimes is necessary in order to protect yourself or your interests, and I think this is a war of sorts that had to be fought for long term sustainability.

6 years ago

The media needs to stop whining about the higher price of Chinese products due to tariffs. This would be a perfect time to start selling products made in U.S.A. instead. I would love to have more easily available options.

6 years ago

Trade tariffs are like surgery. If done properly the pain and suffering are short term with great long term benefits. The trade situation Trump inherited from years of bending over and caving in was untenable. Hopefully, Americans will take the long view and let this process, and it’s pains, take their course.

6 years ago

The Democrats and Fake republicans are hurting the economy !!!!

Donald Harless
Donald Harless
6 years ago

I think the tariffs have helped to keep the economy from getting overheated. Both by keeping a possible future cost increase on people’s mind and by keeping buy American on others mind.
It puts a time frame when we can put the battle to correct past ills without pain that would normally go with this. It needs to be done or slowly sink to the second tier nation that many would like us to be. But, we hired a great negotiator to correct these past wrongs. Go Donald, and fix this too!

steven ward
steven ward
6 years ago

because of sellouts…like bush..clinton…onothing…and others in the goverment…we are the toliet paper of the world…well that is about to change for the better…our auto makers sold us out also…now we drive subarus…toyotas..honda….instead of chevys…and fords…come on enough is enough…we dont need china to make our tvs…can openers…and clothes pins….we can rebuild our nation again….but trump cannot do it alone….he is a master of the deal and will give it his best…he is the right man for the job at this time….no more barrack..clinton…bush…sellouts….he gives us hope…something we have not had for a long long time….thank you president trump for caring….

R Jeffrey Savlov
R Jeffrey Savlov
6 years ago

When WalMart was run by a real American, Sam Walton, he touted and promoted American made product. If you go into a WalMart today, most products in the stores are from foreign manufacturers with a majority of the product coming from China. It’s the attitudes of his children and those like them that has put our country in a trade deficit position. We finally have a president who recognizes that even though imports have their place, we should have trade deals that benefit not only our consumers but our workers as well. I agree that trade deals should require reciprocal buying clauses and conditions which would encourage our trading partners to pay equivalent wages to their workers as we pay to ours. This is one of the conditions which has been added to the new NAFTA deal. Once completed, Mexican immigration will likely slow drastically since they will have local jobs which would pay them a living wage for their labor.

Russ Johnson
Russ Johnson
6 years ago

The real poll question should be: Do you believe President Trump’s fight against other countries for fair trade is the right thing to do?

Note: I do.

Greg G Vannoni
Greg G Vannoni
6 years ago

What is not being said is President Trump’s is trying to reset the Trade imbalances. We are being held hostage by the idiotic trade “agreements” that are counter to OUR own workers, businesses, and economy!! Example: why do we give China our Patented technology to produce in their country???

6 years ago

The alternative to action (a.k.a. tariffs) as far as the Chinese behaviors are concerned is to do as obola did; bow, scrape and submit. Golf-a-boo’s tactic here was as much a path to destruction as was his utterly suicidal “iran deal.” Come on now, ceding the shipping lanes of the entire South China Sea is about as inimical to the survival of The United States Of America as giving international terrorists 150 billion dollars. I think we can all agree, neither of obola’s activities were advisable under any circumstances. China’s theft of intellectual properties, pervasive espionage (industrial and governmental) and economic double dealing must be dealt with since the Chinese intent is to render America as a subservient slave state. Thanks obola for your legacy of giving us China and iran as our new masters. As for the use of tariffs with the rest of the parasite nations, and after the obola/soros “deals” they are all nothing more than leeches, collectively doing nothing is about the same as appeasement with the Chinese. Our economic destruction and demise are thereby imminent. Obola’s net effect has shown itself to be a weakening of American resolve, morale and a shameful timidity on the part of most of our leadership. The forecast is bleak; the outlook is grim. GO TRUMP!

6 years ago

Economy… answer: Strong Trumponomics …. look at where are markets came from and where we are at today … DOW 26,743.50

Steven Cunningham
Steven Cunningham
6 years ago

China’s economy is failing, their stock market is plummeting…. He has a plan and it’s fun watching it happen!

6 years ago

China has been ripping us off for years…they use slave labor…charge them the going rate for labor…

6 years ago

I had to select “not sure”. The tariffs are a tool that is designed to address serious issues to include a trade deficit. Right now I don’t think the tariffs have improved or hurt the economy. I am sure that the tariffs will eventually result in a stronger United States. It is about time our government walked away from appeasement policies and works for the interests of the American people.

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