
President Trump smiles after winning 2024 election

What is your biggest takeaway from this past week’s presidential election?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
4 months ago

Hysteria and pure panic is running rampant through the minds of the radical left cultural elites and media outlets because they have lost control of their power and control over government and institutions.

You can hear the desperate cries from the Left’s post-election fascists demanding that  government step in (before Joe & Jill’s exit) to censor any and all information and speech on social media and other sources of truth.

The Left used all their ammo in battle after battle of untruthful media coverage; four criminal indictments; 34 felony convictions; two impeachments; and two assassination attempts – but they lost the war!

Over the past several years, we failed to fight back against the evil that was penetrating our government, media, schools, etc.  We either ignored the gas-lighting; chose not to make a fuss about what was happening; didn’t know how to combat the destruction; or chose to do nothing (including voting.) What made matters worse is that as our nation we turned our back on God.

Thankfully, we have a loving God, Who through His mercy and grace is willing to give us a second chance. In fact in recent months, God gave Trump a second (and third) chance at life. We must remember that God is the one who authorizes and places people in positions of leadership (even sometime evil ones) for His purposes, which are often beyond our understanding.

“…For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that

exist are appointed by God.”                                        Romans 13:1

As for Trump, his second chance should include following the example of King Solomon. Chapter two of the 1 Kings in the Bible describes when Solomon succeeded his father David as Israel’s king. David’s final words to Solomon were to urge him to be strong and courageous, and to put his full trust and faith in God. David also discussed some unfinished business about which Solomon was to address.

The first thing he did was to “drain the swamp!” A few members of David’s administration, which were now to be part of Solomon’s, had betrayed David and one had even gotten away with two murders. Solomon took care of business to root out corruption in his administration. Now, there is no suggestion that President Trump should follow the same tactics used by Solomon to drain the swamp. However, there is much for Trump to do to eradicate the corruption…especially in the 3-letter agencies.

The nightmare of the nearly past four years has been grueling. God may have orchestrated it in this manner to wake us up and admit the error of our ways in allowing the removal of God from the hearts of Americans. As the radical left and untruthful media wipe the egg off of their faces and run to their safe spaces to sulk, let this be a time where we should reawaken the conservative’s spirit and remain active in prayer and service, and do our part to restore our nation. God bless America!

         Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?

                                                                                       Psalm 85:6


Marty M
Marty M
4 months ago

God, thanks for the miracle!!!

jim wood
jim wood
4 months ago

The takeaway I feel is more important than anything is that Trump overcame everything the opposition threw at him, and he won and won big. Just as important he will hit the job running and not surround himself with idiots as he did last time whp did not buy into his vision for our country. His actions just since the election are remarkable and he will get the right team together to implement his ideas. If the Republicans control the house it is a Trifecta win and no limit what can be accomplished with the proper team. The Dems ruined this country and probably will not learn from their screwball ideas and non caring for the American people. Keep Mr. Trump safe as we venture into a period that should result in prosperity for all, while stopping the border mess Biden/Harris disregarded completely. A new and exciting time to be an American.

4 months ago

America has Spoken, 
They DO NOT Want what the Far-Left, Progressives, Democrats, & Elitist-Globalists will bring down on them.
Trump won the Popular Vote AND the Electoral vote.
If you Disagree,
as YOU said in 2020:

Sharon Linton
Sharon Linton
4 months ago

I believe above all else, God’s in control. His will and purpose will always triumph. No matter who is in the White House, God is still on the throne. He’s given this nation another chance to turn back to Him and turn our country around. Rid the land of those who wish to destroy her.

4 months ago

Though the election turned out in favor of the best candidate, I am still shocked at just how many ignorant voters live in this country. Listening to the messaging from both sides, Trump should have won by a much larger percentage. Fake media pushing and repeating lies is still a huge influence on those who choose to believe them.

Helen P Nulty
Helen P Nulty
4 months ago

I viewed this election as a last chance for our country to return to our roots, the work of our founding fathers.

Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
4 months ago

Definitely no faith in the integrity of our voting. It was just too big to steal. That was our plan and it was executed grandly. Thank you one and all. When the voting machines, drop boxes, most mail in ballots, and central tabulating are gone and we have all paper ballots on voting day counted in the precincts where cast, then we can have voting integrity.

4 months ago

Elections has consequences!
Obama used that on America when he won!
Well that tsunami hit America with TRUMP riding that wave high and proud!
I think he had the best campaign and showed the communist democrats where the door is!
Now for the true Americans to roll up our sleeves and get to work!
Thanks to all who voted Trump/Vance, we need these two working to straighten out what the democrats did to America!
I only hope it doesn’t take 20 years!

4 months ago

Well, deep down I am sure we were not surprised. But it certainly was a night to remember. Trump beat the media, big tech, Hollywood and of course KAMALA. Why did he win???? Because of all of us, millions of Christians some who voted for the first time. And millions of hard working Americans who are having a hard time and remember how things were under Trump. But most of all, God saved Trump from a bullet to save this great country.
Now the turn around begins and definitely God will have his hand on Trump.
God bless Trump and this country.

4 months ago

I have absolutely that the Democrats cheated. It just wasn’t enough to offset the conservatives. The opposition had no clue at just how pissed off we were!

4 months ago

These idiots still live in this country ! Still are in positions of power, still work at all the big media outlets, and most important of all, still are at our schools and college’s !!! Stay awake America. Don’t go back to sleep !!! We still have major work to do. Boycotting every company that support these marckists, seriously consider where your families will attend college,and get involved with your local governments !!! This never ends… We can’t get complacent again, ever !

Holt Cheatham
Holt Cheatham
4 months ago

1: I prayed for God to forgive this country for turning her back on Him and to please give us one more chance. All praise and glory, thanks be to God!
2: Relief
3: “Leftist Tears”

4 months ago

I am former Democrat who has opened her eyes, ears, mind to voting Republican, the party of common sense. I don’t regret my vote for Trump/Vance and other Republicans down ticket. Tired of elites.

Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
4 months ago

Donald Trump is the leader of a new broad-based Republican party, yes! But the United States won, and for all the reasons listed i the questionnaire and more! However, don’t be fooled. There are still tricks to be considered among the dumo-rats and especially Harris. She still has to preside over the confirmation in the electoral college and games could be afoot.
be forewarned! I have very little trust in the other party and they are capable of dirty tricks. NONE OF WHICH THEY HAD BETTER TRY!

4 months ago

In looking at several things posted after this election… the biggest one that stands out now as it did in 2020. Where are the excess votes Biden got? He campaigned from his basement and we are supposed to believe he got 81 million votes.

4 months ago

There is massive corruption in the United States! I don’t think this election will be nearly enough. There is still election fraud going on and we do not have a justice system left to correct the criminality.

4 months ago

And without the loving and merciful hand of God, evil would have prevailed. Praise God for His Mercy.

4 months ago

My biggest take was a sign of relief. I just retired and was concerned with my retirement investments and my SS and how they might be compromised by the Obama Regime.

Gary Mirsky
Gary Mirsky
4 months ago

A return to common sense and ignoring the race baiting crap.

4 months ago

The democrats appointed candidate proved over and over that she was not qualified to be president of our great country. Near the end, panic had set in, and they resorted to name calling, out & out lies and flip flopping. Anyone undecided at this point with any sense at all, even with the media’s one sidedness, did what was right for our country.

Al Smith
Al Smith
4 months ago

The radical left, especially those talking heads in the media don’t get it. They are out of touch with everyday Americans. They are stunned that we should want a solid economy, good jobs, low energy prices, a secure border, and a forceful foreign policy. President Trump delivered these during his presidency and will again. Wanna see a total melt down? Watch clips of The View. Funny beyond words!

Rose Giuliani
Rose Giuliani
4 months ago

God has shown His mercy on a sinful
nation. I pray we repent of our personal and national sins and humble ourselves and worship YHWH again. I believe this is a short reprieve and He may not give another chance. “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will bless”!

4 months ago

Now, if Trump can: just stop spending/printing money we don’t have, and save the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, we have a chance at saving the USA!!

Ray Calloway II
Ray Calloway II
4 months ago

My faith in the American public is now stronger than ever! Americans of every walk of life, creed and color saw through the BS the Dem’s were trying to push on Us and rejected the progressive, radical far left strategies that left America in horrible economic condition, that left Our borders open, that stopped oil and gas production thus increasing prices everywhere because of transportation costs. Now we need to close the borders, open gas/oil production, balance the budget, decrease spending, eliminate useless agencies, fire the radical bureaucrats, make sanctuary cities/states illegal and realign the economy to prosper and grow. LET”S GO AMERICA!!

Karl Hermansen
Karl Hermansen
4 months ago

My biggest take-away from this election was the realization of staggering amount and diversity of power that the Left has woven into the fabric of our society without adequate resistance from the people. I was a public school child, and only now, some 50 years later, can I see how my education was so entirely different from that of today’s American child. I can remember the change, at the end of the 1969 school year, when I got an A in Civics, and I was told that Civics would no longer be taught and carried no credit towards college. There would be no JROTC, (Junior ROTC) training in high school. The dress code was being dropped. At my older brother’s college, dorms would be co-ed. Every drug imaginable was suddenly available everywhere. I was stunned. Even as a young man a year shy of draft age, I recognized that the discipline that gave clarity and stability to the learning environment was being eviscerated. The assassinations and riots were happening across the country, and the restraints defined by wisdom, maturity, and self-discipline were discarded, only to be replaced by those defined by raw power, money, self-gratification.
And here we are. Let’s make this a turning point.

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 months ago

Biggest takeaway, as always, is: It’s the economy, Stupid !!

In 2024, “the economy” translates into grocery prices. Regardless of how all the other problems are prioritized, fixing grocery prices must be the number one priority on the Trump administration’s list.

4 months ago

For anyone who is fooled that there has been a shift in the Republican party, just watch how they stifle, slow walk, and remain silent when Trump is attacked over the next 4 years. Way too many RINOs and compromised Repugnants still in office. Those are the ones that sabotage the apparent majority(Collins, Murkowski, Romney et al) and only vote with the party when they know the bill will pass for sure or their vote won’t matter as the bill won’t pass. MAGA!

Keith Sanders
Keith Sanders
4 months ago

The people spoke! Now it’s time to make sure that this type of woke DEI agenda never reappears. Give the lunatic fringe nothing to build a platform from. We are not a multinational state- we are The United States of America!

4 months ago

We the people spoke loud and clear that we do not want all the evil and corruption going on. But more importantly God won, for America belongs to God. Let us not forget what he did for us! He saved us from four more years of pure evil. Had Kamala won, we the people would be persecuted and there would be no more free America, but a socialist, communist and Marxist leadership. But Almighty God stepped in and for that I will always be thankful.

Donny Ravas
Donny Ravas
4 months ago

Glory be to the Lord! Extremely thankful that He has given us another chance to turn toward Him as a nation. That said, President-elect Trump, along with the Senate and “please Lord” the House majority and maybe we can get America back on track by placing American citizens first!!!
The anti-American Left has committed sedition and even treason against America, and if anyone has been paying attention, the Left never sleeps. Right now they are plotting how to create even more chaos, deception, disruption, anything and everything to impede President Trump and his administration from accomplishing its America First policies. From their propaganda networks (hiding behind the 1st Amendment and FCC protections) to within the military ranks to the majority of federal employees working within three letter agencies. We must clean house, set the rule of law to be as solid as a rock in which we will be our American Constitutional Republic once again. The “Fundamental Transformation” of America has to be eradicated, fully, wholly, and completely.
Trump knows better this time around and has seen exactly what they will do and are capable of. However there are still 2 months before the swearing in and trust me, the anti-American Leftists will do everything to scorch this earth prior to Trump taking the reins. May God help us all.

4 months ago

Wow, I guess that “too big to rig” actually worked – even here in Michigan! I had my doubts, especially since Michigan is run by the 3 horrible Dem witches. It has been a glorious week.

Al K.
Al K.
4 months ago

The average American, regardless of the groups the Elites attempt to corral us in to, voted their day to life.
Let’s not forget that the House has yet to be decided and, as we are seeing in Nevada and Arizona, it’s not over yet. Funny, Florida gets hit by, not one but, Two hurricanes and has things buttoned up with in hours.
When the dust does settle, if it ever does, we still have to be concerned about Senators Thune, Cornyn, Romney, Collins, Murkowski, and Graham…yes Graham. As far as the House, people like Brian Fitzpatrick(PA) also former FBI employee, Chris Smith (N.J.), and the other establishment Republicans can’t be trusted to carry out and fulfill the agenda.
Finally, this is ONLY the beginning. We need to stay engaged, informed, and active. The Left/RINOS and elites Will Not take this lying down. The Republicans need to learn how to Judge Shop as the other side does. Again, we can’t celebrate and sit back….

Gerald McFerson
Gerald McFerson
4 months ago

While the overall election went well, we still have states that can’t seem to get the count in on time..It’s been 3 days now Arizona and California still don’t have finals, especially the House count. Democrats are scrambling to try and get the majority thru these two states.These two states election officials need to fired. SAD

4 months ago

Trump’s so-called ‘Loss’ of 2020 may have been necessary, to show the world just how Evil and Corrupt the U.S. Deep State truly is. Now is the time to END IT!!

Albert McCabe
Albert McCabe
4 months ago

It’s time for the celebrities and others that said they would leave the country, if Trump was elected they need to start packing. But they won’t, they’re liars!

D Dunn
D Dunn
4 months ago

First, thank God for the victory!!! Now, let’s get rid of the “wokeness” in everything! (Starting with restoring the Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery!) Then, get it out of the classrooms!Finally, Pass the Fair Tax!!!

4 months ago

Where’s the option for: 15 million Biden ballots were pulled from somebody’s butt, and Trump’s victory makes Biden-Harris’ illegitimacy all the more obvious.

Ronald Wilson
Ronald Wilson
4 months ago

I want to know where the 15 million more votes for O’Biden came from in 2020, and when the uni-party are going to be prosecute those that perpetrated that fraud!

Velma Crown
Velma Crown
4 months ago

God has answered prayers

JD Dougherty
JD Dougherty
4 months ago

2017 – 2019 was the last time the more Conservative Party held the majority in all 3 elected branches of elected government. In those years they may have prevented a few things, but as far as advancing the conservative agenda, little or nothing was accomplished. We really need to voice our opinions and hold their feet to the fire. With the standing, more conservative Supreme Court, they should be able to make good on some of their promises. Let’s see what happens.

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
4 months ago

All I heard from the Democraps past and present is a call for unity and bipartisanship. Where the Hell was any of that over the past four years or through the Obama years.

4 months ago

We are just plain tired of the regulatory insanity coming from the left.

4 months ago

Our work has only begun. If we do not get a good majority in the House POTUS Trump will get nothing accomplished to help get this nation back to God and back on track.

4 months ago

Voters were blindsided in the last few elections but have finally wised up to the commie trash who need “adjusted” or run out of the country so we can get back to the constitution and bill of rights instead of their communist manifesto.

4 months ago

We the American People have spoken. Our President Trump will be back in the Whitehouse where he has always belonged. We have a great Four Years ahead of us.

Bill McCollum
Bill McCollum
4 months ago

My wife voted or Trump – she’s a Democrat. She said the country was not ready for a woman President. Her performance as VP was disappointing. Our country got weak under Biden, and we need someone that won’t appease those who hate us.

Ray Calloway II
Ray Calloway II
4 months ago

The Dems allowed the far left, radical progressives steer their party in the wrong direction. Americans want no part of open borders and giving our tax dollars to illegals while ignoring citizens in the form of debt cards, welfare and subsidies. It made Us sick to Our stomachs and We let everyone know that with Our vote last Tuesday!! Now it’s time to deport and close all sanctuary cities and states. Balance will be restored with President Trump!! Thanks to all who voted!! We are all the winners now!!

4 months ago

I’m hoping four years is enough to correct the domestic and global damage done by this democrat, marxist shadow government.

4 months ago

All of the above are true to a degree. The election integrity still is playing out in AZ and CA. I am not convinced that without strict controls we would be free of voter theft.
i also believe that over time many scandals and corruption will be revealed with a new DOJ.

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