I am retired and worked for 50 years. Labor day use to be something to look forward to, and then came the “Left leaning pay to stay at home and not work idiots” led by Idiot in Chief, Jackass Joe, who cares nothing for the average American and continues to B.S. his way through each day while claiming his policies are working. He doesn’t even know what day or time zone he is in, and Republicans had better wake up or this idiot and his group of thieves will continue to destroy this country.
1 year ago
Reminder of unions, that now-outdated, overbearing takeover of economy and workers. Unions had their time, but completely unneeded with all the other regulations, etc. we now have.
1 year ago
Certainly not what it used to mean because the socialist lefties keep paying people NOT to work! “Those who are lazy in their work are brothers to thugs.” Proverbs 18:9
1 year ago
It reminds me of how most of the unions have outlived their usefulness. How they have become money grabbing leaches taking advantage of the people they are supposed to help. Forcing people to join and using their dues to bribe our politicians.
1 year ago
More time to work on preparing my family and home for the economic depression and Balkanization of the US. It used to mean something but now we find the name repugnant because there’s almost 50 percent of the population taking money they didn’t deserve and didn’t work for and don’t deserve. This country is finished. The next election won’t matter. As a population we won’t repent and God no longer sheds his grace on the USA
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago
It is supposed to be a day honoring our workforce, but like all too many holidays, it’s purpose has been mostly lost, or rather, ignored.
1 year ago
I’m choosing to take a more positive attitude and am thinking of the humble people who do go to work every day, and do their best, like many of us did growing up and like our forefathers. I pray for you all and thank you…..
1 year ago
Nothing nowadays. The unions are about lining the pockets of union leadership and backing incompetent workers who need to be fired.
1 year ago
Asking “mature” citizens gets the expected answer of the 3 basic choices. In all honesty, What do young people who can’t get a job, those whose jobs have been lost to other countries, or those (whose personal rights to choose) were terminated from their jobs so that the employers wouldn’t be penalized by this government of corrupt elected politicians ??
1 year ago
My father worked the garment district factories in NYC along with his siblings back in the day…He always said, there was a day and time unions were needed…but they’ve outlived their usefulness for a long time…It’s especially disconcerting when they force their members to contribute to causes that are political, downright evil (Eg. Abortion), blatantly left-leaning…they’d the pockets their union bosses…my father said he witnessed the unions using strong-arm tactics to force their way in… Their need was originally legitimate… but their original purpose did not last long…
1 year ago
It is a holiday rooted in Marxism and socialism. Thanks commies!
1 year ago
85% of American people are complaining about the economie, border, crime, inflation, ideology, schools, gender
But yet the Democrats and republicans are tied in a election
What is wrong here?
Question is are you better of now then 3 years ago, if not you know what to do November 2024
1 year ago
Yes, it used to mean a day to honor ALL the people who work to keep our economy going, people fed and healthy, and our government running smoothly. While I still honor and respect the “Everyman” working citizen, in good conscience, I cannot honor those in our government who actively “labor” to tear down our form of government, our country, and way of life. Therefore, on Labor Day, I honor those good people who work hard to keep America going, and I spit upon those who would destroy her.
1 year ago
It’s another big mattress sale weekend. The last big party of summer. I doubt that anyone other than the unions that put on picnics for their members have a clue about the meaning of labor day.
1 year ago
Blame the liberals!
1 year ago
A reminder how Democrats have turned against the everyday workers that are the backbone of our nation. Hopefully workers will finally realize in larger numbers that we are being duped; and stand up, and be counted in upcoming elections up and down the ladder. GOD bless AMERICA. We want our country back.
1 year ago
Its a day I will remember all the corruption and money laundering between the unions and the democratic party.
Jack Richardson
1 year ago
Truly, Labor Day means nothing to me. I don’t get wrapped up in symbolism of legislated holidays. The only ones I observe is Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. The rest are meaningless.
1 year ago
I wish labor day was every day for the next 17 months. It would keep the D.C. Rpresident house plant on the beach in Delaware.
1 year ago
Labor Day is a communist holiday, to promote solidarity of leftist agenda, framed to look like a holiday honoring workers. Labor Party was aimed at preserving the socialist party with ulterior motives to fundamentally change America. Sound familiar? Think of Barack Hussein Obama.
Sean M
1 year ago
It celebrates our unions, which are mostly a dark legacy for our country, going way back, justifying thuggery (remember Brando: I coulda been somebody!”) Unions – especially government ones like the teachers’ unions, are a major evil in our society. I love the long weekend, though!
1 year ago
Although I picked choice #1, I agree with Paul. But I do have a couple questions/comments. First, how many of us allowed our children to attend the colleges that indoctrinated them with their leftist bull crap and then smiled as your kids entered the workplace with their new beliefs? And how many of us “caring parents” discouraged our children from joining a branch of the military either out of concern for their safety, or because we felt that was a job for the” lower, or lower middle class? Unfortunately I think we all deserve part of the blame.
Janis Seward
1 year ago
It means no more white belts, shoes, purses, pants or skirts. Are you listening, Mother?
….and I don’t like it even a little bit !!!
1 year ago
It’s a Socialist, Marxist commemorative day which has no place in the U.S.A.
Kathleen F Nanni
1 year ago
Too much union interference in education ,and in government. They are a political party un- to themselves.
1 year ago
I relate Labor day to Unions which originally served the working person by obtaining needed benefits and pay raises. Now their purpose is to serve the Democrat machine. Look what Unions have done and continue to do to the UK, I see similarities going on here in the US. I’m not sure why it’s a holiday at all.
Carol Ruth Wendel
1 year ago
the economy and security you mention in your first choice in the poll is not something to celebrate under the commie administration, we are farmers and work every day to produce food for America and the world maybe we need more holidays so the rest of people can work less!!!! other comments are excellent thanks
Joe DiMarco
1 year ago
I was a Manufacturer’s Representative for nearly 40 years. I purchased my rep group in 2006. We were doing fine but most of our income went to the previous owner for three years. Unfortunately we experienced the 2008 recession. During that time all the Chinese imports started to effect our business due to the fact that they were less expensive by 30% and also not reliable. Most people didn’t mind replacing a Chinese product rather than purchasing a reliable American-made product. I fought this battle for 8 years and retired because it was very stressful. WE MUST BRING BACK MANUFACTURING to OUR COUNTRY.
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago
I’m surprised the left allow a Labor Day seeing how it might hurt the feelings of the unemployed and is not “inclusive”!
Peter Karl Koch
1 year ago
Labor Day was part of the socialist’s long march through the institutions.
1 year ago
Means European socialist holiday. Has nothing to do with America. I’ve had enough of European socialist politics entering American. I do not recognize this day as an American holiday. It’s just another day!! Let’s have congress change this holiday to a remembrance of those we lost on 9/11.
mike rowse
1 year ago
A cameration of the efforts of the working class people that sacrificed so much in order to ensure that our warriors abroad had all that they needed to stop the tyranny that was occurring in the rest of the world during world War II.
Bill S
1 year ago
The first choice was what Labor Day meant, when it was first declared in 1894. When the natural capitalist relationship between workers and employers was rocky, and recognizing labor with an extra day off was significant. Once public employee labor unions like the SEIU, NEA, and AFT were allowed, that destroyed the relationship, ruined capitalism, and relegated Labor Day to its current ceremonial and seasonal role.
1 year ago
Labor Day does recognize that prior to 1882 factories could hire an 8 year old to clean a mixer without taking it apart.
However, since I was a kid (1970s and 1980s) Labor Day weekend has been more of a day to spend extra time at the beach, the pool, or have an outdoor barbecue. Don’t know how many people know what Labor Day symbolizes.
Old Don
1 year ago
At age 77, I remember Labor Day being a day to celebrate the American worker. But with the last two administrations, the economy has forced me to go back to work. I’m just glad God’s given me the ability physically and mentally to work. So…I’m enjoying the 3-day weekend.
Bob from Moosehead
1 year ago
This is where the Democrats pick the winners and the losers.
1 year ago
1 year ago
I worked at Fisher-Price from 1991 until Mattel bought them then subsequently shut down production at our facility in 2002. Production was sent to Mexico, then ultimately China. I worked a 12m to 12n shift. We didn’t have holidays off on the production side as did the administrative side. Ironically, federal & state holidays just meant we had to butcher our personal plans as not showing/call-in meant a write-up and loss of holiday pay. That was our incentive to labor. Don’t get me wrong, as a single mother with a dead-beat ex dodging child support, yes my view of labor meant work, pay and security or sorts. You learn to enjoy familial gatherings at other times rather than what was mandated on a preprinted calendar. I learned as a blue collar molding facility laborer, that I technically was a “have-not” in some people’s eyes. But we choose to be happy despite the row we are given to hoe. With a strong faith, positive outlook and the motivation to strive no matter what, that is how I managed to get to my near 60yrs old self. I would imagine it’s how many others would say they got to where they are as well.
H Powell
1 year ago
This holiday should be rebranded as “NON-Labor Day”. Americans have stopped wanting to work and dumped the concept of pride in the work they accomplish.
Mike Brust
1 year ago
It’s a political holiday, set up to appease labor unions. It’s insulting to compare it to Memorial Day, President’s Day, Independence Day or even Christmas.
1 year ago
It should mean a day to celebrate American workers, but we have made it the last weekend of summer. A time to enjoy the good life with family and friends. Middle and upper class Americans enjoy a good life, but that makes it easier to forget the struggles of those who do not have financial security. We need to strengthen the connections between all community members.
1 year ago
It used to mean #1, but our national work ethic is deplorable and lazy and unmotivated, tragic. So now it’s sadly become #s 2 and 3.
1 year ago
It’s just another day of work (laboring).
1 year ago
Although the thought seemed grand to many and a group deserving of praise, as my father, who helped start a local union. said, it was nothing more that the demarcates hooking the workers as the commies did and reeling them in!!
Allen Robert Meyers
1 year ago
Just another holiday that has lost its meaning.
Steve M.
1 year ago
I have read most all of the comments and agree with almost all of them. Leftist liberals have hijacked and changed the objective of most all good intensions.
1 year ago
Labor Day weekend reminds me of when we still had a country. Marxist communists agenda is in full force. Open borders and no law and order are the proof in fact. Remember when crimes like this were severely punished. People always have to save their freedoms and their countries, never governments or politicians. This will happen again as history has proven countless times. God bless America.
1 year ago
What a stupid question when there are so many real problems prevalent in our country!!!
1 year ago
Labor Day was first to celebrate the unions. Unions once served a purpose. Because of today’s labor standards unions are only organizations to collect money to contribute to Democrat campaigns. Unions are no longer needed.
1 year ago
A day for babies to be born? In labor? Ok, JK. Why so much gloom? Holidays are a great time to take a break and spend more time with family. Yes, our government is corrupt, but the American Spirit is alive in all of us and WE will, WE must keep it alive! Happy Labor Day!
I am retired and worked for 50 years. Labor day use to be something to look forward to, and then came the “Left leaning pay to stay at home and not work idiots” led by Idiot in Chief, Jackass Joe, who cares nothing for the average American and continues to B.S. his way through each day while claiming his policies are working. He doesn’t even know what day or time zone he is in, and Republicans had better wake up or this idiot and his group of thieves will continue to destroy this country.
Reminder of unions, that now-outdated, overbearing takeover of economy and workers. Unions had their time, but completely unneeded with all the other regulations, etc. we now have.
Certainly not what it used to mean because the socialist lefties keep paying people NOT to work!
“Those who are lazy in their work are brothers to thugs.” Proverbs 18:9
It reminds me of how most of the unions have outlived their usefulness. How they have become money grabbing leaches taking advantage of the people they are supposed to help. Forcing people to join and using their dues to bribe our politicians.
More time to work on preparing my family and home for the economic depression and Balkanization of the US. It used to mean something but now we find the name repugnant because there’s almost 50 percent of the population taking money they didn’t deserve and didn’t work for and don’t deserve. This country is finished. The next election won’t matter. As a population we won’t repent and God no longer sheds his grace on the USA
It is supposed to be a day honoring our workforce, but like all too many holidays, it’s purpose has been mostly lost, or rather, ignored.
I’m choosing to take a more positive attitude and am thinking of the humble people who do go to work every day, and do their best, like many of us did growing up and like our forefathers. I pray for you all and thank you…..
Nothing nowadays. The unions are about lining the pockets of union leadership and backing incompetent workers who need to be fired.
Asking “mature” citizens gets the expected answer of the 3 basic choices. In all honesty, What do young people who can’t get a job, those whose jobs have been lost to other countries, or those (whose personal rights to choose) were terminated from their jobs so that the employers wouldn’t be penalized by this government of corrupt elected politicians ??
My father worked the garment district factories in NYC along with his siblings back in the day…He always said, there was a day and time unions were needed…but they’ve outlived their usefulness for a long time…It’s especially disconcerting when they force their members to contribute to causes that are political, downright evil (Eg. Abortion), blatantly left-leaning…they’d the pockets their union bosses…my father said he witnessed the unions using strong-arm tactics to force their way in… Their need was originally legitimate… but their original purpose did not last long…
It is a holiday rooted in Marxism and socialism. Thanks commies!
85% of American people are complaining about the economie, border, crime, inflation, ideology, schools, gender
But yet the Democrats and republicans are tied in a election
What is wrong here?
Question is are you better of now then 3 years ago, if not you know what to do November 2024
Yes, it used to mean a day to honor ALL the people who work to keep our economy going, people fed and healthy, and our government running smoothly. While I still honor and respect the “Everyman” working citizen, in good conscience, I cannot honor those in our government who actively “labor” to tear down our form of government, our country, and way of life. Therefore, on Labor Day, I honor those good people who work hard to keep America going, and I spit upon those who would destroy her.
It’s another big mattress sale weekend. The last big party of summer. I doubt that anyone other than the unions that put on picnics for their members have a clue about the meaning of labor day.
Blame the liberals!
A reminder how Democrats have turned against the everyday workers that are the backbone of our nation. Hopefully workers will finally realize in larger numbers that we are being duped; and stand up, and be counted in upcoming elections up and down the ladder. GOD bless AMERICA. We want our country back.
Its a day I will remember all the corruption and money laundering between the unions and the democratic party.
Truly, Labor Day means nothing to me. I don’t get wrapped up in symbolism of legislated holidays. The only ones I observe is Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. The rest are meaningless.
I wish labor day was every day for the next 17 months. It would keep the D.C. Rpresident house plant on the beach in Delaware.
Labor Day is a communist holiday, to promote solidarity of leftist agenda, framed to look like a holiday honoring workers. Labor Party was aimed at preserving the socialist party with ulterior motives to fundamentally change America. Sound familiar? Think of Barack Hussein Obama.
It celebrates our unions, which are mostly a dark legacy for our country, going way back, justifying thuggery (remember Brando: I coulda been somebody!”) Unions – especially government ones like the teachers’ unions, are a major evil in our society. I love the long weekend, though!
Although I picked choice #1, I agree with Paul. But I do have a couple questions/comments. First, how many of us allowed our children to attend the colleges that indoctrinated them with their leftist bull crap and then smiled as your kids entered the workplace with their new beliefs? And how many of us “caring parents” discouraged our children from joining a branch of the military either out of concern for their safety, or because we felt that was a job for the” lower, or lower middle class? Unfortunately I think we all deserve part of the blame.
It means no more white belts, shoes, purses, pants or skirts. Are you listening, Mother?
….and I don’t like it even a little bit !!!
It’s a Socialist, Marxist commemorative day which has no place in the U.S.A.
Too much union interference in education ,and in government. They are a political party un- to themselves.
I relate Labor day to Unions which originally served the working person by obtaining needed benefits and pay raises. Now their purpose is to serve the Democrat machine. Look what Unions have done and continue to do to the UK, I see similarities going on here in the US. I’m not sure why it’s a holiday at all.
the economy and security you mention in your first choice in the poll is not something to celebrate under the commie administration, we are farmers and work every day to produce food for America and the world maybe we need more holidays so the rest of people can work less!!!! other comments are excellent thanks
I was a Manufacturer’s Representative for nearly 40 years. I purchased my rep group in 2006. We were doing fine but most of our income went to the previous owner for three years. Unfortunately we experienced the 2008 recession. During that time all the Chinese imports started to effect our business due to the fact that they were less expensive by 30% and also not reliable. Most people didn’t mind replacing a Chinese product rather than purchasing a reliable American-made product. I fought this battle for 8 years and retired because it was very stressful. WE MUST BRING BACK MANUFACTURING to OUR COUNTRY.
I’m surprised the left allow a Labor Day seeing how it might hurt the feelings of the unemployed and is not “inclusive”!
Labor Day was part of the socialist’s long march through the institutions.
Means European socialist holiday. Has nothing to do with America. I’ve had enough of European socialist politics entering American. I do not recognize this day as an American holiday. It’s just another day!! Let’s have congress change this holiday to a remembrance of those we lost on 9/11.
A cameration of the efforts of the working class people that sacrificed so much in order to ensure that our warriors abroad had all that they needed to stop the tyranny that was occurring in the rest of the world during world War II.
The first choice was what Labor Day meant, when it was first declared in 1894. When the natural capitalist relationship between workers and employers was rocky, and recognizing labor with an extra day off was significant. Once public employee labor unions like the SEIU, NEA, and AFT were allowed, that destroyed the relationship, ruined capitalism, and relegated Labor Day to its current ceremonial and seasonal role.
Labor Day does recognize that prior to 1882 factories could hire an 8 year old to clean a mixer without taking it apart.
However, since I was a kid (1970s and 1980s) Labor Day weekend has been more of a day to spend extra time at the beach, the pool, or have an outdoor barbecue. Don’t know how many people know what Labor Day symbolizes.
At age 77, I remember Labor Day being a day to celebrate the American worker. But with the last two administrations, the economy has forced me to go back to work. I’m just glad God’s given me the ability physically and mentally to work. So…I’m enjoying the 3-day weekend.
This is where the Democrats pick the winners and the losers.
I worked at Fisher-Price from 1991 until Mattel bought them then subsequently shut down production at our facility in 2002. Production was sent to Mexico, then ultimately China. I worked a 12m to 12n shift. We didn’t have holidays off on the production side as did the administrative side. Ironically, federal & state holidays just meant we had to butcher our personal plans as not showing/call-in meant a write-up and loss of holiday pay. That was our incentive to labor. Don’t get me wrong, as a single mother with a dead-beat ex dodging child support, yes my view of labor meant work, pay and security or sorts. You learn to enjoy familial gatherings at other times rather than what was mandated on a preprinted calendar. I learned as a blue collar molding facility laborer, that I technically was a “have-not” in some people’s eyes. But we choose to be happy despite the row we are given to hoe. With a strong faith, positive outlook and the motivation to strive no matter what, that is how I managed to get to my near 60yrs old self. I would imagine it’s how many others would say they got to where they are as well.
This holiday should be rebranded as “NON-Labor Day”. Americans have stopped wanting to work and dumped the concept of pride in the work they accomplish.
It’s a political holiday, set up to appease labor unions. It’s insulting to compare it to Memorial Day, President’s Day, Independence Day or even Christmas.
It should mean a day to celebrate American workers, but we have made it the last weekend of summer. A time to enjoy the good life with family and friends. Middle and upper class Americans enjoy a good life, but that makes it easier to forget the struggles of those who do not have financial security. We need to strengthen the connections between all community members.
It used to mean #1, but our national work ethic is deplorable and lazy and unmotivated, tragic. So now it’s sadly become #s 2 and 3.
It’s just another day of work (laboring).
Although the thought seemed grand to many and a group deserving of praise, as my father, who helped start a local union. said, it was nothing more that the demarcates hooking the workers as the commies did and reeling them in!!
Just another holiday that has lost its meaning.
I have read most all of the comments and agree with almost all of them. Leftist liberals have hijacked and changed the objective of most all good intensions.
Labor Day weekend reminds me of when we still had a country. Marxist communists agenda is in full force. Open borders and no law and order are the proof in fact. Remember when crimes like this were severely punished. People always have to save their freedoms and their countries, never governments or politicians. This will happen again as history has proven countless times. God bless America.
What a stupid question when there are so many real problems prevalent in our country!!!
Labor Day was first to celebrate the unions. Unions once served a purpose. Because of today’s labor standards unions are only organizations to collect money to contribute to Democrat campaigns. Unions are no longer needed.
A day for babies to be born? In labor? Ok, JK. Why so much gloom? Holidays are a great time to take a break and spend more time with family. Yes, our government is corrupt, but the American Spirit is alive in all of us and WE will, WE must keep it alive! Happy Labor Day!