POTUS loves America and shows his respect for the sacrifices made to keep our liberties and free the world
from tyranny far more than the TDS DEMOCRATS ever will.
PELOSI and the traitorous Demshiveks HATE Trump more than they love America and they HATE Trump for showing it.
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
Dan W.
5 years ago
The most important headlines from this week, last week, and the next several weeks are regarding tariffs. Not only are we the people going to be paying more to buy goods from certain countries, the profitability of American farms and many other American businesses may be in danger.
A strong economy is the key to the President’s re-election. If these trade wars continue into 2020, the White House could be lost.
Brian B
5 years ago
While it’s important to recognize and applaud our WWII veterans as the President did this week in Europe, the pressing national emergency continues at our southern border. Mexico’s socialist President Obrador has so far thumbed his nose at the United States as he has refused to halt the migrations of illegals moving north. Mexico thrives as our most significant trading partner. President Trump’s threat of progressively increasing tariffs has become a necessary maneuver to get Obrador’s attention. Would tariffs hurt the American economy? Yes, a little. Would they hurt Mexico? Yes, a lot. Mexico suddenly has a compelling reason to come to the table and negotiate their future. MAGA
5 years ago
The Democratic Party is trying to prevent President Trump from doing what needs to be done and him winning a second term by every dirty trick possible.
5 years ago
All the items were very important for this week
Sue Currier
5 years ago
The most important is to remember our past and honor those that provided or freedoms. Next it showed true courage and leadership to do what was necessary to get Mexico to be responsible for their share in our crises among their border
5 years ago
I very much agree with Brian B, Normandy speech was impressive and important but (B-Day) is absolutely the crisis we face now!! Our border has to be controlled!!
5 years ago
While I believe that President Trumps speech at Normandy was one of his best and his obvious love for our veterans and the military I have to say the 5% tariff because of the crisis at the border. I think the tariff was a great move and the fact that it would increase every month has shaken the Mexican government up. Congress is not doing their job, the Democrats have done nada since they took the House, they have spent all their time trying to take down our President.
5 years ago
Also “the art of the deal” worked !! Mexico came running to the table and submitted to helping us control the border, if they do what they agreed to there will be no tariffs!!
5 years ago
The greatest meme of the week – Pelosi doesn’t want to see the President impeached, she wants to see him in prison. What makes her think he’ll visit her there?
Lawrence J Jones
5 years ago
Border security keeps our country/republic safe this time.
David Tobey
5 years ago
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power” Abraham Lincoln
President Trump has demonstrated again and again that he is a man of indomitable character. His speech was superb. While the hate-Trump media, Democrats, and RINO’s displayed despicable character and disrespect for America and the millions of Americans who stand with our President. Even though President Trump is disrupting their New World Order, the European press nearly suspended their rancor for a day out of respect for those who died to give them freedom and liberty. Never before in the history of mankind has a country devoted so much blood and treasure to bring freedom and liberty to an entire continent of people and all we asked for was enough land to bury our dead. The President and foreign press honored that fact, the American press, Democrats, and RINO’s revealed their total lack of character.
E Fletcher
5 years ago
The presidents speech was sincere, heartwarming and historic. If we want to maintain all that was discussed in that speech, we must prevent infiltration of criminals, drug pushers and those sucking dry the welfare benefits purposed for our own needy citizens. That word was “citizens” not illegals. Illegals are law breakers simply by crossing our border illegally. I have little pity for those lying claiming they are poor pathetic asylum seekers when most of them are liars.
I applaud our president for what he does and I remember those who oppose him, Republicans included. As for Nancy Pelosi, there is far more reason for her wrinkled butt to be in jail than our president. She is 100% treasonous, like so many others and they keep getting away with their antics. I’d like to see everyone in jail. When will we take action to stop these heathens. The American public is getting sick of their rhetoric. Prosecute.
5 years ago
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago
I voted for the Mexican tariffs because it was a good tactic that according to this mornings reports seems to have borne fruit. From what I read, Mexico is taking some serious actions to help stem the flood of illegals and the tariff threat can be re-implemented should they not live up to their promise. The D-Day speech was great, but the border issue tops all else these days.
5 years ago
President Trump’s speech honoring the 75th anniversary of D-Day was appropriate and relevant. It honored a part of our history, which the Left is zealous to destroy. Relevant as it pertains to our border crisis today. Seventy-five years ago, a generation arose to defend freedom and liberty from tyranny. No one is willing in the present generation (millennials) to defend freedom and liberty, but rather embrace Socialism and oppression. The very thing we fought against on D-Day.
Kay Rodell
5 years ago
So sad Texas Senators were against Mexico Tariffs, they don’t understand “the art of the deal”. They panicked and were scared not realizing we had a bargaining tool with the tariffs! Their immigration laws state illegal immigrants are sent back to their countries of origin. But they allowed them to come through Mexico to be our problem. They are neighbors, but not our friend.
5 years ago
This was a tough Pole he did it amazing speech while he was over for D-Day but he also did an amazing thing on standing the ground against Mexico and threatening to apply 5% tariffs and up I am so proud that this President is so strong I only wish we didn’t have so many rhino GOP
5 years ago
We were among the greatest Americans to ever live. We should raise the tariffs to China an even 500 billion. It was a shame that fascist America was also among those celebrating the 75Th D-Day event running her trash mouth. Santa Anna’s revenge suffered a set back and who the hell is Meghan Markle, or rather, who the hell cares who Meghan Markle is?
Reta Brown
5 years ago
Illegal immigrants coming across U.S. border by the millions should be at the top of the list. If we don’t control this then we may never see another ceremony to honor D-Day hero’s.
5 years ago
Trump out smarts everyone again.
It’s really beautiful to watch, the man is brilliant. Whether it’s Normandy, China or Mexico the president is driving the media and of course the Democrats nuts.
The left wakes up every day thinking, today is the day we get him. I wake each day laughing about how Trump out smartened everyone again.
There is a God!
Jerome Simons
5 years ago
As a Vietnam veteran, I agree with Mr. Trump’s D-day speech. As a US citizen, I applaud his promised tariffs on Mexican goods if they didn’t do something to help stem the illegal invasion on our southern border. However, I hold our country’s and our children’s future a bit closer. I strongly feel that we REALLY need to do something about the seditious Democrats/Socialists/Rinos who are presently in Congress. Nan Piglosi’s statement this week should be grounds for recall and/or impeachment. She made a public threat against a sitting President and has been active in her position as Speaker of spreading seditious speech and encouraging seditious actions. All who follow this philosophy have already violated their oath of office and should be investigated as thoroughly as Mueller did President Trump.
Barbara Pompa
5 years ago
When taking this poll, I already knew that the Mexican Tariff had been suspended which made me think the suspension may have been the most important but it was not yet listed as a choice. D-Day and Trump’s amazing speech (even deemed great by CNN’s Jim Acosta and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough) to me, was most important among choices, However, I lean toward thinking Acosta and Scarborough made their positive comments to partially soften the blows being taken against them regards ratings. These robotic Democrat supporters in media and entertainment seem to gear up every day in unison with their disrespectful criticism. Little to nothing original in their reporting and the constant biased bashing is becoming boringly impossible to even bother to check out. Ratings sinking as they deserve to be! Biased comments and lies reeking of agenda are not news.
5 years ago
Showing Honor and Respect for the greatest generation of all time that sacrificed and gave there life for our Freedom outweighs anything else going on ! Stopping and reflecting on our values and what these brave men and woman did for us deserves a pause to say thank you!
James Myers
5 years ago
The 75th is about Young men and women who gave their lives to fight a evil world is what the 75th is about, but our border is a sign of things to come if we don’t have politicians with the same courage of the younger men and women of the 75th anniversary of D day what fought to free the Europe. We must control all who comes into our country ( A Country With Out Borders Is Not A Country )
All you have to do is look at the E U open borders and how many more people must die before borders are controlled. So how many 75th do we need to learn the lesson.
5 years ago
I believe all of these are important. The education of our youth has been woefully remiss in teaching the true history of our country which is key in the development of patriotism in the young. We are definitely being overwhelmed by an invasion force at our southern border that has and is being supported by the socialists(D and some R) in DC. Pelosi has shown her true colors, she and others that support tyranny are clearly visible when people remove their blinders. Yes, I’m angry and I am old and I am sick to death of government overreach in the rush to socialism. I hope to live to see President Trump win a resounding victory in 2020 if Medicare allows. No I am not afraid of them, come get me is this addled old woman’s opinion.
Michael Colling
5 years ago
5 years ago
It is a very close tie our hero’s of WWII regained freedom for a major part of the world and the invasion of the US from our southern border now threatens that same freedom from within. The real issue is our own Democratic Party hell bent on reinventing the same failed socialist policies that led to WWII. We must remember and teach our past history or be doomed to repeat it.
Hank Jr.
5 years ago
In WWII our fathers and grandfathers fought against tyranny and oppression and the for the sovereignty of all nation’s. Today we fight for the sovereignty of our own.
5 years ago
After this poll was posted, Mexico relented & doing what they feel is adequate action to ease the immigration crisis, by sending Federal troops to their Guatemala border, and enforcement of staying in first country of asylum. ANOTR U.S. WIN!
Clyde Causey
5 years ago
Hard to choose between 1 and 2. The MSM all but ignored the Presidents DDay observance but no one can ignore the successful negotiation with Mexico on border security.
5 years ago
I thought they all were good, but the speech stood out for me. We as a people of this great nation of ours, should praise these men who confronted and face the curtain of lead and never coward in the face of death on those beach they stormed and conquered the evil of the Nazis. Now if we can have the same fortitude of our Rinos and Republicans to face the socialist corrupt criminal democrats and the decay of our morals that the liberal democrats have released upon us from Pandora’s boxes. I also would like for our government to ban any Islamist from holding office in our government, they have always stated they will turn this country of ours into a Islamic state with sharia as the law, and that is something that will never happen as long as the liberal socialist democrats never regain power as they are doing by not helping President Trump closing down our southern border an keeping out the illegal immigrants, who will surly vote democrat in our next election. If we let the democrats keep doing what they are doing now, we will have another D-Day just to get our country back. Look what England got by trying to appease Hitler, it sure never work out very good did it.
Linda J Urban
5 years ago
Our President Trump needs to stop the illegal immigration. The border must be closed. By any means possible! And that Pilosi..needs to retire.
5 years ago
The President is always working to make things happen the way we want them to, if at all possible. While I don’t agree with him on all topics, his visits to England and Normandy show that he is learning to be more “presidential” all the time. He has had an uphill road all the way, but has not faltered in his quest to fulfill his re-election promises. I believe border control will happen, as he is relentless in solving problems.
Al M
5 years ago
Additional pressure on China is necessary. He’ll get the job done! The Mexican gov has already deployed their national guard to their southern border. First step in compliance. The President deserves his own medal of freedom for his accomplishments! Make America Great Again!
J Jones
5 years ago
I was torn on this choice. However I do believe our President’s view towards remembering and honoring our fallen and actove heroes is of great importance. We already have a couple if younger generations that are either pushing to sanitize history or who have been taught sanitized history. Hitler sanitized the German history and had a huge propaganda machine so many if the German people bought into his plan. Many without really knowing what they were buying in to. I thank God for my parents, grandparents and older neighbours and acquaintances that thought our national and international history to me and my generation. Many of our youth and those under 30 don’t believe our nation’s history is important and others that it is untrue. I fear we are in for the same downfall as Germany if we don’t quash this “acceptance mentality”. Because it has become more and more like the Brown Shirts belief during the early Hitler regime. I pray for our nation, it’s elderly. malinformed youth and yes even our unbelievably obtuse leaders, such as Pelosi. I do not, however believe that bullying and making ugly commits to those who disagree helps to further our cause. God’s word speaks against riling our children for good reason. I would like 4 more years of Republicans but fear, in my state, that it won’t go because of the ugly and childish things our Governor has done and God help us if the Democrat candidate wins.
5 years ago
What a week at ask that question! So much
Trumps strategy to impose tariffs then Mexico agreement to help imagination, 75th anniversary of D Day, Even Cnn says he did a good job after building negative expectations (again). Stock market up 1,100 points . He packs more in a week then most presidents in a yr
5 years ago
And to think they were just kids. Can’t imagine today’s youth tasked with that agenda.
Dan hoffeditz
5 years ago
I’m telling everyone I know about amac ,it’s great!
William F Rodebaugh
5 years ago
What the media misses on every occasion is that more than anything the President loves the USA. He knows where we’ve come from and who we are. He understands that if the USA fails the world fails and as in the World Wars when the USA wins the world wins. This is who we were and whom he hopes will continue to be. The arsenal of Democracy and a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world
Seán Dillon
5 years ago
The presidents speech was great. Made you feel patriotic and proud to be an American. The left is working overtime to discourage people in everything the president does. I’m sick and tired of their crazy thinking and rhetoric! Time to stay with the president and save our country for at least another four years, and pray he wins, and that we vote in enough new Congressmen and Senators to regain the majority in the House of Congress and maintain and increase our majority in the Senate! The only way that will happen is if each and every one of you vote for a conservative Constitutionalist Republican and Or Independent, to make sure we save our freedoms and Constitutional rights from being flushed down the toilet, if the crazy left gets in power. They will tear up the Constitution, take away our Second Amendment rights, then take away all the rest of our rights, because we won’t be able to protect ourselves against a rogue government which the Second Amendment allows us to do. We, who were in the military and those in active service and National Guard, and Reservists, all took an oath , to defend our Country and Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The left are domestic enemies of our country, and I for one along with millions of other Americans will not put up with them trying or doing anything like that. God bless America
Miguel A. Oliveras
5 years ago
Everyone who voted for President Trump,and all Americans who have benefited with his policies,and have seen improvements in the economy.Call every congressman and Senators to stop the socialist liberal democrats pigs agenda.
terry h
5 years ago
I want to see the democrat party in congress sued or prosecuted for causing great harm to our country, violating their oath, causing great health risk for citizens, causing great financial cost to taxpayers and lie after lie after lie.
5 years ago
America first means protect our border. A very close second is Normandy when the world woke up to the fact that our civilization was on a path of distruction. Our youth must be educated in the failed principles of rulers control of our lives. Pelosi and the fake main stream news are no count. It’s a sorry situation when Politicians put their self reliance on government ahead of the welfare of our country and it’s citizens.
God Bless America.
5 years ago
Al of this winning. I’m tired but happy.
5 years ago
This poll was a tough one…so many choices, such a busy POTUS. Our legislators should be so busy doing more positive things. Lol
5 years ago
The tariffs, now cancelled, compelling the Mexicans to least SAY they’ll act to halt immigrant in-flow at their southern border and prosecute the cartels for coyote activities and human trafficking (something they’ll never do) is clearly a step in the right direction. However, the D-Day memorial speech and its delivery June 6th in France stands as one on the greatest oratories ever and proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Mr.Trump is indeed “presidential,” belying the left’s claim that our president is a moronic piker incapable of handling his office. The speech will stand the test of time as does the Gettysburg Address; the word of the Mexicans, we’ll have to wait and see with crossed fingers. Keep your powder dry.
5 years ago
Mr Trump keep up the good work and thanks.
5 years ago
Trump responding to the lefts threat to our Borders, Language and Culture is the BEST way to say THANKS to our fallen heros for all their selfless effort and for others who have fought and now fight to protect our LIves, Liberty and Justice for ALL. God Bless POTUS and God Bless the USA!
Dr Ken
5 years ago
In no way to minimize the important WWII recognitions, I am a veteran, the current problem with immigration was front and center. The long lines of ILLEGAL immigrants flooding into the border check point underscores the scope of the problem while simultaneously causing concern if Mexico was doing enough to stem the flow. Since the above article was written, Mexico has stepped up their efforts so the threatened tariffs will not be implemented. Now if Congress would stop their political obstructionism and work with the President we could find a permanent fix. The Democrats long realized the problem, Clinton spoke to it, Obama spoke to it, but did nothing. The left simply cannot accept the fact this President if firmly doing something. Thank you Mr President and thank you Mexico for assisting. Now, Congress, get off your dead as**s and do something.
POTUS loves America and shows his respect for the sacrifices made to keep our liberties and free the world
from tyranny far more than the TDS DEMOCRATS ever will.
PELOSI and the traitorous Demshiveks HATE Trump more than they love America and they HATE Trump for showing it.
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
The most important headlines from this week, last week, and the next several weeks are regarding tariffs. Not only are we the people going to be paying more to buy goods from certain countries, the profitability of American farms and many other American businesses may be in danger.
A strong economy is the key to the President’s re-election. If these trade wars continue into 2020, the White House could be lost.
While it’s important to recognize and applaud our WWII veterans as the President did this week in Europe, the pressing national emergency continues at our southern border. Mexico’s socialist President Obrador has so far thumbed his nose at the United States as he has refused to halt the migrations of illegals moving north. Mexico thrives as our most significant trading partner. President Trump’s threat of progressively increasing tariffs has become a necessary maneuver to get Obrador’s attention. Would tariffs hurt the American economy? Yes, a little. Would they hurt Mexico? Yes, a lot. Mexico suddenly has a compelling reason to come to the table and negotiate their future. MAGA
The Democratic Party is trying to prevent President Trump from doing what needs to be done and him winning a second term by every dirty trick possible.
All the items were very important for this week
The most important is to remember our past and honor those that provided or freedoms. Next it showed true courage and leadership to do what was necessary to get Mexico to be responsible for their share in our crises among their border
I very much agree with Brian B, Normandy speech was impressive and important but (B-Day) is absolutely the crisis we face now!! Our border has to be controlled!!
While I believe that President Trumps speech at Normandy was one of his best and his obvious love for our veterans and the military I have to say the 5% tariff because of the crisis at the border. I think the tariff was a great move and the fact that it would increase every month has shaken the Mexican government up. Congress is not doing their job, the Democrats have done nada since they took the House, they have spent all their time trying to take down our President.
Also “the art of the deal” worked !! Mexico came running to the table and submitted to helping us control the border, if they do what they agreed to there will be no tariffs!!
The greatest meme of the week – Pelosi doesn’t want to see the President impeached, she wants to see him in prison. What makes her think he’ll visit her there?
Border security keeps our country/republic safe this time.
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power” Abraham Lincoln
President Trump has demonstrated again and again that he is a man of indomitable character. His speech was superb. While the hate-Trump media, Democrats, and RINO’s displayed despicable character and disrespect for America and the millions of Americans who stand with our President. Even though President Trump is disrupting their New World Order, the European press nearly suspended their rancor for a day out of respect for those who died to give them freedom and liberty. Never before in the history of mankind has a country devoted so much blood and treasure to bring freedom and liberty to an entire continent of people and all we asked for was enough land to bury our dead. The President and foreign press honored that fact, the American press, Democrats, and RINO’s revealed their total lack of character.
The presidents speech was sincere, heartwarming and historic. If we want to maintain all that was discussed in that speech, we must prevent infiltration of criminals, drug pushers and those sucking dry the welfare benefits purposed for our own needy citizens. That word was “citizens” not illegals. Illegals are law breakers simply by crossing our border illegally. I have little pity for those lying claiming they are poor pathetic asylum seekers when most of them are liars.
I applaud our president for what he does and I remember those who oppose him, Republicans included. As for Nancy Pelosi, there is far more reason for her wrinkled butt to be in jail than our president. She is 100% treasonous, like so many others and they keep getting away with their antics. I’d like to see everyone in jail. When will we take action to stop these heathens. The American public is getting sick of their rhetoric. Prosecute.
I voted for the Mexican tariffs because it was a good tactic that according to this mornings reports seems to have borne fruit. From what I read, Mexico is taking some serious actions to help stem the flood of illegals and the tariff threat can be re-implemented should they not live up to their promise. The D-Day speech was great, but the border issue tops all else these days.
President Trump’s speech honoring the 75th anniversary of D-Day was appropriate and relevant. It honored a part of our history, which the Left is zealous to destroy. Relevant as it pertains to our border crisis today. Seventy-five years ago, a generation arose to defend freedom and liberty from tyranny. No one is willing in the present generation (millennials) to defend freedom and liberty, but rather embrace Socialism and oppression. The very thing we fought against on D-Day.
So sad Texas Senators were against Mexico Tariffs, they don’t understand “the art of the deal”. They panicked and were scared not realizing we had a bargaining tool with the tariffs! Their immigration laws state illegal immigrants are sent back to their countries of origin. But they allowed them to come through Mexico to be our problem. They are neighbors, but not our friend.
This was a tough Pole he did it amazing speech while he was over for D-Day but he also did an amazing thing on standing the ground against Mexico and threatening to apply 5% tariffs and up I am so proud that this President is so strong I only wish we didn’t have so many rhino GOP
We were among the greatest Americans to ever live. We should raise the tariffs to China an even 500 billion. It was a shame that fascist America was also among those celebrating the 75Th D-Day event running her trash mouth. Santa Anna’s revenge suffered a set back and who the hell is Meghan Markle, or rather, who the hell cares who Meghan Markle is?
Illegal immigrants coming across U.S. border by the millions should be at the top of the list. If we don’t control this then we may never see another ceremony to honor D-Day hero’s.
Trump out smarts everyone again.
It’s really beautiful to watch, the man is brilliant. Whether it’s Normandy, China or Mexico the president is driving the media and of course the Democrats nuts.
The left wakes up every day thinking, today is the day we get him. I wake each day laughing about how Trump out smartened everyone again.
There is a God!
As a Vietnam veteran, I agree with Mr. Trump’s D-day speech. As a US citizen, I applaud his promised tariffs on Mexican goods if they didn’t do something to help stem the illegal invasion on our southern border. However, I hold our country’s and our children’s future a bit closer. I strongly feel that we REALLY need to do something about the seditious Democrats/Socialists/Rinos who are presently in Congress. Nan Piglosi’s statement this week should be grounds for recall and/or impeachment. She made a public threat against a sitting President and has been active in her position as Speaker of spreading seditious speech and encouraging seditious actions. All who follow this philosophy have already violated their oath of office and should be investigated as thoroughly as Mueller did President Trump.
When taking this poll, I already knew that the Mexican Tariff had been suspended which made me think the suspension may have been the most important but it was not yet listed as a choice. D-Day and Trump’s amazing speech (even deemed great by CNN’s Jim Acosta and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough) to me, was most important among choices, However, I lean toward thinking Acosta and Scarborough made their positive comments to partially soften the blows being taken against them regards ratings. These robotic Democrat supporters in media and entertainment seem to gear up every day in unison with their disrespectful criticism. Little to nothing original in their reporting and the constant biased bashing is becoming boringly impossible to even bother to check out. Ratings sinking as they deserve to be! Biased comments and lies reeking of agenda are not news.
Showing Honor and Respect for the greatest generation of all time that sacrificed and gave there life for our Freedom outweighs anything else going on ! Stopping and reflecting on our values and what these brave men and woman did for us deserves a pause to say thank you!
The 75th is about Young men and women who gave their lives to fight a evil world is what the 75th is about, but our border is a sign of things to come if we don’t have politicians with the same courage of the younger men and women of the 75th anniversary of D day what fought to free the Europe. We must control all who comes into our country ( A Country With Out Borders Is Not A Country )
All you have to do is look at the E U open borders and how many more people must die before borders are controlled. So how many 75th do we need to learn the lesson.
I believe all of these are important. The education of our youth has been woefully remiss in teaching the true history of our country which is key in the development of patriotism in the young. We are definitely being overwhelmed by an invasion force at our southern border that has and is being supported by the socialists(D and some R) in DC. Pelosi has shown her true colors, she and others that support tyranny are clearly visible when people remove their blinders. Yes, I’m angry and I am old and I am sick to death of government overreach in the rush to socialism. I hope to live to see President Trump win a resounding victory in 2020 if Medicare allows. No I am not afraid of them, come get me is this addled old woman’s opinion.
It is a very close tie our hero’s of WWII regained freedom for a major part of the world and the invasion of the US from our southern border now threatens that same freedom from within. The real issue is our own Democratic Party hell bent on reinventing the same failed socialist policies that led to WWII. We must remember and teach our past history or be doomed to repeat it.
In WWII our fathers and grandfathers fought against tyranny and oppression and the for the sovereignty of all nation’s. Today we fight for the sovereignty of our own.
After this poll was posted, Mexico relented & doing what they feel is adequate action to ease the immigration crisis, by sending Federal troops to their Guatemala border, and enforcement of staying in first country of asylum. ANOTR U.S. WIN!
Hard to choose between 1 and 2. The MSM all but ignored the Presidents DDay observance but no one can ignore the successful negotiation with Mexico on border security.
I thought they all were good, but the speech stood out for me. We as a people of this great nation of ours, should praise these men who confronted and face the curtain of lead and never coward in the face of death on those beach they stormed and conquered the evil of the Nazis. Now if we can have the same fortitude of our Rinos and Republicans to face the socialist corrupt criminal democrats and the decay of our morals that the liberal democrats have released upon us from Pandora’s boxes. I also would like for our government to ban any Islamist from holding office in our government, they have always stated they will turn this country of ours into a Islamic state with sharia as the law, and that is something that will never happen as long as the liberal socialist democrats never regain power as they are doing by not helping President Trump closing down our southern border an keeping out the illegal immigrants, who will surly vote democrat in our next election. If we let the democrats keep doing what they are doing now, we will have another D-Day just to get our country back. Look what England got by trying to appease Hitler, it sure never work out very good did it.
Our President Trump needs to stop the illegal immigration. The border must be closed. By any means possible! And that Pilosi..needs to retire.
The President is always working to make things happen the way we want them to, if at all possible. While I don’t agree with him on all topics, his visits to England and Normandy show that he is learning to be more “presidential” all the time. He has had an uphill road all the way, but has not faltered in his quest to fulfill his re-election promises. I believe border control will happen, as he is relentless in solving problems.
Additional pressure on China is necessary. He’ll get the job done! The Mexican gov has already deployed their national guard to their southern border. First step in compliance. The President deserves his own medal of freedom for his accomplishments! Make America Great Again!
I was torn on this choice. However I do believe our President’s view towards remembering and honoring our fallen and actove heroes is of great importance. We already have a couple if younger generations that are either pushing to sanitize history or who have been taught sanitized history. Hitler sanitized the German history and had a huge propaganda machine so many if the German people bought into his plan. Many without really knowing what they were buying in to. I thank God for my parents, grandparents and older neighbours and acquaintances that thought our national and international history to me and my generation. Many of our youth and those under 30 don’t believe our nation’s history is important and others that it is untrue. I fear we are in for the same downfall as Germany if we don’t quash this “acceptance mentality”. Because it has become more and more like the Brown Shirts belief during the early Hitler regime. I pray for our nation, it’s elderly. malinformed youth and yes even our unbelievably obtuse leaders, such as Pelosi. I do not, however believe that bullying and making ugly commits to those who disagree helps to further our cause. God’s word speaks against riling our children for good reason. I would like 4 more years of Republicans but fear, in my state, that it won’t go because of the ugly and childish things our Governor has done and God help us if the Democrat candidate wins.
What a week at ask that question! So much
Trumps strategy to impose tariffs then Mexico agreement to help imagination, 75th anniversary of D Day, Even Cnn says he did a good job after building negative expectations (again). Stock market up 1,100 points . He packs more in a week then most presidents in a yr
And to think they were just kids. Can’t imagine today’s youth tasked with that agenda.
I’m telling everyone I know about amac ,it’s great!
What the media misses on every occasion is that more than anything the President loves the USA. He knows where we’ve come from and who we are. He understands that if the USA fails the world fails and as in the World Wars when the USA wins the world wins. This is who we were and whom he hopes will continue to be. The arsenal of Democracy and a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world
The presidents speech was great. Made you feel patriotic and proud to be an American. The left is working overtime to discourage people in everything the president does. I’m sick and tired of their crazy thinking and rhetoric! Time to stay with the president and save our country for at least another four years, and pray he wins, and that we vote in enough new Congressmen and Senators to regain the majority in the House of Congress and maintain and increase our majority in the Senate! The only way that will happen is if each and every one of you vote for a conservative Constitutionalist Republican and Or Independent, to make sure we save our freedoms and Constitutional rights from being flushed down the toilet, if the crazy left gets in power. They will tear up the Constitution, take away our Second Amendment rights, then take away all the rest of our rights, because we won’t be able to protect ourselves against a rogue government which the Second Amendment allows us to do. We, who were in the military and those in active service and National Guard, and Reservists, all took an oath , to defend our Country and Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The left are domestic enemies of our country, and I for one along with millions of other Americans will not put up with them trying or doing anything like that. God bless America
Everyone who voted for President Trump,and all Americans who have benefited with his policies,and have seen improvements in the economy.Call every congressman and Senators to stop the socialist liberal democrats pigs agenda.
I want to see the democrat party in congress sued or prosecuted for causing great harm to our country, violating their oath, causing great health risk for citizens, causing great financial cost to taxpayers and lie after lie after lie.
America first means protect our border. A very close second is Normandy when the world woke up to the fact that our civilization was on a path of distruction. Our youth must be educated in the failed principles of rulers control of our lives. Pelosi and the fake main stream news are no count. It’s a sorry situation when Politicians put their self reliance on government ahead of the welfare of our country and it’s citizens.
God Bless America.
Al of this winning. I’m tired but happy.
This poll was a tough one…so many choices, such a busy POTUS. Our legislators should be so busy doing more positive things. Lol
The tariffs, now cancelled, compelling the Mexicans to least SAY they’ll act to halt immigrant in-flow at their southern border and prosecute the cartels for coyote activities and human trafficking (something they’ll never do) is clearly a step in the right direction. However, the D-Day memorial speech and its delivery June 6th in France stands as one on the greatest oratories ever and proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Mr.Trump is indeed “presidential,” belying the left’s claim that our president is a moronic piker incapable of handling his office. The speech will stand the test of time as does the Gettysburg Address; the word of the Mexicans, we’ll have to wait and see with crossed fingers. Keep your powder dry.
Mr Trump keep up the good work and thanks.
Trump responding to the lefts threat to our Borders, Language and Culture is the BEST way to say THANKS to our fallen heros for all their selfless effort and for others who have fought and now fight to protect our LIves, Liberty and Justice for ALL. God Bless POTUS and God Bless the USA!
In no way to minimize the important WWII recognitions, I am a veteran, the current problem with immigration was front and center. The long lines of ILLEGAL immigrants flooding into the border check point underscores the scope of the problem while simultaneously causing concern if Mexico was doing enough to stem the flow. Since the above article was written, Mexico has stepped up their efforts so the threatened tariffs will not be implemented. Now if Congress would stop their political obstructionism and work with the President we could find a permanent fix. The Democrats long realized the problem, Clinton spoke to it, Obama spoke to it, but did nothing. The left simply cannot accept the fact this President if firmly doing something. Thank you Mr President and thank you Mexico for assisting. Now, Congress, get off your dead as**s and do something.