

What is the likelihood that President Trump will be able to prove his case that election fraud occurred in the swing states?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

There is a 40% chance that some fraud will be proven through the legal process in one state.

3 years ago

We would have to be total idiots to not understand that when over 1,000 whistleblowers step up, there is obvious corruption and deceit involved.

Truck loads of votes crossing state lines. Mail in ballots with no folds. Ballots that are easily recognized as being poor copies of originals. Ballots in large quantities that show the same bubble being off center.

3 years ago

It’s likely they could prove a whole lot of unethical, and fraudulent election activity. The real question is will the court system act on it, or just rationalize it away. I remember years ago, reading in the local newspaper, the tally results of a nearby Democrat dominated precinct in which a Democrat candidate reportedly received something like 99.3%. I figured even voter mistakes could yield more than 0.7% for the opposition. That one precinct didn’t affect the total much, so nothing came of it. So this stuff isn’t new. It’s just that the scope seems to be so much greater, and just plain blatant.
I hope some judges will have guts, and call it like it is.

3 years ago

The question AMAC seems to asking without actually asking it is the following:

Will President Trump be able to find an honest judge, in any of the swing states in question, interested in reviewing the substantial amount of evidence indicating numerous instances of voter fraud and willing to put his or her neck out there to rule in favor of the obvious?

I would say the odds are well under 50 percent at the state level, because most of the judges in these states are either Democrat elected or Democrat appointed. Thus, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, they are beholden to the Democrat party or the Democrat voters who put them there. It doesn’t take a legal scholar to see that, based on the evidence that has been shown to the public so far, that there are literally hundreds of instances involving millions of votes across multiple states. If that isn’t the definition of systemic voter fraud, then nothing is. However, with the heavy hand of the Democrat party being brought to bear within these states, these state judges are more than likely going to continue to repeat the message they’ve been told of “That there is no evidence of voter fraud”. Even as they have stacks of evidence in front of them.

There is a world of difference between being able to prove voter fraud and getting a judge to rule in your favor. Based on the small amount of evidence the public and state committees have seen to date, it is crystal clear that there was rampant, coordinated voter fraud perpetuated across multiple states. Getting a state judge to acknowledge that reality in court and then rule in your favor, thus ending his career, is a whole other matter.

The Trump legal team has known from Day One, that they were not likely going to prevail at the state level in any of these swing states. They’ve said as much when this all started. The Democrats have spent years and tens of millions of dollars seeding these states with so-called “progressive” judges and prosecutors for just this type of situation. The Trump legal team had to go through this no-win state process, in these swing states, in order to get their cases hopefully heard by the Supreme Court. The game has always been and continues to be whether the Supreme Court would agree to hear any of the cases and then give an honest ruling. The impediment at the Supreme Court level remains whether Chief Justice John Roberts will even allow the court to hear any of these cases that have been filed to date. He has already shown more than once, that he will disregard the constitution and side with the liberal wing of the court to maintain his social standing in Washington social circles. So he is very much a coin toss.

Benjamin DeLozier
Benjamin DeLozier
3 years ago

Even if he can prove it, the media will help squelch it. More than ever, I see a violent revolution.

3 years ago

I knew the only way Biden could win was through voter fraud. I believe that is what happened and it appears there is evidence to prove this. However time is running out, the MSM, Democrats and social media will prevent the truth from reaching the people. As a Christian I believe whatever ensues is all working out God’s plans. I accept it even when I don’t understand it.

Bruce David
Bruce David
3 years ago

Dems have a history of cheating. In school we learned about Mayor Daley of Chicago resurrecting dead folks to vote, Tammany Hall, Huey Long, Detroit vote rigging, etc.-this isn’t any different.

3 years ago

God has his own way of humbling those people in power while revealing the corruption (swamp) in our country

3 years ago

The Deep State is very deep and strong. Remember when they proved the Democrats had created a false Dossier and FISA documents would prove Democrats lied…crickets. Remember when Epstein was found to be catering to prominent people on Epstein’s Pedophile Isle…crickets. There are so many instances of voter fraud…crickets. The swamp is still full, filled to the brim.

You tell me. The Deep State is deep, Trump is fighting a global enemy and he is doing it all by hisself. We have already lost. They are just carrying out their takeover as planned.

Larry Melton
Larry Melton
3 years ago

It’s already proven! But nothing will be done because of evil in our world. Only when Jesus Christ come to make all things new will righteousness reign. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

3 years ago

Will the state legislature have the character and guts to see the obvious

3 years ago

knowing it and proving it are two different things. we know it occured but can we prove it to the point that action will be taken given the pushback in washington and the MSM?

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
3 years ago

I think he’s already proved enough fraud in enough states to swing the election, but I think nothing will come of it because almost everyone with the authority to act on this proof is in on the game, including most Justices on the Supreme Court. They will say there was fraud, but it’s too late to do anything about it.

3 years ago

These criminals have most of the fraud covered. Some small issues will be found but with voting by mail it’s not going to be proven. The libs have found our weak spot and have capitalized on it. A very dark time in our counties history.

3 years ago

I voted unlikely not because there wasn’t voter fraud but because there are too many forces against him. MSM will not show or report on it. Many in his own party turned against him.
His only hope is the Supreme Court but that’s not a guarantee either

3 years ago

I want to believe that the truth will come out and the righteous election result will happen, but it’s looking less likely every day.

3 years ago

The Judges in place will block any chance of Trump proving deception. A Special Prosecutor would the the only hope, but Barr has proved he is part of the Swamp.

3 years ago

The evidence is there. Much of it is glaringly obvious. The problem is the deep state and Libocrat lower court judges.

I keep hearing about deadlines and, considering what is at stake, there has been no mention of extending the deadline for state certification . This should be a major issue. All legal votes should count even if it takes to December of next year.

As for the DemoKrats that would whine, complain and find fault with this, I can only say that it is their own fault for not only being incompetent politicians but even more incompetent as thieves who try to overthrow our government.

Jinger Jenkins
Jinger Jenkins
3 years ago

I really hope he can prove that it was all fraud! Otherwise we will never have an honest election again… ever! But those democRats want that Biden so bad they can just taste it… why? Even though his son was ratted out.. they never did any thing to him… but guess what he will be up the white house with dear old dad… and they will really be able to do all kinds of evil dealings… why would anyone want some one like that is white house.. why even rig the election … what where they promised… and I sure they will never see what they were promised either!

3 years ago

The only way President Trump will win is if the Supreme Court calls for a complete new election in all the states in question.

Kevin G.
Kevin G.
3 years ago

May not be fraud but I think many mistakes happened in this election. With mailin voting, voting machines, human error. Hard to prove.

3 years ago

I think it has already been proven. The question is, “Is there anybody other than President Trump interested enough in saving our Republic to do something about it?”I am praying for God to ‘part the Red Sea’, because this is going to take a miracle. The corruption uncovered by this scam in both parties should cause everyone to understand this is just the beginning. If this stands, lIfe as we know it in this greatest country in the world will be over! The Republicans have been sickeningly quiet, as usual, waiting to see which way the wind blows before they take a stand. Except for the few Patriots, I am sick of all of them.

3 years ago

Everything the dems/progressives stand for is WICKED….they are already planning their EVIL agenda…they will NOT succeed because GOD will step in and it won’t be pretty unfortunately for all of us ….May God have mercy on us …

Tamara Tarbell
Tamara Tarbell
3 years ago

AG Barr needs to crawl out of the pocket of whomever is paying him to look the other way. There is video evidence of suspicious activity that warrants investigation. Quite frankly, all 50 states should be recounted

3 years ago

It’s already been proved to those who support him. It will never be proved to those who hate him. How much will be deleted and rewritten before the truth is exposed? How many will be injured or die because of their beliefs? We honestly have no idea if the courts will intercede so that Americans can know if there was a fair and impartial election. What we need to focus on is making sure that this travesty can never ever happen again.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
3 years ago

Another contributor, PaulE, stated the current situation of our voting system very well. He described the complete debasement of the people’s power to make their individual choices at their polling places. Worse, the Democrats have correctly deduced that there will be no repercusions even if their fraudulent behavior is discovered at the state levels.

I suspect that there will be no chance that another Republican candidate to be the President of the United States in the future. The weapon that the Democrat Party is wielding is the promise of ever more government support for those who lack motivation to earn their own way in life. Socialism is the means to bring about a Utopia that will subject the people to common misery, while the elite bask in
splendor. This has been the reality for all the societies that experimented with Karl Marx’s socialism in the past.

The future looks grim. There are well over 300 million firearms owned by private citizens. The conservative estimate is that there are over 100 billion rounds of ammunition stored with all of those guns. Hyperbole? Try to find a rifle that uses a commonly used cartridge, or try to find that popular ammunition at your local sporting goods store.

Something wicked is coming our way, and no one seems willing to even talk about it. There are storm clouds on our country’s horizon, and unlike the first American Revolution, no one will be able to sit on a fence during this mortal storm. No sane person wants to see a general upheaval, but the very thought of begging for the leftover scraps of the comisars, while groveling on one’s knees, is a life not worth living.

But cheer up, there will be time to revel in receiving the government freebies before the American dollar becomes worthless. And the alarm raised by those who worry about the growing national debt? Who actually cares about the spending of borrowed money anyway?
The Federal Reserve, and the United States Treasury will just print more money out of thin air.

3 years ago

Likely but difficult.
The propaganda media, deep corrupt swamp and ignorant, jealous Republican elites are all trying to steal the election and continue taking for themselves and not working for We The People!
President Trump has exposed their sinful, selfish and power hungry plots.
Wake up America – their stealing OUR FREEDOM

Judy Smith
Judy Smith
3 years ago

I surely hope he can, but there has been so much working against him from before he ever announced that he was running in 2015. This is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of. I see many shades of ’72 hanging over this election, but the more innocent (I think) man has not even been allowed to claim the victory yet. I fear one day of socialism. At 82, I can now remember hearing my family who was always keeping up on the business of the government and its actions back in the forties. I remember my mother telling me of some Russian visitors who came to the place where she worked in the forties. As they began to speak of things they had learned of the Birmingham area, like all products needed for making steel are within the closest area of any area in the world. They spoke of most anything they learned about this area so much that the big boss of the company called from Chicago and said to get those men out of town. She was even told to take them to the train station. Remember Russia (USSR) was our ally in WW2. I had a student tell me four years ago when Sanders was running that this new socialism is a new kind of socialism. I really don’t think I ever convinced him otherwise. I remember a principal I had in the sixties who said that he expected us to eventually work with Russia rather than China. That man didn’t live to see that today they are both still our enemies, and it is worse than ever because the people of the United States seem to have no sense about how much harm they are doing now–especially China. I really think I was right when the wall came down, and people began to say that communism was dead. I remember thinking I don’t think so because I just don’t trust Russia today any more than I trusted the USSR seventy plus years ago. Besides our nation has been leading the world in fulfilling God’s command that Jerusalem be the capital of Israel. I have heard all that locker room talk that is attributed to President Trump, but that man loves our Lord. Then there’s the second thing that always makes my decision whenever I vote. I want to have a conversation with each candidate and ask him what he thinks of murder–even the murder of a person who has not left his mother’s womb. Of course, I wonder how many of those who can vote for an abortion candidate are believers. Do they not know that we all will have to stand before the Lord and have the charges brought against us listed? Or however it will be done.

3 years ago

I’m disgusted with all the trash talk in both party’s rhetoric.
I will never vote democrat again. I see through their hypocrisy.

However, I believe Trump should have shut his mouth more so that he wouldn’t be in a fight for his political life right now. He just pissed off too many people!!! Many would be voters were turned off not by his actions but his compulsory outbursts at anyone who crossed him.

Speak softly. THEN hit ’em with the big stick…

That all being said… I voted for him and was proud to on principles and values he stood up for…

He needs to polish up like his V.P. if he expects to win in 2024.

Whether he does or not, I will vote for him again…unless there is a HEAVIER hitter.

Martha Trevino
Martha Trevino
3 years ago

Let’s not give up patriots. We need to pray, stand and believe. God is revealing all this corruption, lies and deceipt because of the innocent blood that was shed. God hates this. Thank you Jesus who stands for truth and righteousness. He is the hammer!

Glennis Hogan
Glennis Hogan
3 years ago

I think we are coasting into the last roundup partner.

Mike Harting
Mike Harting
3 years ago

If Donaldus Magnus doesn’t win, we are doomed. That would leave one action and that is the gravest extreme.

Tom Gregory
Tom Gregory
3 years ago

The proof is there!! Our heroes that at great risk to the evil left have so many affidavits! The video! Forensic proof!
The corrupt government and judges and the media are the problem! If this Fraud is not completely overturned we the people are nothing but slaves to all of the devils mentioned above!!

Eben A Dickinson
Eben A Dickinson
3 years ago

We have too many Godless gutless judges in this country. Common sense tells any law-abiding citizen that fraud took place on a massive scale in many states. And there’s a ton of proof!

jerry Kohut
jerry Kohut
3 years ago

lot’s of evidence coming in every day. Pray that the truth will win.

3 years ago

Voting fraud will be proven (it also has been) but the corrupt, deep state Democrats/Socialists with the help of media and corrupt judges will steal this election from America. I am so upset with what has transpired over the past 4+ years.

3 years ago

Look at the historic track record of the Federal Government. 100% show 1% action.

Christopher L Vaughn
Christopher L Vaughn
3 years ago

He already submitted proof. But fed judges don’t care. #redstatesecession

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Seen video, photo evidence all over LinkedIn until I was bumped off platform last month.
& afffidavits alone should Help case big time

3 years ago

That’s the question is the justice System gonna show justices. There was fraud and I believe he has the evidence to prove it, but the swamp holds the cards. Unless “WE THE PEOPLE” rise up and demand a fair and just system.

Trump won and we all know it. They have lost all my respect for the whole lot.

3 years ago

Prove? Fraud has already been proven. Will something consequential be done? Doubtful. We already see Governors, AG’s, SOS’s handing out decisions that are biased, against their own State laws, and they don’t care what anyone thinks, or how foolish they look. They are currently slowing and delaying all legal actions until time runs out on December 14th. We are watching Obama’s “Transform America” doctrine in real time, right before our eyes. Trump is only their excuse. At least he tried.

Rita Payne
Rita Payne
3 years ago

Joe Biden did not even have to come our of his basement to work for votes as his handlers knew he would win with there mail in voting scam.He was a liability due to his saying things they did not want us to know. Joe even said they had the best fraud voting system in place. If President Trump had said anything like this it would have been repeated on every media outlet but Joe got a pass.How do the Demorats get away with so much? I cannot understand this.They lie, steal, frame innocent people, erase computers, sexually assault people, divide us everyway they can and people still vote for them! Praying for our country. The deep state has been exposed and I pray there will be justice for all involved in this scam. We must keep the Senate. It will take a miracle but I believe our God has this and we will keep our President 4 more years.

3 years ago

Im not sure if there is any chance that a judge will here the cases at this point! I believe this is the Devils work. God will prevail in the end !
The most difficult part is trusting in his overall plan because we might want something one way his way and us as humans want what effects us right now. Always trust in God !

ernest owen
ernest owen
3 years ago

t think they will let him prove it

3 years ago

I believe there was massive voter fraud in the Swing States and in large cities with Democratic Leadership; however, the Republicans for the most part, are doing nothing about it. The Pennsylvania Legislature failed to protect our votes. Absolutely disgusting!! Now, our fate is in the hands of the Supreme Court. I pray the Court forces Pennsylvania to vote again but only in person and with proper identification. I have my doubts!

3 years ago

I sure hope that he can, these dems have no idea what they are doing to our COUNTRY. They took my vote from me. I will never be a dem again.

3 years ago

Anyone with half a brain knows the election was corrupted in all the big Democratic controlled cities. Just remember pay back is a very real possibility and we need to be prepared for the 2022 and 2024 elections. And Biden can take his call for unity and shove it. He hid in the basement all these months while President Trump was doing all the work trying to get control of the Covid-19 virus. And now Biden is spouting all these ‘new’ plans that Trump has already planned or accomplished. Here is my prediction: Biden will stay in office until after the midterm election and then step down so Harris can take over in order to run in the next 2024 election.

3 years ago

He’s already proved it. What’s hard to understand about illegal counting, mail in ballot destruction and hiding. Pulling out ballots from under tables that have been hidden until they can be counted without supervision or verification. Why don’t the machines know when a ballot has been counted once or 200 times? Why should a machine have the capability of increasing or decreasing the value of votes? Who’s the zookeeper here ? Who’s supposed to be evaluating these machine and counting systems used? Are they idiots or cheats…has to be one or the other.
Here in Tennessee we have a machine that makes the ballot, after you’ve shown ID and are checked on the roles, you check your printed ballot to make sure it’s what you want, take it to another machine that tabulates your vote, then leave your ballot in another box so there is a paper copy that can be counted if the machines go belly up. It was quick, simple, safe and redundant, I was in and out in less than 10 minutes and the poll workers were helpful without being intrusive. Why send counting ballots to other countries, hook them into the internet (illegal) and have spooks hanging around stuffing thumb drives in the USB slots?
Something is terribly wrong here and everyone knows it.

Richard Joseph O'Donnell, Jr.
Richard Joseph O'Donnell, Jr.
3 years ago

Proof is being presented to the People and the world daily, but it is up to God to open the eyes of those who will decide Our fate. Daily I pray for their wisdom and for President Trump as he faces down another challenge to his authority.

3 years ago

Did fraud happen? Absolutely. Will he be able to prove it? No way…the corruption in America has sunk to a new low. Between the Russian hoax and impeachment, Kavenaugh false accusations, NO punishment for Hillary or Hunter Biden and Joe’s role in it, and the Covid abuse of citizen rights, I have no trust in anyone any more in “the system”. My only trust is in God alone to work His will through what looks like disaster for my country.

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