FINALLY, what took him so long? Mitch McSchumer needs to step down immediately. He could still do some real damage from now until November. Go back into your shell, Mr. Turtle, and write a thank you note to China for making you a multi-millionaire and leading the RINO brigade!
1 year ago
Like most long standing politicians, he became socialized to the Washington DC culture and became too weak to deal with the real problems the US is facing. Too much spending, too many illegal immigrants, he succumbed to the Democrats over the fake dossier, and he was too compromising, and the Democrats took advantage of his weakness.
Term limits would help keep fresh new non-socialized Washington DC politicians that represent their constituents.
Al Smith
1 year ago
Mitch is the poster boy for Term Limits. Pelosi is the poster girl. Three terms as Senator and six as a Representative is plenty. Twenty years federal service in any capacity should be the limit…would soon rid us of the deep state bureaucrats.
1 year ago
Why wait, get out now and do the USA a favor…
1 year ago
Mitch McConnell needed to go years ago! He more than overstayed his welcome! ObamaCare was and is a disaster and I certainly wouldn’t brag about being a Republican that voted for something they shoved down our throats yet had no idea what was even in the package as admitted by Nancy Pelosi!! When ObamaCare came in, I had wonderful insurance which I had worked over thirty years to earn. My reward going forward was lousy, yet expensive, insurance going forward because Obama threatened those with what he termed “Cadillac” insurance would be heavily fined! Yet Obama and Congress still enjoy the very best of everything as their laws never seem to apply to them!!
1 year ago
Mitch did a VERY good job of getting conservative originalist judges confirmed during Trump’s first term. I’m having a hard time thinking of anything else good to say about him.
jim wood
1 year ago
Good ridence, Mitch. Another example of career Rino milking the system. The need for term limits to become mandatory must happen soon. That being said get Big D back in office and re start this country. The clock is ticking.
Marty M
1 year ago
Good riddance to another RINO, useless as mosquitoes and satan!
Keith T. in SD
1 year ago
It’s not soon enough! This troll traitor has done so much damage to our country by caving into and colluding with Schumer and corrupt Biden! He’s a traitor in my view!
1 year ago
The turtle is comprised by his China connections. At least Kentuckians can be rightly proud of Rand Paul and James Comer.
Brad P
1 year ago
Two words – Term Limits
1 year ago
Although he has some good accomplishments, he is very much a creature of the DC swamp. I believe he has done much to “feather his own nest”. Too many in Congress are corrupt which is why there needs to be term limits.
1 year ago
Weed out all RINO’s. If they don’t quit, then primary them out and replace them with a true republican.
Eileen Stocker
1 year ago
It’s about time he goes! He hasn’t helped anyone but himself in all the years he spent in D.C.
Martha Hurd
1 year ago
It IS past time for Mitch to move on, also Schumer, Nader, Schiff, Durbin, Raskin and their ilk. Not crazy about Hakim Jefferies either. They can only be trusted to subvert our constitution.
Dave R
1 year ago
There should be TERM LIMITS on any public office, at any level of government, both federal and down to local government. There is a reason there are term limits on Presidents and VP’s, those same reasons apply to all elected politicians. If the people who wrote our Declaration of Independance could see how this country is run now, I can only image what they would say. ” What the hell happen! We broke free of this tyranny.” It has been a while since I read this fabulous document. It should be required that every person elected to a government position sign this document. If they violate the document, they are removed from office ASAP.
Jerry T
1 year ago
McConnel is controlled by the Chinese relatives of his wife, he should have never been a Senator at all!
Philip T Massey, Sr.
1 year ago
Term limits please, with 70 being the maximum age.
Joseph Michael Collins Sr
1 year ago
Mitch has overstayed his welcome. He should retire and go away. He never pushed to have a bill to restrict insider stock trading by Congress and the Senate and that is why they all retire rich.
1 year ago
He should have left long ago. And Cornyn SHOULD NOT NOT NOT replace him.
1 year ago
I vote for Mitch to GET OUT OF THE WAY!
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago
I hope McConnell’s replacement is a dedicated conservative willing to go to the mat with Schumer. John Cornyn is not that guy. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are two possibilities of several.
Rick A
1 year ago
A poster child for term limits. He and Rona have done more to limit the party than any others in my estimation. The nation as a whole has diminished under his tutelage. He Pelosi and Shumer are much to blame. My only take on his leaving in November is the country would be much better off if he left RIGHT NOW!!
1 year ago
The RINO’s need to either come to the party (Party of Trump) and side with the citizens and protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and think less about how much Graft they can get, by play both sides. Congress needs to get back to the principles in the Constitution that our founding fathers gave us. The founding fathers were 1000 times smarter than this bunch of Yo-Yo’s ever hoped to be. God Bless America!
William Paulauski
1 year ago
He should have stepped down immediately. He held money back from MAGA candidates in 2020 and 2022 elections. Leaving around the 2024 election gives him time to once again hurt MAGA candidates with no money thus keeping the Senate in democrat hands. This will hurt America again.
Average American
1 year ago
Sen McConnell: I give him a “C” on Judicial issues, & a solid “F”
on the remaining %85 of his job. Please Republicans,
No more Mitch McConnell’s.
1 year ago
Why is he waiting till December? He needs to retire now. I think we’d be better off with a new Republican, taking the seat that would not be from the swamp.
Do we honestly want him in that chair 10 more months? He could be a hindrance for the Republicans sweeping the elections.
1 year ago
He is a traitor to his country. He benefited his wifes home country at the expense of his own country while he lined his pockets at the same time. He should be in jail.
1 year ago
I think he was just another RINO. We need young, conservative, GODLY leadership!
1 year ago
He is as braindead as Joe Biden. I am glad he stepped down and hopefully he will be out soon.
1 year ago
There are far too many in congress that have been there too long and have no idea how real Americans live. They are all rich and only care about money and power. They also should not be getting lifetime pensions because they SERVED the people! We need term limits and everyone serving in any government position should have to be an American citizens. Because of the swamp in DC, we are giving our country to foreigners. Mitch has been part of this. It’s about time he give up leadership, but he should also retire.
1 year ago
Yes, he’s a part of the swamp, but he’s also done some good things, such as keeping Garland off the supreme court. He’s too buddy-buddy with Schumer, they should both be gone. Term limits would help, as voters don’t seem to know when to boot them (I think they just vote for a familiar name and don’t research).
1 year ago
” Don’t Let Da Door Hit Ya A** On Da Way Out Mitch ! ”
Bill Coates
1 year ago
His Chinese connections and love of power corrupted him, and lately he’s been a servant of the World Economic Forum. Just another fallen politician.
1 year ago
He should have left 10 years ago.
he hasn’t helped us at all.
Kevin M.
1 year ago
Like so many in politics (but also athletes, celebrities, etc.) he long ago outlived his usefulness. He’s overstayed his welcome and is now a mere caricature of what was once a respected statesman. He needs to take the next step and step down from the Senate. He’s become a joke… and like Biden… is too old to “serve” anyone except himself. #TermLimits #ConventionofStates
1 year ago
I don’t believe it matters. Elections are won or lost by who counts the votes. Prove me wrong.
1 year ago
It’s time for the senator to retire. It is true for MANY others in Congress, both parties, to retire. It should be mandatory for term and age limits to serve in that office !
1 year ago
Overall, Mitch did play a pivotal role in getting some conservative judges into the various levels of the judiciary and I supported his stance against allowing a vote on Merrick Garland to SCOTUS. However, stepping down as Minority Leader is the right decision. Hopefully, his replacement will be an improvement and deliver results, but I have little faith in those that have been mentioned as potential successors. Cornyn ain’t it, and I don’t think Thune would be an improvement. Can’t we get someone who at least has the backbone to stand up to Schumer and the Communists, and is a better negotiator in high stakes situations? One who cares less about ‘collegiality of the Senate’ (when the Communists in the Upper Chamber view all the GOP and conservative as their enemies) their standing in DC media and social circles?
Stephen Russell
1 year ago
Need New Blood in Senate & House to drive ahead
1 year ago
I wish him well and thank him for his service, with that being said he should have left years ago, he is an example of why we need term and age limits.
1 year ago
McConnell has been a phony RINO for a long time and needs put out to pasture, period.
1 year ago
Good bye Mitch, don’t let the ERINO – Establishment Republican In Name Only – door hit you on the way out. We are witnessing the purging of the ERINO’s from the party. Go Brandon!
1 year ago
Why do we have to wait until Nov.? Or will it matter ? Are the ( Powers that Be ) just going to slither another UniParty Swamp Monster in there that is going to give in to the agenda that is intent on the destruction of America ? He could have been gone at least a decade ago, if not longer ? We might be better off now if he had ?
1 year ago
Think about it, Kentucky when he came into power was last or just about last in the nation as far as health care, education, and wealth. Now all these years later Kentucky is still the same, very effective! Oh but he is extremely wealthy managed to make generational wealth.
Joe Black
1 year ago
I have never been a fan of Mitch’s. I don’t want to call him a RINO, but he was one more than I cared for. He had at least one foot in the swamp, but the other on solid conservative ground. He’s been a decent Republican, but if days past before it was called the swamp. We need more young aggressive people in the leadership like we have in the House.
1 year ago
Mitch McConnell is the #1 reason the RNC is in shambles. He is a disgrace to the state of KY and the nation. He has worked against President Trump since the beginning in 2016. He will not step down now because he has until Nov. To inflict as much damage as he and the 3 johns can do. Rick Scott must be elected the next leader or the RNC is doomed.
Carmen D
1 year ago
Term Limits for ALL Senators. They reach the age of social security… Time to go.
1 year ago
A more conservative republican could have done a better job of packing the court.
1 year ago
Mitch never met a Democrat he wouldn’t compromise with on some principle or other.
FINALLY, what took him so long? Mitch McSchumer needs to step down immediately. He could still do some real damage from now until November. Go back into your shell, Mr. Turtle, and write a thank you note to China for making you a multi-millionaire and leading the RINO brigade!
Like most long standing politicians, he became socialized to the Washington DC culture and became too weak to deal with the real problems the US is facing. Too much spending, too many illegal immigrants, he succumbed to the Democrats over the fake dossier, and he was too compromising, and the Democrats took advantage of his weakness.
Term limits would help keep fresh new non-socialized Washington DC politicians that represent their constituents.
Mitch is the poster boy for Term Limits. Pelosi is the poster girl. Three terms as Senator and six as a Representative is plenty. Twenty years federal service in any capacity should be the limit…would soon rid us of the deep state bureaucrats.
Why wait, get out now and do the USA a favor…
Mitch McConnell needed to go years ago! He more than overstayed his welcome! ObamaCare was and is a disaster and I certainly wouldn’t brag about being a Republican that voted for something they shoved down our throats yet had no idea what was even in the package as admitted by Nancy Pelosi!! When ObamaCare came in, I had wonderful insurance which I had worked over thirty years to earn. My reward going forward was lousy, yet expensive, insurance going forward because Obama threatened those with what he termed “Cadillac” insurance would be heavily fined! Yet Obama and Congress still enjoy the very best of everything as their laws never seem to apply to them!!
Mitch did a VERY good job of getting conservative originalist judges confirmed during Trump’s first term. I’m having a hard time thinking of anything else good to say about him.
Good ridence, Mitch. Another example of career Rino milking the system. The need for term limits to become mandatory must happen soon. That being said get Big D back in office and re start this country. The clock is ticking.
Good riddance to another RINO, useless as mosquitoes and satan!
It’s not soon enough! This troll traitor has done so much damage to our country by caving into and colluding with Schumer and corrupt Biden! He’s a traitor in my view!
The turtle is comprised by his China connections. At least Kentuckians can be rightly proud of Rand Paul and James Comer.
Two words – Term Limits
Although he has some good accomplishments, he is very much a creature of the DC swamp. I believe he has done much to “feather his own nest”. Too many in Congress are corrupt which is why there needs to be term limits.
Weed out all RINO’s. If they don’t quit, then primary them out and replace them with a true republican.
It’s about time he goes! He hasn’t helped anyone but himself in all the years he spent in D.C.
It IS past time for Mitch to move on, also Schumer, Nader, Schiff, Durbin, Raskin and their ilk. Not crazy about Hakim Jefferies either. They can only be trusted to subvert our constitution.
There should be TERM LIMITS on any public office, at any level of government, both federal and down to local government. There is a reason there are term limits on Presidents and VP’s, those same reasons apply to all elected politicians. If the people who wrote our Declaration of Independance could see how this country is run now, I can only image what they would say. ” What the hell happen! We broke free of this tyranny.” It has been a while since I read this fabulous document. It should be required that every person elected to a government position sign this document. If they violate the document, they are removed from office ASAP.
McConnel is controlled by the Chinese relatives of his wife, he should have never been a Senator at all!
Term limits please, with 70 being the maximum age.
Mitch has overstayed his welcome. He should retire and go away. He never pushed to have a bill to restrict insider stock trading by Congress and the Senate and that is why they all retire rich.
He should have left long ago. And Cornyn SHOULD NOT NOT NOT replace him.
I vote for Mitch to GET OUT OF THE WAY!
I hope McConnell’s replacement is a dedicated conservative willing to go to the mat with Schumer. John Cornyn is not that guy. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are two possibilities of several.
A poster child for term limits. He and Rona have done more to limit the party than any others in my estimation. The nation as a whole has diminished under his tutelage. He Pelosi and Shumer are much to blame. My only take on his leaving in November is the country would be much better off if he left RIGHT NOW!!
The RINO’s need to either come to the party (Party of Trump) and side with the citizens and protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and think less about how much Graft they can get, by play both sides.
Congress needs to get back to the principles in the Constitution that our founding fathers gave us.
The founding fathers were 1000 times smarter than this bunch of Yo-Yo’s ever hoped to be.
God Bless America!
He should have stepped down immediately. He held money back from MAGA candidates in 2020 and 2022 elections. Leaving around the 2024 election gives him time to once again hurt MAGA candidates with no money thus keeping the Senate in democrat hands. This will hurt America again.
Sen McConnell: I give him a “C” on Judicial issues, & a solid “F”
on the remaining %85 of his job. Please Republicans,
No more Mitch McConnell’s.
Why is he waiting till December? He needs to retire now. I think we’d be better off with a new Republican, taking the seat that would not be from the swamp.
Do we honestly want him in that chair 10 more months? He could be a hindrance for the Republicans sweeping the elections.
He is a traitor to his country. He benefited his wifes home country at the expense of his own country while he lined his pockets at the same time. He should be in jail.
I think he was just another RINO. We need young, conservative, GODLY leadership!
He is as braindead as Joe Biden. I am glad he stepped down and hopefully he will be out soon.
There are far too many in congress that have been there too long and have no idea how real Americans live. They are all rich and only care about money and power. They also should not be getting lifetime pensions because they SERVED the people! We need term limits and everyone serving in any government position should have to be an American citizens. Because of the swamp in DC, we are giving our country to foreigners. Mitch has been part of this. It’s about time he give up leadership, but he should also retire.
Yes, he’s a part of the swamp, but he’s also done some good things, such as keeping Garland off the supreme court. He’s too buddy-buddy with Schumer, they should both be gone. Term limits would help, as voters don’t seem to know when to boot them (I think they just vote for a familiar name and don’t research).
” Don’t Let Da Door Hit Ya A** On Da Way Out Mitch ! ”
His Chinese connections and love of power corrupted him, and lately he’s been a servant of the World Economic Forum. Just another fallen politician.
He should have left 10 years ago.
he hasn’t helped us at all.
Like so many in politics (but also athletes, celebrities, etc.) he long ago outlived his usefulness. He’s overstayed his welcome and is now a mere caricature of what was once a respected statesman. He needs to take the next step and step down from the Senate. He’s become a joke… and like Biden… is too old to “serve” anyone except himself. #TermLimits #ConventionofStates
I don’t believe it matters. Elections are won or lost by who counts the votes. Prove me wrong.
It’s time for the senator to retire. It is true for MANY others in Congress, both parties, to retire. It should be mandatory for term and age limits to serve in that office !
Overall, Mitch did play a pivotal role in getting some conservative judges into the various levels of the judiciary and I supported his stance against allowing a vote on Merrick Garland to SCOTUS. However, stepping down as Minority Leader is the right decision. Hopefully, his replacement will be an improvement and deliver results, but I have little faith in those that have been mentioned as potential successors. Cornyn ain’t it, and I don’t think Thune would be an improvement. Can’t we get someone who at least has the backbone to stand up to Schumer and the Communists, and is a better negotiator in high stakes situations? One who cares less about ‘collegiality of the Senate’ (when the Communists in the Upper Chamber view all the GOP and conservative as their enemies) their standing in DC media and social circles?
Need New Blood in Senate & House to drive ahead
I wish him well and thank him for his service, with that being said he should have left years ago, he is an example of why we need term and age limits.
McConnell has been a phony RINO for a long time and needs put out to pasture, period.
Good bye Mitch, don’t let the ERINO – Establishment Republican In Name Only – door hit you on the way out. We are witnessing the purging of the ERINO’s from the party. Go Brandon!
Why do we have to wait until Nov.? Or will it matter ? Are the ( Powers that Be ) just going to slither another UniParty Swamp Monster in there that is going to give in to the agenda that is intent on the destruction of America ? He could have been gone at least a decade ago, if not longer ? We might be better off now if he had ?
Think about it, Kentucky when he came into power was last or just about last in the nation as far as health care, education, and wealth. Now all these years later Kentucky is still the same, very effective! Oh but he is extremely wealthy managed to make generational wealth.
I have never been a fan of Mitch’s. I don’t want to call him a RINO, but he was one more than I cared for. He had at least one foot in the swamp, but the other on solid conservative ground. He’s been a decent Republican, but if days past before it was called the swamp. We need more young aggressive people in the leadership like we have in the House.
Mitch McConnell is the #1 reason the RNC is in shambles. He is a disgrace to the state of KY and the nation. He has worked against President Trump since the beginning in 2016. He will not step down now because he has until Nov. To inflict as much damage as he and the 3 johns can do. Rick Scott must be elected the next leader or the RNC is doomed.
Term Limits for ALL Senators. They reach the age of social security… Time to go.
A more conservative republican could have done a better job of packing the court.
Mitch never met a Democrat he wouldn’t compromise with on some principle or other.