
labor day update campaign crunch time

What is the single biggest takeaway from Tuesday's election?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

Or “Stop the Steal” is yesterday’s news.

1 year ago

We botched it.

Jan Mikol
Jan Mikol
1 year ago

Democrats won with the help of Establishment Swamp Republicans. They are one unified party to get Trump and Trump supporters!

Glennis Hogan
Glennis Hogan
1 year ago

We are tired of the same old, same old. If things don’t turn around this time then we are done in as a nation. Party does not matter it is the principles and how they govern now. This woke crap has got out of hand and it is a blight on this once great lady. I am ashamed for the first time in my life in the USA. Dem or Rep they must stand for truth, and honesty and remember the blood that was shed to keep this country free. I refuse to stand down and I will not compromise my faith. I know who really is in charge. We seem to have a clown show running this country.

1 year ago

The correct response, the democrats are gettin the “cheat” perfected. We’ll never have an honest election again.

1 year ago

Mr.Trump needs to use what influence he has to endorse a different candidate for the next presidency. He has become too polarizing and would be a one-term lame duck president even if he were elected, which has no chance of happening.

1 year ago

Do away with this early voting crap. Way to much room for cheating.

Dr. Wayne Perry
Dr. Wayne Perry
1 year ago

The biggest takeaway is that Republicans who showed strong, clear leadership won, and those who offered nothing new lost. Pense came out with a good plan, but it was too late in the game and got too little support from many Republican candidates.

1 year ago

Candidates matter. Character matters. Trumps’ support is no guarantee of victory. Republicans need to run good candidates. However why anyone would voluntarily submit to the sh*t show that is US politics today is beyond me.

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
1 year ago

There is plenty of blame to pass around everywhere. Poor candidates, zero republican leadership support either for their candidate or against their opponent, a media who is all in for the democrats (all you needed to do was watch 5 minutes of any mainstream media coverage), vote tabulation in blue states (still going on), early voting (all debates should be conducted prior to a vote being cast) and probably the reason that matters the most. Uninformed electorate.

1 year ago

I notice the poll didn’t ask a main question, which is “How many feel voter fraud by the democrats was involved?”

Steven Gay
Steven Gay
1 year ago

We keep dancing around the fact that there’s a tremendous amount of cheating going on in our elections since 2020. I believe cheating was occurring prior to 2020, but it became more dramatic as Joe Biden was appointed president after not even leaving his basement. Laughable!

Something has to be done to correct for all the malfeasance that’s occurring in our election process. We cannot continue to ignore reality.

1 year ago

Trump’s endorsements record is really good ~92$; endorsements for candidates in deep blue areas are hard to win, especially in deep blue state voters are very “low information” voters! Also, most gen-z and millennial voters are low information voters as they get their info from Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok, and the search with Google. Parents need to educate their children upfront on politics.

1 year ago

There seems to be multiple issues at play. The Dems have a far better ground game than the R’s combined with a brand issue on the part of the R’s. The D’s have played the R team the last several years with early and mail in voting and other related shams while the R’s watched it happen. The D’s save no powder in attacking the R brand and have done so successfully. Again, the R’s watch it happen and continue to play nice. And now the argument goes, the R’s can’t spend time on investigation and real oversight as the D’s have done the last many years. I remember two baseless impeachments. But the R’s are told to not go there even though they have firm grounds. They must govern but they must balance it with getting under some of the outstanding issues that have put them in the box they are in. And I say with some sadness, DJT needs to step back now and let the new generation take command.

jim wood
jim wood
1 year ago

Lets face it. We are a divided country and will continue to be until the GOP gets serious about playing hardball with these jerks. The dems care nothing about the American people and will continue to push their agenda down our throats. We need GOP leaders who will actually fight back and stop this insanity. Right now we may not even hang on to the House lead as several states drag their heals on totaling ballots. The Senate may not happen either. Biden has no clue what he is doing and the puppet masters will continue to call the shots. Very poor excuse for what is a great country if GOP can get some decent leadership. Right now we better get our S— together or 2024 will be more of the same.

John strama
John strama
1 year ago

Besides the Republican Leadership remained on the sidelines and them having no UNITY, the mainstream media has the voters’ ears. Unless election reform occurs, mail-in ballots will be why the Democrats are able to manipulate the election results. Neither party realizes that the “Baby Boomers” is one of the largest voting blocs and they continue to ignore us!

Kelly H
Kelly H
1 year ago

My takeaway is that the cheating continued. The same machines were used, nothing was fixed from 2020, and there was obvious cheating. Yet no one is doing anything about it, just like in 2020. PA was red in 2016, more red in 2020, and with more people awake was definitely more red in 2022, yet we voted blue?? Makes no sense, no sense at all. Who in their right mind would vote for a goon? It was not a fair election.

Horace R,
Horace R,
1 year ago

The party of evil cheated again.

1 year ago

Between election fraud, citizen disenfranchisement via decades of illegal aliens invading our country, and the Regimes’s total control over the flow of information and censorship of any dissent; Republicans have zero chance of winning the Presidency in 2024.

Millions of people are waking up to the reality that a small percentage of the population controls 98% of the flow of information and news to the people.

GenX was completely swayed by the media and that was the reason there was not a big red wave. They bought into all the lies hook, line and sinker. They are controlled and responded as they were programed.

We have to forget about those global elitist who control Washington and get involved on the elections at the local level. We have to shift our focus and energy on building wealth, security for our families and our communities. The Amish have done this very well and are thriving and so should we.

We have to get back to our roots and trust in God who is really the One in control. These globalists hate us and our country but once they ruin everything, those who didn’t focus on them but instead on living life and trusting in God will survive. That is my opinion.

Russell Casey
Russell Casey
1 year ago

Early voting and delayed results equals fraud. Early voting favors democrats because they vote before even 1 debate and sometimes no debates. An ignorant electorate favors the left.

1 year ago

Most peoples have no comprehension of the level of fraud and control the globalists have on our elections and government. Both the GOP and the DNC leaders are in bed with the same foreign masters. To understand why simply read the Bible. Put your faith in God, not politicians.

Jennifer Marolla
Jennifer Marolla
1 year ago

I believe that a treasonous corrupt illegitimate government stole another election to remain in power.. I don’t believe for a minute that Fetterman won in PA or that Hobbs is neck to neck with Lake. I don’t believe that AZ election was legit.. I believe they are stealing AZ to assure the criminals from the forensic audit don’t get prosecuted.. I also believe they stole elections across the country in hopes to diminish the MAGA movement… with elites like Soros, the rockafellas, Blackrock and vanguard we do not have real candidates or elections.. candidates are actors and our representatives are installed with the illusion that they are elected

James Schurig
James Schurig
1 year ago

It shows me that although President Trump served us well, he SHOULD NOT RUN AGAIN! He is way too toxic and self centered.

Nelva McNeff
Nelva McNeff
1 year ago

It showed that many people do not pay attention to what they are voting but just the party. Particularly when a majority vote in a man who has died!!!

1 year ago

The Republican party is fractured. Never Trump Establishment vs America First. With the willing assistance from Leftist MSM and big tech, the blame Trump movement is gaining volume. Truth is McConnell/McCarthy withheld needed republican support in crucial elections in PA, NY, CT and AZ to set Trump up for ridicule.

Brian Carrozza
Brian Carrozza
1 year ago

Yes, the results were underwhelming, as the voting results for the past 50 years have been underwhelming. Until true Christians, Conservatives, and gun owners start to vote, the results will continue to be underwhelming.

Chris Bicknell
Chris Bicknell
1 year ago

Dem cheating is still evident. The only way to fix the cheating is to vote same day paper ballots.

Frank Evans
Frank Evans
1 year ago

I feel that most conservatives don’t trust the election process any longer, I don’t and seriously considered skipping this one myself. The main stream media is and social media are only reporting things favorable to the left and unfavorable to the right. Truly disappointed the direction this regime is taking our country and sad that our children and grandchildren will have to pay the price.

Gery Allen
Gery Allen
1 year ago

Until this country makes it illegal to make clearly false statements during political elections, nothing much will change because the best liars will always get elected. A lie should never go unchallenged and the liar must be arrested, fined and made to confirm the truth. Biden said gas was $5.00 when he took office but the entire country knows that was a lie — but there are no consequences for his shameless conduct.

1 year ago

This is not Trumps fault! MSM and “Conservative” pundants are trying to blame him, but this is 100% Mitch McConnell. Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy and Ronna McDaniel. The establishment reared its ugly head.

SR Anderson
SR Anderson
1 year ago

Conservatives feel cheated, again. No confidence in election system at all. We’ve seen the documented cheating and corrupt judges won’t allow evidence to be acknowledged.

Fred Combrink
Fred Combrink
1 year ago

The country is in real bad shape if they don’t take at least one of the house or the senate

Gloria D'Romero
Gloria D'Romero
1 year ago

Why can’t we do something about the cheating! We have proof what more do we need? Kelly did not win as thus time just like he didn’t win last time!

Raymond D Axtell
Raymond D Axtell
1 year ago

Those that control the machines, control the Election. Those that control the election, control our country. The Rhino Republicans are the ones that need to be defeated.

1 year ago

Non of the above ????. Never not been able to choose an option. I truly believe they’re stealing these seats in Nevada and Arizona as we watch this unfold.

1 year ago

The GOP are Toothless Backstabbing Bastards real losers. They just want the money.

mike jerbich
mike jerbich
1 year ago

The election showed that Mitch McConnell , Kevin Macarthy and Rona Macdaniel need to go.

1 year ago

When Roe was reversed, I knew the election was lost. The Democrats were pounding the college campuses on abortion and getting them to vote. Bernie was hitting two a week.

W Schreier
W Schreier
1 year ago

The machines need to go! Paper Ballots; and count them! Stop the cheating!

1 year ago

Trump needs to go away. The republican party put bad candidates on the ballot period. What do you expect.

1 year ago

The REAL option is not here in this poll, VOTER FRAUD is real and is being used just as it was in the 2020 election. How? The use of the voting machines, the drop and roll, late night dropping of boxes of ballots, phantom voters, keep counting these new brought in ballots until their “Selected” candidate wins. Did you read what was reported by the Epoch times in Nevada? Amac you must be aware of these fraudulent tactics, aren’t you?

Lawrence E Kirsch
Lawrence E Kirsch
1 year ago

Need to change top leadership in GOP. Clean house. Put in new people with the latest vision for our party. Quit mad mouthing fellow members. Talk positive for the future. Work together to unit our party; nationwide.

1 year ago

Election fraud continues; almost every really close race goes to the Dems? Com’on man! Plus, as a long time Trump supporter I finally think it’s time to hitch our wagon to DeSantis. Pres. Trump actually helps the dems due to their absolute hatred of the man.

1 year ago

Just goes to show that there are still a lot of stupid people still out there

Tim J
Tim J
1 year ago

The two most prevalent facts that come to mind are:

1) The Democrats are liars, cheaters, and power-mad Marxists that’ll go to any length to maintain control. They don’t give two hoots what the will of the people is.
2) American voters are becoming less intelligent and informed with every passing year. The newest voters (illegal immigrants; brainwashed shills freshly released from America’s Public Fool System; inner city, Welfare Slaves; and dead people have a collective IQ slightly above Fetterman’s or Biden’s. In other words … they’re dumb as rocks.

Rhoda Tucker
Rhoda Tucker
1 year ago

There is still fraud and corruption around our elections and people better WAKE UP BEFORE WE HAVE NO DEMOCRACY !!!

1 year ago

I believe that the Socialist Democratic Party found another way to cheat. I also believe that voting ballots should NOT BE ACCEPTED after polls close on the day of voting; and, the only ADVANCED MAIL-IN BALLOTS should be from those that are elderly and/or incapacitated with a FREE signature from a notary. Oh, and a PHOTO ID MUST BE PRESENTED before you are allowed to vote anywhere in the USA.

1 year ago

McConnell needs to go; he was obviously an impediment to Republican success in the Senate. We need more kick-ass Republicans to drain the swamp in DC.

Jessica Byrnes
Jessica Byrnes
1 year ago

MSM dividing Trump and DeSantis and thus, the party. These guys are both awesome and I am sure are in full support of each other.

Bill W
Bill W
1 year ago

Trump needs to step down and become the conservative George Soros. Stay in the background so he doesn’t impact a GOP candidate campaign. Too decisive and the GOP and conservatives need to have a consolidated plan to take back this country from liberals.

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